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Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


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Full-Text Articles in Education

Navigating The Transition From School To Work: Implications For The Emotional Well-Being Of Young People, Julie Mcmillan, Kylie Hillman, John Ainley Feb 2012

Navigating The Transition From School To Work: Implications For The Emotional Well-Being Of Young People, Julie Mcmillan, Kylie Hillman, John Ainley

Kylie Hillman

No abstract provided.

Navigating The Transition From School To Work: Implications For The Emotional Well-Being Of Young People, Julie Mcmillan, Kylie Hillman, John Ainley Jan 2012

Navigating The Transition From School To Work: Implications For The Emotional Well-Being Of Young People, Julie Mcmillan, Kylie Hillman, John Ainley

Dr John Ainley

No abstract provided.

Evaluating The Work Of Teachers In Australian Schools : Vision And Reality, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, Lawrence Ingvarson, Rod Chadbourne Apr 2010

Evaluating The Work Of Teachers In Australian Schools : Vision And Reality, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, Lawrence Ingvarson, Rod Chadbourne

Dr Elizabeth Kleinhenz

Given the importance of effective teacher evaluation to successful teaching and learning, it is surprising that many of the research findings in this area are being ignored. Discredited procedures continue to survive and are even born again within reinvented systems of bureaucratic and managerial control This paper argues for an approach to teacher evaluation that reflects the findings of contemporary research. It falls into three parts. The first part reviews the relevant literature and distills some features and principles that underpin successful policy and practice. The second part describes a case study that was part of a research project, begun …

Some Perspectives On The Development Of Professional Standards-Based Teacher Assessments, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, Lawrence Ingvarson Apr 2010

Some Perspectives On The Development Of Professional Standards-Based Teacher Assessments, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, Lawrence Ingvarson

Dr Elizabeth Kleinhenz

Commissioned report prepared for the Interim Committee for the NSW Institute of Teachers.

Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire 2000, Adrian Beavis, John Ainley, Gerald Elsworth, B Guthrie Jul 2009

Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire 2000, Adrian Beavis, John Ainley, Gerald Elsworth, B Guthrie

Dr John Ainley

This report describes the views of graduates from Australian universities on their experience of postgraduate research. It focuses specifically on graduates who completed their courses of study in 2000 but also references the previous cohort of postgraduate research students. The Post-Graduate Research Experience Questionnaire enables graduates to express their degree of agreement or disagreement on the following facets of their courses : quality of supervision; intellectual climate of the department in which the respondent was based; development of skills; quality of the infrastructure provided by the university; the thesis examination process; and the clarity of goals and expectations.

Efektivitas Pertunjukan Untuk Mencapai Prestasi Belajar Ansambel Musik Yang Bermakna, Kun Setyaning Astuti, Suminto A. Sayuti Dec 2002

Efektivitas Pertunjukan Untuk Mencapai Prestasi Belajar Ansambel Musik Yang Bermakna, Kun Setyaning Astuti, Suminto A. Sayuti

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pertunjukan musik sebagai fokus pembelajaran ansambel musik terhadap prestasi hasil belajar musik khususnya aspek psikomotor dan makna hasil belajar, dibandingkan dengan proses pembelajaran ansambel musik dengan focus pembelajaran berupa teknik bermain ansambel musik.

Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Musik FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Adapun teknik pengambilan sample dengan purposive sampling, sedangkan desain penelitiannya adalah the completely randomized single factor experiment atau kovariansi acak lengkap satu faktor. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kovarian, uji-z dan uji-t.

Hasil analisis mengungkapkan bahvva: Pertama, proses pembelajaran ansambel musik dengan fokus berupa pertunjukan …

Efektivitas Inetrnal Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan, Bahdarsyah Bahdarsyah, Sukamto Sukamto Dec 2002

Efektivitas Inetrnal Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan, Bahdarsyah Bahdarsyah, Sukamto Sukamto

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hubungan kepemimpinan. struktur organisasi. hubungan kerja, dan persepsi keprofesian dengan iklim organisasi lembaga Diklat.

