Analyses Of Measurements From The Crater Instrument On The Lro Spacecraft Using Space Radiation Transport Codes, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Analyses Of Measurements From The Crater Instrument On The Lro Spacecraft Using Space Radiation Transport Codes, Jamie Alicia Anderson
Doctoral Dissertations
In June 2009, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbital (LRO) Spacecraft was launched to orbit Earth’s Moon. Objectives of this mission are to find potential safe landing sites, locate potential resources, test new technologies, and characterize the lunar radiation environment. Located on the LRO is the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument which is designed to characterize the lunar radiation environment, its biological impact on humans, and impact on equipment. CRaTER will provide a better and more accurate understanding of the lunar radiation environment by measuring linear energy transfer (LET). This lunar environment includes solar particle events (SPEs) …
Leksell Gamma Knife Treatment Planning Via Kernel Regression Data Mining Initialization And Genetic Algorithm Optimization, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Leksell Gamma Knife Treatment Planning Via Kernel Regression Data Mining Initialization And Genetic Algorithm Optimization, Joseph Michael Bowling
Doctoral Dissertations
Gamma Knife is a medical procedure that is used to treat several types of intracranial disease. The system utilizes gamma rays from Cobalt-60 radiation sources focused at an isocenter and a stereotactic frame system that serves as an immobilization device coordinate system. Treatment is performed by localizing the patient’s disease with a medical imaging study and positioning the diseased area at the focused intersection of the beams. Patient treatment may require multiple treatment positions and varying beam sizes. The treatment position, time, and beam size is determined through a treatment planning process. Traditionally Gamma Knife treatment planning is performed manually …
Liquid Jet Experiments And Simulations For A Verification And Validation Study, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Liquid Jet Experiments And Simulations For A Verification And Validation Study, Lee Paul Tschaepe
Doctoral Dissertations
The velocity field for two vertical parallel water jets impinging into a large stationary volume of water is mapped using ultrasonic interrogation. Thermal mapping of the vertical parallel water jets at high Reynolds numbers has been performed. The velocity data and associated statistics are related to the measurement volume and the ultrasonic Doppler measurement technique. The data are also compared to the literature for twin jets. The interaction of parallel jets is of interest to liquid metal reactor design. Liquid metal fast reactor (LMFR) coolant enters the bottom of the fuel bundles and exits through the top of the bundles. …
Derivation Of Correction Terms To The Eikonal Approximations In The Formulation Of Analytical Abrasion-Ablation Model, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Derivation Of Correction Terms To The Eikonal Approximations In The Formulation Of Analytical Abrasion-Ablation Model, Santosh Bhatt
Doctoral Dissertations
Analytical models for the quantitative predictions of spectra from the neutrons and light ions produced from the high energy, heavy ion (HZE) reactions are extremely important in assessment of the radiation damage during long duration deep space missions, and for various accelerator applications. The fundamental physics of the secondary particle production and transport from these HZE reactions is described using the abrasion-ablation model. The abrasion part of the model is based on the Glauber multiple scattering theory while the ablation process is based on statistical decay based on an evaporation model. The current formulations for the abrasion process are based …
A System For Cooling Nuclear Spent Fuel Using Fluidized Bed Technology, 2012 University of Tennessee-Knoxville
A System For Cooling Nuclear Spent Fuel Using Fluidized Bed Technology, Ian J. Miller
Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects
No abstract provided.
Active Neutron Interrogation Of Non-Radiological Materials With The Nuclear Materials Identification System, 2012 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Active Neutron Interrogation Of Non-Radiological Materials With The Nuclear Materials Identification System, Mark Edwin Walker, John T. Mihalczo
Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects
No abstract provided.
