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- MA TESOL Collection (41)
- All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023 (5)
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Articles 1 - 30 of 84
Full-Text Articles in Education
Exploring Early Language Acquisition Through English And French, Rebecca C. Aguilar
Exploring Early Language Acquisition Through English And French, Rebecca C. Aguilar
Honors Capstones
Knowing that there is no singular event that leads to learning a language, and factoring in the extent an individual’s culture can affect language learning, this study emphasizes the importance of a cross-linguistic approach to continue to broaden the scope of language acquisition research. The primary objective is to identify and analyze the critical commonalities in the initial stages of learning English and French as first languages through two major categories: speech/language and culture. This project carried out an analytical review of 24 pieces of relevant literature, in both languages, in an effort to highlight key findings. Those findings include: …
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge Of K-12 Teachers, Ailish Raftery
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge Of K-12 Teachers, Ailish Raftery
Masters Theses
Research continues to show that students who belong to racial and/or ethnic minority groups face a variety of challenges at school, such as disproportionate rates of drop out, behavioral problems, exclusionary discipline practices, absenteeism, placement in special education, and more. These challenges are thought to contribute to the academic achievement gap between White and racial/ethnic minority students throughout the American public school system. Therefore, it is important to assess the multicultural teaching competence of American teachers and investigate barriers to improving culturally responsive teaching practices. Past research has investigated teachers’ multicultural teaching competence, but fewer compared general and special education …
The Border Crosser's Pocketbook: A Guide To Engaged Pedagogy In After School Arts, Britney Coppick
The Border Crosser's Pocketbook: A Guide To Engaged Pedagogy In After School Arts, Britney Coppick
Masters Theses
The questions that sparked this research were developed after spending time working internationally and locally with youth in after school arts programs. These inquiries aim to critically examine the way after school arts programs are run in relation to the culturally and racially diverse communities they serve, discuss how these methods engage with the field of arts education as a whole, and ultimately provide practical approaches, strategies, and tools that educators can implement in these programs. Written from the perspective of a white, female educator who works in racially diverse learning spaces, this project is aimed at enabling educators in …
How Prepared Are Educators To Work With Students Of Color, Ja're Thorn
How Prepared Are Educators To Work With Students Of Color, Ja're Thorn
From what I have experienced, there has been a lack of preparation when it comes to preparing educators to work with students of color. This research aimed to explore the importance of early childhood teachers’ cultural preparation programs when it comes to working effectively with students of color. Most of the time, teachers teach to the common core standards set in place by the state. They also implement a curriculum that is considered “best practices” for students instead of paying attention to and considering the individual student’s specific culture, family, and community values and ways of life before planning (Spies, …
Bridging The Gap Between Teacher Efficacy And Culturally Responsive Pedagogy In The Private School World Language Classrooms, Cyrielle Maerten Anthony
Bridging The Gap Between Teacher Efficacy And Culturally Responsive Pedagogy In The Private School World Language Classrooms, Cyrielle Maerten Anthony
Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios
The world language curriculum is not representative of the diversity of the world and therefore, not preparing students to face a culturally diverse work environment. There is a need to build an intentional curriculum about diversity and inclusivity in the world language curriculum and the sense of belonging and the impact on students’ outcomes. Considering that the majority of teachers in Independent private schools are not Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) faculty members, there is a need to increase the number of BIPOC students in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate level world language courses and decrease the underrepresentation by …
Facilitating Second Language Development Via Interaction In An Online Classroom, Jen Cummings
Facilitating Second Language Development Via Interaction In An Online Classroom, Jen Cummings
All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023
This portfolio is a collection of essays tying together perspectives and major themes in second language teaching of importance to the writer. It begins with an introduction piece, followed by a description of professional environment and a teaching philosophy statement focused on teacher-student relationships, varied assessments, and culture-focused teaching. This section is followed by a classroom observation. The main section of the portfolio is a reflection paper presenting perspectives on the importance of providing interaction opportunities in asynchronous online language learning classrooms. The portfolio concludes with a statement of future goals.
