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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Properties Of Corneal Receptors In A Teleost Fish, Paul J. Ashley, Lynne U. Sneddon, Catherine R. Mccrohan Dec 2006

Properties Of Corneal Receptors In A Teleost Fish, Paul J. Ashley, Lynne U. Sneddon, Catherine R. Mccrohan

Veterinary Science and Medicine Collection

Corneal receptors have not previously been identified in lower vertebrates. The present study describes the properties of trigeminal ganglion corneal receptors in a teleost fish, the rainbow trout (Oncoryhnchus mykiss). Out of 27 receptors, 7 were polymodal nociceptors, 6 were mechanothermal nociceptors, 2 were mechanochemical receptors and the largest group, 12, were only responsive to mechanical stimulation. No cold responsive receptors were found on the trout cornea. Mechanical and thermal thresholds were lower and receptive field diameters smaller than those of cutaneous trigeminal receptors in the trout, demonstrating greater sensitivity in the cornea. The lack of cold sensitive neurons may …

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kematian Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita Tahun 2004, Fatmah A. Gobel, Renti Mahkota Dec 2006

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kematian Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita Tahun 2004, Fatmah A. Gobel, Renti Mahkota


Menurut estimasi WHO, sekitar 50% dari 12 juta penduduk dunia meninggal akibat penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Faktor prognosis pasien PJK dapat diubah dan dikendalikan, dan memungkinkan untuk mencegah kematian akibat PJK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor prognosis yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya kematian pasien PJK di PJN Harapan Kita Tahun 2004, menggunakan data sekunder (data rekam medik pasien). Variabel-variabel yang diteliti meliputi variabel independen (jaminan pembayaran, asal daerah/kawasan, penyakit penyerta hipertensi, diabetes melitus, dislipidemia dan riwayat PJK sebelumnya) dan variabel kovariat (umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan pekerjaan). Desain epidemiologi yang digunakan adalah analitik kasus kontrol dengan jumlah kasus 130, kontrol …

Penggunaan Obat Yang Tidak Rasional Pada Balita Dengan Diare Di Kalangan Bidan, Di Kabupaten Sumedang Tahun 2006, Uyu Wahyudin, Besral Besral Dec 2006

Penggunaan Obat Yang Tidak Rasional Pada Balita Dengan Diare Di Kalangan Bidan, Di Kabupaten Sumedang Tahun 2006, Uyu Wahyudin, Besral Besral


Pengobatan diare pada balita di Puskesmas Kabupaten Sumedang dilaksanakan di Poli KIA yang sehari-harinya ditangani oleh bidan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan bidan dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan bidan dalam penggunaan obat secara rasional pada balita diare akut non spesifik. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 109 bidan yang berasal dari 18 puskesmas yang dipilih secara random. Pengukuran kepatuhan dilakukan dengan pengamatan terhadap resep yang ditulis oleh bidan untuk balita penderita diare akut non spesifik. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan tingkat kepatuhan bidan adalah 69,7%. Hasil analisis regresi logistik ganda memperlihatkan bahwa faktor yang berhubungan …

Faktor Kesehatan Reproduksi Ibu Hamil Dan Hubungannya Dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah Di Kota Sukabumi Tahun 2005-2006, Etna Saraswati Dec 2006

Faktor Kesehatan Reproduksi Ibu Hamil Dan Hubungannya Dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah Di Kota Sukabumi Tahun 2005-2006, Etna Saraswati


Di Indonesia, bayi berat badan rendah (BBLR) merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang berpengaruh terhadap kematian perinatal dan neonatal. Di Propinsi Jawa Barat dilaporkan 6,4% bayi lahir dengan berat badan kurang dari 2,5 Kg. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui berbagai faktor kesehatan reproduksi yang berhubungan dengan kejadian. Penelitian yang menggunakan disain kasus kontrol ini dengan menggunakan formulir kohort ibu hamil di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Sukabumi. Kasus adalah bayi dengan BBLR yang lahir pada tahun 2005 sampai Juni 2006, sedangkan kontrol adalah bayi bukan BBLR yang lahir pada periode yang sama. Pengambilan variabel independen dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan ibu bayi pada kunjungan …

