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Insurance Law


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Full-Text Articles in Law

Insurance, Bradley S. Wolff, Maren R. Cave, Stephen M. Schatz Dec 2017

Insurance, Bradley S. Wolff, Maren R. Cave, Stephen M. Schatz

Mercer Law Review

During this survey period, the Georgia state and federal courts decided questions of first impression related to uninsured motorist (UM) coverage holding that, although umbrella policies are no longer required to provide UM coverage, the statutory notice requirements must be strictly followed before such coverage can be dropped in a renewal and that the "vertical exhaustion requirements" contained in excess policies do not violate the UM statute. Another first impression decision involved the correct interpretation of the statute providing for pre-suit offers in motor vehicle injury cases and whether timely payment may be a condition of acceptance. Other cases decided …

Religious Employers And Statutory Prescription Contraceptive Mandates, Susan J. Stabile Nov 2017

Religious Employers And Statutory Prescription Contraceptive Mandates, Susan J. Stabile

The Catholic Lawyer

No abstract provided.

Illusion Or Protection? Free Exercise Rights And Laws Mandating Insurance Coverage Of Contraception, Edward T. Mechmann, Esq. Nov 2017

Illusion Or Protection? Free Exercise Rights And Laws Mandating Insurance Coverage Of Contraception, Edward T. Mechmann, Esq.

The Catholic Lawyer

No abstract provided.

Defective Construction Cgl Coverage: The Subcontractor Exception, Christian H. Robertson Ii Nov 2017

Defective Construction Cgl Coverage: The Subcontractor Exception, Christian H. Robertson Ii

Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review

In the construction industry, commercial general liability (CGL) insur-ance is the standard policy for managing property damage risks. Histori-cally, CGL policies do not cover an insured’s own defective construction because the insured controls its own work and can reasonably foresee the damage that may result from defective work. But what about the defective work of an insured’s subcontractor? Practical considerations limit an in-sured’s effective control of every aspect of a subcontractor’s work, and this limitation complicates the insured’s ability to foresee future risks. In 1986, the increasing involvement of subcontractors led general contractors to in-sist upon protection from subcontractor work …

Insurance Coverage Issues In Cases Of Clergy Misconduct, James A. Serritella Oct 2017

Insurance Coverage Issues In Cases Of Clergy Misconduct, James A. Serritella

The Catholic Lawyer

No abstract provided.

The Unappreciated Importance, For Small Business Defendants, Of The Duty To Settle, Robert Heidt Oct 2017

The Unappreciated Importance, For Small Business Defendants, Of The Duty To Settle, Robert Heidt

Maine Law Review

This paper suggests how the duty to settle, which requires liability insurers to pay damages awarded against their insured in excess of the policy limits when the insurers reject a reasonable settlement offer within the limits, may have indirectly led certain of their insureds--small business recreational vendors like horse riding stables or some motels offering swimming pools with diving boards--to sanitize the recreational activities they offer. More generally, the duty to settle's effect on the lawsuits injured customers brought against small business recreational vendors may have led a wide variety of such vendors to sanitize activities the vendors previously offered …

Litigating Against Distant Insurance Carriers, Michael C. Geraghty Oct 2017

Litigating Against Distant Insurance Carriers, Michael C. Geraghty

The Catholic Lawyer

No abstract provided.

Managing The Next Deluge: A Tax System Approach To Flood Insurance, Charlene Luke, Aviva Abramovsky Oct 2017

Managing The Next Deluge: A Tax System Approach To Flood Insurance, Charlene Luke, Aviva Abramovsky

Aviva Abramovsky

This Article critiques the National Flood Insurance Program and proposes an alternative insurance plan that would use the strengths of the federal tax system to address the complexities of flood loss and provide basic coverage for all individuals. The Article also discusses the current tax rules applicable to flood loss and proposes methods for harmonizing such rules with the proposed program.

