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Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Nd − Pdpa: N Dimensional Probability Density Profile Analysis, Arjang Fahim Dec 2015

Nd − Pdpa: N Dimensional Probability Density Profile Analysis, Arjang Fahim

Theses and Dissertations

Proteins are often referred as working molecule of a cell, performing many structural, functional and regulatory processes. Revealing the function of proteins still remains a challenging problem. Advancement in genomics sequence projects produces large protein sequence repository, but due to technical difficulty and cost related to structure determination, the number of identified protein structure is far behind. Novel structures identification are particularly important for a number of reasons: they generate models of similar proteins for comparison; identify evolutionary relationships; further contribute to our understanding of protein function and mechanism; and allow for the fold of other family members to be …

Siguria E Rrjetave Kompjuterike, Blinera Ahmeti Dec 2015

Siguria E Rrjetave Kompjuterike, Blinera Ahmeti

Theses and Dissertations

Shpërndarja e internetit në përmasa më të mëdha filloi në fillim të viteve 1980. Qysh në këtë fillim lindi edhe nevoja për sigurinë e rrjetave kompjuterike, menjëherë pas shfaqjes së sulmeve të para që shkaktuan dëme në informacionet dhe sistemet kompjuterike. Ndryshimet shumë të shpejta në botën e kompjuterikës, aplikacioneve mobile dhe rrjetave pa kabllo kanë ndryshuar plotësisht tiparet e sigurisë së rrjetave. Qysh nga ajo kohë, sado që ka pasur zhvillime tepër të mëdha në botën e internetit, ende ka shumë ngecje në zhvillimin e metodave të sigurisë së rrjetave.

Problemet me sigurinë më së lehti dhe më së …

Implementimi Dhe Adaptimi I E-Commerce Në Kompanitë E Vogla Në Zvicër, Drilon Tahiri Dec 2015

Implementimi Dhe Adaptimi I E-Commerce Në Kompanitë E Vogla Në Zvicër, Drilon Tahiri

Theses and Dissertations

Qëllimi i këtij hulumtimi është të shqyrtojë implementimin dhe adaptimin e e-commerce në kompanitë e vogla në Zvicër . Ky hulumtim përshkruan të gjitha përfitimet dhe pengesat me të cilat ballafaqohen kompanitë e vogla gjatë procesit të implementimit të e-commerce. Një hulumtim cilësor është kryer. Po ashtu është kryer edhe një intervistë me një menaxher të një kompanie të vogël në Zvicër.

Ky studim tregon se kompanitë e vogla në Zvicër kanë përparësi në implementimin dhe adaptimin e e-commerce në krahasim me vendet e tjera të Evropës, por ende ka pengesa të cilat mund të përmirësohen në të ardhmen.

Përfitimet …

Programimi Paralel Me Gpu, Kujtim Kërqeli Dec 2015

Programimi Paralel Me Gpu, Kujtim Kërqeli

Theses and Dissertations

No abstract provided.

Zgjidhja E Problemeve Të Transportit Në Rrjetat Telekomunikuese Duke Kaluar Në Ran-In E Bazuar Në Ip, Meriton Ahmeti Dec 2015

Zgjidhja E Problemeve Të Transportit Në Rrjetat Telekomunikuese Duke Kaluar Në Ran-In E Bazuar Në Ip, Meriton Ahmeti

Theses and Dissertations

Operimi i Radio paisjeve (Antenat) të operatorëve të ndryshëm të telefonisë mobile dhe ndërlidhja e tyre me Rrjetën Bërthamë (Core Network) mundësohet nga RAN (Radio Access Network) i cili jo domosdoshmërisht është i njejtë për operator të ndryshëm mobil.

Përgjatë viteve të zhvillimit të Telekomunikacionit në përgjithesi dhe të Komunikimeve mobile në veçanti, janë zhvilluar teknologji të reja për ta tejkalur problemin e diversitetit në mes të teknologjive të aplikuara në rrjetën e një operatori të telefonisë mobile por edhe për të tejkaluar kufizimet e ndryshme teknike.

