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O Surto Armamentista Na América Do Sul, Eloi Martins Senhoras 2009 Federal University of Roraima (UFRR)

O Surto Armamentista Na América Do Sul, Eloi Martins Senhoras

Elói Martins Senhoras

No abstract provided.

El Laberinto De Las Centralidades Históricas En América Latina. El Centro Histórico Como Objeto De Deseo, Fernando Carrión Mena Arq. 2009 FLACSO, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Sede Ecuador

El Laberinto De Las Centralidades Históricas En América Latina. El Centro Histórico Como Objeto De Deseo, Fernando Carrión Mena Arq.

Fernando Carrión Mena

Para desarrollar esta propuesta, el libro seguirá una lógica de exposición organizada bajo seis capítulos de desarrollo secuencial, que tienen un hilo con- ductor en el hecho de que los centros históricos tienen historia y son históricos. El capítulo 2, El objeto de pensamiento, aboca el conocimiento de las corrientes, categorías y principios que permiten comprender el centro histórico dentro de la nueva coyuntura urbana (nuevo patrón de urbanización), modificando así los instrumentos teórico-metodológicos tradicionales. Estas concepciones se desarrollan con base en lineamientos que conceptualizan el centro histórico como relación social, configurada desde las distintas variables multi-disciplinares que lo conforman. …

Retos Urbano Ambientales: Disturbio Climático En América Latina Y El Caribe, Clara Irazabal 2009 Columbia University

Retos Urbano Ambientales: Disturbio Climático En América Latina Y El Caribe, Clara Irazabal

Clara Irazabal

Las proyecciones hacia el futuro determinan que podría haber un aumento de hasta 1,7°C de temperatura para el 2050 y hasta 4°C para el final de este siglo, lo que sería catastrófico para la sostenabilidad de vida en el planeta, tal y como la conocemos hoy, Los niveles de aumento del nivel del mar han alcanzado 2 a 3 mm/año desde 1980 en la región. Han sido observados también cambios en los patrones de precipitaciones, con algunas áreas recibiendo más lluvias-sur de Brasil. Paraguay, Uruguay, nordeste de Argentina y noroeste de Perú-y otras con un menor nivel-sur de Chile, suroeste …

Institutional Discharges And Subsequent Shelter Use Among Unaccompanied Adults In New York City, Stephen Metraux, Thomas Byrne, Dennis P. Culhane 2009 University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

Institutional Discharges And Subsequent Shelter Use Among Unaccompanied Adults In New York City, Stephen Metraux, Thomas Byrne, Dennis P. Culhane

Dennis P. Culhane

This study empirically examines the link between homelessness and discharges from other institutions. An administrative record match was undertaken to determine rates of discharge from institutional care for 9,247 unaccompanied adult shelter users in New York City. Cluster analysis and multinomial logistic regression analysis was then used to assess associations between different types of institutional discharges and the likelihood of persons subsequently experiencing extended shelter stays. Results show that 28% of the cohort was discharged from institutional care within the 90-day period preceding their initial shelter entry, with different types of institutional discharge associated with differences in subsequent patterns of …

Tackling Homelessness In Los Angeles' Skid Row: The Role Of Policing Strategies And The Spatial Deconcentration Of Homelessness, Dennis P. Culhane 2009 University of Pennsylvania

Tackling Homelessness In Los Angeles' Skid Row: The Role Of Policing Strategies And The Spatial Deconcentration Of Homelessness, Dennis P. Culhane

Dennis P. Culhane

While recent research suggests that policing interventions can reduce crime through the spatial deconcentration of street homelessness in Skid Row, such efforts will not succeed on a sustained basis. The city and county need a more comprehensive plan that includes targeted housing development for people who are chronically homeless, along with the spatial deconcentration and repurposing of existing homeless programs.

