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Agricultural education


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Full-Text Articles in Education

Perceptions Of School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers Toward Promoting Agricultural Education Teaching As A Career, Emmanuel Kwadwo Sekyere May 2024

Perceptions Of School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers Toward Promoting Agricultural Education Teaching As A Career, Emmanuel Kwadwo Sekyere

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

School-based agricultural education has experienced a scarcity of qualified teachers over the years. To reduce the prevalence of school-based agricultural teacher shortages, research has led to the adoption of several approaches in schools across the country. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of school-based agricultural education teachers toward promoting agricultural teaching as a career. The theoretical framework for this research was based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The research objectives were to determine the perceived importance of career promotion activities, the frequency of career promotion activities, the perceived job satisfaction of SBAE teachers, and the …

Autism In Agricultural Education: A Case Study Of An Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder And Their Parent On Career And Technical Education, Grace Miller Jan 2024

Autism In Agricultural Education: A Case Study Of An Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder And Their Parent On Career And Technical Education, Grace Miller

Theses and Dissertations--Community & Leadership Development

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a unique and often misunderstood diagnosis. Little is known about the experiences of adolescents with ASD. As students with ASD graduate high school, many are under- and unemployed. Career and technical education (CTE) in U.S. schools is intended to prepare all students for careers post-secondary. Agricultural education is one of the predominate career clusters within CTE. This qualitative single case study sought to create a platform for both a student and their parent to share their experiences in agricultural education and CTE. Participants were an adolescent with ASD who had taken at least one year …

Characteristics Of Award-Winning Children’S Books About Agriculture: An Analysis Of Content, And The Perspectives Of Authors, Illustrators, And Publishers, Addison L. Beckham Dec 2023

Characteristics Of Award-Winning Children’S Books About Agriculture: An Analysis Of Content, And The Perspectives Of Authors, Illustrators, And Publishers, Addison L. Beckham

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this two-article qualitative study was to characterize children's literature about agriculture and to describe the perceptions of authors and illustrators who are responsible for writing and designing these successful publications. This will result in the ability of organizations like Feeding Minds Press to provide writers, illustrators, and publishers with effective strategies and techniques to improve the accuracy and overall quality of children’s literature about agriculture. Few parameters exist for authors of children’s books about agriculture (Biser, 2007). These parameters are necessary to ensure the quality and accuracy of these educational efforts (Serafini, 2012). Though Feeding Minds Press …

Student Perceptions Of Male And Female Instructors In A Post-Secondary Welding Course, S. Kjersti R. Decker May 2023

Student Perceptions Of Male And Female Instructors In A Post-Secondary Welding Course, S. Kjersti R. Decker

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Agricultural mechanics and welding have traditionally been perceived to be careers reserved for males, yet more females have entered professions using welding such as agricultural education. This research was developed because of the lack of gender research in welding. The purpose of this study was to examine students’ perceptions of learning from a male instructor versus a female instructor in a post-secondary welding course. We examined associations and differences between students’ preference of a male and a female welding instructor as well as individual self-efficacy and perceptions towards using welding technology. The population for this study was undergraduate students and …

Connecting Diverse Communities Through A 4-H Urban-Rural Experience, Laurie Murrah-Hanson, Brittani Lee, Pamela Bloch Dec 2022

Connecting Diverse Communities Through A 4-H Urban-Rural Experience, Laurie Murrah-Hanson, Brittani Lee, Pamela Bloch

The Journal of Extension

Misconceptions regarding agricultural careers are exacerbated by increasing urbanization and are one of many differences in perspective between urban and rural communities. The One Georgia 4-H Urban-Rural Experience addresses this divide through a statewide youth exchange focusing on the agricultural sector. The program includes a multifaceted look at agricultural careers through visits to urban and rural communities. Focus group evaluations revealed the impact on youth through exposure to new careers, increased understanding of the diversity of agriculture, awareness of the interconnected nature of urban and rural communities, and a sense of belonging to a diverse group of youth.