Në aspektin e dizajnimit të rrjetës së operatorëve të telefonisë mobile gjithmonë kalimi …

Krahasimi I Teknologjive Për Implementimin Dhe Përkrahjen E Videove Në Ueb, Rinor Svarça Dec 2015

Krahasimi I Teknologjive Për Implementimin Dhe Përkrahjen E Videove Në Ueb, Rinor Svarça

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim diplome jemi munduar të analizojmë dy teknologjitë më të përdorura për lansimin e videove në internet Adobe Flash dhe HTML5, edhe pse nuk janë të ngjashme kanë të përbashkët mundësinë e shfaqjes së videove në ueb faqe, ku dhe jemi fokusuar më shumë në këtë të përbashkët të këtyre dy teknologjive. Gjithashtu kemi hulumtuar për historikun, zhvillimin, ngjashmëritë dhe dallimet që kanë, kemi analizuar edhe problemet e tye dhe si ka ardhur deri te zëvendësimi i Flash me HTML5 për një kohë mjaftë të shkurtër. Jemi munduar t’i krahasojmë të gjitha pjesët e përbashkëta dhe kemi paraqitur …

Krahasimi I Cms Platformave, Wordpress Dhe Umbraco Për Ndërtimin E Ueb Faqeve Të Korporatave, Shpëtim Rashiti Dec 2015

Krahasimi I Cms Platformave, Wordpress Dhe Umbraco Për Ndërtimin E Ueb Faqeve Të Korporatave, Shpëtim Rashiti

Theses and Dissertations

Në ditët e sotme përdorimi i ueb faqeve është shëndruar në një element shumë të rendësishëm për çdo kompani apo korporat, ku për çdo njërën është e rëndësishme që të kenë një ueb faqe përmes së cilës do të mund të prezantonin punën e tyre apo të shisnin produkte online. Këto ueb faqe apo sisteme kanë mjaft shumë përmbajtje dhe kërkojnë punë për tu realizuar për këtë arsye është shumë e rëndësishme që këto ueb faqe të ndërtohen duke përdorur ndonjë CMS (Content Management System) Platformë. Në praktikë egsistojnë mjaft CMS platforma mirëpo në këtë punim ne do të krahasojmë …

Quality Enhancement Of 3d Models Reconstructed By Rgb-D Camera Systems, Chuanbo Wang Dec 2015

Quality Enhancement Of 3d Models Reconstructed By Rgb-D Camera Systems, Chuanbo Wang

Theses and Dissertations

Low-cost RGB-D cameras like Microsoft's Kinect capture RGB data for each vertex

while reconstructing 3D models from objects with obvious drawbacks of poor mesh

and texture qualities due to their hardware limitations. In this thesis we propose a combined method that enhances geometrically and chromatically 3D models reconstructed by RGB-D camera systems. Our approach utilizes Butterfly Subdivision and Surface Fitting techniques to generate smoother triangle surface meshes, where sharp features can be well preserved or minimized by different Surface Fitting algorithms. Additionally the global contrast of mesh textures is enhanced by using a modified Histogram Equalization algorithm, in which the …

3d Reconstruction Of Close Range Objects Using Free And Open Source Software And Raspberry Pi Technologies, Juan Lorenzo Monrreal Dec 2015

3d Reconstruction Of Close Range Objects Using Free And Open Source Software And Raspberry Pi Technologies, Juan Lorenzo Monrreal

Theses and Dissertations

Existing 3D rendering open source software along with Raspberry Pi technology can be used to create an affordable method and workflow for time efficient, accurate and quality scans for 3D printing. The emergence of technology spurs a technological community working to progress in a collaborative effort. This brings a potential to the possibility of efficient and economical solutions to emerging problems, in this case, the ability to render three dimensional scans using free and open source software as well as Raspberry Pi technology. The focus of this paper will be divided into three different aspects including the background needed to …