Praktik Budaya Dalam Kehamilan, Persalinan Dan Nifas Pada Suku Dayak Sanggau, Tahun 2006, Edy Suprabowo Dec 2006

Praktik Budaya Dalam Kehamilan, Persalinan Dan Nifas Pada Suku Dayak Sanggau, Tahun 2006, Edy Suprabowo


Menurut WHO, kematian ibu masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat utama di berbagai negara di dunia dengan angka kematian rata-rata 400 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Angka kematian ibu di Kalimantan Barat adalah 442/100.000 kelahiran hidup berada di atas angka rata-rata dunia tersebut Tujuan umum penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa praktek budaya masyarakat Suku Dayak Sanggau yang berpengaruh terhadap kehamilan, kelahiran, dan nifas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metoda wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelompok terarah, dan observasi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisi tema. Penelitian diadakan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sanggau pada bulan Mei 2006 dengan informan ibu hamil, …

Berbagai Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Beban Biaya Obat Pasien Rawat Inap Program Askeskin, Di Cirebon Tahun 2005, Lucya Agung Susilawati, Hasbullah Thabrany Dec 2006

Berbagai Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Beban Biaya Obat Pasien Rawat Inap Program Askeskin, Di Cirebon Tahun 2005, Lucya Agung Susilawati, Hasbullah Thabrany


Askeskin membayar klaim pengobatan rumah sakit untuk penduduk miskin dengan tarif yang ditetapkan. Namun, resep obat tidak terdaftar yang tidak boleh dibebankan pada pasien justru menjadi beban rumah sakit. Inisiatif pimpinan RSUD Gunung Jati menyediakan dana pendamping menjadi beban secara finansial. Pada tahun 2005, rujukan pasien rawat inap kelas III, meningkat 153% dan beban pasien luar kota meningkat 331%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi beban RS menutupi biaya perawatan, khususnya obat non DPHO yang tidak dapat diklaim ke Askes. Penelitian menggunakan sumber data catatan medik, catatan klaim dan studi kualitatif wawancara mendalam. Ditemukan bahwa pasien luar yang …

Hubungan Pertambahan Berat Badan Selama Kehamilan Dengan Berat Lahir Bayi Di Sukaraja Bogor Tahun 2001- 2003, Elmy Rindang Turhayati Dec 2006

Hubungan Pertambahan Berat Badan Selama Kehamilan Dengan Berat Lahir Bayi Di Sukaraja Bogor Tahun 2001- 2003, Elmy Rindang Turhayati


Di Indonesia, pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan umumnya rendah (<10 kg), padahal pertambahan berat badan tersebut merupakan indikator pertubuhan janin yang penting. Di Kabupaten Bogor, prevalensi ibu hamil penderita Kurang Energi Kronis (27,6%) adalah tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan dan hubungannya dengan berat badan bayi baru lahir. Penelitian dengan disain potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 270 sampel ibu hamil yang melahirkan cukup bulan (>37 minggu), mengunakan metoda Regresi Logistik. Ditemukan proporsi bayi lahir dengan berat 2.500-2.999 gram adalah 47,8%. Rata-rata berat lahir adalah 3.015 gram. Proporsi ibu dengan pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan 48,9%. Rata-rata pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan sebesar 9,1 kg. Variabel yang berhubungan secara bermakna bermakna dengan berat lahir adalah pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan (nilai p = 0,000, OR = 7,28, CI 95%= 4,25-1,46), dan asupan energi (nilai p = 0,000, OR = 5,15, CI 95% = 2,976-8,913). Juga ditemukan interaksi antara asupan energi dengan pertambahan berat badan selama …

Determinan Indeks Massa Tubuh Remaja Putri Di Kota Bukit Tinggi, Tahun 2006, Rini Santy Dec 2006

Determinan Indeks Massa Tubuh Remaja Putri Di Kota Bukit Tinggi, Tahun 2006, Rini Santy