Populasi penelitian meliputi semua staf Pusat Diklat Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Bogor, Balai Latihan Kehutanan Rumpin - Bogor, Balai Latihan Kehutanan Kadipaten. Sampel penelitian pada ketiga unit kerja tersebut adalah widyaiswara sebanyak 45 orang secara berurutan terdiri dari 26, 11, dan 8 orang, sedangkan pejabat struktural meliputi 9 orang (eselon 3 - 4). Pengambilan sampel widyaiswara menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, dan kajian dokumentasi. Kuesioner digunakan dalam pencarian informasi tentang iklim organisasi, kepemimpinan, struktur …

Pelaksanaan Akhlak Islami Di Kalangan Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Kodya Mataram, Ibdu Hizam, Zuchdi Zuchdi Dec 2002

Pelaksanaan Akhlak Islami Di Kalangan Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Kodya Mataram, Ibdu Hizam, Zuchdi Zuchdi

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan pendidikan akhlak Islami dalam lingkungan keluarga, pendidikan akhlak Islami dalam lingkungan sekolah, pengaruh teman bermain serta pengaruh masing-masing terhadap pelaksanaan nilai-nilai akhlak Islami oleh para siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Kodya Mataram.

Populasi penelitian ini adalah para siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Kodya Mataram, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 214 siswa. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskripuf dan analisis regresi.

Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sumbangan positif terhadap pelaksanaan akhlak Islami oleh pendidikan akhlak Islami dalam lingkungan …

Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Penyetaraan D-Ii Pgsd Fkip Universitas Terbuka Surabaya, Dwi Sambada, Zuchdi Zuchdi Dec 2002

Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Penyetaraan D-Ii Pgsd Fkip Universitas Terbuka Surabaya, Dwi Sambada, Zuchdi Zuchdi

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan PPD-II PGSD ditinjau dari komponen: kurikulum; mahasiswa; tutor dan supervisor; organisasi dan mekanisme pengelolaan program; sarana dan prasirana tutorial; lingkungan tutorial; proses pembimbingan PKM; dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Pendekatan dan model evalusai menggunakan pendekatan proses dan model CIPP.

Sumber informasi diperoleh dari pengelola program, tutor. supervisor PKM, dan mahasiswa PPD-II PGSD di Kabupaten Jombang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen angket, didukung wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Validitas instrumen diperoleh melalui validasi instrumen dan uji coba instrumen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan distribusi frekuensi dan persentase, selanjutnya diinterprestasi dan dibahas secara kualitatif.

Hasil penelitian …

Sang Buta Mencari Cahaya (Studi Mobilitas Para Penyandang Cacat), Sari Rudijati, Sugiyono Sugiyono Dec 2002

Sang Buta Mencari Cahaya (Studi Mobilitas Para Penyandang Cacat), Sari Rudijati, Sugiyono Sugiyono

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis gejala-gejala yang menentukan mobilitas penyandang tunanetra. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologis naturalistik dan desain studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan teknik pengamatan berperanserta, wawancara mendalam, dan analisis dokumen yang relevan dengan mobilitas para penyandang tunanetra. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: pada awal hidup mereka penyandang tunanetra sulit menerima kenyataan sebagai penyandang tunanetra; akhirnya para penyandang tunanetra dapat menemukan jati diri mereka. Penemuan jati diri dapat membentuk sikap positif penyandang tunanetra terhadap hidup dan lingkungannya. Sikap keluarga yang over protective dapat mengganggu mobilitas penyandang tunanetra. Sikap masyarakat yang …

Tingkat Keberhasilan Siswa Smkt Dalam Pelaksanaan Psg Di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Alimuddin Sa'ban Miru, Sukamto Sukamto Dec 2002

Tingkat Keberhasilan Siswa Smkt Dalam Pelaksanaan Psg Di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Alimuddin Sa'ban Miru, Sukamto Sukamto

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan siswa persentasenya berada pada taraf sedang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa ubahan ketersediaan fasilitas praktik industri memberi kontribusi yang paling tinggi terhadap tingkat keberhasilan siswa dalam pelaksanaan PSG, yakni 6,7 persen. Kemudian, secara berturut-turut diketahui keterlibatan pembimbing industri sebesar 5,6 persen, keterlibatan kepala sekolah sebesar 3,1 persen, ketersediaan fasilitas praktik sekolah sebesar 1,7 persen, dan keterlibatan guru pembimbing sekolah sebesar 1,2 persen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi ganda mengisyaratkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan variabel keterlibatan kepala sekolah, keterlibatan guru pembimbing, keterlibatan pembimbing industri, ketersediaan fasilitas praktik sekolah, dan ketersediaan fasilitas praktik industri …

Hambatan Sufisme Terhadap Pendidikan Kognitif Dan Sumbangan Sufisme Terhadap Pendidikan Afektif, Akbarizan Akbarizan, Darmiyati Zuchdi Dec 2002

Hambatan Sufisme Terhadap Pendidikan Kognitif Dan Sumbangan Sufisme Terhadap Pendidikan Afektif, Akbarizan Akbarizan, Darmiyati Zuchdi

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang: 1) hambatan sufisme terliadap pendidikan kognitif. dan 2) sumbangan sufisme terliadap pendidikan afektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan prosedur analisis isi. Sumber data utama adalah kitab A l-Risalah al-Qusyaihyyah.

