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Full-Text Articles in Business

Cikli Jetësor I Produktit, Inovacionet Dhe Rritja Ekonomike, Qëndresa Sopaj Dec 2012

Cikli Jetësor I Produktit, Inovacionet Dhe Rritja Ekonomike, Qëndresa Sopaj

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim diplome përshkruan ciklin jetësor si koncept nga marketing si dhe fazat përbërëse të ciklit. Gjithashtu një pjesë i kushtohet edhe rëndësisë së teknologjisë dhe evolucionit industrial të shekullit të 18-të dhe elaboron rëndësinë e tij për rritjen ekonomike. Një koncept tjetër mjaft me rëndësi është teoria e “Shaktërrimit Krijues” e Schumpeter-it si dhe ndërlidhja e kësaj teorie me progresin teknologjik.

Për të punuar punimin është përdorur literaturë nga autorë të shumtë të cilët shpjegojnë teorinë e “Shkatërrimit krijues” të ekonomistit Joseph Schumpeter. Gjithashtu janë nxjerrë rezultate të cilat lidhin ndryshimet teknologjike me rritjen e standardit jetësor të popullsisë …

Ndërlidhja E Teknologjisë Informative Me Menaxhimin E Burimeve Njerëzore [Sistemi Informativ I Burimeve Njerëzore “Sibnj”], Hana Qerimi Dec 2012

Ndërlidhja E Teknologjisë Informative Me Menaxhimin E Burimeve Njerëzore [Sistemi Informativ I Burimeve Njerëzore “Sibnj”], Hana Qerimi

Theses and Dissertations

Sot, Burimet Njerëzore janë bërë pjesë e pandashme me një rëndësi të veçantë në sistemet menaxhuese të bizneseve të vogla të mesme dhe të mëdha. Rritja dhe zhvillimi i tregut të punës ka sjellë me vete nevojën e madhe për të pasur menaxhim të Burimeve Njerëzore ku si pasojë, janë identifikuar shumë metoda të cilat ndihmojnë për një zhvillim biznesor të suksesshëm. Në kohën e tanishme në të cilën po përjetojmë tregun global me një rritje të madhe të fuqisë punëtore dhe zhvillim enorm të teknologjisë informative, është bërë e mundur që këto dy lëmi të bashkëpunojnë ngushtë mes vete …

Distribution Channels Management In Banking Sector Global Trend And Strategies, Merita Gjyshinca Peja Dec 2012

Distribution Channels Management In Banking Sector Global Trend And Strategies, Merita Gjyshinca Peja

Theses and Dissertations

This paper seeks to evaluate the Banking sector in Kosovo, more specifically distribution channels development, channels management, integration among them, and global trends and strategies. Distribution channels development and management in banking is becoming an essential component on achieving customer satisfaction, improve costs efficiency and profitability.

In order to make the study more comprehensive I will also provide global perspective of the banking sector in Kosovo in general, global financial crises and its effects. The thesis describes how banks manage and take advantages of banking multi-channels through focusing on customer satisfaction, efficiency and channels integration versus costs. I will analyze …

Përdorimi I Praktikave Të Prokurimit Elektronik Në Evropën Juglindore Për Kosovën, Naxhie Sadiku Dec 2012

Përdorimi I Praktikave Të Prokurimit Elektronik Në Evropën Juglindore Për Kosovën, Naxhie Sadiku

Theses and Dissertations

Në temë shtrohen problemet në procesin e sistemit të prokurimit publik në Kosovë si dhe në përpjekjet e ndryshimit të sistemit nga prokurimi klasik në nisjen e aplikimit të prokurimit elektronik, duke u mbështetur nga ajo që pothuajse në gjitha vendet e tjera ky aplikacion është në përdorim. Përdorimi i platformës së prokurimit elektronik bën punën më të thjeshtë , më të shpjetë dhe më efikase. Të gjitha shtetet antare të BE-së aplikojnë sistemin sipas direktivave 2004/17 dhe 2004/18, poashtu edhe vendet e rajonit aplikojn proceset e prokurimit përmes platformës elektronike si rrugë më e shpejtë dhe më transparente. Prokurimi …

