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Articles 1 - 30 of 45
Full-Text Articles in Education
A Systematic Review Of Educational Online Peer-Review And Assessment Systems: Charting The Landscape, Dmytro Babik, Edward Gehringer, Jennifer Kidd, Kristine Sunday, David Tinapple, Steven Gilbert
A Systematic Review Of Educational Online Peer-Review And Assessment Systems: Charting The Landscape, Dmytro Babik, Edward Gehringer, Jennifer Kidd, Kristine Sunday, David Tinapple, Steven Gilbert
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Over the past two decades, there has been an explosion of innovation in software tools that encapsulate and expand the capabilities of the widely used student peer assessment. While the affordances and pedagogical impacts of traditional in-person, "paper-and-pencil" peer assessment have been studied extensively and are relatively well understood, computerized (online) peer assessment introduced not only shifts in scalability and efficiency, but also entirely new capabilities and forms of social learning interactions, instructor leverage, and distributed cognition, that still need to be researched and systematized. Despite the ample research on traditional peer assessment and evidence of its efficacy, common vocabulary …
Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education: The State Of The Field, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education: The State Of The Field, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
This systematic review provides unique findings with an up-to-date examination of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education (HE) from 2016 to 2022. Using PRISMA principles and protocol, 138 articles were identified for a full examination. Using a priori, and grounded coding, the data from the 138 articles were extracted, analyzed, and coded. The findings of this study show that in 2021 and 2022, publications rose nearly two to three times the number of previous years. With this rapid rise in the number of AIEd HE publications, new trends have emerged. The findings show that research was conducted in six of …
Not Just A Hashtag: Using Black Twitter To Engage In Critical Visual Pedagogy, Mia L. Knowles-Davis, Robert L. Moore, Susan Köseoğlu (Ed.), George Veletsianos (Ed.), Chris Rowell (Ed.)
Not Just A Hashtag: Using Black Twitter To Engage In Critical Visual Pedagogy, Mia L. Knowles-Davis, Robert L. Moore, Susan Köseoğlu (Ed.), George Veletsianos (Ed.), Chris Rowell (Ed.)
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
[First Paragraph] We live in a global society in which we are constantly exposed to new technologies, people, and situations that transform our perceptions and worldviews. As we are exposed to these new experiences, it is increasingly necessary to maintain a critical eye and question what we are seeing. It is not enough for higher education merely to teach material; instructors should also teach the responsibilities and ethics that coincide with it. Encouraging criticality in higher education helps learners to develop a deeper understanding of social justice, inequality, and oppressive systems, and it teaches learners how to combat those issues …
Speculative Futures On Chatgpt And Generative Artificial Intelligence (Ai): A Collective Reflection From The Educational Landscape, Aras Bozkurt, Junhong Xiao, Sarah Lambert, Angelica Pazurek, Helen Crompton, Suzan Koseoglu, Robert Farrow, Melissa Bond, Chrissi Nerantzi, Sarah Honeychurch, Maha Bali, Jon Dron, Kamran Mir, Bonnie Stewart, Eamon Costello, Jon Mason, Christian M. Stracke, Enilda Romero-Hall, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Cathy Mae Toquero, Lenandlar Singh, Ahmed Tlili, Kyungmee Lee, Mark Nichols, Ebba Ossiannilsson, Mark Brown, Valerie Irvine, Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli, Gema Santos-Hermosa, Orna Farrell, Taskeen Adam, Ying Li Thong, Sunagul Sani-Bozkurt, Ramesh C. Sharma, Stefan Hrastinski, Petar Jandrić
Speculative Futures On Chatgpt And Generative Artificial Intelligence (Ai): A Collective Reflection From The Educational Landscape, Aras Bozkurt, Junhong Xiao, Sarah Lambert, Angelica Pazurek, Helen Crompton, Suzan Koseoglu, Robert Farrow, Melissa Bond, Chrissi Nerantzi, Sarah Honeychurch, Maha Bali, Jon Dron, Kamran Mir, Bonnie Stewart, Eamon Costello, Jon Mason, Christian M. Stracke, Enilda Romero-Hall, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Cathy Mae Toquero, Lenandlar Singh, Ahmed Tlili, Kyungmee Lee, Mark Nichols, Ebba Ossiannilsson, Mark Brown, Valerie Irvine, Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli, Gema Santos-Hermosa, Orna Farrell, Taskeen Adam, Ying Li Thong, Sunagul Sani-Bozkurt, Ramesh C. Sharma, Stefan Hrastinski, Petar Jandrić
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
While ChatGPT has recently become very popular, AI has a long history and philosophy. This paper intends to explore the promises and pitfalls of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) AI and potentially future technologies by adopting a speculative methodology. Speculative future narratives with a specific focus on educational contexts are provided in an attempt to identify emerging themes and discuss their implications for education in the 21st century. Affordances of (using) AI in Education (AIEd) and possible adverse effects are identified and discussed which emerge from the narratives. It is argued that now is the best of times to define …
Preservice Secondary Science Teachers' Reflections In Using Modeling & Simulation Applications As Instructional Tools For Learning, Mary C. Enderson, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), Paula Christensen (Ed.), Jarrod Sanson (Ed.)