Socioscientific Issues In School-Based Agricultural Education: Describing And Exploring Factors Of Integration, Michelle S. Burrows May 2021

Socioscientific Issues In School-Based Agricultural Education: Describing And Exploring Factors Of Integration, Michelle S. Burrows

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Socioscientific issues (SSI) are complex issues which are scientific in nature and have societal impacts. Many SSI have connections to agriculture and as such should be included in agricultural education curriculum. A clear understanding of what school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teachers know about SSI is needed. The purpose of this research was to explore the knowledge and integration of SSI among SBAE teachers by describing and explaining the factors that influence integration. This quantitative survey research was guided by the SSI-based instruction framework and the three-component model of agricultural education. The population for this study was all SBAE teachers in …

The One – Way (Agri)Cultural Mirror: A Case Study Of How Young Agriculturalists Understand And Experience Culture, Janiece M. Pigg Apr 2021

The One – Way (Agri)Cultural Mirror: A Case Study Of How Young Agriculturalists Understand And Experience Culture, Janiece M. Pigg

LSU Master's Theses

As the global economy continues to transform how society operates, cultural competence has become a buzzword in education, professional development, research, government, and healthcare (Gay, 1994; Gallus et al., 2014). Cross et al. (1989) developed the most accepted definition of cultural competence: “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals and enable that system, agency, or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations” (p. 13).

Despite this, little to no research has been devoted to understanding cultural competence in agriculture. Thus, a need emerged to describe the cultural competence …

Evaluation Of Maternal Diet And Its Effect On Milk Composition And Piglet Health And Growth Performance, Shana Barnett May 2020

Evaluation Of Maternal Diet And Its Effect On Milk Composition And Piglet Health And Growth Performance, Shana Barnett

Department of Animal Science: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Both graduate research and graduate teaching duties work together to help to develop a graduate student’s skills both in the classroom and on their research experiments. Being both a GTA and GRA allows a student to form more sound hypotheses, connect better with students, and better understand their own research.

During the time as a GTA and GRA four surveys were developed to analyze different groups of students and their learning environment and two animal experiments were conducted to evaluate maternal diet and its effect on milk composition and piglet health and growth performance

The surveys given to students consisted …

Agricultural Education Teachers' Perceptions And Use Of Environmental Education In Louisiana Schools, Olivia M. Soler Jul 2019

Agricultural Education Teachers' Perceptions And Use Of Environmental Education In Louisiana Schools, Olivia M. Soler

LSU Master's Theses

The purpose of this study was to describe the status of environmental education (EE) in Louisiana high school agriculture classrooms. A census of Louisiana Agriscience Teacher Association (LATA) members was conducted to understand their perceptions, attitudes, and barriers regarding EE implementation. Icek Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior was utilized as the theoretical framework. Data were collected through an online survey research method and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results suggest that most LATA members incorporate EE into their curriculum relatively sparingly, perceive EE to be beneficial for students, and are in need of funding to incorporate EE into their curriculum as …

Parliamentary Procedure Interactive Notebook, Amie Carter, P. Troy White, Laura Hasselquist, Madhav Nepal Oct 2018

Parliamentary Procedure Interactive Notebook, Amie Carter, P. Troy White, Laura Hasselquist, Madhav Nepal

STEM & Agricultural Education Curriculum Resources

These resources were developed as an undergraduate student research experience. During the summer and fall of 2018, the Agricultural Education faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning & Leadership recruited teachers and students to pilot and suggest revisions to these resources and to report their effectiveness in promoting engagement and learning of Parliamentary Procedure.

This item contains three downloadable files. Student and teacher notebooks are designed to be printed on 8.5"x14" pages in booklet format. The cutouts are on standards letter size paper.