Sekurang-kurangnya ada tiga hal utama dalam sufisme yang menjadi penghambat pengembangan kemampuan kognitif, yaitu penghargaan yang terlalu tinggi kepada ilmu kasyaf daripada pengetahuan ilmiah empiris. pengutamaan perasaan (dzaug) dan pengalaman rohani daripada berpikir kritis, dan sistem pendidikan yang bersifat teacher centered. Selanjutnya, terdapat empat sumbangan sufisme bagi pendidikan afektif. yaitu berbagai potensi pengembangan dan pembinaan iman dan taqwa. potensi pendidikan …

Model Pembinaan Moral Keagamaan Anggota Jamaah Zikir Istigotsah Di Yogyakarta, Sukiman Sukiman Dec 2002

Model Pembinaan Moral Keagamaan Anggota Jamaah Zikir Istigotsah Di Yogyakarta, Sukiman Sukiman

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Artikel ini menyajikan laporan tentang analisis model pembinaan moral keagamaan anggota Jamaah Zikir Istighotsah di Yogyakarta. Hal ini diharapkan akan dapat dipergunakan untuk menyempurnakan model pembinaan tersebut.

Data dikumpulkan dengan pengamatan, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan sumber ganda dan metode ganda.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) dalam wacana tentang gerakan tarikat, tarikat Jamaah Zikir Istighotsah dapat dikategorikan sebagai tarikat praktis (riyalat) yang dikembangkan terutama untuk pembinaan masyarakat papan bawah atau awam (grassrood); (2) model pembinaan moral keagamaan anggota Jamaah Zikir Istighotsah adalah mirip dengan model pembinaan yang dikembangkan dalam dunia tarikat pada umumnya; (3) secara umum …

The Effects Of Looping On The Academic Achievement Of Elementary School Students., Vada S. Bogart Dec 2002

The Effects Of Looping On The Academic Achievement Of Elementary School Students., Vada S. Bogart

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement of students in looping programs from school systems in East Tennessee to their peers in traditional one-year instructional programs. Looping is defined as any program design that perpetuates a cohesive student group with the same teacher for more than one year. The study included all students who had completed fourth grade in 2001 at every school in East Tennessee that implemented a third/fourth grade looping design. Student scores reported for 1999, 2000, and 2001 on the TerraNova Standardized Achievement Test were obtained from individual student records. Comparisons were made …

Relationship Between Text Display Method And College Student Short Term Knowledge Retention During Self-Study., Jeff W. Church Dec 2002

Relationship Between Text Display Method And College Student Short Term Knowledge Retention During Self-Study., Jeff W. Church

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

This purpose of this study was to determine if a significant difference existed in the short-term knowledge retention of college freshmen reading informational stimulus materials presented through one of three different text display modes; 1) traditional printed text, 2) computer-displayed linear text, and 3) computer-displayed hypertext. The sample consisted of 267 college freshmen at a southern regional university. The 267 students were randomly selected from the entire population of entering freshmen during Fall 2002. These students were then randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups. After reading the stimulus materials for a specified amount of time, students completed …

The Relationship Of Home Environment And Kindergarten Readiness., Nancye C. Williams Dec 2002

The Relationship Of Home Environment And Kindergarten Readiness., Nancye C. Williams

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between home environment and school readiness of children entering kindergarten in a rural East Tennessee county. Family and home environment variables included family income, family structure, parents' education, participation in literacy activities, availability of home learning tools, and amount of children's television viewing. A self-reported parent survey was used to gather information about the family environment; the Brigance K Screen was used to determine entering kindergartner's readiness for school. Three hundred and thirty eight children and parents participated.

An initial analysis of data incorporated simple descriptive statistics in the form …

Organizational Structural And Cultural Variables As Predictors Of Quality In Federally Approved Nursing Homes., Lorraine V. Desormeaux Dec 2002

Organizational Structural And Cultural Variables As Predictors Of Quality In Federally Approved Nursing Homes., Lorraine V. Desormeaux

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which nursing home organizational structure and cultural variables were related to the outcomes reported by the Health Care Finance Administration public use data set (HCFA-NHCD). A second purpose was to examine the effects of a new style of nursing home management called the Eden Alternative™ concept. A related purpose was to test the usefulness of the HCFA-NHCD in predicting the quality of care for residents in federally approved nursing homes. Secondary data analysis was conducted on the HCFA-NHCD, as published in December 2001. Descriptive statistics and measures of association …

An Analysis Of Functional Behavioral Assessments Used In Public Schools In Tennessee And Georgia., Dana Winningham Dec 2002

An Analysis Of Functional Behavioral Assessments Used In Public Schools In Tennessee And Georgia., Dana Winningham

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to survey special education supervisors in public school systems throughout Tennessee and Georgia to determine the types of Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) procedures used and training provided to assessment personnel in their school systems. The primary focus of the study was on who conducts assessments, differences between the amount of training and support provided by school districts, and the use of best practices in conducting these assessments.

