Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®
- Publication Year
- Publication
- Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10) (7)
- Shifting Baselines and New Meridians: Water, Resources, Landscapes, and the Transformation of the American West (Summer Conference, June 4-6) (5)
- Natural Resource Development in Indian Country (Summer Conference, June 8-10) (4)
- Books, Reports, and Studies (3)
- Coping with Water Scarcity in River Basins Worldwide: Lessons Learned from Shared Experiences (Martz Summer Conference, June 9-10) (3)
- Innovations in Managing Western Water: New Approaches for Balancing Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes (Martz Summer Conference, June 11-12) (3)
- Water Resources Allocation: Laws and Emerging Issues: A Short Course (Summer Conference, June 8-11) (3)
- Water and Growth in the West (Summer Conference, June 7-9) (3)
- Western Water Law in Transition (Summer Conference, June 3-5) (3)
- Celebrating the Centennial of the Antiquities Act (October 9) (2)
- Groundwater: Allocation, Development and Pollution (Summer Conference, June 6-9) (2)
- Publications (2)
- Strategies in Western Water Law and Policy: Courts, Coercion and Collaboration (Summer Conference, June 8-11) (2)
- Sustainable Use of the West's Water (Summer Conference, June 12-14) (2)
- Water Organizations in a Changing West (Summer Conference, June 14-16) (2)
- A Celebration of the Work of Charles Wilkinson (Martz Winter Symposium, March 10-11) (1)
- Arizona v. California at 50: The Legacy and Future of Governance, Reserved Rights, and Water Transfers (Martz Summer Conference, August 15-16) (1)
- Boundaries and Water: Allocation and Use of a Shared Resource (Summer Conference, June 5-7) (1)
- Instream Flow Protection in the Western United States: A Practical Symposium (March 31-April 1) (1)
- Opportunities and Obstacles to Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Natural Gas Development in Uintah Basin (October 14) (1)
- The Federal Impact on State Water Rights (Summer Conference, June 11-13) (1)
- The Future of Natural Resources Law and Policy (Summer Conference, June 6-8) (1)
- The Public Lands During the Remainder of the 20th Century: Planning, Law, and Policy in the Federal Land Agencies (Summer Conference, June 8-10) (1)
- Two Decades of Water Law and Policy Reform: A Retrospective and Agenda for the Future (Summer Conference, June 13-15) (1)
- Western Water Law, Policy and Management: Ripples, Currents, and New Channels for Inquiry (Martz Summer Conference, June 3-5) (1)
- Publication Type
Articles 1 - 30 of 56
Full-Text Articles in Law
Slides: The Colorado River Basin, Larry Macdonnell
Slides: The Colorado River Basin, Larry Macdonnell
Coping with Water Scarcity in River Basins Worldwide: Lessons Learned from Shared Experiences (Martz Summer Conference, June 9-10)
Presenter: Larry MacDonnell, Senior Fellow, Getches-Wilkinson Center, University of Colorado
17 slides
Agenda: Coping With Water Scarcity In River Basins Worldwide: Lessons Learned From Shared Experiences, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Agenda: Coping With Water Scarcity In River Basins Worldwide: Lessons Learned From Shared Experiences, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Coping with Water Scarcity in River Basins Worldwide: Lessons Learned from Shared Experiences (Martz Summer Conference, June 9-10)
Water scarcity is increasingly dominating headlines throughout the world. In the southwestern USA, the looming water shortages on the Colorado River system and the unprecedented drought in California are garnering the greatest attention. Similar stories of scarcity and crisis can be found across the globe, suggesting an opportunity for sharing lessons and innovations. For example, the Colorado River and Australia's Murray-Darling Basin likely can share many lessons, as both systems were over-allocated, feature multiple jurisdictions, face similar climatic risks and drought stresses, and struggle to balance human demands with environmental needs. In this conference we cast our net broadly, exploring …
Slides: Arizona Contributions To Address Lake Mead's Structural Deficit, Amy Mccoy
Slides: Arizona Contributions To Address Lake Mead's Structural Deficit, Amy Mccoy
Coping with Water Scarcity in River Basins Worldwide: Lessons Learned from Shared Experiences (Martz Summer Conference, June 9-10)
Presenter: Amy McCoy, Director, Aylward + McCoy & Pilz Consulting LLC, University of Arizona
18 slides
Agenda: A Celebration Of The Work Of Charles Wilkinson: Served With Tasty Stories And Some Slices Of Roast, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Agenda: A Celebration Of The Work Of Charles Wilkinson: Served With Tasty Stories And Some Slices Of Roast, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
A Celebration of the Work of Charles Wilkinson (Martz Winter Symposium, March 10-11)
Conference held at the University of Colorado, Wolf Law Building, Wittemyer Courtroom, Thursday, March 10th and Friday, March 11th, 2016.
