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Full-Text Articles in Education
Institutional Ethnography: A Tool For Interrogating The Institutional And Political Conditions Of Individual Experience, Ursula T. Wright, Tonette S. Rocco
Institutional Ethnography: A Tool For Interrogating The Institutional And Political Conditions Of Individual Experience, Ursula T. Wright, Tonette S. Rocco
Adult Education Research Conference
Institutional ethnography is described and benefits and implications for adult education are discussed.
Literacy Educators’ Perspectives On Transformation And Authenticity, Brenda Wright, Patricia Cranton, B. Allan Quigley
Literacy Educators’ Perspectives On Transformation And Authenticity, Brenda Wright, Patricia Cranton, B. Allan Quigley
Adult Education Research Conference
We discuss how adults with low literacy skills have transformed through education and also raise epistemological questions on education’s place in the transformation and learning process.
Adult Learners And The Identities They Tell: Pedagogic Spaces For Inviting New Tales, Andrew Wojecki
Adult Learners And The Identities They Tell: Pedagogic Spaces For Inviting New Tales, Andrew Wojecki
Adult Education Research Conference
Adult learners often tell and retell their stories of learning. These previous experiences, encounters, and histories of learning are significant in the construction of adult learners’ identities, biographies, and relationships to learning. Narrative perspectives of identity invite adult educators in considering how their educative practices enable adult learners in further ‘storying’ themselves as active participants in learning, both within the lifeplace and workplace.
Using Biographical Research (Or Is It Auto/Biography?) To Illuminate Adult And Lifelong Learning: Contested And Illuminating Space, Linden West
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper illustrates ‘the turn’ to biographical approaches in the study of adult learning and considers some contested issues in this ‘family’ of approaches. Especial attention is paid to issues of subjectivity and objectivity and the role of the researcher in shaping the subject (s) of her enquiry. However, the paper concludes by suggesting that, whatever the differences, such approaches offer unique and more holistic insights into the complexities of learning, lifewide and lifelong.
Immigration, Literacy, And Adult Education: The Policy Context, Lurong Wang
Immigration, Literacy, And Adult Education: The Policy Context, Lurong Wang
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper examines the institutional assumption of literacy that underpins Canadian immigration policy and adult literacy policy. My analysis focuses on how adult immigrants are positioned in policy contexts and what gaps or contradictions exist between the reality and policy discourses.
Catalysts For Collective Conscientization In Environmental Adult Education: Mr. Floatie, Tree Squatting And Save-Our-Surfers, Pierre Walter
Catalysts For Collective Conscientization In Environmental Adult Education: Mr. Floatie, Tree Squatting And Save-Our-Surfers, Pierre Walter
Adult Education Research Conference
This study examines how cultural codes in environmental adult education can be used to “frame” collective identity, develop counter-hegemonic ideologies, and catalyze “educative-activism” within social movements. Three diverse examples are discussed, spanning movements in urban Victoria, BC, the redwoods of northern California and the coral reefs and beaches of Hawai’i.
Teaching Critical Media Literacy In Adult And Higher Education: An Action Research Study, Elizabeth J. Tisdell, Heather L. Stuckey, Patricia M. Thompson
Teaching Critical Media Literacy In Adult And Higher Education: An Action Research Study, Elizabeth J. Tisdell, Heather L. Stuckey, Patricia M. Thompson
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper discusses three findings of critical media literacy study: pleasure as a motivator and deterrent to becoming critical; the importance of facilitated discussion; and learning from application to practice.
Shifting Boundaries: Community In A Blended E-Learning Experience, Terrie Lynn Thompson, Jennifer H. Kelland, Carmen G. Lawlor
Shifting Boundaries: Community In A Blended E-Learning Experience, Terrie Lynn Thompson, Jennifer H. Kelland, Carmen G. Lawlor
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper explores how learners construct and maintain community in a blended e-learning program in a graduate degree program. Findings suggest that individual’s expectations influenced their perceptions of the value of community, learners actively gauged how much of themselves to share, and feelings of community were enhanced by mixing face-to-face and online interactions.
Dialogic Management In Adult Education, Itxaso Tellado
Dialogic Management In Adult Education, Itxaso Tellado
Adult Education Research Conference
Dialogic management in adult education promotes an outstanding organizational practice for adult learning centers. The involvement of learners in decision making teams is essential to the success of shared governance and other participative structures and, is one of the aspects that explain the higher levels of participation in the school.
The Interplay Between Formal And Informal Training For Basic-Level Workers: Comparing Experiences In Canada And The United Kingdom, Maurice Taylor, Karen Evans, Alia Mohamed
The Interplay Between Formal And Informal Training For Basic-Level Workers: Comparing Experiences In Canada And The United Kingdom, Maurice Taylor, Karen Evans, Alia Mohamed
Adult Education Research Conference
This study investigated the types of formal and informal training activities of basic level employees using a qualitative multi-site case study research design. Seven programs from Canada and four programs from the North and South of England were chosen from small, medium and large businesses. The range of formal and informal training activities is described as well as a preliminary analysis of informal learning as both an activity and as a process for workers improving their literacy skills.