Using A Personalized Machine Learning Approach To Detect Stolen Phones, Huizhong Hu Dec 2015

Using A Personalized Machine Learning Approach To Detect Stolen Phones, Huizhong Hu

Theses and Dissertations

With the increasing number of smartphone penetration, mining smartphone data that make smartphone smarter became a top research area, there are a lot of event data which we can use to predict behavior or detect anomalies. The privacy disclosure caused by stolen or lost phones becomes an increasingly difficult problem that cannot be ignored. So we design an anomaly detection system by mining patterns to detect stolen phones. We use a pattern mining algorithm to abstract patterns from user past behavior, then construct a personalized model and use a scoring function and threshold setting strategy to detect stolen events. Moreover, …

A Methodology For Evaluating The Strength Of Cued-Recall Graphical Passwords, Mohammad N. Alshehri Dec 2015

A Methodology For Evaluating The Strength Of Cued-Recall Graphical Passwords, Mohammad N. Alshehri

Theses and Dissertations

With the revolution of computers, in particular smartphones, people use them to deal with sensitive information such as making online payments, online banking, managing medical records, and communicating with others via messages, emails, and social media. Consequently, computers and smartphones have become a storehouse of private information that must be protected from getting in the hands of unauthorized people. Verifying the identity of a computer’s users before granting access to them is one option of protection. Textual passwords and PINs are commonly used for authentication on standalone PCs, and smartphones. Users create problems, such as using easy to guess passwords …

Identifying Student Behavior For Improving Online Course Performance With Machine Learning, Makoto Mori Dec 2015

Identifying Student Behavior For Improving Online Course Performance With Machine Learning, Makoto Mori

Theses and Dissertations

In this study we investigate the correlation between student behavior and performance in online courses. Based on the web logs and syllabus of a course, we extract features that characterize student behavior. Using machine learning algorithms, we build models to predict performance at end of the period. Furthermore, we identify important behavior and behavior combinations in the models. The result of prediction in three tasks reach 87% accurate on average without using any score related features in the first half of the semester.

Detecting Harmful Hand Behavior With Machine Learning From Wearable Motion Sensor Data, Lingfeng Zhang Dec 2015

Detecting Harmful Hand Behavior With Machine Learning From Wearable Motion Sensor Data, Lingfeng Zhang

Theses and Dissertations

In medical care and special needs areas, human activity recognition helps doctors track the patients while they are unsupervised. In this paper, we will present our classifier system for detecting harmful hand behavior. The data comes from a wearable sensor on the user’s wrist. It collects signals in the three axes x, y and z. For each axis, it contains multiple attributes. Because reducing irrelevant attributes can decrease the time complexity and increase the accuracy, we started processing the raw data by ignoring some attributes from the whole attributes set. Our design approach is to apply a classification algorithm which …

Facilitating Corpus Annotation By Improving Annotation Aggregation, Paul L. Felt Dec 2015

Facilitating Corpus Annotation By Improving Annotation Aggregation, Paul L. Felt

Theses and Dissertations

Annotated text corpora facilitate the linguistic investigation of language as well as the automation of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. NLP tasks include problems such as spam email detection, grammatical analysis, and identifying mentions of people, places, and events in text. However, constructing high quality annotated corpora can be expensive. Cost can be reduced by employing low-cost internet workers in a practice known as crowdsourcing, but the resulting annotations are often inaccurate, decreasing the usefulness of a corpus. This inaccuracy is typically mitigated by collecting multiple redundant judgments and aggregating them (e.g., via majority vote) to produce high quality consensus …

A Machine-Aided Approach To Generating Grammar Rules From Japanese Source Text For Use In Hybrid And Rule-Based Machine Translation Systems, Sean Michael Jones Dec 2015

A Machine-Aided Approach To Generating Grammar Rules From Japanese Source Text For Use In Hybrid And Rule-Based Machine Translation Systems, Sean Michael Jones

