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Full-Text Articles in Education

Analisis Kualitas Soal Di Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Aplikasi Tap, Akbar Iskandar, Muhammad Rizal Dec 2018

Analisis Kualitas Soal Di Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Aplikasi Tap, Akbar Iskandar, Muhammad Rizal

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan butir instrumen yang berkualitas berdasarkan tingkat validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda dan pengecoh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian ex post facto. Objek penelitian semua jawaban hasil tes calon mahasiswa baru tahun 2014-2016. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode Observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk validitas isi ditemukan nilai validitas isi (vi) sebesar 0,42 termasuk kategori sedang. Selanjutnya tampak bahwa nilai koefisien reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0,514. Jumlah butir soal yang sukar sebanyak 57,5%, kategori sedang sebanyak 42,5% dan tidak terdapat soal kategori mudah. Selain itu, …

Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Afektif Siswa Kelas Iv Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Klaten, Anggarwati Riscaputantri, Sri Wening Dec 2018

Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Afektif Siswa Kelas Iv Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Klaten, Anggarwati Riscaputantri, Sri Wening

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan instrumen yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengukur afektif siswa kelas IV, dan mengetahui gambaran afektif siswa kelas IV tahun ajaran 2016/2017 di Kabupaten Klaten. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Developmentdengan Model Thiagarajan. Instrumen penilaian afektif telah dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Validitas isi diuji oleh ahli dan diperoleh indeks Aiken sebesar 0,85. Validitas konstruk dilakukan dengan analisis faktor eksploratori dan konfirmatori. Hasil analisis faktor eksploratori menunjukkan nilai KMO sebesar 0,726 sedangkan Bartlett's Test sebesar Sig. 0,000. Hasil analisis faktor konfirmatori menunjukkan nilai Chi-Kuadrat sebesar 0,039; RMSEA= 0,012; GFI=0,93; SRMR=0,033; AGFI=0,90; CFI=1,00; RFI=1,00. …

Developing Assessment Instrument Of QiräAtul Kutub At Islamic Boarding School, Ajeng Wahyuni, Badrun Kartowagiran Dec 2018

Developing Assessment Instrument Of QiräAtul Kutub At Islamic Boarding School, Ajeng Wahyuni, Badrun Kartowagiran

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

The purpose of this study was to develop and describe the quality and characteristics of an assessment instrument of by name of Qirāatul Kutub. This development research is based on Borg & Gall model. The steps of the development were (1) planning, (2) primary developing product, (3) preliminary field testing, (4) main field testing, and (5) final product revision. The subjects for preliminary field testing were 28 testees for performance test instrument and 96 testees for grammar mastery test derived from students of Darul Huda Islamic Boarding School, whereas the subjects for main field testing were 80 students for …

Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Diri Guru Terhadap Aktivitas Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan, Wirman Kasmayadi, Kumaidi Kumaidi, Sumarno Sumarno Dec 2018

Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Diri Guru Terhadap Aktivitas Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan, Wirman Kasmayadi, Kumaidi Kumaidi, Sumarno Sumarno

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen asesmen diri guru pada aktivitas pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan yang handal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada lima tahapan dalam model Plomp. Subyek penelitian adalah guru SMA di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat yang dipilih dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Jumlah subyek penelitian pada uji coba awal sebanyak 350 orang dan uji coba lapangan utama sebanyak 950 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner skala Likers (1-5). Pengujian validitas isi menggunakan expert judgment, sedangkan validitas dan reliabilitas empiris menggunakan analisis faktor konfirmatori (CFA) dengan bantuan program Lisrel 8.80. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) konstrak …

Pengembangan Instrumen Experiment Performance Assessment Untuk Menilai Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kerja Sama, Raden Roro Yayuk Srirahayu, Indyah Sulistyo Arty Dec 2018

Pengembangan Instrumen Experiment Performance Assessment Untuk Menilai Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kerja Sama, Raden Roro Yayuk Srirahayu, Indyah Sulistyo Arty