Surveys were mailed to 317 supervisors, 108 in Tennessee, and 123 in Georgia. These supervisors were asked to respond to questions concerning assessments in their respective school …

Students' Perceptions Of Multimedia Classrooms At East Tennessee State University., Shouhong Zhang Dec 2002

Students' Perceptions Of Multimedia Classrooms At East Tennessee State University., Shouhong Zhang

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to investigate students' perceptions of multimedia classrooms at East Tennessee State University regarding technologies in multimedia classrooms, students' learning achievements, instructors' instructional methods, and students' learning styles. Two surveys in multimedia classrooms and traditional classrooms were designed to measure and compare students' perceptions of multimedia classrooms. The VARK (Fleming, 2002b) learning style survey was used to calculate the students' learning styles.

The research was conducted during spring semester, 2002. Participants in this study included 187 students in multimedia classrooms and 110 students in traditional classrooms at East Tennessee State University. The majority of students …

The Effects Of Character Education On Student Behavior., William G. Thompson Dec 2002

The Effects Of Character Education On Student Behavior., William G. Thompson

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Character education has been a part of public schooling in the United States since its beginning. It has undergone dramatic changes over the years, from didactic instruction to service learning; it continues to evolve as more and more schools become involved in teaching students right from wrong. The current emphasis on character education in schools began in the early 1990s as an attempt to alleviate the increasingly violent behavior of students as reported in the media.

The purpose of this study was to determine how character education affected the behavior of students. The study involved: observing student behavior; interviewing teachers, …

Determining Standards For Sources Of Free Information On The Internet For Inclusion In Academic Library Holdings By 2010., Doug D. Cross Dec 2002

Determining Standards For Sources Of Free Information On The Internet For Inclusion In Academic Library Holdings By 2010., Doug D. Cross

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study was to develop a consensus from a panel of experts composed of library deans/directors, reference librarians, and instructors with online teaching experience. The panel developed the methodology necessary for evaluating free sources of information on the Internet for inclusion in academic library holdings by the year 2010. The following areas were explored as they related to the forecast: 1) The changes in higher education institutions that will be necessary to prepare students to deal with free sources of information on the Internet; 2) The procedures that librarians need to develop and implement to ensure that …

Evaluation Of The University Of Canberra Programme For Advanced Literacy Development Scaffolding Literacy Programme With Indigenous Children In School, John Cresswell, Catherine Underwood, Graeme Withers, Isabelle Adams Dec 2002

Evaluation Of The University Of Canberra Programme For Advanced Literacy Development Scaffolding Literacy Programme With Indigenous Children In School, John Cresswell, Catherine Underwood, Graeme Withers, Isabelle Adams

Indigenous Education Research

This evaluation was created from the records of interviews with the principals and teachers and others involved in the Scaffolding Literacy Programme and is, therefore, a summary document of all the data collected by the three researchers at ACER and the sub-contractor in Western Australia, with an interpretation of the observations in terms of the guidelines set out in the contract.

The Effects Of Extended School Year On Students With Mild Disabilities And Its Relationship To Regression Rate, Whitney C. Sears Dec 2002

The Effects Of Extended School Year On Students With Mild Disabilities And Its Relationship To Regression Rate, Whitney C. Sears

Theses & Honors Papers

This study is an historical study comparing the spring and fall test scores of students who attended summer academic program of one particular private school for students with learning differences, including autism, Asperger's Syndrome, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and nonverbal learning disabilities. This study concluded that there was a statistical significance between the regression rates in both reading vocabulary and reading comprehension among those who attended the summer program and those who did not attend the summer program. Those students who did not attend the summer program regressed in skills significantly. Those students who attended the summer program maintained or …

After Turning Points: Evidence Of The Adoption Of Middle School Reforms In The United States 1987-2000., Nancy Barnes Mansberger Dec 2002

After Turning Points: Evidence Of The Adoption Of Middle School Reforms In The United States 1987-2000., Nancy Barnes Mansberger