Di Indonesia, pada 1999-2003, remaja putri yang mengalami Kekurangan EnergiKronis (KEK). akibat asupan energi yang kurang adalah 35–40% dan sekitar 50% remaja putri menderita status gizi kurang (IMT <18,5 kg/m² ). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran epidemiologi. IMT remaja putri dan berbagai faktor yang berhubungan Rancangan studi yang digunakan adalah rancangan potong lintang (cross sectional). Populasi adalah remaja putri berusia 16-18 tahun yang tinggal di Buki Tinggi dan sampel adalah 156 siswi kelas III SLTA (SMA, MA, dan SMK) usia 16–18 tahun yang terpilih dari 11 sekola yang diamati. Analisis data dilakukan secara multivariate dengan metoda logistic regression ganda. Hasil penelitian (1) Rata-rata IMT remja putri adalah 20,69 kg/m²± 2,63. (2) Proporsi siswi dengan IMT<18,5 kg/m² adalah 19,9% yang meliputi 14,1% kekurangan gizi ringan dan 5,8% kekurangan gizi berat. (3) Rata-rata asupan energi remaja putri adalah 1,694 kalori dan rata-rata kontribusi terhadap total energi protein (11,8%), lemak (26,7%) dan karbohidrat (58,7%). (4) Rata-rata asupan energi dibanding AKG meliputi total energi (77%), protein (93,6%). Variabel yang berhubungan secara bermakna dengan IMP pada remaja meliputi total energi, kebiasaan makan dan citra tubuh dengan IMT remaja putri dengan variabel utama adalah total energi. In Indonesia, in period of 1999–2003, abot 35–40% women in productive age of 15–19 are at risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) because of insufficient consumption of energy. This research is aimed at obtaining the description of nutritional status of girls in Bukittinggi and factors related to it. The research that was conductec in period of February tol March 2006 used the design of cross sectional. The study population is the girls studied are represented by the third-grade female students of senior high schools of 16–18 who are categorized as a late teenager who is very close to pregnant period. The sample consist of 156 female student that was selected by systematic random sampling at 11 schools. The results show that the BMI of the girls is 20.69 kg/m²± 2.63 on average. The proportion of students having BMI <18.5 kg/m2 is 19.9% all of which is distributed to 14.1% of light level of malnutrition and 5.8% for heavy level of malnutrition. Intake per day is 1,694 calorie on average with protein contributed to intake is 11.8%, fat 26.7% dan carbohydrat 58.7%. Intake energy compared with Recommended Dietary Allowence (RDA) are total energy consumption 77%, protein 93.6%, lemak 65.3% and carbohydrat 84.7%. There is a significant relation between energy consumption, eating habit, body image, by BMI. Variable energy consumption is the dominant variable influencing BMI.

Aged Rats: Sex Differences And Responses To Chronic Stress, Rachel E. Bowman, Neil J. Maclusky, Samantha Diaz-Weinstein, Mark C. Zrull, Victoria N. Luine Dec 2006

Aged Rats: Sex Differences And Responses To Chronic Stress, Rachel E. Bowman, Neil J. Maclusky, Samantha Diaz-Weinstein, Mark C. Zrull, Victoria N. Luine

Psychology Faculty Publications

Cognitive, as well as physiological, sex differences exist in young adult rats under both basal conditions and following chronic stress; however, few studies have examined whether sex differences remain in aged subjects and whether responses to stress are altered. We compared aged male and female Fischer 344 rats (21.5 months at testing) without stress and when given 21 days of restraint for 6 h/day on locomotion, anxiety-related behaviors, object recognition (non-spatial memory), object placement (spatial memory), body weight and serum steroid hormone levels. Control (unstressed) females had lower levels of estradiol and testosterone and higher corticosterone than males, and stress …

Identifying Economic Indicators For Ecosystem-Based Management:, Scott Norris Dec 2006

Identifying Economic Indicators For Ecosystem-Based Management:, Scott Norris


In America and across the world, the use of ecosystem-based management is

increasing. One of the primary challenges faced in using this method of management is the integration of economic data and environmental information. This report explores the use of a new tool for integrating economic data, ecosystem-based economic indicators, in a case study of Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, an estuarine environment located in Monterey County, CA. Research and literature reviews were used to detail the economic activities of the area, in order to identify possible indicators,criteria for evaluating the indicators, and potential sources of indicator data. After …