Preservice Secondary Science Teachers' Reflections In Using Modeling & Simulation Applications As Instructional Tools For Learning, Mary C. Enderson, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), Paula Christensen (Ed.), Jarrod Sanson (Ed.)
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Preparing preservice teachers to construct learning environments integrating technological tools is a challenge that higher education continues to tackle. One way to address this challenge is to have preservice teachers integrate modeling & simulation (M&S) tools while teaching, reflect on the experience, and attempt to identify ways to make improvements in instructional practices. This case study of five preservice secondary science teachers, enrolled in a course along with student teaching, was designed to study M&S tools integrated into instruction and how preservice teachers thought about the experience. Participants taught at least one lesson integrating M&S tools where they were to …
Evidence Of The Iste Standards For Educators Leading To Learning Gains, Helen Crompton
Evidence Of The Iste Standards For Educators Leading To Learning Gains, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) empirically designed and published educator standards to provide a roadmap for educators on effective technology integration. The purpose of this further study was to determine what empirical evidence demonstrates that the educator practices have a positive impact on student learning. Using a scoping review methodology, a transparent protocol was used for searching, identifying, and selecting articles that map to the practices within the ISTE Standards. The findings of this study reveal that all the practices in ISTE educator standards led to learning gains. This study is important for researchers, practitioners, funders, and …
Women's Empowerment Through The Use Of Technology, Wolayat Tabasum Niroo, Helen Crompton
Women's Empowerment Through The Use Of Technology, Wolayat Tabasum Niroo, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Technology has shaped people’s lifestyles globally. Today, the majority of the world’s population seeks help through technology as a portal to learning with the wide variety of learning materials available. Women in both developed and developing countries can access learning through technology, yet the scholarly community do not have an up-to-date collective view of how technology is being used to provide learning materials to empower women around the world. Therefore, this systematic review included an aggregated and qualitative synthesis to investigate extant empirical work over five years, 2017-2021. Following a rigorous PRISMA selection process, 40 articles were included in the …
Learning With Technology During Emergencies: A Systematic Review Of K‐12 Education, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke, Katy Jordon, Samuel W.G. Wilson
Learning With Technology During Emergencies: A Systematic Review Of K‐12 Education, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke, Katy Jordon, Samuel W.G. Wilson
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Emergency situations that cause damage to educational buildings or require the closure of schools due to unsafe health, environmental, or political conditions can be an unwelcomed interruption to education. Indeed, the recent COVID‐19 pandemic created the largest disruption of education in history, affecting 94% of the world's student population. In emergencies, technology is often utilised as part of a crisis response protocol by continuing education using emergency remote education (ERE). The purpose of this study is to determine how technology has been used to continue K‐12 learning remotely during an emergency. This systematic review included an aggregated and configurative synthesis …
Developing Instructional Technology Standards For Educators: A Design-Based Research Study, Helen Crompton, Carolyn Sykora
Developing Instructional Technology Standards For Educators: A Design-Based Research Study, Helen Crompton, Carolyn Sykora
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Digital technologies are key tools that can be used to extend and enhance teaching and learning. However, empirical evidence show educators are unclear how to integrate technology and it is often used to support past teaching practices. Designbased research (DBR) involving a grounded theory design was used to construct a set of seven detailed education technology standards to provide guidance on how technology should be integrated and a set of 24 examples as indicators of these standards. This DBR mixed methods approach involved 2429 participants and gathered data from focus groups, surveys, and interviews. The DBR involved two macro cycles …
The Potential Of Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education, Helen Crompton, Donggil Song
The Potential Of Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education, Helen Crompton, Donggil Song
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seeping into many aspects of our everyday lives, with common internet applications, smartphones and even household appliances. Within education, AI is a rapidly emerging field and there is a strong potential for AI to greatly extend and enhance teaching and learning in higher education (Crompton et al., 2020). AI is defined as “computing systems that are able to engage in human-like processes such as learning, adapting, synthesizing, self-correction and use of data for complex processing tasks” (Popenici & Kerr, 2017). In the Horizon Report 2020 report (Brown et al., 2020), AI is listed as one of …
A Continuum Of Critical Consciousness: Exploring One Resident's Concerns, Jori S. Beck
