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Science and Mathematics Education Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®



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Full-Text Articles in Science and Mathematics Education

Koneksi Matematik Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Sugiman Sugiman Dec 2008

Koneksi Matematik Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Sugiman Sugiman

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Koneksi matematik merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang menjadi tujuan pembelajaran matematika. Koneksi matematik terjadi antara matematika dengan matematika itu sendiri atau antara matematika dengan di luar matematika. Dengan kemampuan koneksi matematik, selain memahami manfaat matematika, siswa mampu memandang bahwa topik-topik matematika saling berkaitan. Dalam artikel ini dikaji mengenai koneksi matematik yang meliputi pengertian, peran dalam pembelajaran matematika, dan kemampuan koneksi matematik dari siswa kelas 3 sebuah SMP .
Kata kunci: Koneksi matematik.

Mengembangkan Norma Sosiomatematik (Sociomathematical Norms) Dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Lokal Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika, Kadir Kadir Dec 2008

Mengembangkan Norma Sosiomatematik (Sociomathematical Norms) Dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Lokal Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika, Kadir Kadir

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Dalam tulisan ini disajikan mengenai norma sosiomatematik dengan memanfaatkan konsep muatan lokal dalam pembelajaran matematika. Norma sosiomatematik (sociomathematical norms) sangat perlu dikembangkan karena posisi sentral matematika sebagai sarana berpikir logis, kritis, dan kreatif serta memiliki berbagai karakteristik sehingga tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai aktivitasnya. Norma sosiomatematik dapat dikembangkan melalui interaksi berbagai komponen di kelas terhadap aktivitas belajar matematika yang disajikan guru. Aktivitas belajar tersebut dikembangkan melalui: (1) pemberian masalah matematika kepada siswa untuk dipecahkan secara kelompok yang dimulai dengan open question; (2) Pembentukan kelompok diskusi berdasarkan keragaman siswa di kelas, baik jenis kelamin, kecerdasan, suku, agama, kebiasaan, …

Kemampuan Metakognitif Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika, Risnanosanti Risnanosanti Dec 2008

Kemampuan Metakognitif Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika, Risnanosanti Risnanosanti

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Istilah prilaku metakognitif digunakan untuk menguraikan pernyataan-pernyataan yang dibuat siswa tentang permasalahan atau proses pemecahan suatu masalah. Pengetahuan tentang kognisi mengacu pada tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap memori, sistim kognitif, dan cara belajar yang dimilikinya. Sedangkan pengaturan dari kognisi mengacu pada seberapa baik siswa dalam mengatur sistim belajarnya. Kesulitan utama dari studi dalam bidang metakognisi adalah bagaimana mengembangkan dan mengujicobakan teknik yang valid untuk mengukur kemampuan metakognitif siswa terutama yang masih anak-anak. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menguraikan tentang pengertian metakognitif, bagaimana hal tersebut digunakan dalam pembelajaran dan metode apa yang dapat digunakan serta bagaimana mengukur kemampuan metakognitif yang dimiliki siswa.
Kata …

Peningkatan Pembelajaran Geometri Dengan Soal Open Ended Menantang Siswa Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi, Endah Ekowati, Kukuh Guntoro Dec 2008

Peningkatan Pembelajaran Geometri Dengan Soal Open Ended Menantang Siswa Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi, Endah Ekowati, Kukuh Guntoro

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui minat atau motivasi belajar siswa kelas 6 SD Buin Batu dalam pembelajaran Geometri dengan soal Open Ended menantang siswa berpikir tingkat tinggi (2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas 6 SD Buin Batu dalam pembelajaran Geometri dengan soal Open Ended menantang siswa berpikir tingkat tinggi. Adapun tempat penelitian di dalam kelas 6 SD Buin Batu untuk penelitian peningkatan prestasi belajar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model Kemmis dan Tanggart dengan tahapan perencanaan, tindakan dan pengamatan serta refleksi untuk setiap siklus dan penelitian ini bersifat kolaboratif dengan Kepala sekolah sebagai observer …

Mengembangkan Strategi Dan Kemampuan Siswa Memecahkan Masalah Matematik, E Elvis Napitupulu Dec 2008

