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Full-Text Articles in Law

Doctrine Of Stare Decisis, Edward B. Whitney Dec 1904

Doctrine Of Stare Decisis, Edward B. Whitney

Michigan Law Review

I am requested to present a paper whose theme is suggested by the Present Problems of Private Law, as distinguished from law that has a constitutional or international aspect. I doubt whether there is any other section of the Congress whose themes are so difficult to select. We cover, indeed, those branches that mainly concern the ordinary, plain, steady-going, stay-at-home, law-abiding citizen,-that multitude of questions among which most legal practitioners everywhere are wearing out their lives; working every day and all day upon Present Problems of Private Law. Each of those problems interests the parties to the particular litigation or …

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review Dec 1904

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

The Law School; The New Schools of Healing; When the Exercise of Judicial Discretion is not Due Process of Law; Mandamus to Compel the Installation of a Telephone in a Bawdy House Denied; The Division in the Republican Party in Wisconsin; A Novel Extension of Federal Jurisdiction; The Session Laws of Porto Rico

The Old Common Law And The New Trusts, Ditlew M. Frederiksen Dec 1904

The Old Common Law And The New Trusts, Ditlew M. Frederiksen

Michigan Law Review

T HE Civil Code of Porto Rico, our latest Roman American code, gives interesting proof of the fact that the two systems of law, the Roman and the English, which control most of the nations of the civilized world and their dependencies, are, in their essence, but slightly different enunciations of the same principles of natural justice. The parent of the Civil Code of Porto Rico1 is the Spanish Civil Code,2 in force in Spain since May I, 1889, and extended to Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines on July 31, 1889. The Spanish Civil-Code is the result of the …

Recent Legal Litertature, Victor H. Lane, Jerome C. Knowlton, Edwin C. Goddard, Horace Lafayette Wilgus Dec 1904

Recent Legal Litertature, Victor H. Lane, Jerome C. Knowlton, Edwin C. Goddard, Horace Lafayette Wilgus

Michigan Law Review

Freund: The Police Power, Public Policy and Constitutional Rights; Parsons: The Law of Contracts; Baldwin: American Railroad Law; Gilbert (ed.): Street Railway Reports, Annotated, reporting the electric railway and street railway decisions of the Federal and State Courts in the United States, from April 1, 1903;

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Dec 1904

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Adoption--Inheritance by Representation; Adverse Possession--Effect of Former Judgment--Statute of Limitations; Adverse Possession--Statute of Limitations--Jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior; Concealed Property--Finder's Rights--Treasure Trove; constitutional Law--Eminent Domain--Taking Private Property for Private Use; Constitutional Law--Penalty for Breach of Labor contracts; Contract--Mutuality--Specific Performance; Corporations--contracts Between Corporations Having Common Shareholders and Officers--Suit in Name of Stockholder; Corporations--Liability of Officers--Negligent management--contracts Between Corporations Having Common Officers; Deed--Insane Person--Voidable Assignment; Ejectment--Impairment of Contract Obligation; Evidence--Confession--Admission; Evidence--Letters of Administration--How Far Evidence of Widowhood; Evidence--Personal Injury--Physical Examination of Plaintiff; Foreign Corporations--Business in Other States--License--Purpose of Incorporation--Evasion of State Laws; Fraud--Doctrine of Reasonable Inquiry; Guardian--Appointment--Jurisdiction--Sale of Ward's Lands; …

Doctrine Of Waiver, Colin P. Campbell Nov 1904

Doctrine Of Waiver, Colin P. Campbell

Michigan Law Review

There is probably no doctrine of our law so much neglected in scientific discussion, and in legal text-books, as this principle which forms the theme of our essay. The reason for this is difficult to assign, for in point of importance this doctrine takes first rank; and while its boundaries are somewhat confused with the lines of demarcation between the law of contracts and the doctrine of equitable estoppel, it is in reality based upon a body of well established principles. Although much confusion among the cases in which this doctrine has been applied must be conceded, this disorder may …

Recent Legal Literature, A. L. Cross, Gustav Stein, Horace Lafayette Wilgus, Harlow P. Davock Nov 1904

Recent Legal Literature, A. L. Cross, Gustav Stein, Horace Lafayette Wilgus, Harlow P. Davock

Michigan Law Review

Horne: The Mirrour of Justices; Flanders: The Life of John Marshall; Nellis: Street Railroad Accident Law; Gould and Blakemore: The Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and Amendments

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review Nov 1904

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Lawyers and Jurists at the Exposition; Convention of the Commercial Law League of America; The Philippine Island Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States; The Writ of Habeas Corpus in Chinese Exclusion Cases; What is a "Crime" Within the Meaning of the Constitution?; Due Process of Law; Winding up Proceedings; Literary Criticism and the Law of Libel; The New Japanese Civil Code;

