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Medicine and Health Sciences Commons

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Articles 1 - 30 of 241

Full-Text Articles in Medicine and Health Sciences

Perbedaan Pola Sirkadian Tekanan Darah Pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Pra Dan Pascatransplantasi Ginjal Di Rscm, Marihot Tambunan, Endang Susalit, Dharmeizar Dharmeizar, Cleopas Martin Rumende Dec 2015

Perbedaan Pola Sirkadian Tekanan Darah Pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Pra Dan Pascatransplantasi Ginjal Di Rscm, Marihot Tambunan, Endang Susalit, Dharmeizar Dharmeizar, Cleopas Martin Rumende

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan: Meningkatnya tekanan darah (TD) 24 jam dan nondipper merupakan faktor risiko morbiditas dan mortalitas kardiovaskular. Prevalensi hipertensi dan nondipper pada Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Stadium 5 dalam Terapi Dialisis (PGK 5D) masih sangat tinggi. Transplantasi ginjal akan memperbaiki TD dan nondipper. Namun demikian, satu bulan pasca transplantasi ginjal, kebutuhan dosis obat imunosupresan masih cukup tinggi yang dapat mengakibatkan hambatan penurunan TD. Perlu dilakukan studi untuk mengetahui seberapa dini perubahan pola sikardian, sehingga dapat dijadikan pertimbangan penatalaksanaan hipertensi yang lebih tepat pada pasien PGK 5D pra dan pasca transplantasi ginjal.

Metode: Studi Pre experimental dengan before and after design …

Faktor-Faktor Yang Berperan Terhadap Terjadinya Lipodistrofi Pada Pasien Hiv Yang Mendapatkan Terapi Antiretroviral Lini Pertama, Ratu Ratih Kusumayanti, Evy Yunihastuti, Dyah Purnamasari, F Witjaksono, Esthika Dewiasty Dec 2015

Faktor-Faktor Yang Berperan Terhadap Terjadinya Lipodistrofi Pada Pasien Hiv Yang Mendapatkan Terapi Antiretroviral Lini Pertama, Ratu Ratih Kusumayanti, Evy Yunihastuti, Dyah Purnamasari, F Witjaksono, Esthika Dewiasty

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan. Seiring dengan perkembangan antiretroviral, harapan hidup pasien HIV terus meningkat namun menjadi rentan terhadap efek samping pengobatan. Salah satu efek samping pengobatan adalah sindrom lipodistrofi, meliputi lipoatrofi, lipohipertrofi, atau gabungan keduanya. Faktor risiko yang dikaitkan dengan lipodistrofi pada HIV adalah usia, jenis kelamin, lama terapi antiretroviral, CD4 awal, Stadium HIV, dan pemakaian Stavudin. Belum ada publikasi di Indonesia yang meneliti kejadian lipodistrofi pada populasi pasien HIV yang mendapat terapi ARV lini pertama serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kejadian lipodistrofi pada pasien HIV dalam terapi ARV lini pertama berbasis Stavudin dan Zidovudin …

Pendekatan Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana Endokarditis Infektif Dengan Komplikasi Emboli Septik Pulmoner Pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronik, Jeremia Immanuel Siregar, Imelda Maria Loho, Idrus Alwi Dec 2015

Pendekatan Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana Endokarditis Infektif Dengan Komplikasi Emboli Septik Pulmoner Pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronik, Jeremia Immanuel Siregar, Imelda Maria Loho, Idrus Alwi

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan. Endokarditis infektif (EI) pada pasien hemodialisis (HD) merupakan salah satu contoh EI yang terkait dengan perawatan kesehatan dan menjadi penyebab kematian kedua pada pasien HD setelah penyakit kardiovaskuler. Penggunaan kateter intravaskuler sebagai akses HD meningkatkan risiko kejadian bakteremia sebesar sepuluh kali lipat serta infeksi “metastatik” seperti EI dan emboli septik pulmoner sebesar 10-40%. Ilustrasi Kasus. Seorang laki-laki berusia 35 tahun datang dengan keluhan dyspnea d’effort, orthopnea, dan post-nocturnal dyspnea, disertai batuk dengan bercak darah dan demam tinggi sejak lima hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Pasien menjalani HD kronik selama 15 bulan dengan menggunakan catheter double-lumen (CDL). Dari pemeriksaan fisik …

