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Full-Text Articles in Education
Detection And Assessment Of Quality Indicators Of Visual Based Learning Material In Engineering Education Programs For Grades 7-12, Petros Katsioloudis
Detection And Assessment Of Quality Indicators Of Visual Based Learning Material In Engineering Education Programs For Grades 7-12, Petros Katsioloudis
STEMPS Faculty Publications
The purpose of this study was to detect the quality indicators of visual-based learning material in technology education for grades 7-12. A three-round modified Delphi method was used to answer the following research questions: RQ1: What indicators should quality visual-based learning material in technology education have to be effective and efficient in transmitting information for grades 7-12? RQ2: What are the indicators of the learner’s characteristics that impact the selection of visual-based learning material in technology education for grades 7-12?
A New Generation Of Goals For Technology Education, John M. Ritz
A New Generation Of Goals For Technology Education, John M. Ritz
STEMPS Faculty Publications
[Introduction, First paragraph]
To develop meaningful instructional programs for technology education, goals need to be in place to direct the outcomes of curriculum development and teaching. Goals are program terminal outcomes that focus curriculum writers or teachers who structure content for learners. Goals provide direction so content can be delivered for long-term impact to students who study the subject. They go beyond everyday teaching objectives; they are directed at long-term learning and programmatic outcomes.