An Investigation Of The Use Of Ceramic Microencapsulated Fuel For Transuranic Waste Recycling In Pressurized Water Reactors, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
An Investigation Of The Use Of Ceramic Microencapsulated Fuel For Transuranic Waste Recycling In Pressurized Water Reactors, Cole Andrew Gentry
Masters Theses
Presented is an investigation of the utilization of Tristructural-Isotropic (TRISO) particle-based fuel designs for the recycling of Plutonium/Neptunium (Pu/Np) Transuranic (TRU) isotopes in typical Westinghouse four-loop pressurized water reactors. Though numerous studies have evaluated the recycling of TRU isotopes in light water reactors (LWRs), this work differentiates itself by employing Pu/Np loaded TRISO particles embedded within a SiC matrix and formed into pellets that can be loaded into standard 17x17 fuel element cladding. This approach provides the capability of Pu/Np recycling, and by virtue of the TRISO particle design, will allow for greater burnup of Pu/Np material and improved fuel …
A High-Energy Neutron Flux Spectra Measurement Method For The Spallation Neutron Source, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
A High-Energy Neutron Flux Spectra Measurement Method For The Spallation Neutron Source, Nicholas Patrick Luciano
Masters Theses
The goal of this work was to develop a foil activation method to measure high-energy (∼1-100 MeV) neutron flux spectra at the Spallation Neutron Source by researching the scientific literature, assembling an experimental apparatus, performing experiments, analyzing the results, and refining the technique based on experience. The primary motivation for this work is to provide a benchmark for the neutron source term used in target station and shielding simulations Two sets of foil irradiations were performed, one at the ARCS beamline and one at the POWGEN beamline. The gamma radiation of the foil activation products was measured with a high …
Materials And Configuration From Nmis Type Neutron Imaging And Gamma Spectroscopy, 2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Materials And Configuration From Nmis Type Neutron Imaging And Gamma Spectroscopy, Alicia Lauren Swift
Masters Theses
The Nuclear Material Identification System (NMIS) was first developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) by the US Department of Energy (DOE) in 1984 for nuclear material control and accountability, and for possible future treaty verification applications by the Office of Nuclear Verification since the mid-1990s. NMIS is being developed into a fieldable form (designated FNMIS) and will incorporate gamma spectroscopy and an information barrier. This project, supported by the US DOE at ORNL, tested a previously developed procedure to determine the configuration of an object with unknown geometry and composition from neutron imaging, induced fission radiation detection, and passive …
Cellular Automaton For Simulation Of Oxide Layer Growth Influenced By Chromium Concentration Of Structure Material, 2012 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Cellular Automaton For Simulation Of Oxide Layer Growth Influenced By Chromium Concentration Of Structure Material, Kuan-Che Lan, Yitung Chen, Ge-Ping Yu, Tzu-Chen Hung
College of Engineering: Graduate Celebration Programs
Chromium, an important alloying element, has been added in ferrous and nickel based alloy such as stainless steels and Inconel alloy to improve the corrosion resistance. High corrosion resistance of structural materials in extremely high working temperature is one crucial R&D objective of Gen IV nuclear power plants which propose to raise the thermal efficiency via high working temperature. A cellular automaton (CA) model based on the stochastic approach was proposed to simulate the process of oxidation and corrosion of structural material in flowing fluid. The relation of chromium concentration against oxide layer thickness during a specific period was found. …
Theoretical Study Of The Effects Of Di-Muonic Molecules On Muon-Catalyzed Fusion, 2012 Air Force Institute of Technology
Theoretical Study Of The Effects Of Di-Muonic Molecules On Muon-Catalyzed Fusion, Eugene V. Sheely
Theses and Dissertations
This document presents a theoretical study di-muonic hydrogen and helium molecules that have the potential of enhancing the muon-catalyzed fusion reaction rate. In order to study these di-muonic molecules a method of non-adiabatic quantum mechanics referred to as a General Particle Orbital (GPO) method was developed. Three mechanisms that have the possibility of enhancing the muon-catalyzed fusion rate were discovered. Two involve the formation of di-muonic hydrogen molecules, and the other uses di-muonic molecules to liberate muons stuck to 3He nuclei. The effects of muon spin on dimuonic hydrogen molecules was studied. The nuclear separation in di-muonic hydrogen molecules …
Investigation On The Benefits Of Safety Margin Improvement In Candu Nuclear Power Plant Using An Fpga-Based Shutdown System, 2012 The University of Western Ontario
Investigation On The Benefits Of Safety Margin Improvement In Candu Nuclear Power Plant Using An Fpga-Based Shutdown System, Jingke She
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
The relationship between response time and safety margin of CANadian Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) nuclear power plant (NPP) is investigated in this thesis. Implementation of safety shutdown system using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is explored. The fast data processing capability of FPGAs shortens the response time of CANDU shutdown systems (SDS) such that the impact of accident transient can be reduced. The safety margin, which is closely related to the reactor behavior in the event of an accident, is improved as a result of such a faster shutdown process.