The purpose of this study was to explore the adoption by U.S. middle schools of key practices recommended by the 1989 Turning Points report. Three questions were examined: (1) To what extent have the organizational practices identified by research to impact the development of "small learning communities" been adopted by U.S. middle schools? (2) To what extent do the instructional practices of U.S. middle school teachers reflect developmentally responsive or traditional/bureaucratic methods?, and (3) Do the instructional practices of U.S. middle school teachers differ between those who teach in schools with developmentally responsive organizational practices and those who teach in …

A Test Of Factor Analysis As A Validation Procedure For Physician Certification Examinations, Jeffrey D. Greene Dec 2002

A Test Of Factor Analysis As A Validation Procedure For Physician Certification Examinations, Jeffrey D. Greene


Two physician certification examinations from different medical specialties were investigated. The purpose of the study was twofold: 1) to determine the similarities between the factor structure of the examinations and their respective tables of specifications; and 2) to demonstrate the relative efficacy of factor analysis in differentiating the structure between two related but dissimilar domains of information. Specialty A is a homogeneous discipline focused on a relatively narrow concentration of organs, body systems and anatomy. This examination contained 309 items. There were 845 cases available for analysis. Specialty B is a heterogeneous area of specialty concerned with numerous areas of …

The Estimation Of Polytomous Item Response Models With Many Dimensions, Nikolai Volodin, Ray J. Adams Dec 2002

The Estimation Of Polytomous Item Response Models With Many Dimensions, Nikolai Volodin, Ray J. Adams

Assessment and Reporting

Identification conditions and an improved estimation method for a D-dimensional mixed coefficients multinomial logit model are discussed. This model is a generalisation of the Adams and Wilson (1997) random coefficients multinomial logit and it can be used to fit multdimensional forms of a wide range of Rasch measurement models. The computational demands of the numerical integration required in fitting such models have limited previous implementations to three and perhaps four-dimensional problems (Glas, 1992; Adams, Wilson and Wang, 1997). This paper illustrates a Monte Carlo integration method that permits the estimation of models with much higher dimensionality. The example in …

Have Charter Schools Materialized Their Promise A Contrast Between Rhetoric And Reality, Mary Kay Kempker-Vandriel Dec 2002

Have Charter Schools Materialized Their Promise A Contrast Between Rhetoric And Reality, Mary Kay Kempker-Vandriel


Charter schools are a growing force in American education. Parents are demanding a choice in their child's public education. Are charter schools better than traditional public schools? Have charter schools kept their promise?

In the study regular public schools and charter schools were compared along five dimensions: (a) opportunity for learning and access to quality education, (b) innovative teaching methods and participative management, (c) teacher job satisfaction, (d) parent involvement, and (e) school accountability. Existing data from the 1999/2000 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) were analyzed with primarily chi-square tests and one t-test. These analyses provided results in relation to …

Association Between Intended And Attained Algebra Curriculum In Timss 1998/1999 For Ten Countries, Alla Routitsky, Susan Zammit Nov 2002

Association Between Intended And Attained Algebra Curriculum In Timss 1998/1999 For Ten Countries, Alla Routitsky, Susan Zammit

Dr Alla Routitsky

The Third International Mathematics and Science Study- Repeat 1998/1999 (TIMSS) assessed the mathematics and science achievement of students in their second year of high school. In addition to achievement tests, extensive information was collected from students and teachers. Of the 38 countries that took part, the overall results in mathematics of eleven countries, including Australia were not statistically different. Following the TIMSS research model, this article examines the association between three levels of curriculum, the intended curriculum, the implemented and the attained curriculum. In particular, this paper compares the achievement in four algebra topics for those students whose teachers reported …

The Influence Of It : Perspectives From Five Australian Schools, John Ainley, D Banks, M Fleming Nov 2002

The Influence Of It : Perspectives From Five Australian Schools, John Ainley, D Banks, M Fleming

Dr John Ainley

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are now widespread in Australian schools but with variation in how, where, when and how much they are used. Computers may be located in a computer laboratory, distributed throughout the school, or students may use their own laptop computers. IT may be a subject in its own right or ICT may be used across all areas of the curriculum. It is how ICT is used in the school setting that is important in providing students with the skills to be participate in a 'knowledge society'. This paper examines the ways in which information and communication …

Environmental Management: An Approach To Alcohol And Other Drug (Aod) Prevention, Charles G. Eberly, Becky Markwell Nov 2002

Environmental Management: An Approach To Alcohol And Other Drug (Aod) Prevention, Charles G. Eberly, Becky Markwell

Charles G. Eberly

This PowerPoint presentation was done with the Director of the Illinois Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Other Drug and Violence Prevention to showcase the concept of environmental management as a means of AOD prevention to professional counselors