Mengembangkan Strategi Dan Kemampuan Siswa Memecahkan Masalah Matematik, E Elvis Napitupulu

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Pemecahan masalah menempati posisi sentral dan merupakan satu bentuk belajar terpenting dalam matematika. Untuk memecahkan masalah, dituntut kemampuan anak memilih dan menerapkan strategi yang sesuai, menggunakan pengetahuan siapnya, di samping memanfaatkan pengalaman memecahkan masalah sebelumnya. Namun fakta di lapangan menunjukkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah di seluruh jenjang sekolah di Indonesia masih rendah. Guru sebagai pengajar dan instruktur di kelas punya kesempatan untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah anak. Kemampuan itu dapat berkembang bila anak melihat bagaimana berbagai masalah dipecahkan dengan beragam strategi dan dan diberi pula kesempatan memecahkan bermacam masalah sambil membangun pengetahuan baru baginya.

Implementasi Pembelajaran Matematika Berwawasan Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Kooperatif Guna Mengembangkan Sikap Ramah Lingkungan Dan Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa, Kana Hidayati, Elly Arliani, Heri Retnawati, Isnaeni Isnaeni Dec 2008

Implementasi Pembelajaran Matematika Berwawasan Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Kooperatif Guna Mengembangkan Sikap Ramah Lingkungan Dan Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa, Kana Hidayati, Elly Arliani, Heri Retnawati, Isnaeni Isnaeni

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika dan mengembangkan sikap ramah lingkungan pada siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta melalui pembelajaran matematika berwawasan lingkungan dengan pendekatan kooperatif serta mengetahui respons siswa terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan melalui penelitian tindakan kelas. Tindakan dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus pada kelas XI IPA 3 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Kegiatan siklus I meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Kegiatan siklus II merupakan tindak lanjut dan modifikasi dari siklus I. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran, soal kuis dan tugas, serta angket respons siswa. Pendekatan kooperatif dalam penelitian ini menggunakan …

Permasalahan Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dan Alternatif Pemecahannya, Hasratuddin Hasratuddin Dec 2008

Permasalahan Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dan Alternatif Pemecahannya, Hasratuddin Hasratuddin

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Matematika adalah ilmu deduktif yang mengacu pada sistem aksiomatik dan taat azas serta memiliki objek yang abstrak yaitu berupa objek langsung dan objek tak langsung. Matematika merupakan suatu sarana yang dapat menumbuh kembangkan pola pikir logis, sistematis, kritis, objektif, rasional dan taat azas. Secara umum pekerjaan dalam matematika adalah menunjukkan dan membuktikan suatu kebenaran. Dengan keabstrakan objek dalam matematika, maka suatu hal yang wajar apabila dalam memahami suatu konsep dalam matematika akan memerlukan suatu analisis yang lebih dibanding dengan ilmu lain, dan kerap sekali siswa akan menemui kesulitan.
Kata kunci : matematika, deduktif, abstrak, pandangan, berguna

The Implementation Of Microworld Logo In Classrooms, Wahyu Setyaningrum Dec 2008

The Implementation Of Microworld Logo In Classrooms, Wahyu Setyaningrum

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

The idea of Microworld Logo brought new perspectives in education. It gives inspiration to develop and look deeply into the powerful ways in which computers and educational software might improve teaching-learning processes. However, the implementation of this Logo seems to be unsuccessful. This paper discusses and evaluates the implementation of Logo in classrooms' context and discusses some obstacles in its implementation in classrooms so that teachers could get lesson from that. It considers the notion of Logo's history and its preceding implementation to identify the problems on Logo's implementation. This study shows that the failure of Logo implementation might be …

Pendekatan Kontekstual Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Meningkatkan Berpikir Kritis Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar, Joko Sulianto Dec 2008

Pendekatan Kontekstual Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Meningkatkan Berpikir Kritis Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar, Joko Sulianto