Behavioral Health Services Use Among Heads Of Homeless And Housed Poor Families, Jung Min Park, Stephen Metraux, Dennis P. Culhane 2009 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Behavioral Health Services Use Among Heads Of Homeless And Housed Poor Families, Jung Min Park, Stephen Metraux, Dennis P. Culhane

Dennis P. Culhane

Objectives. This study compares the use of and cost for behavioral health services among heads of homeless and housed poor families. Methods. Medicaid records for 59,135 heads of families receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families benefits were matched with data from Philadelphia’s municipal shelter system. Propensity score matching was used to select a matched control group to those identified as having been homeless between 1997 and 2003. Behavioral health services utilization was then assessed based on Medicaid claims records. Results. Substantially higher levels of behavioral health services use and corresponding costs were found among heads of families with a history …

Dez Anos Da Lei De Responsabilidade Fiscal No Brasil, Eloi Martins Senhoras 2009 Federal University of Roraima (UFRR)

Dez Anos Da Lei De Responsabilidade Fiscal No Brasil, Eloi Martins Senhoras

Elói Martins Senhoras

No abstract provided.

Community Benefits Agreements And Local Government: A Review Of Recent Evidence, Laura Wolf-Powers 2009 University of Pennsylvania

Community Benefits Agreements And Local Government: A Review Of Recent Evidence, Laura Wolf-Powers

Laura Wolf-Powers

As community benefits agreements (CBAs) become more common in urban redevelopment, they are generating conceptual confusion and political controversy. Planners who encounter CBA campaigns in practice have limited means of evaluating CBAs’ desirability and likely impact without a more complete understanding of how they interact in practice with municipal government leadership and policy. This paper examines four urban redevelopment projects in which community benefits agreements have been enacted by some combination of community organizations, legislators and developers. While much of the expository literature on community benefits agreements is focused on the inclusivity and political moxy of local organizing coalitions, I …

Obrigações De Realizar Obras De Conservação Patrimonial, De Acordo Com O Art. 19 Do Decreto-Lei 25/1937, Rafael de Oliveira Alves 2009 UFOP

Obrigações De Realizar Obras De Conservação Patrimonial, De Acordo Com O Art. 19 Do Decreto-Lei 25/1937, Rafael De Oliveira Alves

Rafael de Oliveira Alves

No abstract provided.

Editorial Boletín 'Ciudad Segura' Nº 39. Bienes Culturales: Venta, Jaime F. Erazo Espinosa Arq. 2009 El Colegio de México, A.C. (Colmex)

Editorial Boletín 'Ciudad Segura' Nº 39. Bienes Culturales: Venta, Jaime F. Erazo Espinosa Arq.

Jaime Erazo

El Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales (TIBC), demanda, entre otras, de tres condiciones para su funcionamiento; la primera se vincula con la debilidad de la legislatura nacional para penalizar esta problemática; la segunda con responsabilizar y focalizar a únicas personas (por ejemplo banqueros) el surgimiento o mantención de cadenas de comercialización ilegal y la consecuente destrucción del patrimonio; y la tercera con preocupantes vacios conscientes de valor de los/as ciudadanos/as por lo que fue y lo que es nuestra historia y nuestra cultura. Demanda también, para su mismo funcionamiento, de opacos y distintos mecanismos: autorizaciones de importación y exportación de …

El Mercado De Jugadores, Fernando Carrión Mena Arq. 2009 FLACSO, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Sede Ecuador

El Mercado De Jugadores, Fernando Carrión Mena Arq.

Fernando Carrión Mena

Estamos finalizando la temporada de fútbol en Europa y con ella la compra y venta de entrenadores y futbolistas empieza a moverse con fuerza. La oferta y demanda de los “pies de obra” se abren implacablemente, con lo cual los países importadores son los que imponen las normas y las reglas del mercado. No solo que dividen al mundo según las estaciones de su temporada, con lo cual los países exportadores tienen que acomodarse haciendo dos torneos por año, sino también las nuevas modalidades de contratación de futbolistas sigue la lógica de los clubes importadores.

