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Secondary Education


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Full-Text Articles in Education

Leading Learning In Education And Philanthrophy : 2011 Survey Report, Michelle Anderson, Emma Curtin Nov 2011

Leading Learning In Education And Philanthrophy : 2011 Survey Report, Michelle Anderson, Emma Curtin

Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP)

The findings of the first national survey on philanthropy in education have confirmed that when it comes to grant seeking, those least equipped can often be the ones most in need, with nine out of ten Australian schools surveyed considering themselves novices at philanthropic grant seeking. The three-year Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP) project seeks to explore whether the full potential of funding and partnerships across the philanthropic and education sectors is being achieved. The 2011 Survey Report, released in November, uses the responses of 302 schools, not-for-profits, philanthropic foundations and trusts to help form a clearer picture …

Designing An Effective Music Teacher Evaluation System (Part Two), Amy Clements-Cortés Oct 2011

Designing An Effective Music Teacher Evaluation System (Part Two), Amy Clements-Cortés

Music Faculty Publications

Danielson & McGreal (2000) state that an effective teacher evaluation system must contain three elements: a) a coherent definition of the domain of teaching - "What," h) techniques for assessing all aspects of teaching-"How," and c) trained evaluators who can make consistent judgments about performance - "Who." In part one (which appeared in the previous issue of this journal) I examined some of the issues associated with these three areas. In part two below I designed a potential music teacher evaluation system that contains these elements for the school system in Ontario, Canada. On the whole, the proposed system is …

Designing An Effective Music Teacher Evaluation System (Part One), Amy Clements-Cortés Oct 2011

Designing An Effective Music Teacher Evaluation System (Part One), Amy Clements-Cortés

Music Faculty Publications

Danielson & McGreal (2000) state that an effective teacher evaluation system must contain three elements: ai) a coherent definition of the domain of teaching - "What," b2¡ techniques for assessing all aspects of teaching -"How," and c3) trained evaliiators who can make consistent judgments about performance - "Who." In part one I have examined some of the issues associated with these three areas and in part two which will appear in the next journal 1 designed present a potential music teacher evaluation system that contains these elements for the school system in Ontario, Canada. On the whole, the proposed system …

“Sport @ Dawn”-Pyd In Action? An Investigation Of The Youth Development Effects Of A School-Based Multi Sport Initiative On First Year Boys, Tim Mcmahon Oct 2011

“Sport @ Dawn”-Pyd In Action? An Investigation Of The Youth Development Effects Of A School-Based Multi Sport Initiative On First Year Boys, Tim Mcmahon


The genesis of this study emerges from an interest in exploring the potential of sport as a means of advancement of the individual and by extension society. Lerner (2004) for example highlights the importance of adolescent development when he ascertains that “the future of civil society in the world rests on the promotion of positive development and a commitment to positive and socially just community contributions by the young”. A body of empirical evidence based on the broad principals of Positive Youth Development (PYD) has suggested that sport can provide the catalyst for youth development(Hellison, 2000; Fraser Thomas et al, …

The Effects Of Teaching The Academic Language Of Language Arts To Secondary Long-Term English Learners, Mary Soto Oct 2011

The Effects Of Teaching The Academic Language Of Language Arts To Secondary Long-Term English Learners, Mary Soto

Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

While the majority of English language learners are found in elementary schools, an alarming number of these students are entering secondary schools. These secondary students are long-term English learners, students who have been in U.S. schools for seven years or longer. Long-term English learners struggle with academic success, and educators need to find ways to support them. In this qualitative study, the effects of teaching academic vocabulary and concepts to 10th grade Hispanic long-term English learners in a language arts class at a large, South Texas high school were explored. The researcher observed students as they were involved in five …

Art Practice As Research In The Classroom: A New Paradigm In Art Education, Julia Marshall, Kimberley D'Adamo Sep 2011

Art Practice As Research In The Classroom: A New Paradigm In Art Education, Julia Marshall, Kimberley D'Adamo

Kimberley D'Adamo: Publications, Art, and Other Scholarly Works

Student experiences at Berkeley High School reveal the generative potential of the art practice-as-research approach—how deep, broad, and creative the learning can be, and how powerful this model is in changing student attitudes toward art and themselves as artists and learners. This model of self-directed, inquiry-based learning works well because student art practice is cast as research and is structured as research. As a result, students make discoveries and connections that go beyond their expectations. They also acquire skills and understandings that transfer into their academic studies. In partic-ular, they find that learning can be engaging and that a trail …