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: menghasilkan instrumen experiment performance assessment dengan model pembelajaran guided inquiry, membuktikan validitas dan estimasi reliabilitas produk instrumen, dan mengetahui keefektifan produk instrumen untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan kerja sama. Metode yang digunakan adalah R & D (Research and Development) yang diadopsi dari Dick et al yang terbagi menjadi tahap pendahuluan, tahap perencanaan, tahap pengembangan, tahap uji coba terbatas dan tahap uji coba luas. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba diperoleh reliabilitas hasil rating instrumen penilaian keterampilan proses sains sebesar 0,707 - 0,989, dan reliabilitas skor komposit instrumen penilaian kerja sama sebesar 0,923 - 0,968. …

Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Laboratorium Pada Diklat Pengendali Hama Dan Penyakit Ikan Di Balai Diklat Aparatur Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Fajar Nugroho Dec 2018

Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Laboratorium Pada Diklat Pengendali Hama Dan Penyakit Ikan Di Balai Diklat Aparatur Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Fajar Nugroho

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Keberadaan laboratorium menjadi hal yang penting dalam pelaksanaan Diklat Pengendali Hama dan Penyakit Ikan (PHPI) oleh karena itu Balai Diklat Aparatur (BDA) Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) bekerjasama dengan Stasiun Karantina Ikan Kelas II Cirebon pada tahun 2014 membangun laboratorium uji karantina ikan di lingkungan kampus BDA KKP. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pemanfaatan laboratorium Diklat PHPI dengan mengukur perubahan kepuasan peserta terhadap ketersediaan media pembelajaran dan kelengkapan fasilitas belajar mengajar, nilai hasil belajar, peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta sebelum dan setelah laboratorium digunakan. Data diperoleh melalui pengisian angket/ kuesioner evaluasi pelaksanaan diklat kepada peserta. Validitas dan reabilitas instrumen telah …

Developing Scale To Measure Student's Honesty Characters On Mathematics Learning Using Subject Scaling, Kana Hidayati, Budiyono Budiyono, Sugiman Sugiman Dec 2018

Developing Scale To Measure Student's Honesty Characters On Mathematics Learning Using Subject Scaling, Kana Hidayati, Budiyono Budiyono, Sugiman Sugiman

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure honesty characters of students on mathematics learning using sucject scaling model. This development research is carried out in several steps namely: preparing initial scales, trials, and interpretation of trials result. The research is conducted on students of SMP N 5 Yogyakarta, SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta, and SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. The first trial involves 688 students and the second trial involves 696 students. Content validity is obtained through expert judgment. The construct validity is determined by Lisrel's second order CFA. Reliability coefficients include Omega coefficients (ω) and Alpha …

Model Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pada Satuan Pendidikan Jenjang Sd, Lilik Sabdaningtyas Dec 2018

Model Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pada Satuan Pendidikan Jenjang Sd, Lilik Sabdaningtyas

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan model evaluasi implementasi kebijakan standar pelayanan minimal (SPM) jenjang sekolah dasar (SD). Hasil evaluasi diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dinas pendidikan dan para praktisi pendidikan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah non experimental. Desain penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 variabel laten dan 33 variabel manifest. Populasinya mencakup 307 SD di 11 Kecamatan wilayah Kabupaten Pesawaran. Sampel sebanyak 24 SD pada 4 Kecamatan diambil secara purposive. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang divalidasi dan conten validity melalui Focus Group Discucion (FGD). Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Models (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa …

The Accuracy Of The Cheating Detection Methods In Large-Scale Tests: Mathematics National Examination, Thomas Mbenu Nulangi, Djemari Mardapi Dec 2018

The Accuracy Of The Cheating Detection Methods In Large-Scale Tests: Mathematics National Examination, Thomas Mbenu Nulangi, Djemari Mardapi

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

This study aimed to describe (1) the characteristics of items based on the Item Response Theory, (2) the cheating level in the implementation of the national examinartion based on Angoffs B-Index method, Pair 1 method, Pair 2 method, Modified Error Similarity Analysis (MESA) method, and G2 method, (3) the most accurate method to detect the cheating in the mathematics national examination at the senior secondary school level in the academic year of 2015/2016 in East Nusa Tenggara Province. The result of the item response theory analysis showed that 17 (42.5%) items of the mathematics national examination fit with the 3-PL …

Evaluasi Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha Dengan Model Cipo Di Universitas Brawijaya Dan Universitas Negeri Malang, Ahmad Ahmad Dec 2018

Evaluasi Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha Dengan Model Cipo Di Universitas Brawijaya Dan Universitas Negeri Malang, Ahmad Ahmad