Los Estatutos de la FIFA …

Sensory Gardens: Assessing Their Design And Use, Hazreena Hussein 2009 Universiti Malaya

Sensory Gardens: Assessing Their Design And Use, Hazreena Hussein

Hazreena Hussein

This article investigates the design and use of sensory gardens by evaluating their zones and how they are utilized. Preliminary site studies were undertaken in 14 sensory gardens around the UK, followed by more detailed data collection at two case-study sites. The aim was to discover features that enable user behaviours and use of spaces in sensory gardens. The data collection included interview, observation and behaviour mapping, which is used in conjunction with affordance theory. The findings from the data analysis also draw on Moore and Cosco’s multi-method approach.

Reallocation Of Mesh Points In Fluid Problems Using Back-Propagation Algorithm, Philadelphia University 2009 Philadelphia University

Reallocation Of Mesh Points In Fluid Problems Using Back-Propagation Algorithm, Philadelphia University

Philadelphia University, Jordan

No abstract provided.

Fourth Year Collaboratory 2010, Thomas Fowler IV 2009 Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

Fourth Year Collaboratory 2010, Thomas Fowler Iv

Thomas Fowler IV, DPACSA, FAIA

Since the 2007/2008 academic year, this interdisciplinary design studio called the Design Collaboratory has been co taught by four faculty members building upon the successful 46-year multi-disciplinary experience of this academic institution cultivating innovative models of practice through an integrated architecture and architectural engineering design studio. This team of professors, with over 40 years of collective cross disciplinary collaborative experience, and students from Architecture and Architectural Engineering Departments participate in a 20-week design studio.

The Design Collaboratory provides for an intensive two-quarter course sequence designed to familiarize undergraduate students with practiced based knowledge and application for how interdisciplinary teams can …

Fowler Studio 2008 - 2010, Thomas Fowler IV 2009 Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

Fowler Studio 2008 - 2010, Thomas Fowler Iv

Thomas Fowler IV, DPACSA, FAIA

This is a representative sample of work from third year design studios 2008 - 2010, along with independent study fourth and fifth year students that I have worked with over a two-year period. I have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a very bright and talented range of students over this period of time which is further supported with selected projects being recognized with seven national and four international student design competition awards.

Distinguished Professor Of The Association Of Collegiate Schools Of Architecture (Dpacsa) Portfolio, Thomas Fowler IV 2009 Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

Distinguished Professor Of The Association Of Collegiate Schools Of Architecture (Dpacsa) Portfolio, Thomas Fowler Iv

Thomas Fowler IV, DPACSA, FAIA

Distinguished Professor of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (DPACSA) portfolio submitted 2010.

Invitation To Mapping: How Gis Can Facilitate New Discovering In Urban And Planning History, Amy Hillier 2009 University of Pennsylvania

Invitation To Mapping: How Gis Can Facilitate New Discovering In Urban And Planning History, Amy Hillier

Amy Hillier

No abstract provided.

Genuine, Protean, Ad Hoc Public Spaces, Sara Khorshidifard 2009 Bowling Green State University - Main Campus

Genuine, Protean, Ad Hoc Public Spaces, Sara Khorshidifard

Sara Khorshidifard

No abstract provided.

Revealing Iberian Woodcraft: Conserved Wooden Artefacts From South-East Spain, pablo rosser 2009 COLABORADOR HONORÍFICO UNIVERSIDAD ALICANTE

Revealing Iberian Woodcraft: Conserved Wooden Artefacts From South-East Spain, Pablo Rosser

pablo rosser

Yolanda Carrion & Pablo Rosser Six wells at Tossal de les Basses in Spain captured a large assemblage of Iberian woodworking debris. The authors’ analysis distinguishes a wide variety of boxes, handles, staves, pegs and joinery made in different and appropriate types of wood, some – like cypress – imported from some distance away. We have here a glimpse of a sophisticated and little known industry of the fourth century BC.

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