An Unholy Alliance: Perceptions Of Influence In Insurance Fraud Prosecutions And The Need For Real Safeguards, Aviva Abramovsky Oct 2017

An Unholy Alliance: Perceptions Of Influence In Insurance Fraud Prosecutions And The Need For Real Safeguards, Aviva Abramovsky

Aviva Abramovsky

This Article examines the working relationship between the insurance industry and prosecutors in the insurance fraud prosecution context. Both informal and legislatively mandated relationships are examined and funding schemes reviewed. The Article argues that specialized funding of investigators and prosecutors by industry assessment has led to perceptions of industry influence on the impartiality of the prosecutor. The Article then reviews the capacity of perceived influence to chill tort plaintiff lawyer activity. The Article concludes that the potential for conflict exists and is sufficient to warrant due process consideration. Additionally, the Article offers suggestions for potential prophylactic procedural safeguards in the …

Reading Alexander V. Choate Rightly: Now Is The Time, Leslie Francis, Anita Silvers Oct 2017

Reading Alexander V. Choate Rightly: Now Is The Time, Leslie Francis, Anita Silvers

Utah Law Faculty Scholarship

Whatever happens to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) over the next few years, it is fair to assume that state Medicaid programs will be subjected to cost control measures. Despite the recent deployment of substantial arguments to the contrary, the belief still persists that the Supreme Court’s decision in Alexander v. Choate over thirty years ago stands for the proposition that disability anti-discrimination law does not impose requirements on the structure of Medicaid benefits. This belief is misleading at best. In this article, we challenge the access/content distinction and the straitened interpretation of Alexander v. Choate that has resulted from …

Anthem Health Plans Of Maine, Inc. V. Superintendent Of Insurance: Judicial Restraint Or Judicial Abdication?, David E. Sorensen Oct 2017

Anthem Health Plans Of Maine, Inc. V. Superintendent Of Insurance: Judicial Restraint Or Judicial Abdication?, David E. Sorensen

Maine Law Review

When Maine’s Superintendent of Insurance told the state’s largest health insurer that it could not profit in 2009, her decision ended up on appeal before the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, sitting as the Law Court, in Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. v. Superintendent of Insurance. As part of its annual rate approval process, Anthem had requested a 3% profit and risk margin on its individual lines of health insurance in Maine. Superintendent Mila Kofman denied this request under her statutory authority to deny any rate increase proposals that are “excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory.” The Superintendent held that a …

Diocesan Self-Insurance Programs: The Philadelphia Approach, John P. O'Dea Oct 2017

Diocesan Self-Insurance Programs: The Philadelphia Approach, John P. O'Dea

The Catholic Lawyer

No abstract provided.

Key New Hampshire And Federal Statutes Regulating Health Care Delivery And Payment, Lucy Hodder Oct 2017

Key New Hampshire And Federal Statutes Regulating Health Care Delivery And Payment, Lucy Hodder

Law Faculty Scholarship

A summary of New Hampshire and federal regulations by subject matter, chart of New Hampshire state agency responsibilities, federal laws and regulation: An index

Table Of Contents Oct 2017

Table Of Contents

Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review

No abstract provided.

Activation Measures In Social Security: Lessons From The Dutch Case Oct 2017

Activation Measures In Social Security: Lessons From The Dutch Case

Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review

Dutch social security has undergone important changes since the 1990s, in that the focus shifted from predominantly compensating the loss of income into giving incentives for claimants and benefits recipients to stay in or get back to work. While still providing a relatively high level of benefit if there is no chance to work (to the full extent), the legislature has been quite creative in adopting conditions that stimulate persons to do their best to be in work. For this purpose, this is interesting for an American audience, since the USA system is far less generous out of fear that …

Erisa And Graham-Cassidy: A Disaster In Waiting For Employee Health Benefits And For Dependents Under 26 On Their Parents’ Plans, Leslie Francis Sep 2017

Erisa And Graham-Cassidy: A Disaster In Waiting For Employee Health Benefits And For Dependents Under 26 On Their Parents’ Plans, Leslie Francis

Utah Law Faculty Scholarship

Graham Cassidy § 105 would repeal the ACA “employer mandate”. Although its sponsors claim that the bill will give states a great deal of flexibility, it will do nothing to help states ensure that employers provide their employees with decent health insurance; quite the reverse. It will also give employers the freedom to ignore the popular ACA requirement that allows children up to age 26 to receive coverage through their parent’ plans, at least when their parents get health insurance from their employers. Here’s why.