Influence Of Restorative Practices On The Middle-School Classroom, As Reported By Teachers: A Qualitative Case Study, Julia Y. Andrews
Influence Of Restorative Practices On The Middle-School Classroom, As Reported By Teachers: A Qualitative Case Study, Julia Y. Andrews
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine middle school teachers’ perceptions of the influence that restorative practices have on the middle school classroom environment. For the purpose of this study, seven middle school teachers were selected who have implemented restorative practices in their middle school classrooms to provide feedback. Findings suggest that overall restorative practices have a positive influence on the classroom. The findings from this study can be used with teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, and school and district support staff to help create a positive campus culture between students and adults in middle school classrooms. The …
Sheltered Math Curriculum For Middle School English Learners, Jasmine Ercink
Sheltered Math Curriculum For Middle School English Learners, Jasmine Ercink
Dissertations, Theses, and Projects
Language barriers have shown a need for differentiation and sheltered instruction in the classroom for English Learners (ELs) to be successful in the United States public school system. This project proposes a mathematics curriculum using SIOP so that both groups of students in the middle school level can increase their proficiency in the mathematics content area as well as experience opportunities for academic and social language development. The purpose of this report is to describe the processes, methods, data, and intent of the mathematics curriculum for these learners. The curriculum acts as an effective intervention to fill gaps in both …
Racial And Cultural Competence Through The Eyes Of Public-School Educators, Laquita Mcmillion
Racial And Cultural Competence Through The Eyes Of Public-School Educators, Laquita Mcmillion
The discussion of racial and cultural competence in public schools today is necessary. The student population of public schools across the United States has significantly grown racially and culturally diverse. Through the use of a narrative inquiry and a critical lens, this study explored the perception and experiences of public-school educators focused on the topic of racial and cultural competence as it relates to their classroom practice and educational policies. The focus of this research (1) describes and analyzes my personal experiences through the use of qualitative approaches, (2) shares the experiences and perceptions of three public-school educators, and (3) …
Why Culture Matters: The Importance And Effectiveness Of Creating A Multicultural Classroom When Teaching Elementary School Students In Public Schools, Haley Judith Quintana
Why Culture Matters: The Importance And Effectiveness Of Creating A Multicultural Classroom When Teaching Elementary School Students In Public Schools, Haley Judith Quintana
Capstone Projects and Master's Theses
The focus of this Capstone Project is to analyze the benefits of having a multicultural classroom in elementary schools. Multicultural education refers to any form of education or teaching that incorporates the histories, texts, values, beliefs, and perspectives of people from different cultural backgrounds. Teaching about multiculturalism can increase not only the teacher's knowledge, but also the students' learning. From this Capstone project the researchers learned how some teachers and parents feel about having different cultures being taught in the classroom. Based on the information that is collected the researchers found ways to incorporate multiculturalism. Upon interviewing four elementary teachers …
Exploring Teaching Language With Culture, Sixin Fu
Exploring Teaching Language With Culture, Sixin Fu
All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023
This portfolio contains the author's insights into teaching a second language, which she gained while in the Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT) program at Utah State University (USU). It is organized in two major sections: teaching perspectives and research perspectives. The content reflects the author’s main focus and value on language teaching as a graduate instructor and student.
In the teaching perspectives section, the author shares the professional environment that she wants to work in, her teaching philosophy statement, and the professional development in language education through observing her colleagues’ teaching. In the research perspectives, two research papers and …
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge And Skills Of School Professionals, Julia Kedzior
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge And Skills Of School Professionals, Julia Kedzior
Masters Theses
Diverse learners face a variety of challenges, such as achievement gaps, behavior problems, and absenteeism. Therefore, it is important for their educators to have both multicultural teaching knowledge and skills to address these challenges and work towards a successful school experience for all students. Although research has sought to measure the cultural competence of teachers, not many studies have examined cultural competence in other school professionals (administrators, school psychologists, social workers, interventionists, instructional assistants, and other individuals who directly work with students in the school environment). In the current study, 185 teachers and other school professionals completed an adapted version …
Broadening Perspectives: Using Multiple Teaching Approaches To Meet The Needs Of Language Students, Kalen Taylor
Broadening Perspectives: Using Multiple Teaching Approaches To Meet The Needs Of Language Students, Kalen Taylor
All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023
This portfolio is comprised of research, opinions, and ideas that the author has learned during the Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT) program at Utah State University (USU). It is a representation of experiences gained through teaching lower division Spanish courses at USU. In addition to experiences, it is also comprised of research perspectives which were furthered by coursework in the MSLT program.
