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Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Educational Administration and Supervision


Articles 1 - 30 of 61

Full-Text Articles in Education

University Interdisciplinary Linked Block Schedules And Developmental Student Success, Linda S. Reeves-Wymer Jan 2023

University Interdisciplinary Linked Block Schedules And Developmental Student Success, Linda S. Reeves-Wymer

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Developmental education is the starting point for many 1st-year college students, especially from underrepresented, low-income, and first-generation populations. One such 1st-year program linked block-scheduled academic skill-development courses with a required interdisciplinary general education science course where instruction was provided simultaneously in a lecture format to college-ready nondevelopmental students and developmental students in three skill-development courses: reading, writing, and combined reading/writing. Although this program had existed for over 20 years, the effectiveness of the program, meaning whether the linked skill-development courses were associated with academic success, had not been assessed. Guided by Tinto’s integration theory, a causal comparative design with the …

First-Generation College Graduates’ Perceptions Of Participating In Required Academic Advising Sessions For Degree Completion, Frances Paige Fowler Jan 2023

First-Generation College Graduates’ Perceptions Of Participating In Required Academic Advising Sessions For Degree Completion, Frances Paige Fowler

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Many first-generation students enter college underprepared, leading them to face challenges that include failure to persist to degree completion. Empirical literature informs how academic advising programs help students persist to degree completion; however, a literature gap exists related to how regularly required academic advising programs influence students to persist to degree completion. This basic qualitative study provides insight into the perceptions of first-generation college graduates regarding how their regularly required academic advising sessions helped them to persist to degree completion. The conceptual framework is Tinto’s theory of student retention, which addresses students’ academic and social integration. Eight first-generation college graduates …

Principals’ Perceptions Of Their Role In Novice Teacher Retention In Title 1 Schools, Kassia Sutton Jan 2023

Principals’ Perceptions Of Their Role In Novice Teacher Retention In Title 1 Schools, Kassia Sutton

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Current research suggests that retaining novice teachers, teachers with less than 5 years of teaching experience, in Title 1 elementary schools in the Southeastern United States is a problem for principals. Prior research on Title 1 elementary principal’s perceptions of their role in retaining novice teachers is limited. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to examine six Title 1 elementary school principals’ perceptions of their role in retaining novice teachers in the Southeastern United States. The conceptual framework for this study was the job demands-resources theory, which defined working conditions through job demands and job resources. Purposeful random …

School Contextual Conditions That Influence Newly Hired Teachers To Remain Or Leave Their School District, Faith Cole Jan 2023

School Contextual Conditions That Influence Newly Hired Teachers To Remain Or Leave Their School District, Faith Cole

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

A suburban school district in the midwestern United States experienced concerning teacher attrition rates of teachers with 5 or fewer years of experience. The gap in practice addressed in this study was that district administrators had little knowledge about how newly hired teachers experienced the contextual conditions that occur at their schools and how these experiences influenced the teachers to leave or remain employed in the district. The purpose of the basic qualitative study was to provide information to district administrators that they could use to develop and apply practices, programs, and policies to provide school contextual conditions that support …

First-Generation College Graduates’ Perceptions Of Participating In Required Academic Advising Sessions For Degree Completion, Frances Paige Fowler Jan 2023

First-Generation College Graduates’ Perceptions Of Participating In Required Academic Advising Sessions For Degree Completion, Frances Paige Fowler

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Many first-generation students enter college underprepared, leading them to face challenges that include failure to persist to degree completion. Empirical literature informs how academic advising programs help students persist to degree completion; however, a literature gap exists related to how regularly required academic advising programs influence students to persist to degree completion. This basic qualitative study provides insight into the perceptions of first-generation college graduates regarding how their regularly required academic advising sessions helped them to persist to degree completion. The conceptual framework is Tinto’s theory of student retention, which addresses students’ academic and social integration. Eight first-generation college graduates …

Middle And High School Administrators’ Perceptions Of Retention Factors At Title I Campuses, Creseda Hawk Jan 2023

Middle And High School Administrators’ Perceptions Of Retention Factors At Title I Campuses, Creseda Hawk