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Sudah menjadi tugas guru sebagai pengelola pembelajaran adalah menciptakan situasi dan kondisi yang memungkinkan siswa belajar secara berdaya guna dan berhasil guna. Suatu upaya agar tercipta kondisi yang kondusif sehingga siswa dapat belajar secara optimal, yaitu dengan melaksanakan pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan yang dapat membuat siswa belajar secara mudah dan dengan perasaan senang. Salah satu prinsip yang dikembangkan dalam KTSP adalah berpusat pada potensi, perkembangan, kebutuhan, dan kepentingan peserta didik dan lingkungannya. Apa artinya? Artinya KTSP dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip bahwa peserta didik memiliki posisi sentral untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya. Peserta didik memiliki posisi sentral mempunyai makna bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran berpusat pada …

Tinjauan Kreativitas Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika, Ali Mahmudi Dec 2008

Tinjauan Kreativitas Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika, Ali Mahmudi

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Di dunia yang begitu cepat berubah, kreativitas menjadi penentu keunggulan. Daya kompetitif suatu bangsa sangat ditentukan pula oleh kreativitas sumber daya manusianya. Tidak sebagaimana pandangan klasik yang menganggap kreativitas sebagai kemampuan yang hanya dimiliki oleh individu luar biasa, pandangan terkini mengenai kreativitas menempatkannya sebagai kemampuan yang dapat dibentuk atau dikembangkan melalui berbagai usaha, termasuk melalui kegiatan pembelajaran yang terencana dengan baik. Dalam artikel ini akan dikemukakan mengenai tinjauan umum kreativitas dalam pembelajaran matematika dan pengembangannya.

Mengembangkan Kreativitas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Di Smp Bilingual, Endang Listyani, Marsigit Marsigit, Kana Hidayati Dec 2008

Mengembangkan Kreativitas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Di Smp Bilingual, Endang Listyani, Marsigit Marsigit, Kana Hidayati

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran Matematika di SMP bilingual yang mengembangkan kreativitas siswa. Pembelajaran yang dimaksud adalah pembelajaran yang mengembangkan metode yang mendorong siswa meningkat keaktifannya, memenuhi berbagai macam kebutuhan akademik siswa, mendorong siswa meningkat kemampuan penalaran Matematika dan strategi belajarnya, serta mengembangkan penggunaan alat peraga dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran Matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dalam bentuk studi lanjutan (follow up study). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan diawali memilih 3 SMP Bilingual yang masing-masing mewakili 3 kabupaten atau kotamadya yang berbeda yaitu Bantul (SMP N I Bantul), Yogyakarta (SMP N 5 Yogyakarta), dan Kulonprogo (SMP N I Galur), kemudian tim …

College Of Engineering Senior Design Competition Fall 2008, University Of Nevada, Las Vegas Dec 2008

College Of Engineering Senior Design Competition Fall 2008, University Of Nevada, Las Vegas

Fred and Harriet Cox Senior Design Competition Projects

Part of every UNLV engineering student’s academic experience, the senior design project stimulates engineering innovation and entrepreneurship. Each student in their senior year chooses, plans, designs, and prototypes a product in this required element of the curriculum. A capstone to the student’s educational career, the senior design project encourages the student to use everything learned in the engineering program to create a practical, real world solution to an engineering challenge.

The senior design competition helps to focus the senior students in increasing the quality and potential for commercial application for their design projects. Judges from local industry evaluate the projects …

South Mississippi Public Elementary School Teachers' Implementation Of And Attitudes Toward Inquiry-Based Science, Thomas Franklin Sumrall Dec 2008

South Mississippi Public Elementary School Teachers' Implementation Of And Attitudes Toward Inquiry-Based Science, Thomas Franklin Sumrall


The present study was designed to examine the relationship between the dependent variables of K-5 elementary teachers' attitudes toward inquiry-based science, implementation of National Science Education Standards concerning inquiry-based science, and the number of inquiry-based lessons taught with the predictor variables of gender, school district teaching, ethnic group, educational level, experience, grade level teaching, and number of science courses taken. Four hundred thirty teachers of grades K through 5 from seven school districts in south Mississippi were surveyed using the Revised Science Attitude Scale (Bitner, 1994), Inquiry Beliefs and Practices survey (Jeanpierre, 2006), and a demographic questionnaire. A total of …