Contained within the pages is a road map of the author’s journey of learning and research. The portfolio begins with the author’s perspectives on teaching including his philosophy on teaching and how he has developed by observing …
Building Meaningful Relationships With Students, Amanda Brown
Building Meaningful Relationships With Students, Amanda Brown
Education | Master's Theses
Elementary school classrooms are becoming more diverse and there is a growing need for educators to be culturally responsive to students and to understand what that means. The challenge we face is to support educators in implementing strategies to acknowledge student names, welcome students into the classroom and create an environment in which students want to be a part. Studies have shown that naming practices are an important topic in diverse classrooms, as some students with Non-Eurocentric names are being “renamed”, and as a result, lose a part of their identity. To best support these students, researchers recommend student-centered teaching …
"It Goes Both Ways" : How White Teachers View And Respond To Culture In The Diverse Classroom, Danielle Martin
"It Goes Both Ways" : How White Teachers View And Respond To Culture In The Diverse Classroom, Danielle Martin
Theses and Dissertations
The purpose of this study was to examine how white teachers in a diverse school district view, respond to, and bridge cultural differences in the classroom. A pre-question, survey, audio recorded discussions, notes in a teacher research journal, and a post question were all analyzed to determine how four white, female teachers incorporated culture into the classroom as well as their receptiveness to culturally sustaining pedagogy. Findings were that these four teachers had a rudimentary understanding of culturally sustaining pedagogy prior to the study and while they made attempts to include culture in the classroom, these attempts were limited and …
Becoming Biculturally Competent An Autoethnographic Journey Of A Guera Woman, Bernadette M. Hall-Cuarón
Becoming Biculturally Competent An Autoethnographic Journey Of A Guera Woman, Bernadette M. Hall-Cuarón
Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies ETDs
Becoming Biculturally Competent
an Autoethnographic Journey of a Güera Woman
Bernadette Hall-Cuarón
This dissertation represents a personalized account of my lived experiences and analytically describes the autoethnographic and qualitative processes of bicultural development and bicultural competency. My autoethnographic study advocates that cultural self-reflection allows for an accurate determination of one’s cultural-self and more importantly provides an instrumental passageway to cultural awareness, bicultural awareness, and proposedly bicultural competency.
Through the implementation of this qualitative research method, I explored my role as the subject, researcher, and narrator of this autoethnographic examination. This bicultural autoethnography necessitated attending to the details of genuine …
El Texto Literario Para El Desarrollo De Las Destrezas De Comprensión Oral Y De Lectura En La Enseñanza-Aprendizaje Del Español Como Lengua Extranjera, Giselle Nathalie Guavita Gutierrez
El Texto Literario Para El Desarrollo De Las Destrezas De Comprensión Oral Y De Lectura En La Enseñanza-Aprendizaje Del Español Como Lengua Extranjera, Giselle Nathalie Guavita Gutierrez
Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras
Lengua, cultura y literatura son términos que están estrechamente relacionados. En Colombia hay una falencia en la producción de material didáctico para aprender el español como lengua segunda y extranjera que tome como insumo obras literarias, de esta situación se genera la pregunta ¿Cómo utilizar textos literarios para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera?, lo que lleva a la propuesta de desarrollar el Audio Libro ELE que tiene como objetivo general, el de servir de refuerzo a estudiantes intermedios y avanzados, en el desarrollo de las destrezas de comprensión oral y de lectura ya que son éstas las que …
Developing Cultural Competency In Anesthesia Through Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Emma To
Developing Cultural Competency In Anesthesia Through Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Emma To
Doctoral Projects
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are the main anesthesia providers in over 70% of rural hospitals providing anesthesia. Each year, over 2,000 student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) graduate and continue as licensed CRNAs. This Doctor of Nurse Practice (DNP) project emphasizes the importance of developing culturally competent providers in anesthesia by promoting early outreach in cultural competence education of SRNAs. Cultural competence is described as possessing characteristics of congruent attitudes, awareness, and conduct that provides and enables effective skills in cross-cultural encounters. Encompassing cultural competency education early in the SRNAs profession may provide valuable lifelong cultural skills that will benefit …
Cultural Priming And Psychosocial Factors In The Achievement Of Hispanic And White Students, Richard Peters
Cultural Priming And Psychosocial Factors In The Achievement Of Hispanic And White Students, Richard Peters
Educational Studies Dissertations
