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Full-Text Articles in Law
Antitrust And The Patent System: A Reexamination, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Antitrust And The Patent System: A Reexamination, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
All Faculty Scholarship
Since the federal antitrust laws were first passed they have cycled through extreme positions on the relationship between competition law and the patent system. Previous studies of antitrust and patents have generally assumed that patents are valid, discrete, and generally of high quality in the sense that they further innovation. As a result, increasing the returns to patenting increases the incentive to do socially valuable innovation. Further, if the returns to the patentee exceed the social losses caused by increased exclusion, the tradeoff is positive and antitrust should not interfere. If a patent does nothing to further innovation, however, then …
The Rule Of Reason And The Scope Of The Patent, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Rule Of Reason And The Scope Of The Patent, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
All Faculty Scholarship
For a century and a half the Supreme Court has described perceived patent abuses as conduct that reaches "beyond the scope of the patent." That phrase, which evokes an image of boundary lines in real property, has been applied to both government and private activity and has many different meanings. It has been used offensively to conclude that certain patent uses are unlawful because they extend beyond the scope of the patent. It is also used defensively to characterize activities as lawful if they do not extend beyond the patent's scope. In the first half of the twentieth century the …