Pengaruh Depresi Terhadap Perbaikan Infeksi Ulkus Kaki Diabetik, Arshita Auliana, Em Yunir, Rudi Putranto, Pringgodigdo Nugroho Dec 2015

Pengaruh Depresi Terhadap Perbaikan Infeksi Ulkus Kaki Diabetik, Arshita Auliana, Em Yunir, Rudi Putranto, Pringgodigdo Nugroho

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan. Pasien Diabetes Melitus (DM) dengan ulkus kaki lebih banyak yang mengalami depresi dan memiliki kualitas hidup yang buruk. Dalam tatalaksana ulkus kaki diabetik perlu diperhatikan faktor psikososial karena diperkirakan dapat mempengaruhi penyembuhan luka melalui induksi gangguan keseimbangan neuroendokrin-imun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh depresi terhadap proses perbaikan infeksi ulkus kaki diabetik, serta tingkat depresi pada pasien ulkus kaki diabetik yang dirawat inap.

Metode. Studi kohort prospektif dilakukan pada 95 pasien ulkus kaki diabetik terinfeksi yang dirawat di RSCM dan RS jejaring pada Maret-Oktober 2014. Subjek dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok yaitu kelompok depresi dan kelompok tidak …

Pengaruh Pemberian N-Acetylcysteine Oral Terhadap High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (Hs-Crp) Pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronis, Ratih Tri Kusuma Dewi, Parlindungan Siregar, Idrus Alwi, Cleopas Martin Rumende Dec 2015

Pengaruh Pemberian N-Acetylcysteine Oral Terhadap High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (Hs-Crp) Pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronis, Ratih Tri Kusuma Dewi, Parlindungan Siregar, Idrus Alwi, Cleopas Martin Rumende

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan. Inflamasi dan stres oksidatif merupakan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisis. Pasien hemodialisis kronis akan mengalami peningkatan kadar Hs-CRP. Hs-CRP merupakan marker inflamasi yang telah terbukti pada beberapa penelitian bermanfaat dalam memprediksi cardiovascular event. Pemberian N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) oral dapat digunakan sebagai strategi untuk menurunkan proses inflamasi yaitu disfungsi endotel dan stress oksidatif yang berperan pada atherosclerosis pada pasien hemodialsis. Pemberian NAC ini diharapkan dapat menurunkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas karena penyakit kardiovaskuler.

Metode. Penelitian eksperimen dengan Randomized Double Blind Controlled Trial pada 65 pasien hemodialisis kronis yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi di …

Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kenaikan Cd4 Pada Pasien Hiv Yang Mendapat Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Dalam 6 Bulan Pertama, Indria Yogani, Teguh Harjono Karyadi, Anna Uyainah, Sukamto Koesnoe Dec 2015

Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kenaikan Cd4 Pada Pasien Hiv Yang Mendapat Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Dalam 6 Bulan Pertama, Indria Yogani, Teguh Harjono Karyadi, Anna Uyainah, Sukamto Koesnoe

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan: HIV adalah infeksi yang menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh dengan CD4 sebagai sel targetnya. Ditemukannya Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) diharapkan mampu menurunkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas HIV. Namun, kenaikan CD4 tidak sama untuk setiap pasien serta terdapat faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan kenaikan CD4 pada pasien HIV.

Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif dilakukan pada pasien HIV rawat jalan di Unit Pelayanan Terpadu HIV Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta selama Mei- Juni 2014.. Data penelitian didapatkan dari rekam medis selama Januari 2004-Desember 2013. Analisis data menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji Mann Whitney, uji Chi Square atau Fisher …

Pendekatan Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana Infark Ventrikel Kanan, R Fidiaji Hs, Sally Aman Nasution Dec 2015

Pendekatan Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana Infark Ventrikel Kanan, R Fidiaji Hs, Sally Aman Nasution

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Fungsi optimal jantung merupakan hasil interaksi dari berbagai bagian jantung, baik ventrikel kiri maupun ventrikel kanan. Namun, perkembangan diagnosis dan tatalaksana kegawatan jantung umumnya berpusat pada disfungsi ventrikel kiri. Perkembangan keilmuan saat ini memperlihatkan bahwa disfungsi ventrikel kanan juga mengakibatkan gangguan hemodinamik yang signifikan dan membutuhkan tatalaksana yang berbeda dengan tatalaksana disfungsi ventrikel kiri. Infark ventrikel kanan umumnya bukan merupakan suatu kasus tunggal, namun seringkali menyertai infark ventrikel kiri. Identifikasi infark ventrikel kanan pada kondisi tersebut, dapat mempengaruhi tatalaksana yang dilakukan pada suatu sindrom koroner akut.