A Continuum Of Critical Consciousness: Exploring One Resident's Concerns, Jori S. Beck
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
In the United States, there is a demand for richer clinical teacher education experiences. Partially in response to this call, innovative new programs like teacher residencies are being developed. As teacher preparation programs are shaped by these mandates, researchers must respond to shifts in the field. The current manuscript includes data from a resident, or teacher candidate, enrolled in a residency program—specifically, his yearlong apprenticeship. Using interviews and other qualitative data, the author examined how the resident’s concerns shifted and also how these concerns differed from those uncovered in previous research. Specifically, his concerns appeared to be more dynamic than …
Using Mobile Devices To Facilitate Student Questioning In A Large Undergraduate Science Class, Helen Crompton, Stephen R. Burgin, Declan G. De Paor, Kristen Gregory
Using Mobile Devices To Facilitate Student Questioning In A Large Undergraduate Science Class, Helen Crompton, Stephen R. Burgin, Declan G. De Paor, Kristen Gregory
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Asking scientific questions is the first practice of science and engineering listed in the Next Generation Science Standards. However, getting students to ask unsolicited questions in a large class can be difficult. In this qualitative study, undergraduate students sent SMS text messages to the instructor who received them on his mobile phone and via Google Glass. Using observations, coding of texts, and interviews, the researchers investigated the types and level of questions students asked and the perceptions of the instructor and TAs on how the messages were received. From the findings of this study, it is evident that students asked …
Assessing Teacher Pedagogical Knowledge: The Video Assessment Of Teacher Knowledge (Vatk), Peter D. Wiens, Jori S. Beck, Christina J. Lunsmann
Assessing Teacher Pedagogical Knowledge: The Video Assessment Of Teacher Knowledge (Vatk), Peter D. Wiens, Jori S. Beck, Christina J. Lunsmann
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
This study examines the creation and implementation of a video-based assessment of teacher knowledge of effective teaching called the Video Assessment of Teacher Knowledge (VATK). The VATK was developed with the intention of creating an easily administered, standardised assessment that can potentially provide information on teacher candidate knowledge of teaching at important points during their training programmes and into the teaching field. The theoretical framework upon which the VATK was developed and the process for item creation are described. Classical test theory and item response theory analysis were conducted to determine the measure’s potential for use in future studies. Analyses …
The Use Of Technology To Continue Learning In Palestine Disrupted With Covid-19, Khitam Shraim, Helen Crompton
The Use Of Technology To Continue Learning In Palestine Disrupted With Covid-19, Khitam Shraim, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
This qualitative study examined how decision-makers and teachers have responded to offer education for all Palestinian students at the immediate onset of the COVID-19 outbreak and how technology is being used to continue education online. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants from parents, teachers and decision-makers in Palestine. Interview transcripts were coded using a grounded theory design with a constant comparative method. The findings show that participants identified that technologies such as mobile devices, social media and cloud computing would be useful for design and delivery of educational materials as well as raising safety awareness, and communication during the …
Rethinking Pedagogy: Exploring The Potential Of Digital Technology In Achieving Quality Education, Lorenzo Alemán De La Garza, Alessandra Anichini, Péter Antal, Aurélie Beaune, Helen Crompton, Avgoustos Tsinakos, Et Al.
Rethinking Pedagogy: Exploring The Potential Of Digital Technology In Achieving Quality Education, Lorenzo Alemán De La Garza, Alessandra Anichini, Péter Antal, Aurélie Beaune, Helen Crompton, Avgoustos Tsinakos, Et Al.
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
(First Paragraph) The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) is UNESCO’s Category 1 education Institute in the Asia-Pacific region devoted to education for peace and sustainable development, as enshrined in SDG Target 4.7. UNESCO MGIEP promotes the use of digital learning platforms where teachers and students can co-create and share a highly interactive learning experience. With the rise of the internet, there has been a proliferation of online content and digital resources intended to support teaching and learning, albeit widely varying in quality. Digital education media and resources, if carefully designed and implemented, have a …
Standards Spotlight: Iste Learner Standard Provides A Road Map To Lifelong Scholarship, Helen Crompton
Standards Spotlight: Iste Learner Standard Provides A Road Map To Lifelong Scholarship, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
(First paragraph) Like most educators, I’m a learner first. I want to know all there is to know about teaching to best meet the needs of my students. That’s why I went to college for 15 years to gain my teaching qualifications, including a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in educational technology and mathematics education. I’m now a tenured professor, but I can honestly say that I’m only part way through my learning journey.