Theses and Dissertations

Many automatic machine translation systems available today use a hybrid of pure statistical translation and rule-based grammatical translations. This is largely due to the shortcomings of each individual approach, requiring a large amount of time for linguistics experts to hand-code grammar rules for a rule-based system and requiring large amounts of source text to generate accurate statistical models. By automating a portion of the rule generation process, the creation of grammar rules could be made to be faster, more efficient and less costly. By doing statistical analysis on a bilingual corpus, common grammar rules can be inferred and exported to …

Dental Hygienists' Cognitive Process In Periodontal Soft Tissue Charting, Kelsey M. Schwei Dec 2015

Dental Hygienists' Cognitive Process In Periodontal Soft Tissue Charting, Kelsey M. Schwei

Theses and Dissertations

Introduction: Dental hygienists have not had the opportunity to be involved in the design and development of the periodontal soft tissue charts and the surrounding interface features that are used while examining dental patients in daily practice. In some cases, dentists are able to give their opinions, wants, and needs into the development of the health information systems that they use on a daily basis, but too often, the dental hygienist is forgotten about and no input is ever given to the developers from the dental hygienists. This project considers the impact of well-designed interfaces on effectiveness and workflow particularly …

Interactive Machine Assistance: A Case Study In Linking Corpora And Dictionaries, Kevin P. Black Nov 2015

Interactive Machine Assistance: A Case Study In Linking Corpora And Dictionaries, Kevin P. Black

Theses and Dissertations

Machine learning can provide assistance to humans in making decisions, including linguistic decisions such as determining the part of speech of a word. Supervised machine learning methods derive patterns indicative of possible labels (decisions) from annotated example data. For many problems, including most language analysis problems, acquiring annotated data requires human annotators who are trained to understand the problem and to disambiguate among multiple possible labels. Hence, the availability of experts can limit the scope and quantity of annotated data. Machine-learned pre-annotation assistance, which suggests probable labels for unannotated items, can enable expert annotators to work more quickly and thus …

Building 3d-Printed Widgets To Incorporate Into Prototypes, David E. Brandt Nov 2015

Building 3d-Printed Widgets To Incorporate Into Prototypes, David E. Brandt

Theses and Dissertations

Creating interactive prototypes can be a long and difficult process. It requires expertise in various fields. Prior work in developing interactive prototypes minimize time required to make a prototype, but generally sacrifice fidelity for fluidity. Advances in 3D printing create new opportunities to prototype with greater fidelity and fluidity. We investigate the use of several kinds of sensors, including IR photo interrupters, IR photo reflectors, push button switches, and potentiometers, to create interactive prototypes. We first design a library of 3D printable interaction components, buttons, sliders, and knobs using those sensors then we develop software to transform interaction events into …

Data Selection Using Topic Adaptation For Statistical Machine Translation, Hitokazu Matsushita Nov 2015

Data Selection Using Topic Adaptation For Statistical Machine Translation, Hitokazu Matsushita

Theses and Dissertations

Statistical machine translation (SMT) requires large quantities of bitexts (i.e., bilingual parallel corpora) as training data to yield good quality translations. While obtaining a large amount of training data is critical, the similarity between training and test data also has a significant impact on SMT performance. Many SMT studies define data similarity in terms of domain-overlap, and domains are defined to be synonymous with data sources. Consequently, the SMT community has focused on domain adaptation techniques that augment small (in-domain) datasets with large datasets from other sources (hence, out-of-domain, per the definition). However, many training datasets consist of topically diverse …

Cvic: Cluster Validation Using Instance-Based Confidences, Dean M. Lebaron Nov 2015

Cvic: Cluster Validation Using Instance-Based Confidences, Dean M. Lebaron

Theses and Dissertations

As unlabeled data becomes increasingly available, the need for robust data mining techniques increases as well. Clustering is a common data mining tool which seeks to find related, independent patterns in data called clusters. The cluster validation problem addresses the question of how well a given clustering fits the data set. We present CVIC (cluster validation using instance-based confidences) which assigns confidence scores to each individual instance, as opposed to more traditional methods which focus on the clusters themselves. CVIC trains supervised learners to recreate the clustering, and instances are scored based on output from the learners which corresponds to …