Developing And Assessing Stem Curriculum With The Intent Of Promoting Technological Literacy, Scott Bartholomew, Geoff Wright, Ron Terry Jun 2011

Developing And Assessing Stem Curriculum With The Intent Of Promoting Technological Literacy, Scott Bartholomew, Geoff Wright, Ron Terry

Faculty Publications

Developing and Assessing STEM Curriculum with the Intent of Promoting Technological Literacy Technological literacy is a key component of President Barack Obama’s $260 Million STEM educational initiative (Office of the Press Secretary, 2009). Central to his plan is STEM teacher training and curriculum development. Both of these issues were addressed and are currently being measured by the research outlined in this paper. Spring2010 a collection of technology and engineering education graduate students developed with mentoring from two technology and engineering education professors 20 lesson unit and lesson plans promoting technological literacy. The lesson plans are currently being used and assessed …

Engaging Students In Stem Fields Via A Hands-On High Altitude Baloon Project, Jennifer Hunt Jun 2011

Engaging Students In Stem Fields Via A Hands-On High Altitude Baloon Project, Jennifer Hunt

Honors Capstone Projects and Theses

No abstract provided.

2011 Ijbe Front Matter, Tamra Connor Apr 2011

2011 Ijbe Front Matter, Tamra Connor

International Journal for Business Education

  1. Editorial Board
  2. President's Letter
  3. SIEC-ISBE International

The Effects Of Expressive Writing On Anxiety, Mathematics Anxiety, Stress, Cognitive Processes And Psychological Processes On The Virginia Standards Of Learning (Sol) On A Sample Of Urban High School Students Failing Mathematics, Claudia Lorene Hines Apr 2011

The Effects Of Expressive Writing On Anxiety, Mathematics Anxiety, Stress, Cognitive Processes And Psychological Processes On The Virginia Standards Of Learning (Sol) On A Sample Of Urban High School Students Failing Mathematics, Claudia Lorene Hines

Counseling & Human Services Theses & Dissertations

High school students who fail one or more mathematics' classes tend to be more likely to fail the Virginia Standard of Learning (SOL) tests and thus delaying their graduation. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of expressive writing on general anxiety, math anxiety, stress, cognitive processes and psychological processes on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) on a sample of urban high school students failing mathematics. The participants (n=93) male and female students in grades 9-12, ranged in ages from 14 to 19 years of age, from various socio-economic backgrounds. The intact classes were used to …

Analysis Of Year 12 Or Certificate Ii Attainment Of Indigenous Young People – Stage 1 : A Report Prepared For The Council Of Australian Governments Reform Council, John Ainley, Sarah Buckley, Adrian Beavis, Sheldon Rothman, Alice Tovey Feb 2011

Analysis Of Year 12 Or Certificate Ii Attainment Of Indigenous Young People – Stage 1 : A Report Prepared For The Council Of Australian Governments Reform Council, John Ainley, Sarah Buckley, Adrian Beavis, Sheldon Rothman, Alice Tovey

Indigenous Education Research

The purpose of this paper is to assist the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Reform Council to analyse performance information relating to the Year 12 or Certificate II attainment of Indigenous young people and to understand better variations in performance across jurisdictions. As part of these analyses variations over time within each jurisdiction have been reported. The analyses use existing data sources. No new data have been collected. There are four strands to this work:

  1. a statistical overview of educational attainments and participation;
  2. multivariate analyses of influences on attainment;
  3. a review of literature intended to inform an understanding of trends …

Book Review: Rti With Differentiated Instruction, Grades 6 - 8: A Classroom Teacher's Guide, By J. O'Meara (2011), Hope E. Wilson Jan 2011

Book Review: Rti With Differentiated Instruction, Grades 6 - 8: A Classroom Teacher's Guide, By J. O'Meara (2011), Hope E. Wilson

Faculty Publications

As school districts across the country move toward Response to Intervention (RTI) as a standardized way to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom, Jodi O’Meara’s book provides practical and relevant information for middle level (grades 6 through 8) teachers on best practices for incorporating RTI and differentiation into their instruction, assessment, and pedagogy.

Lleap 2011 Overview For Schools, Australian Council For Educational Research (Acer) Jan 2011

Lleap 2011 Overview For Schools, Australian Council For Educational Research (Acer)

Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP)

This brief document provides an overview specifically for schools of findings from the Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP) 2011 survey. LLEAP is a three-year national project that explores the impact of philanthropy in education in Australia. The survey findings cover what philanthropic foundations and trusts offer, the extent of school knowledge about the work of philanthropic foundations and trusts and how philanthropic foundations and trusts perceive how grant seeking applications can improve.