Hubungan Antibodi Anti Trombosit Terhadap Respon Transfusi Trombosit Pada Pasien Hemato-Onkologi Yang Mendapatkan Multitransfusi Trombosit Di Rs Dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo, Anna Mira Lubis, Aru W. Sudoyo, Shufrie Effendy, Tb Djumhana, Kuntjoro Harimurti Dec 2015

Hubungan Antibodi Anti Trombosit Terhadap Respon Transfusi Trombosit Pada Pasien Hemato-Onkologi Yang Mendapatkan Multitransfusi Trombosit Di Rs Dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo, Anna Mira Lubis, Aru W. Sudoyo, Shufrie Effendy, Tb Djumhana, Kuntjoro Harimurti

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Pendahuluan: Multitransfusi donor random dan paparan terhadap konsentrat trombosit yang termasuk non-leukocyte depleted diketahui sebagai faktor risiko terjadinya alloimunisasi (HLA dan HPA) yang dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab kegagalan transfusi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan antibodi anti trombosit tersebut dengan kegagalan respon transfusi trombosit pada pasien hemato-onkologi sehingga dapat dilakukan metode seleksi donor dan crossmatching trombosit donor dan resipien.

Metode: Studi observasional dilakukan pada pasien hemato-onkologi dewasa yang mendapatkan multitransfusi trombosit di Rumah Sakit dr Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta. Pengamatan dilakukan pada respon transfusi dengan mengukur corrected count increment (CCI) 1 jam post transfusi dengan …

Trombositopenia Refrakter, Andhika Rachman Dec 2015

Trombositopenia Refrakter, Andhika Rachman

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia

Tranfusi trombosit berperan penting dalam manajemen kasus trombositopenia akibat kelainan hematologi dan onkologi. Namun, hampir sebagian besar pasien yang mendapatkan tranfusi trombosit berulang, sering mengalami kejadian tranfusi trombosit refrakter baik akibat faktor imunologi maupun non imunologi.

Written On By Experience, Akesis Anonymous Author Dec 2015

Written On By Experience, Akesis Anonymous Author


This poem is about a conversation I had with a friend about beginnings, and how any given experience has no intrinsic good or bad qualities, but rather holds whatever we imbibe it with.

What Is My Beginning?, Stephanie Braunthal Dec 2015

What Is My Beginning?, Stephanie Braunthal


I find that when we ask about beginnings, we are really asking about the present. How did a person come to be who he or she is today? As I try to answer this question about myself, I am finding it easier to express myself in diagrams (pen on scratch paper) than in words. Perhaps this is a product of being a medical student; or perhaps it is because beginnings are a complex amalgam of static forces and fluid experiences that cannot be expressed linearly through prose...Enjoy!

To Care Is To Treat, Himanshu Malhotra Dec 2015

To Care Is To Treat, Himanshu Malhotra


To Care is to Treat is a reflection of a few experiences from my second and third year that have inspired me to become a palliative care physician.

The Narrative Of My Childhood, Nihit N. Mehta Dec 2015

The Narrative Of My Childhood, Nihit N. Mehta


I was a weak child from early on, never able to run or play as much as the other kids in my block. Each month I'd visit doctors, trying my best to recover from common colds and coughs. Luckily, all this changed as I matured and in a way I almost began living a "normal life".

However, when it came to deciding what I wanted to be as an adult, I remembered the sick kid I was and how my doctors were always there for me, helping me "find health." This made me realize that I too, could someday be …

The Descent Down The Step One Rabbit Hole, Katelyn A. Hanson Dec 2015

The Descent Down The Step One Rabbit Hole, Katelyn A. Hanson


At the start of my second year of medical school I was ecstatic to move away from the study of the normal, healthy human body and to begin to immerse myself in the complex mechanisms behind the pathophysiology of disease. I drew this illustration to connect aspects of my personality with the aspects of medicine I was most excited about exploring deeper. This image was drawn with permanent markers on the cover of a binder dedicated solely to preparing for the first part of the medical licensing exam; I looked at this drawing every day as I drove myself closer …

Laurie's Greenhouse, Elizabeth G. Mcandrew, Kelsey Albert Dec 2015

Laurie's Greenhouse, Elizabeth G. Mcandrew, Kelsey Albert


Pottery by: Elizabeth McAndrew

Photography by: Kelsey Albert and Elizabeth McAndrew

Modeling: Laurie the Bird

Materials: Wheel thrown pottery - Cone 10 white clay and dipped glaze (cobalt blue and mossy green). Philodendron Heartleaf Plant. Laurie is a parrotlet, which is the second smallest species of parrot. Photo editing was done directly on the iPhone photo application.