Menaxhimi I Patundshmërive (Ueb Aplikacion), Liridon Vrapca Oct 2015

Menaxhimi I Patundshmërive (Ueb Aplikacion), Liridon Vrapca

Theses and Dissertations

Shumë studentë vijnë nga qytete të ndryshme të vendit këtu në Prishtinë për të studiuar, dhe shumë herë kanë hasur në problemin e gjetjes së një apartamenti dhe vendi adekuat ku do të vendosen gjatë viteve të studimeve. Duke parë që kemi mungesë të zgjidhjes së këtij problemi në tregun tonë, kompanitë që ofrojnë sot ueb aplikacione në këtë drejtim nuk kanë zgjidhje adekuate dhe nuk janë të përshtatshme, duke parë që këto ueb aplikacione nuk posedojnë përkrahje në menaxhim të pronave dhe përdoruesve të agjensioneve të patundshmërive ku këtu shfrytëzohen ueb aplikacionet duke regjistruar pronat nga përdorues vetëm për …

Adaptive Automation Design And Implementation, Jason M. Bindewald Sep 2015

Adaptive Automation Design And Implementation, Jason M. Bindewald

Theses and Dissertations

Automations allow us to reduce the need for humans in certain environments, such as auto-pilot features on unmanned aerial vehicles. However, some situations still require human intervention. Adaptive automation is a research field that enables computer systems to adjust the amount of automation by taking over tasks from or giving tasks back to the user. This research develops processes and insights for adaptive automation designers to take theoretical adaptive automation ideas and develop them into real-world adaptive automation system. These allow developers to design better automation systems that recognize the limits of computers systems, enabling better designs for systems in …

A System-Level Throughput Model For Quantum Key Distribution, Robert C. Cernera Sep 2015

A System-Level Throughput Model For Quantum Key Distribution, Robert C. Cernera

Theses and Dissertations

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an innovative technology which exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to generate and distribute shared secret keying material. QKD systems generate and distribute key by progressing through a number of distinct phases, typically in a serial manner. The purpose of this research is to identify these phases, their relationships to each other, as well as their relationship to time, memory space, computational requirements, and hardware resources. A mathematical model is developed which enables the study of critical system parameters, identifies and demonstrates potential bottlenecks that affect the overall key generation rate of serial implementations, and …

An Analysis Of Conus Based Deployment Of Pseudolites For Positioning, Navigation And Timing (Pnt) Systems, Justin H. Deifel, Albert J. Pena Sep 2015

An Analysis Of Conus Based Deployment Of Pseudolites For Positioning, Navigation And Timing (Pnt) Systems, Justin H. Deifel, Albert J. Pena

Theses and Dissertations

The Global Positioning System (GPS) developed and operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) provides a way for users to determine position, navigation and timing (PNT). GPS provides an extraordinary capability that has become instrumental in all aspects of our day to day lives. As new technologies such as automated vehicles and unmanned aircraft continue to be developed, a reliable back up to GPS is required to ensure the PNT data generated in these systems is accurate. This research studies a potential architecture for deploying a nationwide network of ground based pseudolites that would act to supplement and backup …

Fast Inference For Interactive Models Of Text, Jeffrey A. Lund Sep 2015

Fast Inference For Interactive Models Of Text, Jeffrey A. Lund

Theses and Dissertations

Probabilistic models of text are a useful tool for enabling the analysis of large collections of digital text. For example, Latent Dirichlet Allocation can quickly produce topical summaries of large collections of text documents. Many important uses cases of such models include human interaction during the inference process for these models of text. For example, the Interactive Topic Model extends Latent Dirichlet Allocation to incorporate human expertiese during inference in order to produce topics which are better suited to individual user needs. However, interactive use cases of probabalistic models of text introduce new constraints on inference - the inference procedure …