The rationale for this study is that the achievement gap between Whites and Hispanics can be influenced by reconceptualizing the learner process as one that integrates culture, motivation, and psychosocial variables, with academic performance. The study investigated the role of three psychosocial variables in achievement: familism, academic self concept, and ethnocentrism. It also reconceptualized one’s culture as a toolkit for instrumental use on tasks in another culture, adopted the dynamic constructivist approach to culture’s influence, and applied the original definition of acculturation, of mutual influence of groups in contact, to achievement. A pretest/posttest comparison group design was used. White and …
Resisting Essentialism In Cultural Research: A Participatory Action Research Study Of Parent Involvement In Education Among Spanish-Speaking Students And Families, Michael J. Frank
Resisting Essentialism In Cultural Research: A Participatory Action Research Study Of Parent Involvement In Education Among Spanish-Speaking Students And Families, Michael J. Frank
USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations
The present study aimed to investigate a locally-driven action research project to improve connections between Spanish-speaking Latinx parents and the high school that their children attend. Using Participatory Action Research (PAR), the study sought to create a collaborative research agenda that would empower the participants to study their own culture and practices at the school, and how the two combined to create a home-school partnership. Six parents and two members of the school’s bilingual staff comprised the PAR team, with a total of nine members including the principal investigator. The project began with the creation of a public sphere in …
The Application Of The Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Clause As Practiced By Virginia School Psychologists, Kaitlynn Carter
The Application Of The Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Clause As Practiced By Virginia School Psychologists, Kaitlynn Carter
Educational Specialist, 2009-2019
When special education eligibility is being determined under Specific Learning Disability, the exclusionary clause needs to be carefully considered. The current study was concerned with the exclusions of cultural factors, environmental or economic disadvantage, and limited English proficiency. The study used a semi-structured interview to explore when and how the exclusionary clause is considered by school psychologists in Virginia and what type of impact it has on eligibility decisions. Ten school psychologists were contacted via the email database of the Virginia Department of Education and completed a phone interview. Grounded theory was used to investigate the themes and ideas regarding …
Contexts And Perspectives For Foreign Language Learning And Teaching, Kimberly Paige Fallis
Contexts And Perspectives For Foreign Language Learning And Teaching, Kimberly Paige Fallis
All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023
This portfolio highlights what the author believes are important facets and implementations of second language teaching and second language learning. This portfolio is grounded in two elements: second language acquisition theory and the author’s first-hand observations as a student in the Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT) program. The target languages focused in this portfolio are English and French.
This portfolio is divided into three main sections. The first section contains the author’s teaching philosophy statement with focuses on student and teacher roles, tasks in the classroom, and the author’s experiences teaching English. After the teaching philosophy statement, there are …
Mediation In The Mediterranean: Italy As A Crucible For Immigration And Intercultural Mediation, Nicole Patteuw Abetti
Mediation In The Mediterranean: Italy As A Crucible For Immigration And Intercultural Mediation, Nicole Patteuw Abetti
MA TESOL Collection
Europe is again in an intense state of migration influx. While some European countries have historical precedence for these types of population shifts, Italy has largely remained outside the modern phenomenon, since it did not experience the economic boom of post WW2 and the subsequent demand for migrant workers, nor did it experience the pull effect of language migrants after the decolonization of Africa. Italy therefore also missed the second surge of migration during the 70’s and 80’s when families of these immigrants began arriving in Europe. What Italy did experience throughout the 20th century, and continues to experience …
Linguistic Interactions Of Spanish Speaking Mexican American Families, Adelfio J. Garcia
Linguistic Interactions Of Spanish Speaking Mexican American Families, Adelfio J. Garcia
This study explored the bilingual linguistic interactions in Mexican families and their impact on children’s language and literacy development. This qualitative study gathered data using different methods, namely, interviews, direct observations, participant observation, and physical artifacts to examine parents’ perceptions of their own educational path in comparison to their children’s educational path in an American school system, together with their daily linguistic interactions in various social contexts, and the features, themes and roles of linguistic interactions participants. Study results assisted in gaining deeper understanding of daily conversations happening in different social contexts and their impact on the language and literacy …