Living In A Land Of Fire, R. J. Whelan, P. Kanowski, M. Gill, A. Andersen Dec 2006

Living In A Land Of Fire, R. J. Whelan, P. Kanowski, M. Gill, A. Andersen

Faculty of Science - Papers (Archive)

Fires are an inherent part of the Australian environment. They cannot be prevented, but the risks they pose — to life, health, property and infrastructure, production systems, and to environment values — can be minimised through systematic evaluation and strategic planning and management. Fires have a fundamental and irreplaceable role in sustaining many of Australia’s natural ecosystems and ecological processes, and they are a valuable tool for achieving many land management objectives. However, if they are too frequent or too infrequent, too severe or too mild, or mistimed, they can erode ecosystem ‘health’ and biodiversity and compromise other land management …

Minerva 2006, The Honors College Dec 2006

Minerva 2006, The Honors College


This issue of Minerva includes an article on the course "Honors for All Ages," an Honors course offered at Penobscot Valley Senior College; an interview with notable Honors alum, Bernard Lown; and a celebration of the life of former Honors Program Director, Ulrich Wicks.

Wavelet-Based Functional Mixed Models To Characterize Population Heterogeneity In Accelerometer Profiles: A Case Study. , Jeffrey S. Morris, Cassandra Arroyo, Brent A. Coull, Louise M. Ryan, Steven L. Gortmaker Dec 2006

Wavelet-Based Functional Mixed Models To Characterize Population Heterogeneity In Accelerometer Profiles: A Case Study. , Jeffrey S. Morris, Cassandra Arroyo, Brent A. Coull, Louise M. Ryan, Steven L. Gortmaker

Jeffrey S. Morris

We present a case study illustrating the challenges of analyzing accelerometer data taken from a sample of children participating in an intervention study designed to increase physical activity. An accelerometer is a small device worn on the hip that records the minute-by-minute activity levels of the child throughout the day for each day it is worn. The resulting data are irregular functions characterized by many peaks representing short bursts of intense activity. We model these data using the wavelet-based functional mixed model. This approach incorporates multiple fixed effects and random effect functions of arbitrary form, the estimates of which are …

Prior Experience As A Stimulus Category Confound: An Example Using Facial Expressions Of Emotion, Leah H. Somerville, Paul J. Whalen Dec 2006

Prior Experience As A Stimulus Category Confound: An Example Using Facial Expressions Of Emotion, Leah H. Somerville, Paul J. Whalen

Dartmouth Scholarship

Facial expressions of emotion represent a stimulus set widely used to assess a broad range of psychological processes. However, a consideration of systematic differences between expression categories, other than differences relating to characteristics of the expressions themselves, has remained largely unaddressed. By collecting experience rankings in a large sample of undergraduates, we observed that the amount of reported experience individuals have had with different facial expressions of emotion systematically differed between all expression categories. These findings shed light on the potential for identifying confounds inherent to comparing some stimulus categories and, in this case, may aid in the interpretation of …

Uv-B Screening Potential Is Higher In Two Cosmopolitan Moss Species Than In A Co-Occurring Antarctic Endemic Moss – Implications Of Continuing Ozone Depletion, J. L. Dunn, Sharon A. Robinson Dec 2006

Uv-B Screening Potential Is Higher In Two Cosmopolitan Moss Species Than In A Co-Occurring Antarctic Endemic Moss – Implications Of Continuing Ozone Depletion, J. L. Dunn, Sharon A. Robinson

Faculty of Science - Papers (Archive)

Concentrations of UV-B absorbing pigments and anthocyanins were measured in three moss species, over a summer growing season in Antarctica. Pigment concentrations were compared with a range of climatic variables to determine if there was evidence that pigments were induced by UV-B radiation, or other environmental parameters, and secondly if there were differences between species in their pigment responses. Significant seasonal differences in the potential UV-B screening pigments were found, with the two cosmopolitan species Bryum pseudotriquetrum and Ceratodon purpureus appearing better protected from the potentially damaging effects of ozone depletion than the Antarctic endemic Schistidium antarctici. Bryum pseudotriquetrum accumulated …