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi kebijakan Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha pada Universitas Brawijaya dan Universitas Negeri Malang di Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan evaluatif yang berbasis kasus pada kedua universitas pelaksana PMW dengan metode evaluasi program dengan model CIPO. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Konteks evaluasi, suatu perencanaan PMW merujuk pada latar belakang, landasan formal dan operasional pelaksanaan, tujuan, dan manfaat bagi pemangku kepentingan dengan capaian evaluasinya tinggi; (2) Input evaluasi, adanya perbedaan mekanisme pengalokasian dana bantuan antara PMW-UB dan PMW-UM yang menyebabkan capaian evaluasinya moderat, sedangkan pada indikator lain capaian evaluasinya tinggi; (3) Proses evaluasi, terdapat enam belas kriteria …

Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Standar Proses Pendidikan Pada Smp Negeri Di Kabupaten Sleman, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Fredrik Abia Kande, Amirul Mukminin Dec 2018

Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Standar Proses Pendidikan Pada Smp Negeri Di Kabupaten Sleman, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Fredrik Abia Kande, Amirul Mukminin

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tingkat keefektivan pelaksanaan standar proses pendidikan. Model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah discrepancy evaluation model, Provus. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru di SMP Negeri Kabupaten Sleman. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan analisis kuantitatif yang dilakukan, diketahui implementasi standar proses pada aspek perencanan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan, penilaian, dan pengawasan termasuk dalam kategori sangat efektif. Lebih lanjut diketahui bahwa implementasi standar di sekolah didukung oleh lingkungan kelas yang kondusif, peserta didik kooperatif, dan peran kepala sekolah. Inovasi media pembelajaran, proses memotivasi peserta didik, perolehan …

Resistance To Neocolonialism In Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory, Zeng Jun Dec 2018

Resistance To Neocolonialism In Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory, Zeng Jun

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Resistance to Neocolonialism in Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory" Jun ZENG claims that the introduction of Western Literary Theory in the past forty years of China's reform and opening up was carried out under the background of neo-colonialism. "Western imagination" in the discourse of contemporary Chinese literary theory was an important aspect of the strategy of cultural resistance under the overwhelming influence of Western neocolonialism. Contemporary Chinese literary theory no longer simply regards Western literary theory in the twentieth century as a bourgeois literary ideology; instead, it adopts a "de-ideological" attitude to return to the issues of literature, …

The End Of The Nobel Era And The Reconstruction Of The World Republic Of Letters, Guohua Zhu, Yonghua Tang Dec 2018

The End Of The Nobel Era And The Reconstruction Of The World Republic Of Letters, Guohua Zhu, Yonghua Tang

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In their article "The End of the Nobel Era and the Reconstruction of the World Republic of Letters" Guohua Zhu and Yonghua Tang critically examine mechanisms of cultural hegemony associated with the Nobel Prize in Literature from a neocolonial lens. Borrowing from Casanova's idea of the "World Republic of Letters" and its attentiveness to geopolitics, the essay proceeds to reconstruct the dialectical relations between the nation and the world. It does so, in the first place, by documenting and analyzing the process of negotiation and bargaining entailed in the construction of global cultural hegemony and thereby examine the functions and …

Restaging World Literature In The Age Of Neoliberalism/Neocolonialism, Shaobo Xie Dec 2018

Restaging World Literature In The Age Of Neoliberalism/Neocolonialism, Shaobo Xie

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Restaging World Literature in the Age of Neoliberal­ism/Neocolonia­­lism" Shaobo Xie argues that Goethe's notion of world literature spells a genuine universalism that contributes to resistance to neoliberal imperialism. In the age of neocolonial­ism/ne­oliberalism all conduct, and all spheres of human life are framed and measured by economic terms and metrics and neoliberalism both as a govern­ing rationality and as an economic policy is penetrating into every part of the world. The politics that is really heter­ogeneous or external to the rule of neoliberal capitalism in the neocolonial global present consists in thinking towards new possibilities of organizing …

Mo Yan’S Reception In China And A Reflection On The Postcolonial Discourse, Binghui Song Dec 2018

Mo Yan’S Reception In China And A Reflection On The Postcolonial Discourse, Binghui Song

