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Full-Text Articles in Education
Book Review Of Global Perspectives On Adult Education, Deborah K. Sterner
Book Review Of Global Perspectives On Adult Education, Deborah K. Sterner
Deborah K Sterner
No abstract provided.
How Farmers Learn: Improving Sustainable Agricultural Education, Nancy K. Franz, Fred P. Piercy, Joseph Donaldson, Jessie Deelo, Johnnie Westbrook, Robert Richard
How Farmers Learn: Improving Sustainable Agricultural Education, Nancy K. Franz, Fred P. Piercy, Joseph Donaldson, Jessie Deelo, Johnnie Westbrook, Robert Richard
Nancy K. Franz
This project examines how farmers prefer to learn and what that means for agricultural education, especially Extension educational program development and delivery. Extension educators use a variety of methods for teaching content and processes that enhance farmer learning and adoption of new practices. This research project specifically looked at farmer learning preferences and Extension educator’s instructional methods.
Enhancing Extension Employee Coaching: Navigating The Triangular Relationship, Nancy K. Franz, Robin Weeks
Enhancing Extension Employee Coaching: Navigating The Triangular Relationship, Nancy K. Franz, Robin Weeks
Nancy K. Franz
Coaching Cooperative Extension employees is not easy but provides invaluable results. All three parties in the triangular coaching relationship--the coachee, the coach, and the organization--develop and grow from the process, in turn improving and sustaining the organization. The coaching process helps employees get to know themselves better, be more conscious about their way of being in the world, and contribute more fully to the work around them. This article addresses the importance of coaching employees, characteristics of good coaching, coaching risks, and tips for successful coaching of Cooperative Extension employees.
Adult Education Theories: Informing Cooperative Extension's Transformation, Nancy K. Franz Dr.
Adult Education Theories: Informing Cooperative Extension's Transformation, Nancy K. Franz Dr.
Nancy K. Franz
As the largest adult education institution in America, Cooperative Extension should ground organizational operations in adult education theory. This connection with theory is especially important as Extension systems work towards organizational transformation to create more participatory and democratic learning. Adult education theories of transformative learning and critical reflection from a critical theory perspective are especially pertinent to inform this type of transformation. This requires that Extension create opportunities for learners to experience disorienting dilemmas, critically reflect on their assumptions, and facilitate how to learn not just what to learn.
Adult Education In West Germany In Case Studies, Jost Reischmann Prof. Dr.
Adult Education In West Germany In Case Studies, Jost Reischmann Prof. Dr.
Reischmann, Jost
This book documents in 14 case studies the main strings and the most important institutions of adult Education in Germany, followed by a summary that tries to categorize the case studies.
Learning “En Passant”: The Forgotten Dimension, Jost Reischmann Prof. Dr.
Learning “En Passant”: The Forgotten Dimension, Jost Reischmann Prof. Dr.
Reischmann, Jost
"Lifewide learning" is understood as a continuous life process, including formal as well as self-directed learning, but also unintentional learning, "learning en passant" (learning by passing by). Focusing on this type of learning seeks to broaden the understanding of learning and asks about the consequences for the theory and practice of Adult Education.