Small Change, Big Consequences — Partial Medicaid Expansions Under The Aca, Adrianna Mcintyre, Allan M. Joseph, Nicholas Bagley Sep 2017

Small Change, Big Consequences — Partial Medicaid Expansions Under The Aca, Adrianna Mcintyre, Allan M. Joseph, Nicholas Bagley


Though congressional efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) seem to have stalled, the Trump administration retains broad executive authority to reshape the health care landscape. Perhaps the most consequential choices that the administration will make pertain to Medicaid, which today covers more than 1 in 5 Americans. Much has been made of proposals to introduce work requirements or cost sharing to the program. But another decision of arguably greater long-term significance has been overlooked: whether to allow “partial expansions” pursuant to a state Medicaid waiver. Arkansas has already submitted a waiver request for a partial expansion, …

Transforming The Insurance Sector In Nigeriain Using The Fss 2020 Platform, Chris O. Muo Sep 2017

Transforming The Insurance Sector In Nigeriain Using The Fss 2020 Platform, Chris O. Muo


The National lnsurance Commission (NAICOM) is the statutory Regulatory body of insurance business created to ensure the effective administration, supervision and regulation of insurance business and regulate transactions between insurers and reinsurers within and outside Nigeria. FSS 2020 Insurance Sector, in collaboration with NAICOM aims to deepen the insurance market; ensure lnsurance credibility and protect policy holders; Embed governance and risk management framework for the lnsurance Companies; Enhance access to finance (financial inclusion) with business development support and new products; and risk-based capitalization of lnsurance Companies.

The Perfect Storm Is Brewing Once Again: What Scaling Back Dodd-Frank Will Mean For The Credit Default Swap, Daniel Isaacson Jul 2017

The Perfect Storm Is Brewing Once Again: What Scaling Back Dodd-Frank Will Mean For The Credit Default Swap, Daniel Isaacson

The Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship & the Law

The current presidential administration has expressed a concerted desire to “scale back” and even “get rid of” the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd–Frank). Focusing specifically on Dodd–Frank’s regulation of the credit default swap (CDS), this Article explores two timely queries. First, whether Dodd–Frank’s regulatory response to these financial instruments is a justifiable one, and second, what effect a repeal may have. This Article will show that the “perfect storm” CDS—which contributed so significantly to the 2007–2010 financial crisis—flourished in a regulatory environment that contained two key weaknesses: (1) few restrictions on excessive speculation; and (2) the …

The Authority Of The Financial Services Authority (Ojk) In Publishing Insurance Regulation In The Perspective Of Insurance Law In Indonesia, Wetria Fauzi Jul 2017

The Authority Of The Financial Services Authority (Ojk) In Publishing Insurance Regulation In The Perspective Of Insurance Law In Indonesia, Wetria Fauzi

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Legal basis of the formation of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is based on the Article 34 of the Law No. 3 of 2004 on Bank Indonesia. The legislation process was then approved and endorsed the Law No. 21 of 2011 on the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Article 6 of the law gives the OJK authority to supervise both for bank and non-bank financial institution, including insurance agencies. Article 5 of the Insurance Law, OJK is given a mandate to make a regulation to expand the scope of the insurance business activities in accordance with the needs of the society. …

Dfs Comment Letter Regarding Title Insurance Proposed Regulations, David J. Reiss Jun 2017

Dfs Comment Letter Regarding Title Insurance Proposed Regulations, David J. Reiss

Cornell Law Faculty Working Papers

No abstract provided.

Covering The Care: Cost Sharing Reductions In Nh, Jo Porter, Lucy C. Hodder Jun 2017

Covering The Care: Cost Sharing Reductions In Nh, Jo Porter, Lucy C. Hodder

Law Faculty Scholarship

This brief uses national data to describe the NH population who received Cost Sharing Reductions for coverage on the NH Marketplace.

Covering The Care: A Focus On The Nh Marketplace, Jo Porter, Lucy C. Hodder Jun 2017

Covering The Care: A Focus On The Nh Marketplace, Jo Porter, Lucy C. Hodder

Law Faculty Scholarship

The second brief uses national and state data to describe the NH population enrolled in the health insurance plans through the NH Marketplace.