The Effects Of College Diversity Education On Ethnocultural Empathy, Addison Dean Monroe
The Effects Of College Diversity Education On Ethnocultural Empathy, Addison Dean Monroe
Online Theses and Dissertations
Gains in ethnocultural empathy are one way to establish positive changes in social attitudes. The goal of the present study was to assess changes in ethnocultural empathy among students in a wide range of diversity courses. Preliminary data was collected from two groups of undergraduate students at a large, public university located in the Southeast (n = 47). Pre and post-test measures of ethnocultural empathy (EMC/RSEE) were completed by both the control group (i.e., undergraduate psychology students) and the experimental group (i.e., students enrolled in a diversity course). Post-test, qualitative data related to student perceptions and empathy was also collected …
Haitian Linguistic And Cultural Practices: Critical Meaning-Making Spaces For Haitian Learners, Marie L. Cerat
Haitian Linguistic And Cultural Practices: Critical Meaning-Making Spaces For Haitian Learners, Marie L. Cerat
Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects
This dissertation is concerned with the effects of the exclusion of Haitian linguistic and cultural practices in the education of Haitian learners. Through qualitative data collection and analysis, a set of texts and narratives in the Haitian Creole language, Rara and Vèvè practices were inventoried, reviewed and described. Moreover, a series of focus groups and ethnographic interviews were conducted with Haitian adolescents and Haitian parents with school age children living in New York. These interviews revealed that Haitians deeply value their cultural knowledge, and view them as resources for knowledge preservation and knowledge production. Textual analysis also shows that Haitians …
Incorporating The Cultures Of English-Language Learners In Daily Lesson Plans: A Two-Way Street, James G. Doyle
Incorporating The Cultures Of English-Language Learners In Daily Lesson Plans: A Two-Way Street, James G. Doyle
Master's Projects and Capstones
Teaching and learning culture have been matters of interest for teachers of English to speakers of other languages during the past half century. Since the development of the concept of communicative competence, theorists and practitioners have asked questions about the role of culture in the classroom. This field project was designed assist teachers in developing a heightened awareness of the roles of culture in the acquisition of communicative competence. It is my hope that teachers will use the awareness and the skills developed in the exercises and interactions presented in the field project to increase their effectiveness by adapting materials …
Women's Education: An International Perspective, Nneka B. Dean
Women's Education: An International Perspective, Nneka B. Dean
Honors College Theses
The purpose of this study is to dissect a topic that is heavily discussed around the world: women’s education and the many diverse ways in which it is practiced. One of the reasons women’s education is such a highly-debated topic is because there are still many differences in how people believe it should be accomplished while other places do not see the advantage or purpose of educating women. There are many countries with male dominated enrollment because of the women’s traditionally-held gender role of staying at home or because the family’s socioeconomic status. This study compared the experiences of women’s …
Language, Culture, And Identity Negotiation: Perspectives Of Adolescent Japanese Sojourner Students In The Midwest, Usa, Reiko Akiyama
Language, Culture, And Identity Negotiation: Perspectives Of Adolescent Japanese Sojourner Students In The Midwest, Usa, Reiko Akiyama
Open Access Dissertations
This qualitative research highlights the voices and lived experiences of adolescent Japanese sojourner students and their mothers residing in the Midwest. The central goals of this research are to understand what adolescent Japanese sojourner students’ school experiences in the U.S. are like—particularly in areas with small Japanese populations—and how their experiences in the U.S. shape their current identities as cultural and linguistic minority students. This research also aims to learn how the students’ sojourning experiences influenced their mindsets as future returnee students. I conducted an in-depth case study with a phenomenographic approach as the theoretical framework to deeply investigate the …
Second Language Teaching In The Esl Classroom: The Role Of The Teacher, Ariel Serrell Finlinson
Second Language Teaching In The Esl Classroom: The Role Of The Teacher, Ariel Serrell Finlinson
All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023
This portfolio covers what the author believes to be important teaching practices for a teacher in the English as a Second Language classroom, with a specific emphasis on the role of the teacher. The first section of the portfolio contains the author’s teaching philosophy which describes the author’s beliefs of what constitutes good teaching. The beliefs include the importance of using meaning-bearing and comprehensible input in the classroom, the use of task-based activities to facilitate language learning, and understanding the role of the teacher in the classroom. Following are three artifacts that the author wrote during her time in the …