Lleap 2011 Overview For Philanthropic Foundations And Trusts, Australian Council For Educational Research (Acer) Jan 2011

Lleap 2011 Overview For Philanthropic Foundations And Trusts, Australian Council For Educational Research (Acer)

Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP)

Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP) is a three-year national project that explores the impact of philanthropy in education in Australia. A survey was conducted of schools, philanthropic organisations and not for profits. This brief report provides a brief overview of the survey in relation to what philanthropic foundations and trusts reported were their key priority areas and target audiences.

Case 3: Waikerie Independent Learning Centre, Michelle Anderson Jan 2011

Case 3: Waikerie Independent Learning Centre, Michelle Anderson

Tender Bridge

Waikerie Independent Learning Centre provides a flexible learning pathway for disadvantaged young people. Neil White is the Principal of Waikerie High School, and this is their story of seeking to address a real need for some of the youth in Waikerie and surrounding communities.

Listening To Children: Perceptions Of Nature, Donald J. Burgess, Jolie Mayer-Smith Jan 2011

Listening To Children: Perceptions Of Nature, Donald J. Burgess, Jolie Mayer-Smith

Secondary Education

This exploratory study investigates children’s perceptions and experiences of nature during a residential outdoor environmental education program and contributes to an understanding of how nature experiences arouse biophilia, a love of life and all living things. Using interviews, naturalistic observation, and artifact collection, we studied children’s responses to nature during and following their participation in a residential environmental education program known as Mountain School. We explored how an examination of biophilic sensibilities can help researchers and educators focus on the vital intersection between the individual, environment, and action. Our study suggests that children’s perceptions of nature are varied and dependent …

"American Examples For German Universities: Admitting Women Before World War I", Charles E. Mcclelland Jan 2011

"American Examples For German Universities: Admitting Women Before World War I", Charles E. Mcclelland

History Faculty Publications

Women were not allowed to enroll a regular students in Prussian universities until 1909, although most other German states had already changed this policy. This chapter analyzes the terms of controversy swirling around the issue, and how American university policies ultimately helped bring about the change.

The Construction Of Reading Identity In Struggling Middle School Readers, Anna Marie Anatriello Bonafide Jan 2011

The Construction Of Reading Identity In Struggling Middle School Readers, Anna Marie Anatriello Bonafide

Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024)

Middle school students bring various identities into the classroom including their reading identities, their self concepts concerning their views of themselves as readers. Using identity and psycho-social and socio-cultural theoretical constructs as a foundation, I conducted phenomenological case studies that focused on middle school remedial readers and the means by which their reading identities are constructed within and outside the institution of school. The study investigated in- school factors which impact student reading identities, including interactions with remedial and classroom teachers, as well as out- of- school factors such as family literacy.

Five Secondary Teachers: Creating And Presenting A Teaching Persona, Janine S. Davis Jan 2011

Five Secondary Teachers: Creating And Presenting A Teaching Persona, Janine S. Davis

Education Faculty Articles

This qualitative study investigates the ways that five secondary teachers developed and presented personae. The researcher collected and analyzed data using a theoretical frame based in social psychology, including Goffman’s Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959), and Miles and Huberman’s (1994) three-step approach to qualitative data analysis. Findings indicate that teachers drew on three major realms—the physical, psychological, and social—when constructing classroom personae. Implications include increased opportunities for teacher reflection on persona and its effects.

Teacher Collaboration: Implications For New Mathematics Teachers, Laura M. Gellert, Lidia Gonzalez Jan 2011

Teacher Collaboration: Implications For New Mathematics Teachers, Laura M. Gellert, Lidia Gonzalez

Publications and Research

One increasingly popular way of supporting new teachers is through the use of mentoring. New teachers are often paired with mentors as one of a number of supports meant to aid new teachers as they begin their career. The various types of mentoring range from school based mentors assigned by the school to specialty mentors, such as math coaches. Examples of other types of supports that are thought of as separate from formal mentoring are lesson studies, professional development schools, professional development workshops supported by local universities, teacher networks and sponsored professional development. Given the popularity of policies promoting support …

2011 Soundtrack To Our Lives, Northern University High School Jan 2011

2011 Soundtrack To Our Lives, Northern University High School

Malcolm Price Laboratory School Yearbooks

The student yearbook of the Northern University High School, part of the Malcolm Price Laboratory School of the University of Northern Iowa.