Menaxhimi I Shërbimeve Bankare Me Rast Analize-, Albiona Selimaj Dec 2012

Menaxhimi I Shërbimeve Bankare Me Rast Analize-, Albiona Selimaj

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim do të mundohem të tregoj se si kemi arritur në këtë pikë ku mundemi të manipulojmë me paratë tona pa shkelur këmbë fare mbrenda filijalës së bankës, cilat janë mundësitë që na i ofron teknologjia dhe çka na pret në të ardhmen. Do të mundohem të gjeje përgjigje në pyetjen si mund të rrisim efikasitetin e punës në bankë duke integruar informatikën dhe teknologjitë e reja. Duke pasur parasysh mungesën e hulumtimeve dhe çasjen në të dhënat bankare të dhënat dhe informatat e përdorura janë mbledhur nga interneti, si dhe do të përdori përvojën time të punës …

Investimet Në Sektorin E Energjisë Dhe Privatizimi I Këtij Sektorit, Besnik Sylejmani Dec 2012

Investimet Në Sektorin E Energjisë Dhe Privatizimi I Këtij Sektorit, Besnik Sylejmani

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim do njoftoheni per investimet e bëra në sektorin e energjisë elektrike dhe për privatizimin e pjesshëm të këti sektori. KEK-u është korporata më me ndikim në shtetin e Republikës së Kosovës dhe tatimpaguesi më i madh në vend.

Të dhënat statistikore janë marrë nga KEK,Oda Ekonomike e Kosovës (OEK),Ministria për Zhvillim (MSH), Ministria e Financave (MF), Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës (ATK).

Qëllimi i këtij punimi është të shohim se sa janë bërë investime në këtë sektor dhe se si po ecën privatizimi.

Statistikat Mbi Regjistrimin E Popullsisë: Metodologjia E Aplikuar, Lirije Muja Dec 2012

Statistikat Mbi Regjistrimin E Popullsisë: Metodologjia E Aplikuar, Lirije Muja

Theses and Dissertations

Në një botë dinamike që po ndodhemi me një numër të madhë të popullsisë në mbarë botën, regjistrimi i popullsisë luan rol të madh në aspektin ekonomik dhe politik. Po të mos egzistonte regjistrimi i popullsisë së një vendi nuk do të ketë përshpejtim në zhvillimin ekonomik të vendit që është element parësor për çdo shtet.

Për regjistrimin e popullsisë në këtë temë kemi paraqitë të gjitha elementët e zhvillimit të regjistrimit të bërë në vendin tonë për vitin 2011-të, duke filluar nga Metodologjia e regjistrimit që në të përfshihen të gjtha proceset e bërjes së regjistrimit : Ligji për …

Auditimi Dhe Llojet E Tij, Mehdi Bytyqi Dec 2012

Auditimi Dhe Llojet E Tij, Mehdi Bytyqi

Theses and Dissertations

Duke pasë parasysh përfitimet që kanë bizneset nga një sistem i mirëfilltë dhe i organizuar duke pranuar faktin se sistemet e tilla të punës mbi të gjitha kanë nevojë dhe domosdoshmëri për të oragnizuar edhe praktikën e auditimit. Kjo praktikë për momentin në Kosovë është vetëm në institucionet dhe organizmat e qeverisë e jo edhe në sektorin privat. Në Kosovë nuk vërehen investime nga bizenset kosovare në drejtim të implementimit të sistemeve të auditimit.