The Qingdao Twin Registry: A Focus On Chronic Disease Research, C. Anderson Johnson, Zengchang Pang, Feng Ning, Jennifer B. Unger, Shaojie Wang, Qian Guo, Weihua Cao, Liming Lee Dec 2006

The Qingdao Twin Registry: A Focus On Chronic Disease Research, C. Anderson Johnson, Zengchang Pang, Feng Ning, Jennifer B. Unger, Shaojie Wang, Qian Guo, Weihua Cao, Liming Lee

CGU Faculty Publications and Research

With the changing patterns of morbidity and mortality in China, noncommunicable chronic diseases have become the major threats to the health of the Chinese population. The causes of chronic diseases include genetic factors and behavioral risk factors such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, unhealthy dietary behaviors, and lack of physical activity. Twin studies offer a unique opportunity to disentangle the genetic and environmental risk and protective factors for chronic disease. The Qingdao Twin Registry (QTR) was initiated in 1998 as part of the National Chinese Twin Registry. Over 11,000 pairs of twins and multiples of all …

Implicit Online Learning With Kernels, Li Cheng, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Dale Schuurmans, Shaojun Wang, Terry Caelli Dec 2006

Implicit Online Learning With Kernels, Li Cheng, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Dale Schuurmans, Shaojun Wang, Terry Caelli

Kno.e.sis Publications

We present two new algorithms for online learning in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Our first algorithm, ILK (implicit online learning with kernels), employs a new, implicit update technique that can be applied to a wide variety of convex loss functions. We then introduce a bounded memory version, SILK (sparse ILK), that maintains a compact representation of the predictor without compromising solution quality, even in non-stationary environments. We prove loss bounds and analyze the convergence rate of both. Experimental evidence shows that our proposed algorithms outperform current methods on synthetic and real data.

Regression Cubes With Lossless Compression And Aggregation, Yixin Chen, Guozhu Dong, Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Benjamin W. Wah, Jianyong Wang Dec 2006

Regression Cubes With Lossless Compression And Aggregation, Yixin Chen, Guozhu Dong, Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Benjamin W. Wah, Jianyong Wang

Kno.e.sis Publications

As OLAP engines are widely used to support multidimensional data analysis, it is desirable to support in data cubes advanced statistical measures, such as regression and filtering, in addition to the traditional simple measures such as count and average. Such new measures will allow users to model, smooth, and predict the trends and patterns of data. Existing algorithms for simple distributive and algebraic measures are inadequate for efficient computation of statistical measures in a multidimensional space. In this paper, we propose a fundamentally new class of measures, compressible measures, in order to support efficient computation of the statistical models. For …

Arkansas Animal Science Department Report 2006, Zelpha B. Johnson, D. Wayne Kellogg Dec 2006

Arkansas Animal Science Department Report 2006, Zelpha B. Johnson, D. Wayne Kellogg

Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Series

No abstract provided.

Review Of Structure And Basement Control Of The Lapstone Structural Complex, Sydney Basin, Eastern New South Wales, C. L. Fergusson Nov 2006

Review Of Structure And Basement Control Of The Lapstone Structural Complex, Sydney Basin, Eastern New South Wales, C. L. Fergusson

Faculty of Science - Papers (Archive)

In the western Sydney Basin, the Lapstone Structural Complex is a major north-trending association of monoclines and faults that forms the frontal ridge of the Blue Mountains Plateau. At Kurrajong Heights, the Lapstone Structural Complex is dominated by an east-facing monocline with a gently dipping central limb containing several different homoclinal segments. At the Hawkesbury Lookout section, strata are steeply dipping to near vertical along the main east-facing monocline. The Lapstone Structural Complex has been related to either steep east-dipping extensional faulting or to moderate to steep west-dipping contraction faults. Strike-slip displacement may also have played a role in its …

Active Semantic Electronic Medical Record, Amit P. Sheth, Sangeeta Agrawal, Jonathan Lathem, Nicole Oldham, H. Wingate, K. Gallagher Nov 2006