2011 Rowan County High School Yearbook, Rowan County High School (Morehead, Ky.) Jan 2011

2011 Rowan County High School Yearbook, Rowan County High School (Morehead, Ky.)

Yearbooks of Rowan County High Schools

The 2011 Rowan County High School Yearbook from Morehead, Kentucky.

An Investigation Of Higher-Order Thinking Skills In Smaller Learning Community Social Studies Classrooms, Christopher Fischer, Linda Bol, Shana Pribesh Jan 2011

An Investigation Of Higher-Order Thinking Skills In Smaller Learning Community Social Studies Classrooms, Christopher Fischer, Linda Bol, Shana Pribesh

Educational Leadership & Workforce Development Faculty Publications

This study investigated the extent to which higher-order thinking skills are promoted in social studies classes in high schools that are implementing smaller learning communities (SLCs). Data collection in this mixed-methods study included classroom observations and in-depth interviews. Findings indicated that higher-order thinking was rarely promoted in SLC classes. Interview data suggests several factors affecting teaching for higher-order thinking in SLC social studies classrooms. These include: high stakes testing, pacing pressures, teachers' dispositions and training, and teacher autonomy.

According To Secondary Female Science Students, What Creates An Engaging And Interesting Science Class, Colleen Victoria Quinn Schroeder Jan 2011

According To Secondary Female Science Students, What Creates An Engaging And Interesting Science Class, Colleen Victoria Quinn Schroeder

Theses and Graduate Projects

In gender comparisons, females are still under-represented in the professional scientific world. Understanding how to engage females in the field of science during their secondary school careers could help reverse this phenomenon. The participants in this study were all 11th grade female students enrolled in some science class at the time. Through direct conversations in focus groups the results show that to actively engage females in science, they need to have fun, be taught by knowledgeable teachers, participate in hands-on activities and have challenging classes.

A Curriculum For Peace And Conflict Management: Teachers' Guide, Eloise Hockett Jan 2011

A Curriculum For Peace And Conflict Management: Teachers' Guide, Eloise Hockett

Faculty Publications - College of Education

This peace curriculum is currently being used by several Quaker secondary schools in Kenya. It promotes peace and effective conflict management. This guide was made in part through collaboration between Friends Secondary Schools, Kenya; Friends United Meeting, Africa; and George Fox University.

This resource has three parts: the syllabus and a resource guide, linked below under "additional files," and the teacher's guide at the "download" link to the left.

Advanced Learner Perceptions Of Psychological Well-Being And School Satisfaction In Two Educational Settings, Janice C. Robertson Jan 2011

Advanced Learner Perceptions Of Psychological Well-Being And School Satisfaction In Two Educational Settings, Janice C. Robertson

Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects

The intent of this study was to explore the effects of two settings on self-concept and school satisfaction of academically advanced high school students. The research designs were causal-comparative and correlational. Participants were 224 partial-day academic Governor's School students and 56 academically advanced students in district schools in a southern U.S. state.;Self-concept for the total group appeared adequate to strong, and the two student groups were similar in total self-concept and its dimensions ( p > .01), as measured by the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale -- Second Edition (Piers- Harris 2). However, frequent worry, nervousness, and feelings of differentness were revealed …

The Efficacy Of An Intuitive Eating Education Program In A School Nutrition Education Curriculum, Nicole Healy Jan 2011

The Efficacy Of An Intuitive Eating Education Program In A School Nutrition Education Curriculum, Nicole Healy

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI

Childhood and adolescent obesity and eating disorders are increasing at an alarming rate in the United States and they occur at younger ages than previously observed. To combat childhood and adolescent obesity, many school nutrition education programs offer obesity prevention programs. Some of these programs consist of restrictive eating plans for obesity prevention, yet their efficacy has been questioned because an unintended consequence is that they may actually increase eating disorder behaviors. An alternative to programs that focus on restrictive eating is the Intuitive eating approach, which is based on the premise that an adherence to physiological cues in determining …

Lleap 2011 Overview For Not-For-Profits, Australian Council For Educational Research (Acer) Jan 2011

Lleap 2011 Overview For Not-For-Profits, Australian Council For Educational Research (Acer)

Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP)

LLEAP is a three-year national project that explores the impact of philanthropy in education in Australia. A survey was conducted in 2011 by LLEAP of schools, philanthropics and not-for-profits. This brief overview reports on the survey findings in relation to not-for-profit organisations.