Healing From Dry Bones: Creative Expression As A Way Of Knowing In Diabetes Care, Heather L. Stuckey
Healing From Dry Bones: Creative Expression As A Way Of Knowing In Diabetes Care, Heather L. Stuckey
Adult Education Research Conference
A creative, action research process incorporated the use of metaphor and imagery in patient education to help illustrate the experience of living with diabetes through multiple ways of knowing. Findings and implications for practice in adult education and patient care are discussed.
Adult Education And Critical Global Citizenship, Makere Stewart-Harawira, Lee Ellis
Adult Education And Critical Global Citizenship, Makere Stewart-Harawira, Lee Ellis
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper addresses two areas of critical concern regarding adult education and conceptions of global citizenship: the impact of deep integration of the Americas and the invisibility of the Indigenous world view in adult education literature regarding citizenship and human rights. It argues for a radial reconceptualization of these key areas.
Discovering Self And Purpose In The Arts: The Role Of Imagination And Creativity In Transformative Learning And Adult Education’S Responsibility In Facilitating This Learning For Individual And Social Change., Soni Simpson
Adult Education Research Conference
This study introduces a Lotus-Layered Triangulation Model® and an Elements of Being for Transformational Readiness Model® while exploring the role of creativity in transformation. Collage was a powerful arts-based research tool and creative expression found to significantly enhance transformative learning. The research informs program developers about the potential for creative expression in adult education programs for transformation.
Practices On The Periphery: Highly Educated Chinese Immigrant Women Making Occupational Niches In Canada, Hongxia Shan
Practices On The Periphery: Highly Educated Chinese Immigrant Women Making Occupational Niches In Canada, Hongxia Shan
Adult Education Research Conference
I examine learning as part of the process where immigrants negotiate personal and profession identities and participate in the Canadian labour market. I argue for a mutually-constitutive relationship between individual practices, identity construction and Canadian workplace accessibility and receptivity underpinned by gender, race and class relations and perceived language differences.
“Just A Minute Sweetheart, Mom’S Writing A Paper” Home, Flexible Learning, And Learning Biographies With Uneven Plots, Laura Servage
“Just A Minute Sweetheart, Mom’S Writing A Paper” Home, Flexible Learning, And Learning Biographies With Uneven Plots, Laura Servage
Adult Education Research Conference
Explorations of “postmodern time,” the accelerating effects of technology, and long-standing challenges of work-life balance are presented to question the impacts of online study in the home on the learning experiences of working adults. The flexibility that makes online learning appealing may have unexplored costs and consequences for the quality of learning, and the quality of family life.
Changing Men: Integrating Freirian Education, Human Relations Training, And Anti-Oppression Education In A Men’S Transformational Learning Experience, Steven A. Schapiro
Changing Men: Integrating Freirian Education, Human Relations Training, And Anti-Oppression Education In A Men’S Transformational Learning Experience, Steven A. Schapiro
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper presents a model of a pedagogy for anti-sexist education for men, drawing on and integrating principles and practices from the three approaches noted in the title, and adapting Kegan’s conceptualization of the various kinds of learning (or holding) environments necessary to support developmental change.
Conceptualization Of The Scholarship Of Engagement In Higher Education: A Ten-Year Retrospective, Lorilee R. Sandmann
Conceptualization Of The Scholarship Of Engagement In Higher Education: A Ten-Year Retrospective, Lorilee R. Sandmann
Adult Education Research Conference
During the past decade the generalized concept of the scholarship of engagement has evolved: once a broad call for higher education to be more responsive to communities, it is now a multifaceted field of responses. Engaged scholarship now has its own distinctive architecture, building on yet differing from traditional scholarship.
Living And Learning In The Shadow Of The Shopocalypse: Reverend Billy’S Anti-Consumption Pedagogy-Of-The-Unknown As Critical Adult Education, Jennifer Sandlin
Living And Learning In The Shadow Of The Shopocalypse: Reverend Billy’S Anti-Consumption Pedagogy-Of-The-Unknown As Critical Adult Education, Jennifer Sandlin
Adult Education Research Conference
I explore the social movement learning operating within one site of critical public pedagogy and, specifically, examine how the anti-consumption activist group Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping fosters participatory cultural production, enacts a poetic community politics, and encourages transitional spaces of learning through a pedagogy-of-the-unknown.
Word Counts? Considering National Systems Of Accountability And Assessment In Adult Literacy And Numeracy, Ralf St.Clair, Aliza Belzer
Word Counts? Considering National Systems Of Accountability And Assessment In Adult Literacy And Numeracy, Ralf St.Clair, Aliza Belzer
Adult Education Research Conference
Analysis of three national systems of accountability in ABE gives rise to significant insights for instruction, assessment, and policy in adult education.
Adult Learning In Canada In An International Perspective, Kjell Rubenson
Adult Learning In Canada In An International Perspective, Kjell Rubenson
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper examines adult learning in Canada in an international perspective. The paper explores the level of inclusiveness and observes the relative importance of the state, employer and individual in the structuring of learning opportunities.