Are The Math Scores Of Students Who Are Taught Mathematics Utilizing The Methods Endorsed By The Alabama Math, Science, And Technology Initiative Affected?, Brenda Elise Jolly Dec 2008

Are The Math Scores Of Students Who Are Taught Mathematics Utilizing The Methods Endorsed By The Alabama Math, Science, And Technology Initiative Affected?, Brenda Elise Jolly


Eighth-grade mathematics scores from 21 schools were compared pre-inception and post-inception of the Alabama Mathematics, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI). Only the scores from schools which had 80% of their mathematics and science teachers trained at one Summer Institute were used, as these were considered to be true AMSTI schools. Results found the effects of AMSTI to be not statistically significant.

The second part of this research was conducted based upon 256 surveys from teachers attending their second Summer Institute of ASMTI training. Results found many school systems may hamper teachers' ability to plan and execute AMSTI lessons due to …

Math In The Middle Newsletter December 2008 Dec 2008

Math In The Middle Newsletter December 2008

Math in the Middle Program Materials

NebraskaMATH is Now Seeking Applications
Primarily Math
Nebraska Algebra: Extending Success to All Students
Retaining Quality Teachers (RQT)
New Additions

Transforming Teachers’ Knowledge And Skills: Lesson Study In Mathematics Instruction Sensitive For Diverse Learners At Middle Level, Vessela Ilieva Dec 2008

Transforming Teachers’ Knowledge And Skills: Lesson Study In Mathematics Instruction Sensitive For Diverse Learners At Middle Level, Vessela Ilieva

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

This study investigated the learning of middle school mathematics teachers as they worked in a student-sensitive lesson study group. Three mathematics teachers collaborated to develop and teach student-sensitive math lessons. The original Japanese lesson study model was extended to involve a diversity consultant with experience and expertise in providing student-sensitive instruction. Collaboratively, the members of the lesson study group tailored their mathematics lessons to provide enhanced mathematics instruction to the diverse groups of students in their classrooms. The lesson study team held weekly meetings to develop three student-sensitive lessons over a six-month period.

A case study design was used to …

The Effect Of Teacher Education Level, Teaching Experience, And Teaching Behaviors On Student Science Achievement, Danhui Zhang Dec 2008

The Effect Of Teacher Education Level, Teaching Experience, And Teaching Behaviors On Student Science Achievement, Danhui Zhang

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Previous literature leaves us unanswered questions about whether teaching behaviors mediate the relationship between teacher education level and experience with student science achievement. This study examined this question with 655 students from sixth to eighth grade and their 12 science teachers. Student science achievements were measured at the beginning and end of 2006-2007 school year. Given the cluster sampling of students nested in classrooms, which are nested in teachers, a two-level multilevel model was employed to disentangle the effects from teacher-level and student-level factors. Several findings were discovered in this study. Science teachers possessing of advanced degrees in science or …

Animated Database Courseware: Using Animations To Extend Conceptual Understanding Of Database Concepts, Meg Murray, Mario Guimaraes Dec 2008

Animated Database Courseware: Using Animations To Extend Conceptual Understanding Of Database Concepts, Meg Murray, Mario Guimaraes

Faculty and Research Publications

Teaching abstract concepts can be best supported with supplemental instructional materials such as software animations. Visualization and animations have been shown to increase student motivation and help students develop deeper understandings. Through an NSF funded CCLI grant, a set of animations to support the teaching of database concepts is being developed and made freely available. Current modules available cover areas such as database design, interactive SQL, stored procedures and triggers, transactions and database security. In this paper, we provide an overview of the Animated Database Courseware (ADbC) as well as provide examples of how this software might be utilized in …

Computing For The Masses: Extending The Computer Science Curriculum With Information Technology Literacy, Jorge Pérez, Meg C. Murray Dec 2008

Computing For The Masses: Extending The Computer Science Curriculum With Information Technology Literacy, Jorge Pérez, Meg C. Murray