Learning With Mobile Devices, Helen Crompton, John Traxler
Learning With Mobile Devices, Helen Crompton, John Traxler
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
The concept of learning with small portable computers was developed by Alan Kay in 1972. Since that early conception, scholars, such as Traxler, Sharples, and Soloway are the pioneering scholars who paved the way to a better understanding of the philosophical, pedagogical, and conceptual underpinnings of mobile learning today. In this chapter, an overview is provided to explicate the initial foundations of the emerging field of mobile learning (mlearning). Next, current scientific knowledge is delineated with explicit references to the early scholars. This chapter concludes with a preview of the future research directions in mobile learning.
Mobile Learning And Cognition, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Mobile Learning And Cognition, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
The rise of mobile learning in schools during the past decade has led to promises about its power to extend and enhance student cognitive development – for example, by providing greater pedagogical opportunities for students (Mifsud, 2014). However, others claim that mobile devices are most often used to support traditional pedagogical approaches whereby students only passively consume content (Cochrane & Antonczak, 2014; Frohberg, Goth & Schwabe, 2009; Rushby, 2012). As schools invest resources in providing students with opportunities to use mobile devices as tools for learning, it is important to critically examine their use in practice.
Supporting Early-Childhood Teachers With Integrating A Humanoid Robot To Enhance Learning, Kristen Gregory, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Supporting Early-Childhood Teachers With Integrating A Humanoid Robot To Enhance Learning, Kristen Gregory, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Anthropomorphic robots are increasingly being used as a technology in early childhood settings, and they have been found to enhance social interaction (Tanaka, Cicourel & Movellan, 2007), support foreign language development (Mazzoni & Benvenuti, 2015), and gain student attention and interest (Ioannou, Andreou & Christofi, 2015). Furthermore, integrating a humanoid robot can provide affordances across all domains of the Head Start Learning Outcomes Framework: approaches to learning; social and emotional development; language and communication; cognition; and perceptual, motor and physical development.
The Role Of Mobile Learning In Promoting Global Literacy And Human Rights, Judith M. Dunkerly-Bean, Helen Crompton
The Role Of Mobile Learning In Promoting Global Literacy And Human Rights, Judith M. Dunkerly-Bean, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
In this chapter the authors review the fairly recent advances in combating illiteracy around the globe through the use of e-readers and mobile phones most recently in the Worldreader program and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) mobile phone reading initiatives. Situated in human rights and utilizing the lens of transnational feminist discourse which addresses globalization and the hegemonic, monolithic portrayals of “third world” women as passive and in need of the global North’s intervention, the authors explore the ways in which the use of digital media provides increased access to books, and other texts and applications …
Water, Food, Shelter And A Mobile Phone Mobile Learning Despite Crises Syrian Refugees' Case Study, Ferial Malaeb-Khaddage, Helen Crompton
Water, Food, Shelter And A Mobile Phone Mobile Learning Despite Crises Syrian Refugees' Case Study, Ferial Malaeb-Khaddage, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
This panel describes the refugees’ crisis and its impact on school age children. The focus is on the Syrian children refugees in Mount Lebanon, an area that is usually forgotten.
The United Nations offers schooling to primary school children in this remote region, but lack of resources in Mount Lebanon schools is evident, access to technologies and applications integration is very limited, and teachers’ frustration is obvious.
