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Full-Text Articles in Law
“Identity-Based” And “Diversity-Based” Evidence Between Linear And Fractal Rationality, Maurizio Manzin
“Identity-Based” And “Diversity-Based” Evidence Between Linear And Fractal Rationality, Maurizio Manzin
OSSA Conference Archive
I identify two types of evidence: one based on “linear” rationality (LR) and the other based on “fractal” rationality (FR). For LR, evidence depends only on systematic coherence, and all other sources of knowledge (intuitive, perceptive, symbolic, poetic, moral, etc.) are marginalized. For FR, evidence requires an approach more adherent to the “irregularities” of life. LR philosophically entails a Neoplatonist and Cartesian account on identity, whereas FR entails Plato’s account on identity and diversity as coessential.
From Protecting To Performing Privacy, Garfield Benjamin
From Protecting To Performing Privacy, Garfield Benjamin
The Journal of Sociotechnical Critique
Privacy is increasingly important in an age of facial recognition technologies, mass data collection, and algorithmic decision-making. Yet it persists as a contested term, a behavioural paradox, and often fails users in practice. This article critiques current methods of thinking privacy in protectionist terms, building on Deleuze's conception of the society of control, through its problematic relation to freedom, property and power. Instead, a new mode of understanding privacy in terms of performativity is provided, drawing on Butler and Sedgwick as well as Cohen and Nissenbaum. This new form of privacy is based on identity, consent and collective action, a …
Self And Other In Northern Ireland: The Challenge Of Ethical Leadership In An Ethnic Conflict, Duncan Morrow
Self And Other In Northern Ireland: The Challenge Of Ethical Leadership In An Ethnic Conflict, Duncan Morrow
The International Journal of Ethical Leadership
No abstract provided.
Conditions Of Personhood And Property, Zachary James Acree
Conditions Of Personhood And Property, Zachary James Acree
Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects
This paper seeks to demonstrate that a more robust understanding of personhood both reveals flaws in the underlying assumptions of modern property law, and orients that law to a more just application. To do this, the law needs not only a better definition of what persons are, but also a better understanding of how persons function in their society. First, in order to provide some context to the issues at stake, there is a brief historical introduction to some of the problems that personhood inquiries have faced. After the introduction, this paper is divided into four sections. Part I summarizes …
Identity In Flux: Finding Boris Kolomanovich In The Interstices Of Medieval European History, Christian Raffensperger
Identity In Flux: Finding Boris Kolomanovich In The Interstices Of Medieval European History, Christian Raffensperger
The Medieval Globe
The politics of kinship and of monarchy in medieval eastern Europe are typically constructed within the framework of the modern nation-state, read back into the past. The example of Boris Kolomanovich, instead, highlights the horizontal interconnectivity of medieval Europe and its neighbors and demonstrates the malleability of individual identity within kinship webs, as well as the creation of situational kinship networks to advance individuals’ goals.
Privacy En Identiteit In Slimme Omgevingen, Mireille Hildebrandt
Privacy En Identiteit In Slimme Omgevingen, Mireille Hildebrandt
Mireille Hildebrandt
Omgevingen zijn slim omdat ze anticiperen op ons toekomstig gedrag. Op basis van een voortdurende opslag van data en de permanente analyse daarvan ontwikkelt de slimme omgeving kennis over onze voorkeuren, gewoonten, leefstijl, gezondheid, stemmingen en voornemens. Die kennis is statistisch van aard en de mate waarin toekomstig gedrag daadwerkelijk wordt voorzien hangt af van de juistheid, de relevantie en de compleetheid van de data. Tegelijk moeten we constateren dat wanneer de bewoner van een slimme omgeving op grond van die afgeleide kennis op een bepaalde manier wordt behandeld, de kans bestaat dat zij zich op den duur gaat gedragen …
Reflections On Identity, Diversity And Morality, Deborah W. Post
Reflections On Identity, Diversity And Morality, Deborah W. Post
Scholarly Works
The author reflects over events in her life that helped her define herself and her ethical identity, a black woman teacher.