Faculty and Research Publications

Enrollments in computer science programs continue to drop as demand for workers skilled in computing increases. Information technology scholars face the ironic challenge of attracting more students into computing disciplines in the age of ubiquitous computing. This paper chronicles a decision by a department of computer science and information systems to offer an information technology literacy course as a service to its institution. Educational and curricular justifications for the course progressed in parallel with recognition of the course's strategic value to the department in the face of sharp declines in the number of students majoring in CS or IS. Following …

Block Scheduling In High School Mathematics: Effect On Algebra Ii End-Of-Course Grades And Act Assessment Mathematics Scores, Gayle Hawkins Hughes Dec 2008

Block Scheduling In High School Mathematics: Effect On Algebra Ii End-Of-Course Grades And Act Assessment Mathematics Scores, Gayle Hawkins Hughes

Doctoral Dissertations and Projects

The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a statistical difference between end-of-course grades in Algebra II at three high schools in northeast Tennessee and mathematics content scores on the ACT Assessment at the same three high schools, by comparing a one-semester accelerated (4x4) block schedule, a two-semester accelerated (4x4) block schedule, and a traditional year-long schedule. The purpose was also to determine if a relationship exists between Algebra II grades and ACT Assessment mathematics content scores for all students and for each school, and to determine if a statistically significant difference occurred in the number of …

Education In The Environment: A Strategy For Continued Interagency Outdoor Education Programming: Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending November 30, 2008, Environmental Education Strategy For Nevada Nov 2008

Education In The Environment: A Strategy For Continued Interagency Outdoor Education Programming: Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending November 30, 2008, Environmental Education Strategy For Nevada

Reports (PLI Education)

Highlights of the university’s focused efforts during the past three months include the following:

  • Fourteen people are near completion of the Fall Cohort workshop sessions toward partial achievement of the Nevada State Certification in Environmental and Interpretation Certification Program.
  • Participation in the Michoacán Cultural Festival (500 people in attendance).
  • Participation in the Day of the Dead: Life in Death Festival (over 11,000 in attendance).
  • Development planning is near completion for the mobile exhibit program to support and deliver SNAP messages.
  • Forever Earth was scheduled for 32 days and benefited 1077 individuals.
  • Sixteen Discover Mojave Outdoor World events were conducted for …

Ists E-Newsletter, November 15, 2008, Iowa Academy Of Science Nov 2008

Ists E-Newsletter, November 15, 2008, Iowa Academy Of Science

ISTS Newsletter

In this issue:

--Message from the ISTS Chair, Morgan Masters

--Message from the Fall Conference Chair, Traci Maxted

--Message from the Vice Chair, De Anna Tibben




--Your ISTS Leadership Team

Mathematics Student Teaching In Japan: A Multi-Case Study, Allison Turley Shwalb Nov 2008

Mathematics Student Teaching In Japan: A Multi-Case Study, Allison Turley Shwalb

Theses and Dissertations

Nearly all research that seeks to assist in reforming mathematics student teaching in the United States has been limited in that it (1) does not consider student teaching models in non-Western cultures, and (2) has not sufficiently studied the unique context of mathematics in student teacher-cooperating teacher interactions. This multi-case study addresses these issues by analyzing the interactions between three cooperating teachers and two student teachers in the mathematics student teaching setting in Japan. Four conclusions are presented to generate a coherent picture of the principles of teaching and learning to teach that are emphasized during this Japanese student teaching …

Team Teaching High School Science: Game Plan For Success, Ed Linz, Mary Jane Heater, Lori A. Howard Nov 2008

Team Teaching High School Science: Game Plan For Success, Ed Linz, Mary Jane Heater, Lori A. Howard

Special Education Faculty Research

Recently team teaching has become more prevalent in high school classes. These teams often pair a general education teacher with content knowledge with a special education teacher. Due to a lack of detailed knowledge/experience in the other’s area of expertise, many team teachers in science courses are confronted with unique challenges. In this article, a general education science teacher and a special education teacher share how they successfully developed their “team.” Through the use of a sports related metaphor, “the game plan,” these teachers provide insight into how successful co-teaching relationships can be fostered. Both teachers describe the importance of …

Math In The Middle Newsletter November 2008 Nov 2008

Math In The Middle Newsletter November 2008

Math in the Middle Program Materials

NebraskaMATH Update
M2 Newsletter to Evolve January 2009
NTV Teacher of the Month: Cohort 4’s Michael Ford
A Must-Read for Habits of Mind Problem Seekers
Math Challenge Corner: What do soccer balls and equilateral triangles have in common?