Surrender, Herbert Thorndike Tiffany Nov 1904

Surrender, Herbert Thorndike Tiffany

Michigan Law Review

A "Surrender" is defined by Lord Coke as a yielding up of an estate for life or years to him that hath an immediate estate in reversion or remainder, wherein the estate for life or years may drown by mutual agreement between them. This statement has been followed, more or less closely, by such other writers as have undertaken to define the term, and there has never been any question made as to its substantial correctness. A surrender, then, is a particular mode or form of transfer, which derives its distinguishing characteristics from the fact that it is made by …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Nov 1904

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Agency--Husband as Agent of Wife in Transfer of Real Property; Assignment of Insurance Policy--Change of Beneficiary; Banks--Deposits Made by Estate in Trust for Another; Chattel Mortgages--When Void as Against Trustee in Bankruptcy of Mortgagor; Constitutional Law--Class Legislation--Restrictions upon Building and Loan Associations; Corporations--Foreign, Transacting Business in State--Right of Action--Condition Precedent--Interstate Commerce; Corporations, Insolvent--Preferring Creditors--Directors; Damages--Breach of Contract; Damages--Mental Suffering Unconnected with Physical; Deeds--Delivery to a Third Person--Requisites; Deeds--Signing by One not Named as Grantor; Election Contest--Tie Votes--Effect; Injunction--Special Injury--Street Improvement; Insolvency of Building and Loan Associations--Borrowing Shareholder--Credits; Insurance--Delay in Making Proofs of Death when Blanks were to be Furnished by …

Russian Raids On Neutral Commerce, Edwin Maxey Nov 1904

Russian Raids On Neutral Commerce, Edwin Maxey

Michigan Law Review

The capture made by the Russian volunteer vessels in the Red Sea and by the Vladivostock fleet off the coast of Japan have revivified the question of the extent to which a belligerent may lawfully go in interfering with neutral commerce. Perhaps no question of international law has been prolific of more disputes than that of neutral rights. The intensity of feeling and desire for advantage incident to war are apt to cause belligerents to overlook neutral rights, and in their zeal to cripple an immediate enemy, to forget that they in turn will become neutrals and be transfixed by …

English History And The Study Of English Law, Arthur Lyon Cross May 1904

English History And The Study Of English Law, Arthur Lyon Cross

Michigan Law Review

Ranke, the Nestor of modern historical research, was wont to say that he only wanted to know how things had happened. Lamprecht, however, more truly indicated the aim and purpose of the investigation of the past when he said that be wanted to know how things had become. Another distinction between the schools which these two men represent is, that one is primarily interested in political affairs, while the other would include within the historical field all phases of social activity. A survey of the course of scholarship during the century just closed, leads to the conclusion that this latter …

One Phase Of Federal Power Under The Commerce Clause Of The Constitution, John C. Donnelly May 1904

One Phase Of Federal Power Under The Commerce Clause Of The Constitution, John C. Donnelly

Michigan Law Review

No clause of the Federal Constitution, making a grant of power, has, by judicial interpretation, been declared so broad and comprehensive in its scope as that clause which empowers Congress "to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states and with the Indian tribes." In one of the very first cases in which the Supreme Court was called upon to consider the scope of this provision, it was quite properly held that under it, navigation was one of the important subjects which came within the federal power. Under it navigation was not only an important subject considered by …

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review May 1904

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

The Law Review; Citizenship and Identity of Corporations Incorporated in Two States; Duty of Court to Limit by Instruction the Effect of Evidence; Land Records as Notice of Chattel Mortgage; Appeal from a Satisfied Judgment to Avoid Estoppel; When Government Surveys are not Conclusive; Jurisdiction over the Ohio River;

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review May 1904

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Administrator--Appointment of, on Disappearance of Person; Agency--collection of Notes--Possession of the Instrument--Apparent Authority; Appeal--Right to Appeal After Satisfaction of Judgment; Attorney and Client--divorce Cases--contingent Fees--Prevention of Reconciliation; Attorneys--disbarment--Attacking Honesty of Judge; Bankruptcy--city Taxes--Priority; Carriers--Death by Wrongful Act--Stipulations Avoiding Liability for Negligence Toward free Passenger--Validity and Effect; Carriers--signed Ticket not the Contract; Constitutional Law--Class Legislation--Use of Flag for Advertising Purposes; Constitutional Law--Jurisdiction of Equity to Try Title to Office--Injunction; Contract--Validity--Conditions Attached to Goods--Purchase by Retail Trader from Wholesale Trader with Notice; corporations--forfeiture of Charter--Mandamus; Corporations--Garnishment of Stockholder for Unpaid Subscription; Criminal Law--Self-Defense; Deeds--Delivery--Testamentary Disposition; Ejectment--Description--Verdict--Judgment; Ejectment--Equitable Title in Plaintiff; Evidence--Admissions--Abandoned Pleadings; …