Unë kam tentuar që të bëjë një hulumtim rreth kësaj dukurie për të arritur dy qëllime, e para për të shpjeguar sadopak se pse bizneset nuk …

Communicating Strategically – Talking Less, Targeting Better. Qualitative Study On Corporate Communication‘S Learning In Leading Global Companies, Lukasz M. Bocheneki, Sam Blili Nov 2012

Communicating Strategically – Talking Less, Targeting Better. Qualitative Study On Corporate Communication‘S Learning In Leading Global Companies, Lukasz M. Bocheneki, Sam Blili

UBT International Conference

Companies need to communicate strategically in order to maintain dialogue and relationships with their stakeholders. In the crowded media and social media space the messages disappear in the noise generated by multiple actors. Therefore, to be heard the enterprises need to consider their communication strategically. It is not about the amount of information, it is about right targeting and usage of the right tools and channels. Social media allowed the companies to communicate directly with their stakeholders and customers. Different channels can address different stakeholders. This study focuses on a qualitative assessment of the learning patterns and profiles among 60 …

Effects Of Regional Trade Agreements On International Agricultural Trade, Biljana Ciglovska, Jeton Shaqiri Nov 2012

Effects Of Regional Trade Agreements On International Agricultural Trade, Biljana Ciglovska, Jeton Shaqiri

UBT International Conference

Determining the effects of the trade liberalization is a complex problem of the modern theory of international trade. For that purpose we need to determine whether the maximum benefits from the trade for one country and the world in general, could be achieved when the foreign trade liberalization is implemented on non-discriminatory base (in terms of globalization) or when the foreign trade liberalization is implemented on discriminatory base id est., within the regional economic integration by introduction of safeguard measures towards third countries (regionalism). Regionalization supporters affirm that the regional agreements promote more liberal trade and through the application of …

Impact Of Civil Servant Salaries On The Performance Of Local Public Administration In Kosovo, Naim Ismajli, Emira Qosja Nov 2012

Impact Of Civil Servant Salaries On The Performance Of Local Public Administration In Kosovo, Naim Ismajli, Emira Qosja

UBT International Conference

Motivation is defined as the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the ability of these efforts to satisfy some individual needs (Robbis / De Cenze p, 407). As motivating factors are: wage increase in career, workplace safety, work contracts, working conditions, organizational culture, leadership in working organizations, the level of responsibility at work and rewards. All these factors have different scale in motivating employee performance. Based on the theory of many authors in the field of Human Resources, presented in scientific literature, scientific journal articles, reports of international institutions (UNDP, World Bank, Human …

Reclaiming ‗The New Public Spaces‘ Outdoor Advertising & The Resistance Of The Albanian Consumer Movements, Ana Kekezi, Drita Kruja Nov 2012

Reclaiming ‗The New Public Spaces‘ Outdoor Advertising & The Resistance Of The Albanian Consumer Movements, Ana Kekezi, Drita Kruja

UBT International Conference

This study investigated and contributed empirically and theoretically the Albanian consumer resistance movements toward the invading of the public spaces by advertising. The outdoor advertising, even in emerging countries as Albania, is inescapable and has grabbed the consumer and his incapability on avoiding it. The methodological considerations that directed this research was the interpretive paradigm using within-methods triangulation. The impacts of free trade effects on consumer culture and proper spaces in developing countries has resulted as a significant one, through the process of commercial usurpation of public spaces. The study aimed to contribute in the theorical literature on the consumer …

A Study On Relationship Between Brand Loyalty And Customer Service In Insurance Companies Companies. The Case Of Macedonia And Albania, Klijme Poposki, Ilir Elmazi Nov 2012

A Study On Relationship Between Brand Loyalty And Customer Service In Insurance Companies Companies. The Case Of Macedonia And Albania, Klijme Poposki, Ilir Elmazi

UBT International Conference

Despite of remarkable interests in the nature and role of marketing application from servicing perspective, there are limited researches on service branding. By describing four major aspects of service branding, present study studies these aspects and their impacts on service conceived quality and finally it investigates the impact of service conceived quality on customer loyalty. Represented model includes the impact of brand traditional image along with other three impacts, that is, company image, employees‘ confidence and company‘s confidence. By using a 100-subject sample of Albania and Macedonia Insurance Company‘s customers, the analyses show that brand image and company‘s image have …

Project Management And Role Of Human Resources, Besnik Skenderi Nov 2012

Project Management And Role Of Human Resources, Besnik Skenderi

UBT International Conference

This paper is about project management and impact of human resources and training regarding the successful project management. In the first part author discuss about project management, role of the project manager and about project, management standards that are implemented by privately owned companies and state owned enterprises. In the second part author had conducted a brief literature review about professional knowledge of project managers and impact of training for project managers and for the project team members. In the last part, author had provided conclusion and recommendations.