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Mo Yan's Reception in China and a Reflection on the Postcolonial Discourse" Binghui Song argue that the controversial style and themes of Mo Yan's works are necessitated by the interconnected yet different contexts of China and the rest of the world, only by means of which Mo Yan can let his voice be heard. As one of the most excellent and unique contemporary Chinese writers, Mo Yan has exerted extensive influence on Chinese readers, and his works have also caused various controversies over the past 30 years. His winning of the Nobel Prize in Literature, rather than …

Using Case Studies To Teach Cybersecurity Courses, Yu Cai Dec 2018

Using Case Studies To Teach Cybersecurity Courses, Yu Cai

Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice

This paper introduces a holistic and case-analysis teaching model by integrating case studies into cybersecurity courses. The proposed model starts by analyzing real-world cyber breaches. Students look into the details of these attacks and learn how these attacks took place from the beginning to the end. During the process of case analysis, a list of security topics reflecting different aspects of these breaches is introduced. Through guided in-class discussion and hands-on lab assignments, student learning in lecture will be reinforced. Overall, the entire cybersecurity course is driven by case studies. The proposed model is great for teaching cybersecurity. First, the …

An Examination Of Cybersecurity Knowledge Transfer: Teaching, Research, And Website Security At U.S. Colleges And Universities, Aditya Gupta, James R. Wolf Dec 2018

An Examination Of Cybersecurity Knowledge Transfer: Teaching, Research, And Website Security At U.S. Colleges And Universities, Aditya Gupta, James R. Wolf

Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice

This work seeks to answer the question: Does faculty cybersecurity knowledge gained from teaching and research transfer to other IT units in the university? Specifically, do colleges and universities that excel in cybersecurity teaching and research have more secure websites? This work explores a unique setting where the knowledge of the source and recipient are both directly related and observable without outside intervention. Our study employed data from 591 U.S. colleges and universities, the National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) program, accepted paper data from the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) and the IEEE Symposium on Security …

Influence Of Learning Media Based On Adobe Flash Professional To Psychomotor Domain Learning Outcomes On Plc Courses Viewed From Level Of Creative Thinking Student, Supari Muslim, Nahindi Putra Gitama, Bambang Suprianto, Erina Rahmadyanti, Nita Kusumawati Dec 2018

Influence Of Learning Media Based On Adobe Flash Professional To Psychomotor Domain Learning Outcomes On Plc Courses Viewed From Level Of Creative Thinking Student, Supari Muslim, Nahindi Putra Gitama, Bambang Suprianto, Erina Rahmadyanti, Nita Kusumawati

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This study uses adobe flash professional based learning media for experimental class while in control class using CourseLab media. Learning media based on adobe flash professional designed in the form of applications for smartphones and computers or notebooks. This study aims to determine the interaction and differences in learning result for students who have low and high creative thinking level who learn by using adobe flash professional media than students who use the media CourseLab. This research was conducted in department D3 mechatronic class of 2015 at State University of Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) on PLC course and using factorial design …

Development Of Web-Based Interactive Multimedia For Human Resource Management Learning In Vocational High Schools, Anis Susanti, Wiedy Murtini, Harini Harini Dec 2018

Development Of Web-Based Interactive Multimedia For Human Resource Management Learning In Vocational High Schools, Anis Susanti, Wiedy Murtini, Harini Harini

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

The purpose of this study is to find out the feasibility and the effectiveness of web-based interactive multimedia called EMMASY. This multimedia was developed for learning automation of the personnel administration in vocational high schools. The type of this research is a research and development using the design of learning multimedia development from Alessi and Trollip which includes planning, design, and development. At the development stage, alpha test was conducted by the experts of media and materials to determine the feasibility followed by beta test by the users to find out the usefulness and summative test to find out the …

Lesson Study In Competence Development Of Accounting Teachers, Imam Hasan, Trisno Martono, Susilaningsih Susilaningsih Dec 2018

Lesson Study In Competence Development Of Accounting Teachers, Imam Hasan, Trisno Martono, Susilaningsih Susilaningsih

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This research aimed to find out and explore the lesson study practice in developing the accounting teacher's professionalism. This research employed qualitative research using a single instrumental case-study strategy. The data were collected using in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. Then, they were analysed using interactive model. The results of the research showed that with the implementation of the lesson study in schools, it succeeded in improving the four teachers' competencies. The improvement of the pedagogical competence can be seen from the well preparation of learning, the selection of teaching strategies according to the characteristics of the students and the implementation …