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

AbstractPrincipal turnover has a negative influence on the stability of a school’s culture and climate and on student achievement. Many U.S. principals leave their positions by the end of their 2nd year, and this number is disproportionately higher for low-income school districts. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to investigate middle and high school principals’ perceptions of factors influencing administrator turnover at Title I schools across a southeastern U.S. state. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation grounded this study. The research questions were focused on principals’ perceptions of motivation and hygiene factors. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 10 purposively …

Teacher Perspectives Regarding Low Teacher Retention In Rural Primary Schools In Tanzania, Tumaini Urio Morgan Jan 2023

Teacher Perspectives Regarding Low Teacher Retention In Rural Primary Schools In Tanzania, Tumaini Urio Morgan

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Tanzania, similar to other nations in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been experiencing a severe teacher shortage. The problem that was addressed is that factors influencing rural primary school teachers’ decision to continue teaching in Northeast Tanzania are unknown. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to investigate teachers’ perceptions on teaching in rural primary schools in Northeast Tanzania and the reasons why they remain. This study was guided by self-efficacy theory, a subset of Bandura's social cognitive theory. This descriptive qualitative study explored how rural primary school teachers in northeast Tanzania describe the challenges that cause them to consider abandoning …

University Interdisciplinary Linked Block Schedules And Developmental Student Success, Linda S. Reeves-Wymer Jan 2023

University Interdisciplinary Linked Block Schedules And Developmental Student Success, Linda S. Reeves-Wymer

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Developmental education is the starting point for many 1st-year college students, especially from underrepresented, low-income, and first-generation populations. One such 1st-year program linked block-scheduled academic skill-development courses with a required interdisciplinary general education science course where instruction was provided simultaneously in a lecture format to college-ready nondevelopmental students and developmental students in three skill-development courses: reading, writing, and combined reading/writing. Although this program had existed for over 20 years, the effectiveness of the program, meaning whether the linked skill-development courses were associated with academic success, had not been assessed. Guided by Tinto’s integration theory, a causal comparative design with the …

Middle And High School Administrators’ Perceptions Of Retention Factors At Title I Campuses, Creseda Hawk Jan 2023

Middle And High School Administrators’ Perceptions Of Retention Factors At Title I Campuses, Creseda Hawk

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

AbstractPrincipal turnover has a negative influence on the stability of a school’s culture and climate and on student achievement. Many U.S. principals leave their positions by the end of their 2nd year, and this number is disproportionately higher for low-income school districts. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to investigate middle and high school principals’ perceptions of factors influencing administrator turnover at Title I schools across a southeastern U.S. state. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation grounded this study. The research questions were focused on principals’ perceptions of motivation and hygiene factors. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 10 purposively …

Principals’ Perceptions Of Their Role In Novice Teacher Retention In Title 1 Schools, Kassia Sutton Jan 2023

Principals’ Perceptions Of Their Role In Novice Teacher Retention In Title 1 Schools, Kassia Sutton

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Current research suggests that retaining novice teachers, teachers with less than 5 years of teaching experience, in Title 1 elementary schools in the Southeastern United States is a problem for principals. Prior research on Title 1 elementary principal’s perceptions of their role in retaining novice teachers is limited. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to examine six Title 1 elementary school principals’ perceptions of their role in retaining novice teachers in the Southeastern United States. The conceptual framework for this study was the job demands-resources theory, which defined working conditions through job demands and job resources. Purposeful random …

Financial Aid Knowledge And Resources Among First-Generation College Students, Carmelitia J. Coleman Jan 2022

Financial Aid Knowledge And Resources Among First-Generation College Students, Carmelitia J. Coleman

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

AbstractFirst-generation, freshmen students struggle to complete the financial aid process at a 4-year private university in Louisiana, impacting their financial and academic well-being. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore first-generation, freshmen student perceptions of how they construct knowledge about the financial aid process and resources needed to help them complete the process. The conceptual framework of the study was comprised of Piaget’s theory of constructivism, which is grounded in the idea of learners constructing their own knowledge based on experience. The first research question addressed how first-generation, freshmen students constructed knowledge about the financial aid process. …

Novice Middle School Teachers’ And School Leaders’ Perceptions Of Motivators And Supports That Enhance Teacher Retention, Carl Cleveland Williams Jan 2022

Novice Middle School Teachers’ And School Leaders’ Perceptions Of Motivators And Supports That Enhance Teacher Retention, Carl Cleveland Williams