This photo represents beginnings because it includes many elements of my life that I drew toward me in the year that I began my medical career. Living alone for the first time, I bought plants so that I wasn't the only living thing …

Beginnings, Nehal J. Shah Dec 2015

Beginnings, Nehal J. Shah


The beginning of one thing signifies the end of another – for one to start, another must end. With that said, under karmic and Hindu belief, we are constantly in a cycle of beginnings, and endings, until we achieve “moksha” – true oneness with God. Furthermore, within each cycle, there are four stages of life that one hopes to go through, carrying out the ideal goals and progress of each existence. Therefore, this life ultimately is a new beginning to an old soul – a soul that has traveled and journeyed upon eons of time to find happiness, spirituality, completeness …

Beginnings: A Letter From The Editors, Akesis Editors Dec 2015

Beginnings: A Letter From The Editors, Akesis Editors


The editors would like to welcome you to the inaugural issue of Akesis.

Handoff Communication In The Emergency Department, Kristen Matichko Dec 2015

Handoff Communication In The Emergency Department, Kristen Matichko

DNP Forum

The communication of patient information through use of handoff ensures continuity of care and patient safety. A study of hand-off reports between pre-hospital personnel and staff in the emergency department revealed a lack of complete or formal information dialogue. Nurses play a vital role in the process of communication and information exchange through the use of handoff despite minimal guidelines for that exchange in current nursing practice. The pre-hospital hand-off informational exchange impacts patient safety as well as the planning and implementation of nursing care based upon that information.

The sample used was from a convenience sampling of patients arriving …

Epilepsy In Pakistan: National Guidelines For Clinicians (Part 2), Fowzia Siddiqi, Shaukat Ali, Mughis Sheerani, Tipu Sultan, Shahid Mustafa, Saleem Barech, Haris Majid, Sarwar Siddiqi, Abdul Malik, Mohsin Zaheer, Wasim Akhter, Rasheed Jooma Dec 2015

Epilepsy In Pakistan: National Guidelines For Clinicians (Part 2), Fowzia Siddiqi, Shaukat Ali, Mughis Sheerani, Tipu Sultan, Shahid Mustafa, Saleem Barech, Haris Majid, Sarwar Siddiqi, Abdul Malik, Mohsin Zaheer, Wasim Akhter, Rasheed Jooma

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

In 2013 an international taskforce of the ILAE shaped out a communal definition of Epilepsy.(2) This definition is useful for all or most practical purposes, thus more helpful in management. Epilepsy was defined as recurrent unprovoked seizures i.e 2 or more at least 24 hours apart. The revised practical definition implies that Epilepsy can be considered even after a single seizure in individuals who have other factors predictive of a second unprovoked seizure, a risk set at 60%. The factors include the diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome, structural lesions like stroke, CNS infections, intraparenchymal contusions after trauma, as well as …

Misconceptional Views About Epilepsy Exist Across Social Class System Of Society, Shoaib Rao, Bakhtyar Ali Shah, Nimra Altaf, Fazal M. Arain Dec 2015

Misconceptional Views About Epilepsy Exist Across Social Class System Of Society, Shoaib Rao, Bakhtyar Ali Shah, Nimra Altaf, Fazal M. Arain

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Epilepsy affects over 1% of population worldwide. Studies have shown that although our understanding about epilepsy has come a long way, misconceptions about its etiology and treatment exist in rural slums. However, no study has been conducted to see whether such misconceptions exist in middle and upper socio-economic class. This study aims to explore the existence of misconceptions and social stigma in the middle and upper socio-economic class. Materials and Methods: We conducted a survey-based study about epilepsy on 227 participants, belonging to middle and upper socio-economic class. Results: The symptoms of generalized tonic-clonic seizures were correctly described by participants. …