Covering The Care: Health Insurance Coverage In New Hampshire, Jo Porter, Lucy Hodder Jun 2017

Covering The Care: Health Insurance Coverage In New Hampshire, Jo Porter, Lucy Hodder

Law Faculty Scholarship

the first in a series of data and policy briefs that seek to inform the current conversations about health reform happening across the state. The first brief uses data from the American Community Survey to provide information about the health insurance coverage landscape in NH.

Draft Protection Insurance: Elite Athlete Loss-Of-Value Policies And The Emerging Wave Of Coverage Litigation, Daniel J. Kain, C. Scott Toomey, Robert L. Joyce May 2017

Draft Protection Insurance: Elite Athlete Loss-Of-Value Policies And The Emerging Wave Of Coverage Litigation, Daniel J. Kain, C. Scott Toomey, Robert L. Joyce

Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal (1994 - )

No abstract provided.

Solidarity In Overlapping Insurance Coverage: Rethinking Hoefly, Alex Robertson May 2017

Solidarity In Overlapping Insurance Coverage: Rethinking Hoefly, Alex Robertson

Louisiana Law Review

The article focuses on the Louisiana Civil Code on solidarity and its interpretation of solidarity arising from the law and its application in the insurance and discusses Hoefly v. Government Employees Insurance Company court case on same.

Hurricanes, Fraud, And Insurance: The Supreme Court Weighs In On, But Does Not Wade Into, The Concurrent Causation Conundrum In State Farm Fire And Casualty Company V. Rigsby, Chris French May 2017

Hurricanes, Fraud, And Insurance: The Supreme Court Weighs In On, But Does Not Wade Into, The Concurrent Causation Conundrum In State Farm Fire And Casualty Company V. Rigsby, Chris French

Christopher C. French

In the December 6, 2016 Supreme Court decision, State Farm v. Rigsby, a homeowner’s house was damaged by Hurricane Katrina. The homeowner had homeowners insurance with State Farm and a flood insurance policy that was administered by State Farm on behalf of the federal government. The claims adjusters assigned by State Farm to handle the homeowner’s claim allegedly were instructed by State Farm to misclassify wind damage as flood damage in order to shift State Farm’s own liability for the loss to the federal government. The claims handlers filed a lawsuit against State Farm under the False Claims Act (FCA), …

Can You Keep It? An Examination Of The Individual Health Insurance Market, Rachael Carnale May 2017

Can You Keep It? An Examination Of The Individual Health Insurance Market, Rachael Carnale

Honors Scholar Theses

The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, ACA, or Obamacare) in 2010 significantly altered the structure of the individual health insurance market. The new regulatory environment and establishment of the health insurance exchanges forced insurers to adopt to be successful in the reformed individual market. However, the complexity of the law and uncertainty surrounding both the law itself and the newly insured have threatened the stability of the individual market. This thesis will explore the history of the individual health insurance market, the issues that current afflict the exchanges, and viability of possible solutions. Special attention …

Is F.S. §732.703 Susceptible To A Constitutional Challenge By A Former Spouse Whose Claim For Benefits Is Denied?, Donna L. Eng, Scott Konopka May 2017

Is F.S. §732.703 Susceptible To A Constitutional Challenge By A Former Spouse Whose Claim For Benefits Is Denied?, Donna L. Eng, Scott Konopka

UF Law Faculty Publications

It's a common scenario: A spouse takes out a life insurance policy during the marriage and designates the other spouse as the beneficiary. Subsequently, they divorce, and the spouse who purchased the policy neglects to change the beneficiary designation. Is the former spouse who is named as the beneficiary entitled to collect the proceeds to the policy after the death of the spouse who purchased the property? Based on FS. §732.703, the answer should be no. But, can a former spouse defeat application of the section by arguing that the section violates his or her constitutional right to freedom of …

Unemployment Compensation, Rev. Austin P. Bennett Apr 2017

Unemployment Compensation, Rev. Austin P. Bennett

The Catholic Lawyer

No abstract provided.