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Motivators and supports can be a crucial part of the growth of a new teacher. However, capturing the most effective motivators and means of supports for novice teachers can be a daunting task as the needs can be ever-changing. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of novice middle school teachers’ and school leaders of the supports and motivators needed to enhance teacher retention. Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory was the conceptual framework for the study. Ten novice teachers and 10 school leaders from eight middle schools, serving Grades 6-8, in a school district located in a …

Retention And Employability Of Native American And Alaskan Native Undergraduates In Public Universities, Dottie Hines Chicquelo Jan 2021

Retention And Employability Of Native American And Alaskan Native Undergraduates In Public Universities, Dottie Hines Chicquelo

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Scholars have called for generalized academic and social change for the United States Native American and Alaskan Native students (the U.S. NA/AN) and the need for reform continues. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore strategies used at the U.S. public universities to support U.S. NA/AN students and identify strategies to improved students’ employment pathways after graduation. The management problem was the lack of retention strategies used to support the U.S. NA/AN student engagement within communities after graduation. The general management problem looked at how the lack of retention strategies affected the U.S. NA/AN student employability after …

Urban School District Principals’ Perceptions Of Job Satisfaction, Darcy Lynn Woodcock Jan 2021

Urban School District Principals’ Perceptions Of Job Satisfaction, Darcy Lynn Woodcock

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Principals in urban school districts directly and indirectly affect school communitiesthrough student achievement, teacher retention, and school climate. When a high-quality school principal leaves a school, it can negatively affect these areas due to the interruption of progress toward school improvement goals to increase student achievement. Seeking to address this issue, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to investigate the perceptions of job satisfaction among urban school district principals. The conceptual framework was Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. The key research question concerned investigating the perceptions of job satisfaction among urban school district principals. Qualitative data were collected via virtual, …

Retention Strategies To Ensure Financial Sustainability In Community Colleges, Claudia Yvette Provost Jan 2021

Retention Strategies To Ensure Financial Sustainability In Community Colleges, Claudia Yvette Provost

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

AbstractA rapid decline in student retention among community colleges reduces revenue and jeopardizes financial sustainability, meaning leaders of community colleges who lack strategies to retain students have lower revenue and financial sustainability. Grounded in the advocacy and participatory worldview conceptual framework, the purpose of this qualitative, single case study was to explore strategies leaders of community colleges used to increase student retention and revenues for achieving financial sustainability. A purposeful sampling of five leaders from a community college in Louisiana who successfully used strategies to increase student retention participated in this study. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and institutional …

African American College Students’ Perspectives Of Academic Challenges To Graduation, Bobby Calvin Luckett Jan 2020

African American College Students’ Perspectives Of Academic Challenges To Graduation, Bobby Calvin Luckett

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Even though the enrollment numbers of African American students are comparable to other racial/ethnic groups at a university in the midwestern United States, the problem investigated through this study was that African American students were graduating at a slower rate compared to other groups. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of African American university students about the academic challenges they faced as they worked towards graduation as well as their experiences with and suggestions to improve institutional support to meet these challenges. The study was based on Tinto’s retention theory. For this basic qualitative study, data …

Special Education Teacher Retention In The Early Years, Caroll Brant Jan 2020

Special Education Teacher Retention In The Early Years, Caroll Brant

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

The intent of this qualitative study was to examine the impact of intrinsic motivators and extrinsic workplace experiences on the retention of beginning special education teachers of students with low incidence disabilities (LIDs). This study was designed in response to district leaders’ shared concerns of the continuous turnover experienced annually in several districts in a region of a southern state. Two research questions were developed to gain a deeper insight into the influence intrinsic and extrinsic factors have on beginning special education teachers’ decisions to stay in the self-contained, LID classroom. Ten beginning special education LID teachers participated in interviews …

Improving The General Education Development (Ged): Retention And Completion Rates Of Low Income Adults, Kimberly Mashaun Rice Jan 2019

Improving The General Education Development (Ged): Retention And Completion Rates Of Low Income Adults, Kimberly Mashaun Rice