Effects Of Visualization On Algorithm Comprehension, Matthew Mulvey Aug 2015

Effects Of Visualization On Algorithm Comprehension, Matthew Mulvey

Theses and Dissertations

Computer science students are expected to learn and apply a variety of core algorithms which are an essential part of the field. Any one of these algorithms by itself is not necessarily extremely complex, but remembering the large variety of algorithms and the differences between them is challenging. To address this challenge, we present a novel algorithm visualization tool designed to enhance students understanding of Dijkstra’s algorithm by allowing them to discover the rules of the algorithm for themselves. It is hoped that a deeper understanding of the algorithm will help students correctly select, adapt and apply the appropriate algorithm …

Three Essays On Enhancing Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment Using Natural Language Processing And Text Mining, Euisung Jung Aug 2015

Three Essays On Enhancing Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment Using Natural Language Processing And Text Mining, Euisung Jung

Theses and Dissertations

Patient recruitment and enrollment are critical factors for a successful clinical trial; however, recruitment tends to be the most common problem in most clinical trials. The success of a clinical trial depends on efficiently recruiting suitable patients to conduct the trial. Every clinical trial research has a protocol, which describes what will be done in the study and how it will be conducted. Also, the protocol ensures the safety of the trial subjects and the integrity of the data collected. The eligibility criteria section of clinical trial protocols is important because it specifies the necessary conditions that participants have to …

Three Research Essays On The Effects Of Culture Across It Diffusion Within Social Networks, Organizations, And Hospitals, Yu Zhao Aug 2015

Three Research Essays On The Effects Of Culture Across It Diffusion Within Social Networks, Organizations, And Hospitals, Yu Zhao

Theses and Dissertations

This dissertation focuses on two research streams: IT diffusion and culture, and each can be examined in various contexts. Specifically, this study investigates IT diffusion through online social network use, knowledge sharing towards the general organizational information systems, and hospital information systems usage. In terms of culture, espoused national cultural values, IT occupational subculture, and organizational cultural variables are examined in the following essays.

Essay1: Espoused National Cultural Values and Online Social Network Use: Towards an Extension of UTAUT

Prior research has developed a number of models for examining the acceptance and use of technology. This paper extends the unified …

Simulating The Impact Of Diet And Exercise On Blood Glucose Level For People With Type 2 Diabetes, Md Abdul Halim Sarkar Aug 2015

Simulating The Impact Of Diet And Exercise On Blood Glucose Level For People With Type 2 Diabetes, Md Abdul Halim Sarkar

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis describes the design of a discrete-event simulator that tracks the blood glucose level and glycated hemoglobin level as a person goes through her daily diet and exercise activities. This thesis also reports results of simulations performed using the simulator that show the changes in blood glucose level and glycated hemoglobin level as a diabetic person makes specific changes to her diet/exercise routine.

Implementimi I Sherbimeve Te Kualitetit (Qos) Ne Ndermarrjet E Vogla Dhe Te Mesme, Kushtrim Berisha Jul 2015

Implementimi I Sherbimeve Te Kualitetit (Qos) Ne Ndermarrjet E Vogla Dhe Te Mesme, Kushtrim Berisha

Theses and Dissertations

Në ndërmarrjet e vogla apo të mesme shpesh bie nevoja që kualiteti i shërbimeve të jetë pikë kritike për shumë arsye si Ofrimi i shërbimeve online për konsumatorin në kohë reale dhe efikasitet të lartë, si dhe parandalime të vonesave të mundshme në rrjetë për arsye të kapacitetit të bandwidth-it apo resurseve teknike.

Si fillim nevoja për shërbime të kualitetit është shfaqur në voice (telephony) në vitin 1994 nga organizata për standardizime të teknologjisë informative ITU [1]. Më vonë shërbimet e kualiteti u bënë të nevojshme edhe në shërbime dhe servise të tjera siç janë: response time, loss, crosstalk …