Continuing Education And The Changing Needs Of Rural Communities: A Case Study Of Two University Extension Programs At The University Of Saskatchewan, 1911-1964, Heather Rollwagen, Silvana Romano, Scott Mclean
Continuing Education And The Changing Needs Of Rural Communities: A Case Study Of Two University Extension Programs At The University Of Saskatchewan, 1911-1964, Heather Rollwagen, Silvana Romano, Scott Mclean
Adult Education Research Conference
A historical sociological approach is used to explore the role of University Continuing Education (UCE) in meeting the changing needs of rural communities in Saskatchewan, Canada during the twentieth century. Results yield insight in the relationship between UCE and social change.
Learning Empowerment, Resistance And Female Identity Development From Popular Television: Trans-Women Tell Stories Of Trans-Formation, Robin Redmon Wright
Learning Empowerment, Resistance And Female Identity Development From Popular Television: Trans-Women Tell Stories Of Trans-Formation, Robin Redmon Wright
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper explores how and why three British trans-women, who were biologically male when they watched The Avengers in 1962-1964, engaged in self-directed learning while modeling part of their new female identity on the character of Dr. Cathy Gale.
Post-Colonial Feminism In India: Model Of Emergent Female Grassroots Leaders In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Meena Razvi
Post-Colonial Feminism In India: Model Of Emergent Female Grassroots Leaders In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Meena Razvi
Adult Education Research Conference
A qualitative study explored perceptions of poverty alleviation among female grassroots leaders within informal work sectors of Ahmedabad. Post-colonial feminist approaches enabled women to develop and practice their own model of justice. Conclusions include implications for research, scholarship, and practice in the larger context of women’s development.
It Must Be Told: Stories Of Hope, Dreams, And Possibility From The Open Book (Oral Histories From The Nyc Adult Literacy Community), Dianne Ramdeholl
It Must Be Told: Stories Of Hope, Dreams, And Possibility From The Open Book (Oral Histories From The Nyc Adult Literacy Community), Dianne Ramdeholl
Adult Education Research Conference
This study chronicled the history of The Open Book, a community based organization in NYC. In this oral history project, the co-constructors of this story analyze the successes and struggles of a grassroots literacy program through the lens of critical theory/liberatory education.
Are Gender Differences Exhibited In The Self-Directed Learning Experiences Of Prostate And Breast Cancer Patients?, Kathleen Rager
Are Gender Differences Exhibited In The Self-Directed Learning Experiences Of Prostate And Breast Cancer Patients?, Kathleen Rager
Adult Education Research Conference
A secondary analysis was conducted using data from two qualitative studies regarding the self-directed learning of prostate and breast cancer patients.Of interest were differences that appear to relate to gender. The findings indicate the men and women differed in regard to privacy, seeking connections, handling emotions, and perspectives on the personal impact of their self-directed learning and cancer experiences.
Examining Interpersonal Dynamics Among Adult Learners Through The Lens Of Place, Esther Prins
Examining Interpersonal Dynamics Among Adult Learners Through The Lens Of Place, Esther Prins
Adult Education Research Conference
Drawing on critical geography literature and the concept of place, this paper analyzes interpersonal problems among learners in three family literacy programs. The findings suggest that interpersonal tensions cannot be reduced to individual factors such as personality. Rather, distinctive spatial and community contexts powerfully shape learners’ identities and interpersonal relations.
Sexual Intimacy And The Cultural Learning Relation, Donovan Plumb
Sexual Intimacy And The Cultural Learning Relation, Donovan Plumb
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper reflects on what we can learn about adult learning by pondering the phenomenon of mature sexual intimacy. Deep learning transpires in this intersubjective context, the paper concludes, because sexual love opens us to deep felt vulnerabilities.
Race And Racism: A Critical Dialogue, Elizabeth A. Peterson, Stephen D. Brookfield
Race And Racism: A Critical Dialogue, Elizabeth A. Peterson, Stephen D. Brookfield
Adult Education Research Conference
This is a dialogue between Elizabeth Peterson, a black, female adult educator and Stephen Brookfield, a white male. The question was whether or not we could come together and engage in a critical dialogue about race and racism.
The Limits Of Dewey’S Philosophy: Cultural Historical Activity Theory And Experience, Sangok Park, Fred M. Schied
The Limits Of Dewey’S Philosophy: Cultural Historical Activity Theory And Experience, Sangok Park, Fred M. Schied
Adult Education Research Conference
This paper argues that activity theory, specifically cultural historical activity theory (CHAT), has explored the concepts of mediation, tools, signs, and appropriation as a means to overcome the inherent dualism in Dewey’s theory of experience and learning.
The Rationality Of Reluctance And Indifference Toward Adult Education: Difficulties In Recruiting Unemployed Adults To Adult Education, Sam Paladanius
The Rationality Of Reluctance And Indifference Toward Adult Education: Difficulties In Recruiting Unemployed Adults To Adult Education, Sam Paladanius
Adult Education Research Conference
This work presents the findings of a 2002 Swedish study of barriers to participation in adult education. The study questions why some members of the target group for the Swedish government’s Adult Education Initiative (AEI) – unemployed adults lacking upper secondary education – chose not to participate in programs.