Improving Automaticity With Basic Addition Facts: Do Taped Problems Work Faster Than Cover, Copy, Compare?, James Cressey, Kristin Ezbicki Oct 2008

Improving Automaticity With Basic Addition Facts: Do Taped Problems Work Faster Than Cover, Copy, Compare?, James Cressey, Kristin Ezbicki

NERA Conference Proceedings 2008

This small pilot study compared the effectiveness of two interventions to improve automaticity with basic addition facts: Taped Problems (TP) and Cover, Copy, Compare (CCC), in students aged 6-10. Automaticity was measured using Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement (M-CBM) at pretest, after 10 days, and after 20 days of intervention. Our hypothesis was that the TP group will gain higher levels of automaticity more quickly than the CCC and control groups. However, when gain scores were compared, no significant differences were found between groups. Limitations to the study include low treatment integrity and a short duration of intervention.

A Case Study Of Teachers' Mathematics Content Knowledge And Attitudes Toward Mathematics And Teaching, Brian R. Evans Oct 2008

A Case Study Of Teachers' Mathematics Content Knowledge And Attitudes Toward Mathematics And Teaching, Brian R. Evans

NERA Conference Proceedings 2008

This study intended to measure teacher mathematical content knowledge both before and after the first year of teaching and taking graduate teacher education courses in the Teach for America (TFA) program, as well as measure attitudes toward mathematics and teaching both before and after TFA teachers’ first year. There was a significant increase in both mathematical content knowledge and attitudes toward mathematics over the TFA teachers’ first year teaching. Additionally, several significant correlations were found between attitudes toward mathematics and content knowledge. Finally, after a year of teaching, TFA teachers had significantly better attitudes toward mathematics and teaching than neutral.

The Effect Of Direct Instruction Versus Discovery Learning On The Understanding Of Science Lessons By Second Grade Students, Marisa T. Cohen Oct 2008

The Effect Of Direct Instruction Versus Discovery Learning On The Understanding Of Science Lessons By Second Grade Students, Marisa T. Cohen

NERA Conference Proceedings 2008

This study examined the effectiveness of discovery learning and direct instruction in a diverse second grade classroom. An assessment test and transfer task were given to students to examine which method of instruction enabled the students to grasp the content of a science lesson to a greater extent. Results demonstrated that students in the direct instruction group scored higher on the assessment test and completed the transfer task at a faster pace; however, this was not statistically significant. Results also suggest that a mixture of instructional styles would serve to effectively disseminate information, as well as motivate students to learn.

Addressing Misconceptions About Heat Transfer In Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Instruction, Katharyn E. K. Nottis, Michael J. Prince, Margot A. Vigeant Oct 2008

Addressing Misconceptions About Heat Transfer In Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Instruction, Katharyn E. K. Nottis, Michael J. Prince, Margot A. Vigeant

NERA Conference Proceedings 2008

Understanding heat, energy and temperature can be difficult. Misconceptions about heat transfer have been found to persist, even after instruction. New instructional methods are needed to address them. This pilot study examined whether researcher-developed, inquiry-based activities could increase conceptual understanding of heat transfer. Twenty-two undergraduate chemical engineering students were assessed before and after instruction with inquiry-based activities. Participants had significantly higher scores on the post-test. An examination of assessment questions revealed substantial improvement on questions closely related to activities. However, participants had difficulty applying concepts in new and related contexts. Educational implications and suggestions for future research will be discussed.

The Relationship Of Mymathlab To The Achievement Of Mathematics I Students At Marion Technical College, Teressa Plummer Oct 2008

The Relationship Of Mymathlab To The Achievement Of Mathematics I Students At Marion Technical College, Teressa Plummer

Morehead State Theses and Dissertations

No abstract provided.