Active Semantic Electronic Medical Record, Amit P. Sheth, Sangeeta Agrawal, Jonathan Lathem, Nicole Oldham, H. Wingate, K. Gallagher

Kno.e.sis Publications

The healthcare industry is rapidly advancing towards the widespread use of electronic medical records systems to manage the increasingly large amount of patient data and reduce medical errors. In addition to patient data there is a large amount of data describing procedures, treatments, diagnoses, drugs, insurance plans, coverage, formularies and the relationships between these data sets. While practices have benefited from the use of EMRs, infusing these essential programs with rich domain knowledge and rules can greatly enhance their performance and ability to support clinical decisions. Active Semantic Electronic Medical Record (ASEMR) application discussed here uses Semantic Web technologies to …

{Ontology: Resource} X {Matching : Mapping} X {Schema : Instance} :: Components Of The Same Challenge, Amit P. Sheth Nov 2006

{Ontology: Resource} X {Matching : Mapping} X {Schema : Instance} :: Components Of The Same Challenge, Amit P. Sheth

Kno.e.sis Publications

Ontologies enable us to elevate syntactic and structural processing in an information system/Web to an information system/Web powered with semantic processing. Experience has shown that monolithic and tightly coupled approaches seldom succeed, and majority of information systems and applications will need to deal with plurality of ontologies in a loosely coupled environment (i.e., independently evolving ontologies and inter-ontology relationships, existence of different contexts for different users/applications etc.) Development of such loosely-coupled multi-ontology environments entails development of techniques for ontology mapping/alignment, multi-ontology query processing, and much more.

Policy Tools For Smart Growth In New England, New England Environmental Finance Center Nov 2006

Policy Tools For Smart Growth In New England, New England Environmental Finance Center

Smart Growth

Across New England communities have been experiencing a rapid outward surge of development away from our community and downtown centers. Effects of sprawl include a loss of wildlife habitat, farm and timber lands; increased costs of community services and higher taxes; auto-dependency, longer commutes, and increased congestion; increases in air and water pollution; a sedentary lifestyle and increased obesity; and losses to one’s sense of place and social ties.

State-level responses to sprawl have surfaced throughout New England in recent years. This report describes 11 examples of these responses, representing all six New England states and a diversity of recent …

How To Reason With Owl In A Logic Programming System, Markus Krotzsch, Pascal Hitzler, Denny Vrandecic, Michael Sintek Nov 2006

How To Reason With Owl In A Logic Programming System, Markus Krotzsch, Pascal Hitzler, Denny Vrandecic, Michael Sintek

Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Publications

Logic programming has always been a major ontology modeling paradigm, and is frequently being used in large research projects and industrial applications, e.g., by means of the F-Logic reasoning engine OntoBroker or the TRIPLE query, inference, and transformation language and system. At the same time, the Web Ontology Language OWL has been recommended by the W3C for modeling ontologies for the Web. Naturally, it is desirable to investigate the interoperability between both paradigms. In this paper, we do so by studying an expressive fragment of OWL DL for which reasoning can be reduced to the evaluation of Horn logic programs. …

On The Complexity Of Horn Description Logics, Markus Krotzsch, Sebastian Rudolph, Pascal Hitzler Nov 2006

On The Complexity Of Horn Description Logics, Markus Krotzsch, Sebastian Rudolph, Pascal Hitzler

Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Publications

Horn-SHIQ has been identified as a fragment of the description logic SHIQ for which inferencing is in PTIME with respect to the size of the ABox. This enables reasoning with larger ABoxes in situations where the TBox is static, and represents one approach towards tractable description logic reasoning. In this paper, we show that reasoning in Horn-SHIQ, in spite of its low datacomplexity, is ExpTIME-hard with respect to the overall size of the knowledge base. While this result is not unexpected, the proof is not a mere modification of existing reductions since …

A Framework For Schema-Driven Relationship Discovery From Unstructured Text, Cartic Ramakrishnan, Krzysztof Kochut, Amit P. Sheth Nov 2006

A Framework For Schema-Driven Relationship Discovery From Unstructured Text, Cartic Ramakrishnan, Krzysztof Kochut, Amit P. Sheth

Kno.e.sis Publications

We address the issue of extracting implicit and explicit relationships between entities in biomedical text. We argue that entities seldom occur in text in their simple form and that relationships in text relate the modified, complex forms of entities with each other. We present a rule-based method for (1) extraction of such complex entities and (2) relationships between them and (3) the conversion of such relationships into RDF. Furthermore, we present results that clearly demonstrate the utility of the generated RDF in discovering knowledge from text corpora by means of locating paths composed of the extracted relationships.