Conference moderators, panelists and speakers included University of Colorado Law School professors Phil Weiser, Sarah Krakoff, William Boyd, Kristen Carpenter, Britt Banks, Harold Bruff, Richard Collins, Carla Fredericks, Mark Squillace, and Charles Wilkinson
"We celebrate the work of Distinguished Professor Charles Wilkinson, a prolific and passionate writer, teacher, and advocate for the people and places of the West. Charles's influence extends beyond place, yet his work has always originated in a deep love of and commitment to particular places. We …
Tribes And Water In The Colorado River Basin, Colorado River Research Group
Tribes And Water In The Colorado River Basin, Colorado River Research Group
Books, Reports, and Studies
4 pages : charts.
The special nature of tribal water rights -- Quantified water rights -- The Colordo mainstream reservations -- Central Arizona tribes -- Upper basin tribes -- Outstanding / unresolved tribal claims -- The path forward.
Slides: Wrapping Up The Big Horn Adjudication: Lessons After 38 Years And 20,000 Claims, Ramsey L. Kropf
Slides: Wrapping Up The Big Horn Adjudication: Lessons After 38 Years And 20,000 Claims, Ramsey L. Kropf
Innovations in Managing Western Water: New Approaches for Balancing Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes (Martz Summer Conference, June 11-12)
Presenter: Ramsey L. Kropf, Deputy Solicitor for Water Resources, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior
34 slides
Slides: Perspectives On Water Management In Arizona, Kathy Jacobs
Slides: Perspectives On Water Management In Arizona, Kathy Jacobs
Innovations in Managing Western Water: New Approaches for Balancing Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes (Martz Summer Conference, June 11-12)
Presenter: Kathy Jacobs, Director, Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS), Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona
25 slides
Agenda: Innovations In Managing Western Water: New Approaches For Balancing Environmental, Social, And Economic Outcomes, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Agenda: Innovations In Managing Western Water: New Approaches For Balancing Environmental, Social, And Economic Outcomes, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Innovations in Managing Western Water: New Approaches for Balancing Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes (Martz Summer Conference, June 11-12)
Many aspects of western water allocation and management are the product of independent and uncoordinated actions, several occurring a century or more ago. However, in this modern era of water scarcity, it is increasingly acknowledged that more coordinated and deliberate decision-making is necessary for effectively balancing environmental, social, and economic objectives. In recent years, a variety of forums, processes, and tools have emerged to better manage the connections between regions, sectors, and publics linked by shared water systems. In this event, we explore the cutting edge efforts, the latest points of contention, and the opportunities for further progress.
The First Step In Repairing The Colorado River’S Water Budget: Technical Report, Colorado River Research Group
The First Step In Repairing The Colorado River’S Water Budget: Technical Report, Colorado River Research Group
Books, Reports, and Studies
22 p. : charts (some color) ; 28 cm.
Contents: Introduction -- Diagnosing the problem -- Plans to increase use of basin water: Overview; Upper basin states: Colorado; New Mexico; Utah; Wyoming; Lower basin states: Arizona; California; Nevada; Tribal demands -- Reconciling fantasy with reality: Upper basin; Lower basin -- Conclusion -- Literature cited.
Tables and figures: Declining reservoir storage on the Colorado River -- Average supplies versus demands on the Colorado River mainstem -- Relationship between Lake Powell storage and Lee Ferry virgin flows -- Relationship between Lake Powell releases and Lake Mead storage -- Tribal water rights/demands: upper …
Charting A New Course For The Colorado River: A Summary Of Guiding Principles, Colorado River Research Group
Charting A New Course For The Colorado River: A Summary Of Guiding Principles, Colorado River Research Group
Books, Reports, and Studies
[4] p. : color illustrations ; 28 cm.
