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Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Educational Administration and Supervision



Articles 1 - 5 of 5

Full-Text Articles in Education

Desperate Times? Recruiting Students For Your Department, William Hoon Mar 2016

Desperate Times? Recruiting Students For Your Department, William Hoon

Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings

This presentation will review how one department at a regional Midwest university has dealt with the pressure of recruiting students. While the number of high school students in our state has declined, our department numbers has remained steady. Initiatives and best practices on how to attract and communicate with prospective students will be discussed.

“Managing A Department, Working With The School Dean And Staying Research Active.”, Valerie J. Watnick Mar 2016

“Managing A Department, Working With The School Dean And Staying Research Active.”, Valerie J. Watnick

Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings

This session will consider and discuss the literature regarding academic chairperson/dean management styles, and best department management practices. The session will involve consideration of typical fictional scenarios potentially faced by department chairs and deans and brainstorming to flesh out management strategies that allow time for both a well-managed department and quality research by the department chairperson and other faculty. The program will involve interactive (fictional) fact-based exercises.

Thriving In A Changing Academic Landscape: Moving At The Speed Of Light, Brenda Sims, Christy Crutsinger Mar 2016

Thriving In A Changing Academic Landscape: Moving At The Speed Of Light, Brenda Sims, Christy Crutsinger

Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings

Academic leaders are facing pressure to change how they deliver education. To respond, universities are increasingly charged with setting up educational programs that challenge the traditional notion of delivering classes. Using a case study approach, this session highlights how one university built a collaborative industry hub , developed interdisciplinary programs, and gained departmental and faculty buy-in in a sixth month window. Strategies for remaining nimble and transforming the ivory tower will discussed.

Mentoring, Managing, And Motivating Online Course Instructors: Emerging Chair Responsibilities, Mary B. Schreiner Ph.D., Scott Ballantyne Ed.D., Karen Thacker Ph.D. Mar 2016

Mentoring, Managing, And Motivating Online Course Instructors: Emerging Chair Responsibilities, Mary B. Schreiner Ph.D., Scott Ballantyne Ed.D., Karen Thacker Ph.D.

Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings

The number of online university courses continues to grow, and instructors of these courses need unique kinds of involvement with their department chairs. The presentation outlines best practices department chairs can use to mentor, manage and motivate online course instructors, based on both experience and emerging literature in this field.

Departments In Crisis: What To Do When The Department Is Threatened, Craig D. Hlavac Mar 2016

Departments In Crisis: What To Do When The Department Is Threatened, Craig D. Hlavac

Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings

Falling enrollments coupled with scarce resources have forced many institutions to urgently cut costs. While reducing discretionary spending may solve short-term financial shortfalls, institutions are more frequently considering academic reorganization or program elimination. Managing these situations as chairperson is not only challenging, but extremely stressful. This session will provide participants with practical, research-based advice for dealing with several exigent department-level situations. Crisis leadership, enrollment management, recruitment, program development, and discovering new revenue streams will be discussed.