Marketing Of A Destination. Critical Factors Of A Destination Marketing Success From Of Stakeholders‘ And Customer‘ Perspective. The Case Of Macedonia And Albania, Jovan Stojanoski, Liljana Elmazi Nov 2012

Marketing Of A Destination. Critical Factors Of A Destination Marketing Success From Of Stakeholders‘ And Customer‘ Perspective. The Case Of Macedonia And Albania, Jovan Stojanoski, Liljana Elmazi

UBT International Conference

No abstract provided.

Skills Market System In Kosovo: How Relevant Is To The Labour Market Needs, Levent Koro Nov 2012

Skills Market System In Kosovo: How Relevant Is To The Labour Market Needs, Levent Koro

UBT International Conference

The paper will study whether current skills market system provides right skills and occupation required by the labour market and analyze in detail which are the critical functions required being in place in order to improve the relevance of the skills market system. The paper will initially review formal skills providers (vocational schools, tertiary education both public and private) as well non formal providers (Vocational training centers, private sector and NGO providers). Subsequently, the paper will review the occupations and skills required by the labour market and will draw attention to relevance of the skills generated by the formal and …

Motivational Working Environment In Small And Medium Local Enterprises In Kosovo, Dritan Abazi, Elona Nazari Nov 2012

Motivational Working Environment In Small And Medium Local Enterprises In Kosovo, Dritan Abazi, Elona Nazari

UBT International Conference

High-performance companies compete in order to gain new customers and keeping the existing customers and this makes it to treat their customers with a high level of service, but to offer a high level of service the organization should possess a highly motivated work force. The aim of our study: is not focused on the assessment of a particular company, but the evaluation of several companies, small and medium enterprises which are established by local Kosovo owners. The analysis of responses to questionnaires, observe that small and medium local companies in Kosovo have inefficiencies in the direction of their staff. …

Internet Banking And Technology Acceptance Model (Tam): Is It Applicable To Users And Non Users: An Empirical Study Of Banks In Albania, Zhanina Dapi Nov 2012

Internet Banking And Technology Acceptance Model (Tam): Is It Applicable To Users And Non Users: An Empirical Study Of Banks In Albania, Zhanina Dapi

UBT International Conference

Traditional branch-based retail banking remains the most widespread method for conducting banking transactions in Albania as well as any other country. However, Internet technology is rapidly changing the way personal financial services are being designed and delivered. The explosion of Internet usage and the huge funding initiatives in electronic banking have drawn the attention of researchers towards Internet banking. In the past, the conventional focus of Internet banking research has been on technological development, but this is now shifting to user-focused research. Although millions of ( Lek) have been spent on building Internet banking systems, reports have shown that potential …

New Perspectives On Human Resource Management In Public Organization, Arsim Gjinovci Nov 2012

New Perspectives On Human Resource Management In Public Organization, Arsim Gjinovci

UBT International Conference

The changing nature work of human resources, creates new challenges and requires increased commitment to maximize the results in the organization, which are achieved through knowledge, learning or continuing education respectively continuously study requirements and necessity of economynew. One of the main roles of human resources is their action as a factor of change, transformation and cultural organizational change. Development of new technology in the economy and business, separated man enough from the manufacturing process, changing its role in the replacement of physical labor with technology. But, despite this increase in the level of technology, informatics, human factor again placed …

Impact Of Capital Investments In The Hotel Industry: A Survey Of Croatia, Goran Karanovic, Bisera Gjosevska, Dario Marsanic Nov 2012

Impact Of Capital Investments In The Hotel Industry: A Survey Of Croatia, Goran Karanovic, Bisera Gjosevska, Dario Marsanic