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Retaining adult education students has been a growing concern. The new GED requirements have generated low completion rates for a free GED program in a 3-year period, in a non-profit agency in a Southeastern state. Instructors are concerned about this problem and need to understand the factors that are inhibiting adult learners from successfully attaining their GED. This qualitative research design was the most appropriate to answer the research questions to determine the experiences that caused the adult learners to not complete the program and identify potential educational strategies needed to improve retention. Sticht's functional context theory was the conceptual …

Compass Placement Assessment And Student Attrition At A Community College, Leslie Morris Samuel Griffiths Ii Jan 2019

Compass Placement Assessment And Student Attrition At A Community College, Leslie Morris Samuel Griffiths Ii

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Considerable research has been conducted regarding the usefulness of placement testing in community colleges. Many stuides show that using the COMPASS exam may lead to students' unsuccessful course completion. To better identify the factors that may result in reduced attrition, the relationship between attrition and placement testing was studied. Using Tinto's student retention model and employing qualitative methodology, this study explored the perceptions of students and faculty regarding whether COMPASS placement assessment predicted future student success in first year courses at a community college that reports higher rates of attrition when compared to other area community colleges. After completing interviews …

Perspectives Of High School And Community College Instructors On College Readiness, Cynthia M. Scheuer Jan 2019

Perspectives Of High School And Community College Instructors On College Readiness, Cynthia M. Scheuer

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

The preparation students need to complete college successfully is important to many stakeholders, including students, educators, and the community. Colleges struggle with enrollment and retention while high school teachers and community college instructors focus on the preparation of students to succeed in college. High school teachers and community college instructors are uniquely qualified to inform the determinants of college readiness across the continuum of education. This research study explored the perceptions of high school teachers and college instructors on the skills and behaviors required of students to be successful in college. This qualitative descriptive study was based on the conceptual …

Texas Success Initiative Test Scores As A Predictor Of College Mathematics Success, Brooke Lee Jan 2018

Texas Success Initiative Test Scores As A Predictor Of College Mathematics Success, Brooke Lee

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Advisors use placement test scores as a means of predicting students' proficiency in mathematics; however, there is a debate about how accurately these scores predict students' success. This nonexperimental quantitative study focused on one test, the Texas Success Initiative (TSI). The purpose of the study was to determine whether the test is an accurate predictor of students' success in college algebra for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors, and whether students who took the test continued pursuing a STEM major. The theoretical framework for this study was Tinto's theory of retention. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences …

Engagement Factors Impacting First-Year Persistence Of Hispanic And Non-Hispanic Students In Idaho Community Colleges, Kimberly May Scheffer Jan 2018

Engagement Factors Impacting First-Year Persistence Of Hispanic And Non-Hispanic Students In Idaho Community Colleges, Kimberly May Scheffer

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Although minority students are enrolling in community colleges at increasing rates, these students also leave at higher rates than their non-minority counterparts. The purpose of this quantitative study was to understand the relationship between selected antecedents of educational engagement and student persistence and to examine how persistence varied for first-year Hispanic and non-Hispanic students in Idaho community colleges. Drawing from Kahu's holistic approach, which conceptualizes students' engagement as arising from an interrelationship between institutional and student characteristics, this study surveyed 132 first-semester Idaho community college students. A MANOVA was used to identify the relationship between variables representing aspects of student …

Examining Attrition Among Bahamian Special Education Teachers And Implications For Special Education Reform, Norrisa Newton Jan 2018

Examining Attrition Among Bahamian Special Education Teachers And Implications For Special Education Reform, Norrisa Newton

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Increasing levels of teacher attrition in special education within Bahamian public schools are preventing students with learning disabilities from achieving their learning goals within inclusive classroom settings. Addressing factors that influence attrition is vital to enhance the quality of education and the efficacy of educators while supporting positive social change. The purpose of this general qualitative study was to ascertain why Bahamian educators leave special education. This was achieved by exploring the influencing factors that have incited the decisions of public special education teachers within The Bahamas to resign or request premature retirement from the teaching profession, as well as …

Student Self-Reported Academic Confidence As An Indicator Of First-Year Retention, Dr. Narine Mirijanian Jan 2018

Student Self-Reported Academic Confidence As An Indicator Of First-Year Retention, Dr. Narine Mirijanian

