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Full-Text Articles in Law

Extradition And The Political Offense Exception In The Suppression Of Terrorism, Antje C. Petersen Jul 1992

Extradition And The Political Offense Exception In The Suppression Of Terrorism, Antje C. Petersen

Indiana Law Journal

No abstract provided.

The Age Of Rights, Stephen D. Sencer May 1992

The Age Of Rights, Stephen D. Sencer

Michigan Law Review

A Review of The Age of Rights by Louis Henkin

International Human Rights Law In United States Courts: A Comparative Perspective, Anne Bayefsky, Joan Fitzpatrick Jan 1992

International Human Rights Law In United States Courts: A Comparative Perspective, Anne Bayefsky, Joan Fitzpatrick

Michigan Journal of International Law

This article will catalogue the various contexts in which United States courts have agreed or refused to follow international human rights law, treating separately the larger number of cases concerning customary norms, the relatively small group of cases relating to human rights treaties, and the cases in which international norms are referenced without regard to their status as binding law. In each of these sections we will analyze areas of confusion, disagreement, or under-development in international legal doctrine that impede the productive use of human rights norms by domestic courts. We will also compare the approaches of United States courts …

Measuring Freedom? The Undp Human Freedom Index, Lisa J. Bernt Jan 1992

Measuring Freedom? The Undp Human Freedom Index, Lisa J. Bernt

Michigan Journal of International Law

Part I of this Note describes and compares the Humana index and the UNDP's Human Freedom Index. Part II surveys some of the criticism of the Human Freedom Index since its publication in May 1991, and identifies fundamental problems with the manner in which the Human Freedom Index was prepared and presented. This Note concludes with recommendations for refining and presenting such an index in future years.

U.S.-Thailand Trade Disputes: Applying Section 301 To Cigarettes And Itellectual Property, Ted L. Mcdorman Jan 1992

U.S.-Thailand Trade Disputes: Applying Section 301 To Cigarettes And Itellectual Property, Ted L. Mcdorman

Michigan Journal of International Law

Irrespective of the close economic and strategic relationship between Thailand and the United States, the United States has utilized Section 301 (and Special 301), and the consequent threat of trade retaliation, in its relations with the Land of Smiles. The purpose of this article is to examine the operation of Section 301 and Special 301 regarding trade in cigarettes and intellectual property.

Surveillance Schemes: The Gatt's New Trade Policy Review Mechanism, Petros C. Mavroidis Jan 1992

Surveillance Schemes: The Gatt's New Trade Policy Review Mechanism, Petros C. Mavroidis

Michigan Journal of International Law

This article describes and analyzes the current form of the TPRM, and advances some proposals for its future formation. The article is divided into five parts: Part I deals with the origin and the objectives of the TPRM; Part II analyzes the TPRM scheme and its functioning thus far; Part III presents the legal underpinnings of the TPRM; Part IV reviews and compares the surveillance schemes of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with the TPRM, since it is my belief that GATT's TPRM can draw some valuable lessons from the experience …

International Regulation And Control Of The Production And Use Of Chemicals And Pesticides: Perspectives For A Convention, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz Jan 1992

International Regulation And Control Of The Production And Use Of Chemicals And Pesticides: Perspectives For A Convention, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz

Michigan Journal of International Law

A wide variety of instruments and mechanisms for the regulation and control of chemicals and pesticides is already available internationally. What is missing is an analysis that attempts to systematize the different approaches, to create transparency, to define where they overlap, and to discover prospective deficiencies and shortcomings. In order to accomplish this task, this article covers legally binding rules as well as recommendations and codes - the international soft law. The overall purpose is to outline a framework for future international regulation of chemicals and pesticides and to propose an international convention as a possible solution.

Article 51: Limits On Self-Defense?, Thomas K. Plofchan Jr. Jan 1992

Article 51: Limits On Self-Defense?, Thomas K. Plofchan Jr.

Michigan Journal of International Law

This article's two-pronged analysis has three distinct parts. Part I lays out the controversy of Article 51 interpretation as applied to the recent Gulf Crisis. Part II examines the legal guidance for interpreting the U.N. Charter, the Charter's travaux preparatoires, and specifically the work of the committees and subcommittees responsible for drafting and amending articles that fully incorporate the right of self-defense into the Charter. This Part develops conclusions on Article 51 that may be applied to the context of the recent Gulf Crisis. This Part also contrasts the Article 51 right of collective self-defense with the right of …

International Service Of Process By Mail Under The Hague Service Convention, L. Andrew Cooper Jan 1992

International Service Of Process By Mail Under The Hague Service Convention, L. Andrew Cooper

Michigan Journal of International Law

This Note addresses the article 10(a) controversy and argues that the provision should be interpreted as not authorizing service by mail. Part I establishes that application of the Convention is mandatory, and that it supersedes inconsistent methods of service authorized by federal or state law. Part I then discusses the proper methods of interpreting international treaties. Part II applies these methods of treaty interpretation to the article 10(a) controversy, and argues that the article does not authorize service by mail. Part III addresses other considerations for courts and practitioners, including the availability of mail service under article 19 whenever mail …

International Human Rights And Feminism: When Discourses Meet, Karen Engle Jan 1992

International Human Rights And Feminism: When Discourses Meet, Karen Engle

Michigan Journal of International Law

In this article, the author brings some of the issues identified and discussed in domestic law into public international law, through an analysis of that area of human rights law pertaining to women. Although she is inspired by the domestic debate, her purpose here is not specifically to critique or defend rights. Rather, to explore the various ways that advocates of international women's rights have deployed, and at the same time critiqued, existing rights frameworks in order to achieve change for women. In doing so, the author analyzes the multiple roles that rights discourse plays in the advocacy of women's …

Drafting Dispute Resolution Clauses For Western Investment And Joint Ventures In Eastern Europe, Mary Theresa Kaloupek Jan 1992

Drafting Dispute Resolution Clauses For Western Investment And Joint Ventures In Eastern Europe, Mary Theresa Kaloupek

Michigan Journal of International Law

This Note discusses issues the practitioner should consider in drafting a dispute resolution provision for a client investing in one of the newly democratizing countries. Part I will discuss arbitration law in Eastern Europe; the dispute resolution provisions in the various foreign investment laws; the applicable national law; and each nation's enforcement procedures for arbitral awards issued in other nations. Part II reviews the dispute resolution provisions in various bilateral and multilateral treaties relating to foreign investment including the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID Convention) and the informal agreements between the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the …

Analysis Of Iran-Iraq Bilateral Border Treaties, Joseph J. Cusimano Jan 1992

Analysis Of Iran-Iraq Bilateral Border Treaties, Joseph J. Cusimano

Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law

No abstract provided.