UBT International Conference

Capital financial investments are one of the most significant variables that have essential impact on growth of business entities and it is also one of the most important prerequisite conditions for the growth of overall macroeconomic development. In modern economic history, capital investments have been proven as a key variable that could overcome current economic predicaments and to also take further step in economic micro and macro development, especially at times of economic downturns, such as the last global financial crisis. The growth of the hotel industry provides the impetus for macroeconomic development spilling over in the entire Croatian economy, …

The Impact Of Ict Application In Accounting Services In Albania, Filloreta Madani, Evelina Bazini Nov 2012

The Impact Of Ict Application In Accounting Services In Albania, Filloreta Madani, Evelina Bazini

UBT International Conference

Prior to advances in technology, accounting records were maintained only on a manual basis, with the bookkeeper (or possibly the owner) required to complete a manual source document for each sale or receipt, and then spend the evenings or weekends writing the transactions of the day or week in special journals, stock cards, and debtor and creditor records. This obviously took some time, time that would otherwise have been spent operating the business. However, the development of computerized accounting systems has revolutionized the way small businesses keep their accounting records. This paper conveys the findings of a study conducted to …

Current Developments, Issues And The Future Of Microfinance In Albania, Oltiana Muharremi, Erald Pelari Nov 2012

Current Developments, Issues And The Future Of Microfinance In Albania, Oltiana Muharremi, Erald Pelari

UBT International Conference

One of the trends of global development today is microcredit. It is an instrument affecting employment, social, cultural and economic issues, and also as a component of natures cultures destined to have a great importance in the economies of different countries in the future. The careful determination of supply and demand for microcredit and the increasing role of small businesses to be economically productive and perform services in favor of society, undoubtedly requires a cautious policy in the development of microfinance institutions. Microfinance developed in Albania in the 90s and since then has been a key element in its development …

Financial Analysis And Techniques To Forecast The Possible Bankruptcy Of Firms In Terms Of Economic Crisis (The Case Of Albania), Antoneta Polo, Vjollca Karapici, Enkela Caca Nov 2012

Financial Analysis And Techniques To Forecast The Possible Bankruptcy Of Firms In Terms Of Economic Crisis (The Case Of Albania), Antoneta Polo, Vjollca Karapici, Enkela Caca

UBT International Conference

Globalization of markets, continued growth of competition, major technological and innovative changes, has decided Albanian businesses before the big existential challenges. The possibility of bankruptcy knocks at the gate of each of them (especially small and medium business), constituting a problem for the economy of the entire country. Factors that may cause such negative changes are numerous both in number as well as in the consequences with which they are associated. The main purpose of this paper is to make possible the identification of the most important factors that can lead to bankruptcy Albanian businesses and to present models and …

Quality Management In Public Sector; How Is The Qm Approach Employed In The Public Administration Of The Republic Of Kosovo?, Shkelzen Sopjani Nov 2012

Quality Management In Public Sector; How Is The Qm Approach Employed In The Public Administration Of The Republic Of Kosovo?, Shkelzen Sopjani

UBT International Conference

Quality Management as approach started to be rapidly developed and gained use in the early 1950‘s in Japan, while the result produced in Japan made the US organizations to embrace this approach and develop it further by introducing the ‗new‘ approach called Total Quality Management. Quality Management produced enormous results in the private sector; however, number of authors questioned the suitability of the Quality Management approach in the Public Sector1. Despite the hesitation expressed, many others see a little problem in adopting this approach in the government sector. Government of Kosovo made its priority the reform of Public Administration. In …

Causes And Effects Of The Informal Economy – The Case Of Macedonia, Tome Nenovski Nov 2012

Causes And Effects Of The Informal Economy – The Case Of Macedonia, Tome Nenovski

UBT International Conference

Republic of Macedonia (RM) has high level of informal economy activity. It accounts for about 35- 40% of GDP. It has a direct influence to the main indicators, categories and instruments for macroeconomic planning and regulation. By using qualitative, descriptive, statistic and comparative methodologies, this research attempts to locate causes and consequences of informal economy in RM. It also presents different ways for measurement of the size of informal economy and understands the basic characteristics of the Macedonian case in order to present well‐grounded policy recommendations. The main finding of the paper is that the informal economy in The RM …