Factors Affecting Illinois Legislators' Perceptions Of School-Based Agricultural Education, Perry William Harlow Mar 2018

Factors Affecting Illinois Legislators' Perceptions Of School-Based Agricultural Education, Perry William Harlow

Theses and Dissertations

This study examined factors contributing to Illinois General Assembly members’ perceptions of school-based agricultural education. Personal characteristics and multiple media sources were examined to determine if any of these factors affected their perception of school-based agricultural education. These factors included the population area of where the legislator grew up, the population area of the district the legislator represents, the geographical location of the legislator’s district, whether the legislator lived on a farm, and whether the legislator worked on a farm. The factors also included frequency of seeing information about school-based agricultural education on multiple media source including television, radio, newspaper, …

Case Study Of Skills Developed During Employment At Kentucky Ffa Summer Camp As A Young Adult, Kelly W. Rexroat Jan 2018

Case Study Of Skills Developed During Employment At Kentucky Ffa Summer Camp As A Young Adult, Kelly W. Rexroat

Murray State Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to provide a qualitative case study analysis of the soft skill development of summer camp staff members at the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center and to look at whether or not the leadership development focus of the camp program had an increased impact on the development of the staff members’ leadership skills. For years, FFA summer camp programs have been developing the leadership qualities of FFA members and preparing them to take on leadership roles for the upcoming year. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with former Kentucky FFA summer camp staff members from 2008 to …

High School Student Reactions To An Interdisciplinary Teaching Method In Agricultural Education, Grady Roberts, Cacee Hilliard, Christelle Calixte Jan 2018

High School Student Reactions To An Interdisciplinary Teaching Method In Agricultural Education, Grady Roberts, Cacee Hilliard, Christelle Calixte

Journal of Research in Technical Careers

Tomorrow’s agricultural workforce will face challenges in the form of complex problems that transcend disciplinary boundaries, including food security. Addressing these complex issues requires professionals to work within and across disciplines in ways that may not have been required in previous generations. Teaching using an interdisciplinary approach may be one approach to helping students develop the skills needed to address these problems. The purpose of this study was to explore student reactions to being taught with an interdisciplinary teaching method in a secondary agricultural education context. Overall, students reacted favorably to this interdisciplinary teaching approach. Several student characteristics contributed to …

Effects Of Standards-Based Grading On Students In Agricultural Education, Matthew Tripp Jan 2018

Effects Of Standards-Based Grading On Students In Agricultural Education, Matthew Tripp

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Standards-based grading is being discussed more frequently in the field of education as school districts either explore or adopt this grading method. This study examined the effects of standards-based grading on achievement and perceptions of students enrolled in high school agricultural education courses. This nonequivalent quasi-experimental study focused on how students’ perceptions of classroom feedback, abilities, and opportunities to redo assessments were affected by the implementation of a standards-based grading method. Participants in this study were students who enrolled in a quarter long Home Maintenance course that used standards-based grading methods to assess student mastery on specific content standards in …

Survey Data From Ecochallenge Workshop, Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin Nov 2017

Survey Data From Ecochallenge Workshop, Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin

Browse all Datasets

The Borich calculator analyzed the data from the EcoChallenge (Explore) workshop to determine professional development needs of educators for future workshop planning. The calculator takes into account IMPORTANCE and PERCEIVED COMPETENCE of each item and calculates Mean Weighted Discrepancy Scores (MWDS). Those are then ranked and the data shows those results. The survey instrument is attached. The workshop was student-centered but allowed for educational professionals to engage with the materials (Exploring careers in AFNR).

Survey Data From Utah Urban Agricultural Workshop, Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin Nov 2017

Survey Data From Utah Urban Agricultural Workshop, Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin

Browse all Datasets

Forty-two teachers who attended the Urban Agriculture Workshop were surveyed after the workshop to assess the value of various aspects of the workshop and to measure pre-post gains in knowledge, ability, and importance. Also to measure attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and behavioral intention. Demographics were also collected. Data show the results. Survey Instrument is attached. Scaling varies (see instrument).