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Many first-year college/university students have low retention and success rates which affect their ability to remain in college and attain a career. Despite matriculation practices employed by institutions of higher learning to increase retention, a gap remains in the understanding of the causative factors of retention. The purpose of this study was to determine if academic self-confidence scores of students prior to entry and post- completion of an FYS are reliable predictors of students' ability to progress from the first year to the second year of college. Tinto's (1987) academic retention theory framed the study. A quantitative case study approach …

Strategies Used To Retain Teachers In Hard To Staff Schools, Levi Shavers Jan 2018

Strategies Used To Retain Teachers In Hard To Staff Schools, Levi Shavers

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Teacher attrition has serious consequences in hard to staff schools. Mostly poor and ethnic minority students are deprived of being taught by stable, experienced teachers. The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies used to effectively retain teachers in such schools through the perspective of teachers at a high school that comprises poor and ethnic minority students in southwest Georgia. The conceptual framework that guided this study was Chen's theory about race and social class which postulated that a high percentage of poor ethnic minority students results in low teacher morale. This study explored the reasons why teachers …

An Exploration Of Male College Student Departure In The Southcentral United States, E. Ted Siebert Jan 2018

An Exploration Of Male College Student Departure In The Southcentral United States, E. Ted Siebert

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Male college students' attrition has been a concern for higher education for 3 decades. This study focused on why young male college students leave postsecondary education before graduating. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences former male college students that led to their decision to leave a community college in the Southcentral United States. Research questions in this generic qualitative study were: How do men describe their experiences leading to the decision to discontinue their community college education and what supports do men perceive colleges could offer to support their decision to continue postsecondary education. Astin's theory …

Prior Learning Assessment At A Small, Private Midwestern Institution, Reena Diane Lichtenfeld Jan 2018

Prior Learning Assessment At A Small, Private Midwestern Institution, Reena Diane Lichtenfeld

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

A small college in the Midwestern United States has a prior learning assessment (PLA) program that has never been evaluated from the perspective of the faculty and staff. The problem is that campus leaders have a limited understanding of faculty and staff knowledge and their role in the PLA program. The study was approached from an appreciative perspective while exploring faculty and staff knowledge and perceptions related to PLA to address 3 research questions. The first 2 research questions were developed to better understand how faculty and staff describe their understanding of the PLA program and what they envision for …

Personal Connections Of First-Year College Students, Jaclyn Kopel Jan 2018

Personal Connections Of First-Year College Students, Jaclyn Kopel

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

A private, not-for-profit, 4-year urban university had been struggling to improve its 1st-year retention rate despite conducting previous studies and implementing various initiatives. This study explored the influence that students' personal connections to the study site had on their experience in their 1st year in college. Tinto's student integration models of attrition, Astin's theory on student involvement, and Berger and Milem's model of persistence served as the conceptual framework. A case study design was employed to examine faculty and staff members' beliefs on how the university established and maintained connections with its students and how faculty, staff, and students viewed …

Perceptions And Experiences Of Students Who Withdrew From College Prior To Degree Attainment, Enedine B. Andre Jan 2018

Perceptions And Experiences Of Students Who Withdrew From College Prior To Degree Attainment, Enedine B. Andre

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Nationally an estimated 41% of traditional students who begin seeking an undergraduate degree do not persist through degree attainment. Guided by Tinto's theory of student departure and the theory of social integration, the purpose of this study was to identify the reasons students withdrew from college prior to degree completion. A qualitative case-study design was implemented, and 13 former college enrollees were purposefully selected for individual semistructured interviews. The students graduated from one high school in the Southeastern United States. Data analysis was conducted using open coding procedures with iterative recategorization to identify key themes. Findings indicated that inadequate preparation, …

Exploring Value Of Perceived Problem Resolution In Success Of Online Doctoral Students, Vanessa S. O'Neal Jan 2018

Exploring Value Of Perceived Problem Resolution In Success Of Online Doctoral Students, Vanessa S. O'Neal

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

How doctoral students view their institution's ability to resolve problems may be directly related to their overall satisfaction of the institution. Challenges such as barriers to communication could have a negative effect on the students' ability to be retained by the institution. Policies to address issues relating to retention; high default rates on student loans and student services are increasing and more constraining. While the literature indicates the formation of federal policies to monitor recruitment practices of for-profit online institutions, it is not known to what extent these policies have influenced the quality of postrecruitment services. Using the theoretical framework …