Recent Legal Literature, Edson R. Sunderland, Robert E. Bunker, John R. Rood, John R. Rood May 1904

Recent Legal Literature, Edson R. Sunderland, Robert E. Bunker, John R. Rood, John R. Rood

Michigan Law Review

Abbott: Brief upon the Pleadings in Civil Actions, at Law in Equity, and under the New Procedure; McMaster: McMaster's Irregular and Regular Commercial Paper; American State Reports, vols. 93 and 94.

French Jury System, Simeon E. Baldwin Apr 1904

French Jury System, Simeon E. Baldwin

Michigan Law Review

France has never adopted the principle of jury trials in civil cases. For criminal trials, it was introduced during the Revolution in 1790, and by a law of the next year any qualified elector: could be chosen as a juror. It has never, however, been extended beyond the decision of the issue between the accused and the public. If (as is permitted) when the offense for which the prosecution is brought has caused pecuniary injury to some private individual, he joins himself to the cause, as a party (partie civile), and claims judgment in his favor for the damages which …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Apr 1904

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Acknowledgment--Who may Take--Stockholder; Action for Death of a Child-- Contributory Negligence; Adverse Possession--Computation of Time--Litigation in Land Office; Bankruptcy--Homestead--Jurisdiction of bankruptcy Court; Chattel Mortgages--Unidentified Number Among a Greater Number of Like Articles--Validity; Constitutional Law--Possession of Game fish in Closed Season; Constitutional Law--Special Act--Sunday Law; Contracts--Impossibility of Performance--Implied Condition; Contracts--Violation of Penal Statute--Transaction Void; corporations--Dissolution--Rights of Minority Stockholders; Corporations--Insolvency--Preferences to Officers; Equity--Jurisdiction--Partition--Oil Leases; Judgments--Absence of Jurisdiction--Injunction--Restraining Execution; Master and Servant--False Imprisonment--Duty of Merchant to Customers; Master and Servant--Fellow Servants--Assumed risks--Injuries to Servant While off Duty; Minor's enlistment in the Navy--Validity--Desertion--Arrest--habeas Corpus; Real Property--Rule in Shelley's Case--Wills; Specific Performance--Parol Contract--Part Performance; Suretyship--county …

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review Apr 1904

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

A National Incorporation Law; The Northern Securities Case; Controversies Between States; Liability of Members of Congress for Bribery; Exempting of Lawyers from Service of Civil Process While Attending Court; Law Governing the Validity of a Note Executed and Delivered in One State, But Payable in Another

Recent Legal Literature, Jerome C. Knowlton, Dwight B. Cheever Apr 1904

Recent Legal Literature, Jerome C. Knowlton, Dwight B. Cheever

Michigan Law Review

Hammon: The General Principles of the Law of Contract; Walker: Text-Book of the Patent Laws of the United States of America

Rights Of Joint Owners Of A Patent, Dwight B. Cheever Mar 1904

Rights Of Joint Owners Of A Patent, Dwight B. Cheever

Michigan Law Review

0wing to the fact that the courts have decided the question Squite at variance from the expectations of ordinary persons, there is, perhaps, no legal proposition in patent law more interesting or important than that of the rights of joint owners of a patent. The relationship may arise from the parties being joint inventors, by their being joint assignees from the inventor or previous owner, or by the most common method, of one being an assignee from the patentee of a fractional interest in a patent; frequently in consideration of paying the expense of procuring the patent. By authority of …

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review Mar 1904

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Is Commerce Between a State and a Territory Interstate Comerce?; Right of Court to Instruct upon the Failure of Defendant to Testify in a Criminal Action; The Last of the Kentucky Bank Cases, and the Relations Between the State and Federal Courts; The Last of the Kentucky Bank Cases--Federal Tax Judgementss in STate Courts; Power of the Court to Order a Physical Examination in Personal Injury Cases; The Porto Rican is not an Allien; Mimicry as Infringement of Musical Composition;

Recent Legal Literature, Victor H. Lane, Bradley M. Thompson Mar 1904

Recent Legal Literature, Victor H. Lane, Bradley M. Thompson

Michigan Law Review

Dallas: Analytical Tables of the Law of Evidence, for use with Stephen's Digest of the Law of Evidence; Taylor: The American Law of Landlord and Tenant