Curriculum: Careers In Urban Agriculture (Grades 7-12), Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin Nov 2017

Curriculum: Careers In Urban Agriculture (Grades 7-12), Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin

Browse all Datasets

Materials were created for school-based agricultural educators (7th-12 grade) to use for students in Utah. This curriculum covers multiple days of instruction but 3-5 (50-minute sessions) days is what it is intended for. Includes a unit plan for the instructor, presentation slides (PPT and PFD), worksheets, and other materials. This curriculum focuses on careers in urban agriculture.

Curriculum: Alternative Animals In Agriculture (Grades 7-12), Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin Nov 2017

Curriculum: Alternative Animals In Agriculture (Grades 7-12), Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, David Francis, Joshua Dallin

Browse all Datasets

Materials were created for school-based agricultural educators (7th-12 grade) to use for students in Utah. This curriculum covers multiple days of instruction but 3-5 (50-minute sessions) days is what it is intended for. Includes a unit plan for an instructor, presentation slides (PPT and PFD), worksheets, and other materials.

Successful Secondary Agricultural Programs Outside The Classroom: A View Of Champions, Andrew Bolton Dec 2016

Successful Secondary Agricultural Programs Outside The Classroom: A View Of Champions, Andrew Bolton

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to study select secondary agricultural education programs and determine common traits among these programs which lead them to be successful in a number of different areas including: Career Development Events (CDE) winners, Leadership Development Events (LDE) winners, agricultural science fair winners, chapters of elected state FFA officers, proficiency award winners, national chapter awards, and state fair market show results. This study utilized a modified Delphi approach consisting of three rounds to reach consensus on the importance of traits related to successful SAE and FFA programs. Many traits were identified but the most important traits …

Experiences Of Agricultural Education Preservice Teachers Engaging In Critical Friendships, Sable Sellick Aug 2016

Experiences Of Agricultural Education Preservice Teachers Engaging In Critical Friendships, Sable Sellick

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Like educators in other disciplines, agricultural education preservice teachers must find ways to improve as teachers using methods such as reflection or peer observation. Critical friendship combines both, promoting reflection through the use of a critical friend who observes an individual’s teaching and provides constructive criticism to help the individual advance their practice. This qualitative study sought to use the critical friendship concept to assist agricultural education preservice teachers in reflecting on their teaching techniques. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups; one group selected a critical friend in agricultural education, and the other group selected a critical …

Ag In Motion, Kerri Bermudez, Annelise Jensch, Michaela Stone Dec 2014

Ag In Motion, Kerri Bermudez, Annelise Jensch, Michaela Stone

Agricultural Education and Communication

The purpose of this project was to gauge the interest levels of Ag in Motion for the Central Coast. Positive feedback would allow the project to continue on after this project is finished. Ag in Motion is an important asset to middle school aged children because they have the opportunity to learn about agriculture and it’s value. This is especially important considering California is number one producer of agricultural commodities in the United States.

The Central Coast is defined as these three counties: Monterey County, San Luis Obispo County, and Santa Barbara County. An online survey was developed and sent …

Farming: It's Not Just For Farmers Anymore, Jennifer Schmidt May 2014

Farming: It's Not Just For Farmers Anymore, Jennifer Schmidt

Pomona Senior Theses

Agricultural education, originally the province of land grant institutions, has recently entered the liberal arts curriculum. This represents a profound shift from the origins of agricultural education, when it was intended primarily as vocational training for future farmers, and has important implications for the future of the American food system. The first chapter of this thesis addresses the history of agricultural education: what was it originally like, and why did it come to be heavily criticized in the late twentieth century? Formal agricultural education changed significantly in response to these criticisms, making it more environmentally sustainable and bringing it into …

Preservice Candidates' Rating Of Effectiveness In Agricultural Education Through Structured Communication With Cooperating Teachers, Christopher Lee Hunt Dec 2013

Preservice Candidates' Rating Of Effectiveness In Agricultural Education Through Structured Communication With Cooperating Teachers, Christopher Lee Hunt