There are a quarter of a million Syrian refugees in the country who still do not have access to formal education in the Lebanese school system. The country is looking to integrate and …
Towards An Innovative Approach For Teacher Education: Training Teacher To Train (Ttt) Model, Ferial Malaeb-Khaddage, Helen Crompton
Towards An Innovative Approach For Teacher Education: Training Teacher To Train (Ttt) Model, Ferial Malaeb-Khaddage, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
The world is now connected virtual and mobile, it is currently going through a fundamental transformation in the way we humans work, perform tasks and activities. Automation and ‘thinking machines’ are replacing basic human tasks and jobs, and changing the skills that organizations are looking for in their people. In this paper, the authors discuss current technological innovations and how our world is changing rapidly in all aspects. New set of skills is needed; hence the authors focus on crucial practices and skills that are needed to be taught to harness our children for the future. The authors emphasis on …
Frameworks For Integrating Technology Into Optometric Education, Helen Crompton
Frameworks For Integrating Technology Into Optometric Education, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
(Introduction) Technology has driven a major societal change permeating the very traditions, beliefs and rituals of our social and work milieu. Following the revolution caused by the introduction of the Gutenberg printing press, the current digital epoch has been recognised as the second major event in history that has extended and enhanced access to information and learning (Brynjolfsson 2014; Topol 2015). Research shows that digital technologies can be used to provide educational opportunities that were not possible before this digital era. These technologies allow learning in contextualised settings and provide a variety of learning opportunities for those studying optometry (Yi …
Augmented Reality In K-12 Education, Lisabeth J. Leighton, Helen Crompton
Augmented Reality In K-12 Education, Lisabeth J. Leighton, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Today the world revolves around technology in daily tasks. Society uses technology to communicate, trade, for business, politics, and to education. Through education, Augmented Reality (AR) takes on a new purpose. AR enables students to reach a higher level of education, and teachers to efficiently engage students to see real-world situations. The use of technology in classrooms is currently on the rise; but how are teachers using AR within their classrooms to engage and education children? This chapter discusses literature and research supporting the AR affordances in K-12 Education.
Research Trends In The Use Of Mobile Learning In Mathematics, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Research Trends In The Use Of Mobile Learning In Mathematics, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
The use of mobile learning in education is growing at an exponential rate. To best understand how mobile learning is being used, it is crucial to gain a collective understanding of the research that has taken place. This research was a systematic review of 36 studies in mobile learning in mathematics from the year 2000 onward. Eight new findings emerged: (1) The primary purpose of most studies was to focus on evaluating mobile learning. (2) Case studies and experimental design were the main research methods. (3) Most studies report positive learning outcomes; (4) Mobile phones were the mobile device used …
Humanoid Robots Supporting Children’S Intellectual And Social Dispositions In An Early Childhood Setting, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke, Kristine Sunday, Peter Baker, Kristin Gregory, John Asija
Humanoid Robots Supporting Children’S Intellectual And Social Dispositions In An Early Childhood Setting, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke, Kristine Sunday, Peter Baker, Kristin Gregory, John Asija
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
This study explores the affordances provided by the use of the NAO robot in an early childhood classroom. Using the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework as a guide, the researchers analyzed the interactions and relationships between teachers, students, and learning, and the unique curricular opportunities and outcomes provided by the NAO robot.
Iste’S Mobile Learning Framework And The Vmla Pathway, Helen Crompton
Iste’S Mobile Learning Framework And The Vmla Pathway, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed a mobile learning framework to use to meet the needs of educators in the U.S. wanting to begin a mobile learning initiative. This framework will be shared in this session with examples of activities for each step of that framework.
Making Cell Phones Work For You And Your Students, Helen Crompton
Making Cell Phones Work For You And Your Students, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
No abstract provided.
Taking Advantage Of Moocs In K-12 Education: A Blended Approach, Samantha Briggs, Helen Crompton
Taking Advantage Of Moocs In K-12 Education: A Blended Approach, Samantha Briggs, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Technological opportunities are opening new ways for educators to enhance K-12 instruction. While many educators are incorporating digital technologies into their teaching, there is evidence to show that K-12 educators have a lack of training, time, and resources to implement learner-centered digital instruction. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) have gained a reputation for providing online learning in higher education and are now extending to K-12. The unique digital advantages as well as the rising number of students enrolled in schools has led to discussions about the potential of MOOCS for students in K-12 (ages 4-19 years) education. This chapter provides …
Towards A Persuasive Design Pattern For A Gamified M-Learning Environment, Ferial Khaddage, Christoph Lattemann, Helen Crompton
Towards A Persuasive Design Pattern For A Gamified M-Learning Environment, Ferial Khaddage, Christoph Lattemann, Helen Crompton
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
New innovative technologies create opportunities for persuasive engagement. Persuasive technology is all about software, systems and applications designed to hook, reinforce, change and shape the attitudes of the learners without using coercion or deception. Persuasive design pattern if applied effectively and efficiently may influence learners’ attitudes towards the learning task, and may hook them to the specific learning activity offered via a gamified mobile application. In this paper the concept of persuasive design pattern in gamified m-learning platforms should be introduced to the scientific community. Persuasive design in a gamified mobile learning environment is described and persuasive set of design …