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Full-Text Articles in Library and Information Science

Male And Female Differences In Colour Naming, A Case Study Of Fib Ui English Students, Gevintha Karunia Maully Dec 2014

Male And Female Differences In Colour Naming, A Case Study Of Fib Ui English Students, Gevintha Karunia Maully

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

Male and female are not only differentiated by their physical and emotional condition. There are many other aspects that can be explained to prove male and female differences, one of those differences can be seen by how they name colour. Using Lakoff’s theory, which talks about female and male differences in colour naming, as the main theory, this research is conducted. Using ten FIB UI English students as the sample, five males and five females, this research aims to prove Lakoff’s theory whether it is suitable with the condition of FIB UI English students or not. Besides, by the end …

Magic As A Form Of Oppression Towards Women: Gender Ideology In Maleficent (2014), Thalia Shelyndra Wendranirsa Dec 2014

Magic As A Form Of Oppression Towards Women: Gender Ideology In Maleficent (2014), Thalia Shelyndra Wendranirsa

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

Previous studies propose that female protagonists in Disney movies are represented based on gender construction that causes oppression towards women, but in 2014, Disney produces Maleficent which offers different characterization and theme opposing the aforementioned gender construction. By focusing on its different female main character and theme, this paper aims to see what kind of oppression occurs and how Disney presents their gender ideology in the movie. The findings reveal that even though Maleficent is portrayed as a powerful woman, she is also oppressed. Her magical power becomes a trigger of her oppression since men consider Maleficent’s power as a …

The Inter-Asia Global Marriage: Interaksi Budaya Di Dalam Perkawinan Campuran Pasangan India-Indonesia Di Jakarta, Song Angjaya Dec 2014

The Inter-Asia Global Marriage: Interaksi Budaya Di Dalam Perkawinan Campuran Pasangan India-Indonesia Di Jakarta, Song Angjaya

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The paper analyzes the cultural interaction in mixed marriage of Indian national who live in Jakarta with Indonesian in the more penetrating globalization process in Asia in the 21st century. The research aims to examine the binding of two cultures tied in the knot in the marriage institution, its problem and negotiation. The qualitative methods used here is conducted through questionnaire and direct interview and through the social media. The result of which shows that factors such as cultural difference, respective country rules, and family tie interfere the social interaction in mixed marriage. But, despite the challenges, it is capable …

Identitas Kosmopolitan Dan Parokial Pekerja Migran India Di Batam Sebagai Strategi Negosiasi Budaya, Dian Mukti Wuri Dec 2014

Identitas Kosmopolitan Dan Parokial Pekerja Migran India Di Batam Sebagai Strategi Negosiasi Budaya, Dian Mukti Wuri

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The paper describes the economic influence in the cultural policy seen through the big number of the diaspora of ethnic and national of India in Southeast Asia. Although in one hand, the India diaspora is one of the substantial sources in developing India, however, on the other, there are some obstacles found in this matter, such as that the Indian policy is partial against other countries in Southeast Asia, so as that the countries of Southeast Asia partial against the Indian diaspora. The writer of this paper, starts his argument with the idea to offer double citizenship to the Indian …

Model Sosialisasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Baduy Dalam Pelestarian Hutan Kepada Generasi Muda Di Kampung Balimbing, Baduy Luar, Isman Pratama Nasution, R. Cecep Eka Permana, Dian Sulistyowati Dec 2014

Model Sosialisasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Baduy Dalam Pelestarian Hutan Kepada Generasi Muda Di Kampung Balimbing, Baduy Luar, Isman Pratama Nasution, R. Cecep Eka Permana, Dian Sulistyowati

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The Baduys are rice farming communities who rely on nature and the forest. Therefore, they keep and maintain their forests through customs and cultural practices. Dudungusan is preserved forest, prohibited for cultivation. Garapan is the land that can be processed into fields (huma), following the needs and rules of cultivation. Although the Baduys live in groups in small villages at the foot and slopes of hills or mountains, they keep and follow their local wisdom. This is evident from the review and the community activities that have been done earlier. There are records of the knowledge, views, and understanding of …

Kebijakan Diaspora India Di Asia Tenggara: Corak Strategi Ekonomi Dalam Ikatan Identitas Budaya, Naufal Azizi Dec 2014

Kebijakan Diaspora India Di Asia Tenggara: Corak Strategi Ekonomi Dalam Ikatan Identitas Budaya, Naufal Azizi

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The paper describes the economic influence in the cultural policy seen through the big number of the diaspora of ethnic and national of India in Southeast Asia. Although in one hand, the India diaspora is one of the substantial sources in developing India, however, on the other, there are some obstacles found in this matter, such as that the Indian policy is partial against other countries in Southeast Asia, so as that the countries of Southeast Asia partial against the Indian diaspora. The writer of this paper, starts his argument with the idea to offer double citizenship to the Indian …