Organisational Culture In Public Institutions And Its Effect Over The Implementation Of Total Quality Management Process – Kosovo Case, Ilir Rexhepi, Ermira Qosja Nov 2012

Organisational Culture In Public Institutions And Its Effect Over The Implementation Of Total Quality Management Process – Kosovo Case, Ilir Rexhepi, Ermira Qosja

UBT International Conference

Total Quality management (TQM) is a philosophy management method, the importance of which continuously has been growing after '90. There is relatively short time since Kosovo Public Institutions are practically doing their activity as a part of an independent Country, and as such day by day they are facing with different management challenges which continuously are becoming more rough and tough towards the EU integration process. Total Quality Management within Public Institutions, is leaded by the phase of establishment and implementation of Quality management Systems based on ISO 9001. In this process, through an deep empiric study in three Kosovo …

Why Smes Needs To Invest In Innovation?, Dorjana Feimi Nov 2012

Why Smes Needs To Invest In Innovation?, Dorjana Feimi

UBT International Conference

History has amply demonstrated that innovation in the public and private sectors is the most important key to long-term prosperity and economic competitiveness. A recent OECD study using innovation surveys for 21 countries showed that firms receiving public support for innovation, invest 40% to 70% more than those that do not. Also, higher levels of firms‘ investment in innovation lead to higher innovation sales and productivity. Especially in countries in transition, they face a number of obstacles: administrative barriers, limited access to nance, lack of technology, entrepreneurial skills. Yet, these days Albania represents a deficit in innovation, with a poor …

The Risk-Based Role Of Internal Audit Within Albania, Public Organizations, Holtjana Bello, Vjollca Karapici Nov 2012

The Risk-Based Role Of Internal Audit Within Albania, Public Organizations, Holtjana Bello, Vjollca Karapici

UBT International Conference

The aspiration of Albania for European integration has added mandatory requirements for public sector to modernize the internal audit function in adherence with International Internal Auditing Standards. According to such Standards supported by Picket (2005) and CIPFA (2003) the internal audit is an assurance function that provides independent opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls that support the achievement of the organizations objectives. Internal auditors can provide consultancy service, in particular to aid management to improve the organization control environment. Meanwhile, Diamond (2002) explains that the internal audit role, remit, scope and activities are driven by the macroeconomic objectives and …

The Determinants Of Real Exchange Rate In Albania, Edmira Cakrani, Pranvera Resulaj Nov 2012

The Determinants Of Real Exchange Rate In Albania, Edmira Cakrani, Pranvera Resulaj

UBT International Conference

RER is one of the most important economic variables, especially in today's conditions of integration processes, the removal of trade barriers and increasing direct competition between countries. RER behavior affects the economy in microeconomic terms defining the allocation of resources between the tradable sector and the non-tradable sector. RER affects economy also in macroeconomic terms, through its impact on key economic variables, such as economic growth, employment and inflation. But RER itself is affected by economic variables. The aim of this paper is to examine the economic fundamentals that determine the level of the RER in Albania and the extent …

Monetary Valuation Of Voluntary Contributions: The Case Of Lower Austria, Réka Heim, Andrea Hoeltl Nov 2012

Monetary Valuation Of Voluntary Contributions: The Case Of Lower Austria, Réka Heim, Andrea Hoeltl

UBT International Conference

The circumstances of voluntary engagement have largely remained unexamined due to the vague and challenging description of their content. Voluntary engagement tends to increase in European nations characterized by civil societies with material prosperity and high life satisfaction such as in Norway, Sweden and in Austria. This paper studies voluntary contributions in Lower Austria by tracking a cumulative data file from STATISTICS AUSTRIA in terms which purpose is twofold: first, in order to estimate the quantitative dimension of voluntary contributions, data from an additional section of the Austrian Micro Census is considered, and second employment and unemployment data from the …