2006 Scholars And Artists Bibliography, Daniel J. Simon, Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University, Friends Of The Michael Schwartz Library Oct 2006

2006 Scholars And Artists Bibliography, Daniel J. Simon, Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University, Friends Of The Michael Schwartz Library

Scholars and Artists Bibliographies

This bibliography was created for the annual Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library Scholars and Artists Reception, recognizing scholarly and creative achievements of Cleveland State University faculty, staff and emeriti. Dr. Dan Simon was the guest speaker.

Studi Kasus : Evaluasi Sistem Penanggulangan Kebakaran Pt. Indogravure, Theresia Audrey Angela Oct 2006

Studi Kasus : Evaluasi Sistem Penanggulangan Kebakaran Pt. Indogravure, Theresia Audrey Angela


Kebakaran yang terjadi tak terduga akibat kelalaian manusia dan kondisi lingkungan dapat menyebabkan kerugian materi dan fisik serta rasa khawatiran yang menurunklan kondisi kerja. Kebakaran dapat terjadi akibat aliran listrik hubungan singkat, gesekan rol mesin dan gesekan mekanis mesin sehingga perlu diamati secara ketat. Oleh sebab itu, tiap bangunan dan tempat kerja perlu memiliki fasilitas dan tim penanggulangan kebakaran yang memadai. Sebagai perusahaan industri percetakan pembungkus produk, PT. Indogravure (PTI) mengolah bahan unsur kimia dan plastik yang mudah terbakar, antara lain adalah bahan cair (tinta, lem, solar dan bahan bakar) dan bahan padat (plastik, kertas dan besi). PTI memiliki sistem …

Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Program Kusta Berbasis Geografis Di Kabupaten Cirebon Tahun 2005, Haeria Haeria Oct 2006

Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Program Kusta Berbasis Geografis Di Kabupaten Cirebon Tahun 2005, Haeria Haeria


Kusta yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Mycobacterium leprae merupakan penyakit menular dengan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Tiga tahun terakhir, Kabupaten Cirebon yang melaporkan 1.207 penderita kusta (Prevalence 1,69/10.000 penduduk), belum mencapai tahap eliminasi sehinga penularan masuh berlansung. Tujuan penelitian mengembangan sistem informasi kusta berbasis geografis yang dapat dijadikan solusi percepatan eliminasi kusta di Kabupaten Cirebon. Metoda yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle, yaitu planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance dan evaluation system. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan memadukan konsep Data Base Management System dan data spasial. Hasil analisis sistem dapat mengidentifikasi masalah manajemen penanggulangan kusta serta alternatif solusi pada level …

Pengaruh Pemeriksaan Kehamilan Terhadap Pemilihan Penolong Persalinan, Besral Besral Oct 2006

Pengaruh Pemeriksaan Kehamilan Terhadap Pemilihan Penolong Persalinan, Besral Besral


Di Indonesia, Angka pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan masih tergolong rendah. Pemeriksaan kehamilan (Antenatal Care = ANC) dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk memotivasi ibu hamil agar bersalin ke tenaga kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peranan ANC terhadap pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan. Penelitian dengan rancangan potong lintang ini menggunakan data sekunder Survei Evaluasi Manfaat Proyek KKG (Kesehatan Keluarga dan Gizi), analisisnya menggunakan ukuran asosiasi Odds Ratio. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa setelah dikontrol oleh variabel karakteristik responden, ibu hamil yang melakukan ANC minimal empat kali memiliki peluang 2 kali lebih besar untuk melahirkan pada tenaga kesehatan daripada ibu hamil dengan ANC …