Batik Dan Industri Kreatif: Sebuah Proses Kreatifitas Manusia Dalam Kajian Studi Humaniora, Irmayanti Meliono Jul 2014

Batik Dan Industri Kreatif: Sebuah Proses Kreatifitas Manusia Dalam Kajian Studi Humaniora, Irmayanti Meliono

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

This paper would like to discuss that batik has three types consist of kain batik tulis, kain batik print and batik fabrics and their variety of motifs. The scope of research on batik originated from the area of Bandung, Cirebon, Pekalongan and Yogyakarta-Surakarta (Solo) . This research analyzed with Peirce’s triadic semiotic approach with a sign that has an icon, index, and symbol. Analysis a sign motif of batik is related to with an icon in the form of of cloth, and the index element in the form of color motifs of batik. Symbol is always related to with the …

The Death Of Captain America Represents The Failure Of The American Dream, Dimas Anggara Jul 2014

The Death Of Captain America Represents The Failure Of The American Dream, Dimas Anggara

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

American Dream is a concept that plays an important role in the American history and its society. The main values of the American Dream are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. These are represented in Captain America, carrier of the spirit of America to the world. Captain America, the main character in a comic, also preserved the values in the American Dream, so it is proven that there is a relation between Captain America and the American Dream. The problem is that there are changes in the way people see the concept of the American Dream today. It is because …

Narsisme Sebagai Wujud Eksistensi Diri Dalam Novel “My Name Is Red” Karya Orhan Pamuk, Raden Dibi Irnawan Jul 2014

Narsisme Sebagai Wujud Eksistensi Diri Dalam Novel “My Name Is Red” Karya Orhan Pamuk, Raden Dibi Irnawan

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

This paper discusses about socio-psychological dimension in paintings pictured in Orhan Pamuk’s novel My Name is Red. The novel shows us fi ne examples about how paintings can be a media of painters who lived in a repressive era of Sultan Murat III which established rigid rules adopted from Islamic principles of how a painting should be done. This idea manifested in the characters’ behaviour, especially Velijan Eff endi, who hold the Islamic or East principles, but dilemmatically fond of Western principles as an aesthetic way of painting. This kind of dilemma born from the presence of East and West …

Representasi Tokoh Wanita Pada Kisah Fiksi Kriminal: Serial Televisi Sherlock Bbc (2010), Gevintha Karunia Maully Jul 2014

Representasi Tokoh Wanita Pada Kisah Fiksi Kriminal: Serial Televisi Sherlock Bbc (2010), Gevintha Karunia Maully

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

Sherlock BBC (2010) is one of the latest adaptations of Sherlock Holmes. By using the modern era as its sett ing, Sherlock off ers something diff erent compared to previous Sherlock Holmes adaptations. This research focuses on the representation of female characters on Sherlock according to an issue that already chosen which is women and crime. The theories and concepts which are used on this research are gender construction in Victorian Era, the concept of femme-fatale and crime fi ction characteristics. I argue that there are some substantial diff erences of female characters’ representation in Sherlock compared to the original …

Ambiguitas Yang Mencerminkan Rasisme Dalam Film The Princess And The Frog, Rizki Nurmaya Oktarina Jul 2014

Ambiguitas Yang Mencerminkan Rasisme Dalam Film The Princess And The Frog, Rizki Nurmaya Oktarina

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

Princess fairy tales have made the Disney Corporation so famous. At fi rst, Disney princesses were white skinned. As time goes by, Disney started fi lming animated movies with colored princesses. In 2009, Disney released a movie based on an African-American princess named Tiana in ‘The Princess and the Frog’ (2009). Ambiguities in terms of understanding black appear in the fi lm. To help analyzing this movie, Barthes’ semiotics theory will be used. By using that theory, the writer proposes that on one hand, Disney conveys that America has become “color blind,” but on the other, blacks are positioned as …

Hubungan Kekuasaan Pada Tokoh Superhero Dan Supervillain Dalam Film Iron Man 3 (2013): Sebuah Kajian Tematik, Marco Alexandro Tobing Jul 2014

Hubungan Kekuasaan Pada Tokoh Superhero Dan Supervillain Dalam Film Iron Man 3 (2013): Sebuah Kajian Tematik, Marco Alexandro Tobing

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

This research discusses how superhero and supervillain characters in the fi lmIron Man 3 (2013) shows a power relation as a form of superhuman superiority. The power relation that occur through the confl ict between characters are seen as an establishment of social stratifi cation among superhuman and normal human / society as cultural study. This study is conducted thematically through characterizations analysis method by comparing the defi nition and ideology on the superhero and supervillain in superhero characters, Iron Man and the Iron Patriot, and supervillain character, Mandarin. This study aims to fi nd the root of power relation …