Frequency Of Depression In Patients With Stroke, Muhammad Adnan Aslam, Ahsan Numan, Muhammad Arif, Abubaker Siddueiq Dec 2015

Frequency Of Depression In Patients With Stroke, Muhammad Adnan Aslam, Ahsan Numan, Muhammad Arif, Abubaker Siddueiq

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Stroke is a common neurological problem and the third leading cause of death in developed countries of the world. Among survivors, over 50% develop significant disabilities including neuro-psychiatric disabilities. Post stroke depression (PSD) is a common but less reported condition among survivors. Objectives: To determine the frequency of depression in patients with stroke. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Department of Neurology, Services Hospital, Lahore from January, 2014 to December, 2014 over a period of 1 year. A total of 100 cases having stroke minimum 1 month ago, were recruited in the study. For evidence of …

Vascular Cognitive Impairment In First Ever Ischemic Stroke Survivors, Sarfraz Ahmed Mahesar, Raheel Ahmed Channa, Alam Ibrahim Siddiqui Dec 2015

Vascular Cognitive Impairment In First Ever Ischemic Stroke Survivors, Sarfraz Ahmed Mahesar, Raheel Ahmed Channa, Alam Ibrahim Siddiqui

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIA) are highly prevalent in Pakistan. Post stroke dementia (PSD) is one of the main causes of dependency in survivors and includes any dementia after a stroke, irrespective of its cause, which includes vascular, degenerative, or mixed. Many Independent survivors have residual physical or cognitive deficits, or behavioral changes which can affect family life and have professional consequences. Study design: Cross sectional study at Department of Neurology CMC Hospital Larkana from Aug-2014 to Jan-2015 to find out frequency of dementia in first ever ischemic stroke patients, its severity and outcome. Methods: Study approved from ethical …

Audit Of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy In The Treatment Of Obstructive Hydrocephalus, Hayat Mohammad Khan, Naeemul Haq, Muhammad Usman, Ramzan Hussain Dec 2015

Audit Of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy In The Treatment Of Obstructive Hydrocephalus, Hayat Mohammad Khan, Naeemul Haq, Muhammad Usman, Ramzan Hussain

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

To analyze various aspects of endoscopic third ventriculostomy in the treatment of obstructive hydrocephalus. Material and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in the Department of Neurosurgery Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from September 2010 to April 2011. All patients who underwent endoscopic third ventriculostomy were included in the study. Data was analyzed on SPSS version sixteen. Results: Total of 59 patients were included in the study. Thirty two patients were male and 27 were female. Most of the patients presented with headache, vomiting and loss of consciousness. The procedure was successful in 69 percent of cases. Common operative complication was …

Therapeutic Efficacy Of L-Ornithine L-Aspartate In Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy, Fadieleh Aidrus, Salma Razzaque, Afshan Siddiqui, Ajeet Kumar, M. Ishaq Ghaur Dec 2015

Therapeutic Efficacy Of L-Ornithine L-Aspartate In Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy, Fadieleh Aidrus, Salma Razzaque, Afshan Siddiqui, Ajeet Kumar, M. Ishaq Ghaur

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

To determine the efficacy of ornithine-aspartate in reducing blood ammonia levels and clinical improvement, as a part of treatment in hepatic encephalopathy. Material & method: A randomized placebo controlled trial was conducted in 2013 in Jinnah medical and dental college hospital Korangi Karachi. One hundred patients with hepatic encephalopathy due to underlying chronic liver disease were randomly assigned into two groups with 50 patients each. One group received three days of ornithine-aspartate infusions (trial-treatment group) and the other group received three days of infusion of placebo (placebo group). Serum ammonia was measured in both groups on day 1 and day …

Serum Calcium And Magnesium Abnormalities In Patients With Status Epilepticus: A Single Centre Tertiary Care Experience, Uzma Jamil, Mazhar Badshah, Ali Zohair Nomani, Muhammad Irshad, Jamal Janjua Dec 2015

Serum Calcium And Magnesium Abnormalities In Patients With Status Epilepticus: A Single Centre Tertiary Care Experience, Uzma Jamil, Mazhar Badshah, Ali Zohair Nomani, Muhammad Irshad, Jamal Janjua

