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Full-Text Articles in Education
Promoting Information Literacy Through Teacher - School Library Media Specialist Collaboration, Pamela Denise Taylor
Promoting Information Literacy Through Teacher - School Library Media Specialist Collaboration, Pamela Denise Taylor
Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies
Schools that support collaboration between teachers and school library media specialists (SLMS) outperform those that do not. Teachers at a rural Georgia middle school were not using the library media program or being trained on how to collaborate with the SLMS to promote student achievement. Guided by Bruner's socioconstructivist theory of learning, the purpose of this descriptive case study was to investigate teachers' experiences with integrating technology and information literacy into the curriculum and to examine the collaborative services the SLMS could provide to enhance integration. Eight teachers in Grades 6th through 8th comprised the sample. Data sources included teacher …