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

The relationship between cooperating teacher and student has been found as one of the key elements that affect the overall teaching efficacy of student teachers and their decision to enter the teaching field after graduation (Edgar, 2007; Edgar, Roberts, & Murphy, 2011,2008; Kasperbauer et al., 2007a; Roberts, Greiman, Murphy, Ricketts, Harlin, & Briers 2009; Roberts, Harlin, & Briers, 2007, Roberts, Harlin, & Ricketts, 2006; Roberts Mowen, Edgar, Harlin & Briers, 2007, Stripling, Ricketts, Roberts & Harlin, 2008; Wolf, 2011; Wolf et al., 2010). Therefore, determining impacts towards teaching efficacy during the student teaching experience could play a vital role in …

Characteristics Of Quality Agricultural Magazine Capstone Courses Based On The Five R'S Model, Traci Nicole Rushing Aug 2012

Characteristics Of Quality Agricultural Magazine Capstone Courses Based On The Five R'S Model, Traci Nicole Rushing

Graduate Theses and Dissertations

This study sought to assess students' and instructors' perceptions regarding the value of an agricultural communications magazine capstone course at three universities that were identified as exemplary in an effort to describe the characteristics leading to the course's success. Using a qualitative survey methodology, the investigator administered an open-response survey, conducted personal interviews with purposively-selected students in each course and the instructors, and made field observations. Both the interviews and the surveys consisted of six, in-depth questions crafted after Andreasen's (2004) of a successful magazine capstone course. Based on students' and instructors' perceptions through the lens of Andreasen's (2004) model, …

Cultivating The Compass: Examining The Role Of Emotional Appraisal And Professional Agency Among Stakeholders In Kentucky Agricultural Education, Savannah Faye Robin Jan 2012

Cultivating The Compass: Examining The Role Of Emotional Appraisal And Professional Agency Among Stakeholders In Kentucky Agricultural Education, Savannah Faye Robin

Theses and Dissertations--Community & Leadership Development

Agricultural Education has been informed by four major areas including agricultural education (teaching and learning), educational policy, agricultural policy (industry collaboration) and research. Historically agriculture teachers have been removed from the policy process affecting their profession in these four areas (Thompson, 1963). A review of historical literature suggests that only twice have teachers been involved in the policy process. The purpose of this study was to examine the involvement levels of stakeholders in agricultural education across the state of Kentucky. Specifically, examining the emotional appraisal of specific issues in agricultural education and if the emotions of stakeholders influence their involvement …

Effect Of High School Completion Of The Agricultural Education Program On The Rate Of Return On Investment For The Commonwealth Of Virginia, Phillip Scott Bevins Jul 2010

Effect Of High School Completion Of The Agricultural Education Program On The Rate Of Return On Investment For The Commonwealth Of Virginia, Phillip Scott Bevins

STEMPS Theses & Dissertations

This research study sought to determine the effect high school completion of the agricultural career and technical education program has on the rate of return on investment by public schools in Virginia. The research questions guiding this study included: (1) Were students able to find employment related to the agricultural career and technical education program they completed, (2) What federal and state funding was allocated for students participating in the agricultural career and technical education programs in the state of Virginia, (3) Was there a significant level of tax revenues generated by incomes from those who participated in the agricultural …

Opinion Survey On Farmer Education, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia Jan 1970

Opinion Survey On Farmer Education, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The Advisory Committee on Agricultural Education is conducting a survey to collect farmers' ideas about the educational needs of young men who will own or manage farms in the future and experienced farmers who are already managing farms. All farmers are invited to complete the questionnaire below.

Answers received will help to influence the type of agricultural education that may become available in Western Australia in the future. Further comments will be gladly received.

The New Course At Muresk Agricultural College, D K. Bartels Jan 1968

The New Course At Muresk Agricultural College, D K. Bartels

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

THE original aim of all the agricultural colleges in Australia was to train young men to be farmers.

Over the years, and particularly in recent years, the colleges in the Eastern States found that less and less of their students were coming from the farming community, and a diminishing number were returning to farming.