Agenda: Arizona V. California At 50: The Legacy And Future Of Governance, Reserved Rights, And Water Transfers, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Agenda: Arizona V. California At 50: The Legacy And Future Of Governance, Reserved Rights, And Water Transfers, University Of Colorado Boulder. Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources, Energy, And The Environment
Arizona v. California at 50: The Legacy and Future of Governance, Reserved Rights, and Water Transfers (Martz Summer Conference, August 15-16)
The Colorado River is an economic, environmental and cultural lifeline of the southwestern United States, and the allocation of its scarce waters are a source of ongoing controversy. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. California. While the case was an important landmark in the still-evolving relationship between these two Lower Basin states, it remains most relevant today by the way in which it clarified federal rights and responsibilities. This is especially true in the areas of federal (including tribal) reserved rights, the role of the Interior Secretary in Lower Basin water …
Slides: Water Banks: Voluntary And Flexible Water Supplies For The Colorado River's Uncertain Future, Robert Wigington
Slides: Water Banks: Voluntary And Flexible Water Supplies For The Colorado River's Uncertain Future, Robert Wigington
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
Presenter: Robert Wigington, The Nature Conservancy
7 slides
Slides: Who Should Be At The Table, And What Should They Be Talking About?, Robert W. Adler
Slides: Who Should Be At The Table, And What Should They Be Talking About?, Robert W. Adler
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
Presenter: Robert W. Adler, James I. Farr Chair in Law, University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law
9 slides
Slides: Smart Fallowing: New Strategies In Ag Forbearance, Bonnie Colby
Slides: Smart Fallowing: New Strategies In Ag Forbearance, Bonnie Colby
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
Presenter: Dr. Bonnie Colby, Department of Agriculture & Resource Economics, University of Arizona
34 slides
Slides: Long-Term Augmentation Of The Water Supply Of The Colorado River System, Les Lampe
Slides: Long-Term Augmentation Of The Water Supply Of The Colorado River System, Les Lampe
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
Presenter: Les Lampe, Colorado River Water Consultants, Las Vegas, Nevada
29 slides
Fact Sheet: Study Of Long-Term Augmentation Options For The Water Supply Of The Colorado System, Black & Veatch, Ch2m Hill
Fact Sheet: Study Of Long-Term Augmentation Options For The Water Supply Of The Colorado System, Black & Veatch, Ch2m Hill
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
1 page.
"March 2008"
Material submitted by Les Lampe, Colorado River Water Consultants, for "Augmentation Options" program, Session 3: Mapping a New Course, Panel F: Some Policy Options and Solutions.
Colorado River Water Consultants is a project-specific partnership of engineering firms Black & Veatch and CH2MHill.
Materials For Presentation: The Disappearing Colorado River, Lawrence J. Macdonnell
Materials For Presentation: The Disappearing Colorado River, Lawrence J. Macdonnell
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
7 pages.