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Electrolyte imbalances frequently cause seizures, and these seizures may be the sole presenting symptom. Seizures are especially common in patients with sodium disorders, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia. Successful management of patient seizures begins with the establishment of an accurate diagnosis of the underlying electrolyte disturbance, because rapid identification and correction of the disturbance is necessary to control seizures and prevent permanent brain damage. Objectives: To delineate the percentage of people with status epilepticus having calcium and magnesium deficiencies at admission. Methods: The study was carried out from April 2013 to October 2013 at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad, Pakistan. …

Is Oral Lornoxicam Effective In The Treatment Of Acute Migraine Attacks? : A Randomized-Controlled Study, Murat Cabalar Cabalar, Selcuk Dincer, Suleyman Ozyalcin Dec 2015

Is Oral Lornoxicam Effective In The Treatment Of Acute Migraine Attacks? : A Randomized-Controlled Study, Murat Cabalar Cabalar, Selcuk Dincer, Suleyman Ozyalcin

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of lornoxicam (LNX) in the treatment of acute migraine attacks. Material and Methods: This prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted administering either LNX or placebo to patients who were diagnosed with migraine without aura according to the International Headache Society (the year 2004) criteria between 2010 and 2012 Results: Of 44 patients with 120 migraine attacks, 38 were female and rest were males. Mean age was 37.75 ± 9.28 years. Patients recorded using LNX in 87 migraine attacks and placebo in 33 migraine attacks, respectively. Pain intensity scores of …

Efficacy Of Memantine In Treating Patients With Fibromyalgia, Sameen Khalid, Bashir A. Soomro, Zahida Mahmood Dec 2015

Efficacy Of Memantine In Treating Patients With Fibromyalgia, Sameen Khalid, Bashir A. Soomro, Zahida Mahmood

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

To evaluate the efficacy of Memantine as a therapeutic intervention for fibromyalgia. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted between October 2014 and December 2014. A total of 30 subjects with diagnosed fibromyalgia presenting to a private neurology clinic in Karachi, Pakistan were selected through purposive sampling technique. Adult patients belonging to both genders were included in the study. Patients were treated with incremental doses of Memantine. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 and associations were made using Chi square test with p-value of less than 0.05 taken as significant. Results: Out of 30 patients, 2 (6.7%) were males and …

Epilepsy In Pakistan: National Guidelines For Clinicians, Fowzia Siddiqui, Tipu Sultan, Shahid Mustafa, Sarwar Siddiqui, Shaukat Ali, Abdul Malik, Zafar Sajjad, Saleem Barech, Rasheed Jooma Dec 2015

Epilepsy In Pakistan: National Guidelines For Clinicians, Fowzia Siddiqui, Tipu Sultan, Shahid Mustafa, Sarwar Siddiqui, Shaukat Ali, Abdul Malik, Zafar Sajjad, Saleem Barech, Rasheed Jooma

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological disorders requiring prolonged treatments and drugs. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), epilepsy is one of those serious brain disorders that affect not only the individual but has a deep impact on the family and society in general. Approximately 50 million people are affected with epilepsy around the world36, though proper epidemiological studies do not exist for Pakistan it is estimated that the prevalence of epilepsy is 9.99/1000. Highest prevalence is seen in people younger than 30 years of age, i.e. about 2 million people and 1/10th of the world …

Movement Disorders Care In Pakistan, Nadir A. Syed Dec 2015

Movement Disorders Care In Pakistan, Nadir A. Syed

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Earlier discussions about a professional society relating to movement disorders took place about a decade ago and were felt to be a little premature. However PSN nominated Dr Nadir Ali Syed to promote movement disorders related activities. Dr Nadir worked with patients to form a patient centered body, the Pakistan Parkinson's Society which has been quite active in the last several years.

Frequency Of Non-Compliance Of Antiepileptic Drugs Among Patients With Epilepsy, Safia Bano, Ahsan Numan Dec 2015

Frequency Of Non-Compliance Of Antiepileptic Drugs Among Patients With Epilepsy, Safia Bano, Ahsan Numan

Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS)

Non-compliance with anti-epileptic drug treatment results in recurrent seizures and visits to the emergency departments of the hospitals has been identified as a social and economic problem. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of epileptic patients with non-compliance of anti-epileptic drugs and the understanding of patients living with epilepsy who presented to the emergency department with seizures. A descriptive study design was employed and the data-collection tools were a questionnaire for this study. The average age of the study population was 46 years. There was 60% males and 40% females in this study. Non-compliance of anti-epileptic …