An Evaluation Of Students Industrial Training Courses Implementation At Higher Education, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Asmar Yulastri, Yuzia Eka Putri, Rizky Ema Wulansari Dec 2018

An Evaluation Of Students Industrial Training Courses Implementation At Higher Education, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Asmar Yulastri, Yuzia Eka Putri, Rizky Ema Wulansari

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This article aims to reveal the factual basis regarding the implementation of Students Industrial Training (SIT) course by the bachelor's degree students of Hospitality Management Department from the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality at the University. The methodology used in this study is mixed method with CSE-UCLA evaluation model. The informants in this study were 35 hospitality management students who were graduated in 2015, the SIT Coordinators, Heads of Tourism Departments, and Supervisors, Managers, Industrial Supervisors, senior staffs, and assistance from the Hotel Food and Beverage department. Data of this research were gathered through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Those data …

The Competency-Based Training Model For Vocational High School Teachers From Electrical Expertise Programs, Muhammad Nasir Malik, S. Soenarto, Fx. Sudarsono Dec 2018

The Competency-Based Training Model For Vocational High School Teachers From Electrical Expertise Programs, Muhammad Nasir Malik, S. Soenarto, Fx. Sudarsono

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

The study was to generate a valid, practical and effective competence-based training model for the electricity program vocational high school teachers. The type of the study was research and development that referred to the development stages proposed by Plomp. The data gathering instrument for the study consisted of: (1) validation sheet; (2) observation sheet; and (3) response questionnaire for the training participants and the trainers. In order to measure the level of reliability and the level of agreement consistency among the raters, the researcher implemented the Cohen's Kappa coefficient statistics has a minimum value of ‰¥ 0.70. The subjects of …

Tourism Vocational High School Students' And Teachers' Perception Of Foreign Languages In Communicative Competencies And The 21st Century Skills In Yogyakarta, Sufi Indha Akbari Dec 2018

Tourism Vocational High School Students' And Teachers' Perception Of Foreign Languages In Communicative Competencies And The 21st Century Skills In Yogyakarta, Sufi Indha Akbari

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This study investigated how is the perception of high school of vocational in tourism program study students in communicating foreign language and revealed the competence in twenty-first century skills. There are about 125 respondents who participated out from 150 survey spread on the vocational high schools that held tourism program study in Yogyakarta involving the teachers and students. The data were collected through comprehensive questionnaire. The results shown that the subjects had following in common and compared result to the teachers shown that perceptual matches and mismatches between the two groups. Through One-Way ANOVA test (P<0.05), there found 7 items in communicative competence that significantly difference in students perception and 18 items on 21st century skills. Meanwhile, …

Developing A Model Of Partnership Management Between The Vocational High School And The Employment Domain In The Curriculum Of Industrial Working Practice, Harbiyah Gani, Husaini Usman Dec 2018

Developing A Model Of Partnership Management Between The Vocational High School And The Employment Domain In The Curriculum Of Industrial Working Practice, Harbiyah Gani, Husaini Usman

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

The study was to develop a model of partnership management between the vocational high school (VHS) and the employment domain in the curriculum of industrial working practice under the activities of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation in the vocational high schools of Banda Aceh. The study used the research and development method design with several phases that had been developed by Borg & Gall. The data type in the study was qualitative and quantitative. For the qualitative data analysis, the researcher used the interactive analysis that had been developed by Milles & Huberman. On the other hand, for the quantitative …

The Effect Of Problem-Based E-Learning Content On The Learning Achievement In Basic Computer System Course (Dsk) Of The Student Of Informatics Engineering Education Department, I Gede Partha Sindu, A. A. Gede Yudhi Paramartha Dec 2018

The Effect Of Problem-Based E-Learning Content On The Learning Achievement In Basic Computer System Course (Dsk) Of The Student Of Informatics Engineering Education Department, I Gede Partha Sindu, A. A. Gede Yudhi Paramartha

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This study was aimed at finding out the difference in learning achievement in basic computer system course (DSK) between the students who learned from content e-problem-based learning in experiment class and those who learned from conventional model in control class in learning basic computer system course. This study used quasi-experimental non-equivalent Pretest Post-test Control Group Design. There were three variables involved in this study. Two of them were independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable was e-problem-based learning and the dependent variable was learning achievement. Another variable which functioned as covariate was students'prior learning achievement. The population consisted of …