Theoretical analysis based on neutron dynamic theory is carried out to …
A Programmable Liquid Collimator For Both Coded Aperture Adaptive Imaging And Multiplexed Compton Scatter Tomography, 2012 Air Force Institute of Technology
A Programmable Liquid Collimator For Both Coded Aperture Adaptive Imaging And Multiplexed Compton Scatter Tomography, Jack G. M. Fitzgerald
Theses and Dissertations
A novel, fully reconfigurable collimator device for gamma-ray and X-ray imaging was built and tested as a coded aperture. The device consisted of 10x10, 5x5x5 mm3 chambers. Each chamber either was filled with an attenuating liquid, stopping photons, or evacuated of the attenuating liquid, allowing the photons to pass through. As the pattern of on and off chambers was manipulated, different, semi-independent views of the gamma-ray source were found. Noise in reconstructed images decreased in all tests. Image reconstruction was performed with correlation methods and Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (ML-EM). Using 10 mask patterns, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in …
Managing The Future Energy Policy For Ireland: Examining The Role Of Nuclear Power, 2012 School of Business, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland
Managing The Future Energy Policy For Ireland: Examining The Role Of Nuclear Power, Declan Lynch, Angela Wright
Dept. of Organisation & Professional Development Publications
This study assesses the attitudes and opinions of Irish people towards the use of nuclear power, and specifically examines the concept that Ireland should use nuclear power to generate electricity in the future. Currently, Ireland has a prohibition on nuclear power, with little debate or discussion on same, and with scant amounts of information published on the subject as it relates to Ireland. Conversely, from an international perspective, there is a significant volume of literature available covering all aspects of nuclear power, generated from over 50 years of nuclear power operations. Nuclear power technology is perceived as being a relatively …
Evolutionary Optimization Of Electronic Circuitry Cooling Using Nanofluid, 2012 Virginia Commonwealth University
Evolutionary Optimization Of Electronic Circuitry Cooling Using Nanofluid, Manu Mital
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Publications
Liquid cooling electronics using microchannels integrated in the chips is an attractive alternative to bulky aluminum heat sinks. Cooling can be further enhanced using nanofluids. The goals of this study are to evaluate heat transfer in a nanofluid heat sink with developing laminar flow forced convection, taking into account the pumping power penalty. The proposed model uses semi-empirical correlations to calculate effective nanofluid thermophysical properties, which are then incorporated into heat transfer and friction factor correlations in literature for single-phase flows. The model predicts the thermal resistance and pumping power as a function of four design variables that include the …
Optimizing Fiber Cross-Sectional Shape For Improving Stability Of Air–Water Interface Over Superhydrophobic Fibrous Coatings, 2012 Virginia Commonwealth University
Optimizing Fiber Cross-Sectional Shape For Improving Stability Of Air–Water Interface Over Superhydrophobic Fibrous Coatings, B. Emami, Hooman Vahedi Tafreshi
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Publications
In this letter, a mathematical force-balance formulation is developed that can be used to predict the critical pressure, the hydrostaticpressure above which the surface starts to depart from the non-wetting state, for superhydrophobicsurfaces comprised of highly aligned fibers (e.g., biased AC-electrospun coatings) with arbitrary cross-sectional shapes. We have also developed a methodology for optimizing the fiber cross-sections to maximize the critical pressure of the surface, using the Euler–Lagrange equation. A case study is presented to better demonstrate the application of our method.
Effect Of Fiber Orientation On Shape And Stability Of Air-Water Interface On Submerged Superhydrophobic Electrospun Thin Coatings, 2012 Virginia Commonwealth University
Effect Of Fiber Orientation On Shape And Stability Of Air-Water Interface On Submerged Superhydrophobic Electrospun Thin Coatings, B. Emami, H. Vahedi Tafreshi, M. Gad-El-Hak, G. C. Tepper
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Publications
To better understand the role of fiber orientation on the stability of superhydrophobicelectrospun coatings under hydrostaticpressures, an integro-differential equation is developed from the balance of forces across the air–water interface between the fibers. This equation is solved numerically for a series of superhydrophobicelectrospun coatings comprised of random and orthogonal fiber orientations to obtain the exact 3D shape of the air–water interface as a function of hydrostaticpressure. More important, this information is used to predict the pressure at which the coatings start to transition from the Cassie state to the Wenzel state, i.e., the so-called critical transition pressure. Our results indicate …
Ogólnotechniczne Podstawy Biotechnologii Z Elementami Grafiki Inżynierskiej Ćw., 2012 Wroclaw University of Technology
Ogólnotechniczne Podstawy Biotechnologii Z Elementami Grafiki Inżynierskiej Ćw., Wojciech M. Budzianowski
Wojciech Budzianowski
No abstract provided.
Materiały Odstresowujące, 2012 Wroclaw University of Technology
Materiały Odstresowujące, Wojciech M. Budzianowski
Wojciech Budzianowski
No abstract provided.
Wavelet Based Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization For Contrast Enhancement Of Digital Mammography, 2012 Missouri University of Science and Technology
Wavelet Based Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization For Contrast Enhancement Of Digital Mammography, Ashish Vighnahar Avachat
Masters Theses
"Mammography has been the most efficient tool for screening of microcalcification and cancer tissues; however, the raw images produced by mammography systems are usually of poor contrast. In order to use these raw images for early diagnosis; their contrast, sharpness and noise need to be enhanced. Among these important enhancement parameters contrast enhancement is critical. A novel algorithm is introduced which blends wavelet transforms with Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) for contrast enhancement. In this algorithm, the input image is decomposed to its low frequency and high frequency components in wavelet domain. Decomposed coefficients from different bands are then …