"Western Economics Forum, Fall 2010"
Slides: Law Of Colorado River: Where We Are, Where We Are Going, Steven M. Fitten
Slides: Law Of Colorado River: Where We Are, Where We Are Going, Steven M. Fitten
Navigating the Future of the Colorado River (Martz Summer Conference, June 8-10)
Presenter: Steven M. Fitten, Chief Counsel, International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC)
14 slides
Slides: Assessing Opportunities And Barriers To Reducing The Environmental Footprint Of Oil And Gas Development In Utah, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Lorien Belton, Brian Gentry, Gene Theodori
Slides: Assessing Opportunities And Barriers To Reducing The Environmental Footprint Of Oil And Gas Development In Utah, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Lorien Belton, Brian Gentry, Gene Theodori
Opportunities and Obstacles to Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Natural Gas Development in Uintah Basin (October 14)
Presenter: Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith, Utah State University--Logan Campus
37 slides
Slides: Indian Water Rights, Robert T. Anderson
Slides: Indian Water Rights, Robert T. Anderson
Western Water Law, Policy and Management: Ripples, Currents, and New Channels for Inquiry (Martz Summer Conference, June 3-5)
Presenter: Robert T. Anderson, Native American Law Center, University of Washington Law School
19 slides
Slides: Water Needs And Strategies For A Sustainable Future, Shaun Mcgrath
Slides: Water Needs And Strategies For A Sustainable Future, Shaun Mcgrath
Shifting Baselines and New Meridians: Water, Resources, Landscapes, and the Transformation of the American West (Summer Conference, June 4-6)
Presenter: Shaun McGrath, Program Director, Western Governors’ Association
25 slides
Slides: Adapting Western Water Policy For Resilience Under Climate Change, Bonnie G. Colby
Slides: Adapting Western Water Policy For Resilience Under Climate Change, Bonnie G. Colby
Shifting Baselines and New Meridians: Water, Resources, Landscapes, and the Transformation of the American West (Summer Conference, June 4-6)
Presenter: Dr. Bonnie G. Colby, Professor of Resource Economics & Hydrology, University of Arizona Department of Agriculture & Resource Economics
22 slides
Slides: The Urbanizing West: Limits To Water, Limits To Growth, Lora A. Lucero
Slides: The Urbanizing West: Limits To Water, Limits To Growth, Lora A. Lucero
Shifting Baselines and New Meridians: Water, Resources, Landscapes, and the Transformation of the American West (Summer Conference, June 4-6)
Presenter: Lora A. Lucero, AICP, American Planning Association
18 slides
Bridging The Governance Gap: Strategies To Integrate Water And Land Use Planning, Sarah Bates Van De Wetering, University Of Montana (Missoula). Public Policy Research Institute
Bridging The Governance Gap: Strategies To Integrate Water And Land Use Planning, Sarah Bates Van De Wetering, University Of Montana (Missoula). Public Policy Research Institute
Shifting Baselines and New Meridians: Water, Resources, Landscapes, and the Transformation of the American West (Summer Conference, June 4-6)
16 pages.
Includes bibliographical references
"Collaborative Governance Report 2"
Slides: Fuel Choice Determines Transmission, Doug Larson
Slides: Fuel Choice Determines Transmission, Doug Larson
Shifting Baselines and New Meridians: Water, Resources, Landscapes, and the Transformation of the American West (Summer Conference, June 4-6)
Presenter: Doug Larson, Western Interstate Energy Board
26 slides
Currents In Water Resources Law And Policy: How Is “Prior” Coping With New Stresses? [Outline], A. Dan Tarlock, David H. Getches
Currents In Water Resources Law And Policy: How Is “Prior” Coping With New Stresses? [Outline], A. Dan Tarlock, David H. Getches
The Future of Natural Resources Law and Policy (Summer Conference, June 6-8)
3 pages.
Includes bibliographical references
"A. Dan Tarlock, Distinguished Professor of Law and Director, Program in Environmental and Energy Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law"
"David H. Getches, Dean and Raphael J. Moses Professor of Natural Resources Law, University of Colorado Law School"
Antiquities Act Monuments: The Elgin Marbles Of Our Public Lands?, James R. Rasband
Antiquities Act Monuments: The Elgin Marbles Of Our Public Lands?, James R. Rasband
Celebrating the Centennial of the Antiquities Act (October 9)
13 pages.
Includes bibliographical references
Slides: The Centennial Of The Antiquities Act: A Cause For Celebration?, James R. Rasband
Slides: The Centennial Of The Antiquities Act: A Cause For Celebration?, James R. Rasband
Celebrating the Centennial of the Antiquities Act (October 9)
Presenter: Professor James R. Rasband, Brigham Young University School of Law
20 slides
Clarifying State Water Rights And Adjudications, John E. Thorson
Clarifying State Water Rights And Adjudications, John E. Thorson
Two Decades of Water Law and Policy Reform: A Retrospective and Agenda for the Future (Summer Conference, June 13-15)
32 pages.
Contains references.
Groundwater And Growth Management In The New West: Evolving Law And Practice, A. Dan Tarlock
Groundwater And Growth Management In The New West: Evolving Law And Practice, A. Dan Tarlock
Water and Growth in the West (Summer Conference, June 7-9)
13 pages.