Is The British Empire Constitutionally A Nation, Stephen B. Stanton Mar 1904

Is The British Empire Constitutionally A Nation, Stephen B. Stanton

Michigan Law Review

The United Kingdom of course is a nation; its colonies respectively or collectively are not. How stands it with the Empire as a whole? The British "Interpretation Act" of 1889 has come to the rescue of the perplexed reader of such topics by defining certain much abused terms. "Colony," it defines as any part of His Majesty's Dominions exclusive of the British Islands and British India; "British Possession," as any part of His Majesty's Dominions exclusive of the United Kingdom; and "British Islands" as the United Kingdom together with the Channel Islands and Isle of Man. And "United Kingdom" of …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Mar 1904

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Bankruptcy--Preferential Payment--Recovery by Trustee; Carriers--Passengers--Derailing of Train; Constitutionality of Statute--Guaranty of Freedom of Speech--Immigration--Exclusion of Anarchists; Constitutional Law--Civil Rights--Power of Congress-Conspiracy Against Negroes; Corporations--Execution of Corporate Conveyances; Damages--Assault and Battery--Inadequacy of Verdict; Damages--Recovery for Mental Anguish Caused by Suffering of Another; Deeds--Statutory Words--Implied Covenants; equity--Injunctions--Restraint of Trade--consideration and Clearness of Contract; Equity--Injunction--Restraint of Trade--Consideration and Clearness of Contract; Foreign Administrator--Collection of Assets--Rights of Domestic Administrator; Highway--License--Defective Bridge--Liability of Owner; Husband and Wife--Bills and Notes--Intermarriage of Parties; Husband and Wife--Separate Property of Wife--Mortgage--Validity; Insurance--Mutual benefit Societies--forfeiture of Membership in a Religious Order; Judgments--Judicial Errors--Correction at Subsequent Term; Justice Court Judgment--Execution--Transcript--Filing in …

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review Feb 1904

Note And Comment, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

The American Political Science Association; The Bill of Rights and The Right to Labor; Right to Impeach the Consideration of a Judgment Rendered in Another State; the Function of the "Exhibit" in Copde Pleading; Lapse of Residuary Gifts; "Voluntary Confessions"; The Competency of the Conduct of Bloodhounds as Evidence in Criminal Cases; The "Reasonable Use" of Subterranean Waters

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Feb 1904

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Administrators--Right to Convey Inchoate Homestead; Agency--Scope of Authority--Sunday Contract; Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors--Action to set Aside; Bankruptcy--Discharge--Debt Created in Fiduciary Relation--Laundry Agent; Bills and Notes--Banks--Payment of Draft to Impost--Liability to Drawer; Chattel Mortgages-Validity--Mortgagor's Possession and Power of Sale in Ordinary Course of Business; Constitutional Law--Due Process at Law--Forfeiture of Lands for Failure to Pay Taxes; Constitutional Law--Local Option Law--Use of Liquors in Religious Worship--Discrimination; Contract for the Benefit of Third Persons--Enforcement by Beneficiary--Assignment; Corporations--Oral Subscription to Stock--Statute of Frauds; Corporations--Promissory Notes--Proof of Execution; Courts--Jurisdiction of State Court to Enjoin a Receiver Appointed by Federal Court; Damages--Automobiles--Frightening Horses--Excessive Speed; …

Recent Legal Literature, Mark Norris, Henry M. Bates, Victor H. Lane Feb 1904

Recent Legal Literature, Mark Norris, Henry M. Bates, Victor H. Lane

Michigan Law Review

Clement: Fire Insurance as a Valid Contract; Gardner: Handbook of the Law of Wills; Van Dyne: Citizenship of the United States

Jurisdiction Over Foreign Ships In Territorial Waters, Charles Noble Gregory Feb 1904

Jurisdiction Over Foreign Ships In Territorial Waters, Charles Noble Gregory

Michigan Law Review

War, says Grotius, "is undertaken for the sake of peace." So discussion is undertaken for the sake of conclusions. If the conclusions are not as definite as could be wished in the present instance, it is hoped that it is not wholly due to the indolence or incompetency of the writer, but in large part to the difficulties presented by the overlapping of municipal and international laws, and by the lack of any final tribunal which can adjust and end differences. Again Grotius, and there is no better authority, quotes approvingly certain rules of mercy as part of the law …

Recent Legal Literature, Robert E. Bunker, James H. Brewster, Harry B. Hutchins, James H. Brewster Jan 1904

Recent Legal Literature, Robert E. Bunker, James H. Brewster, Harry B. Hutchins, James H. Brewster

Michigan Law Review

Kinkead: Commentaries on the Law of Torts; Massie: Report of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Bar Association; Wellman: The Art of Cross-Examination; Niblack: The Torrens System