Integrated Work-Based Learning (I-Wbl) Model Development In Light Vehicle Engineering Competency Of Vocational High School, S Suyitno, P. Pardjono Dec 2018

Integrated Work-Based Learning (I-Wbl) Model Development In Light Vehicle Engineering Competency Of Vocational High School, S Suyitno, P. Pardjono

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This research is to (1) analyze the implementation of new field project; (2) develop conceptual model of WBL integrated to industry; (3) test the validity of WBL integrated; (4) test the effectiveness of integrated WBL. This is educational and development research using randomized pretest-posttest and controlled group design. The population was all vocational school students. The research was conducted from March to December 2016. Data were collected by listing, using observation sheet, interviewing guidline and documenting. Validating was done by some experts. The data were analyzed in descriptive and multivariate Analysis of Variance by SPSS.17. The result shows that (1) …

The Impact Of Parents' Education And Attending Vocational High School To College Entrance, Wahyudi Wicaksono, Robert A. Sparrow, Peter Van Bergeijk Dec 2018

The Impact Of Parents' Education And Attending Vocational High School To College Entrance, Wahyudi Wicaksono, Robert A. Sparrow, Peter Van Bergeijk

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Using IFLS data 2007 and 2014, this study aims to examine the impact of parents' education and attending vocational high school to the probability of children attending tertiary education. This study is motivated by the government plan in increasing the proportion of vocational high school graduates compare to general high school graduates. Multinomial-Logit model is used to examine the senior high school types, Logit and Probit are used to examine the decision on pursuing tertiary education. The main conclusions are (1) parents' education has significant impact on the children's senior high school preference and college enrollment, (2) children who attended …

System Requirement Analysis For E-Learning Materials To Support Academic Writing Skills For Engineering Students Of Vocational Higher Education, Dita Lupita Sari, Choirun Niswatin Dec 2018

System Requirement Analysis For E-Learning Materials To Support Academic Writing Skills For Engineering Students Of Vocational Higher Education, Dita Lupita Sari, Choirun Niswatin

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This paper outlines a system requirement of proposed e-learning design for English course particularly in academic writing. However, the system requirement is focused on functional requirement. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an intensive interaction involving systems analysts and end-users to obtain the appropriate learning materials needed by the engineering students. The instrument of this research is interview and questionnaire. The former was elaborated by the English teachers, while the latter was collected from engineering students at Politeknik Kota Malang. The data collection is analyzed using Kano's method. The research findings indicates that the functional requirement consists of 3 …

The Link And Match Of The Demand And Supply For Productive Vocational School Teachers With Regard To Spectrum Of Vocational Skills In The Perspective Of Education Decentralization, A.G. Tamrin, S Slamet, S. Soenarto Dec 2018

The Link And Match Of The Demand And Supply For Productive Vocational School Teachers With Regard To Spectrum Of Vocational Skills In The Perspective Of Education Decentralization, A.G. Tamrin, S Slamet, S. Soenarto

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

The purpose of this study was to describe the pattern of link and match of the demand and supply for productive vocational school teachers which should be carried out in the future. This study is descriptive qualitative with the grounded theory approach. The unit of analysis consisted of: policy makers at central level; policy makers at local level; productive vocational school teachers; Teacher Education Institutes (LPTK), and Non-Teacher Education Institutes (Non-LPTK). The data were analyzed using the three phases: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The research results are as follows. (1) The pattern of the demand for productive …

The Future Orientation For Novice Teacher Induction Program In Vocational Education, Pramudi Utomo Dec 2018

The Future Orientation For Novice Teacher Induction Program In Vocational Education, Pramudi Utomo

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

This paper presents the discussion with purpose to identify the orientation of teacher induction program in vocational education that is in line with changing times and future challenges. The problems associated with the teacher induction program in vocational education are whether the program has been oriented towards changes and future challenges. This research was conducted explanatory sequential mixed method approach. This study applies a six-step on research procedure. Respondents consisted of 52 novice teachers, 115 mentors, 15 principals, and 24 school supervisors. The subject of the qualitative research was nine resources persons. The respondents were given a Likert scale questionnaire …