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Volume 14, No. 4 Jan 1999

Volume 14, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Juuso, Hannu. “Ancient Paideia and Philosophy for Children.” 9­-20.

Kohan, Walter. “What Can Philosophy and Children Offer Each Other?” 2­-8.

Lagos­-Bornstein, Juan Carlos and Lourdes Salcedo­-Tavira. “Philosophy Goes to the School of Education.” 34-­48.

Liao, Boquin. “Stages of Wonder: A Lesson in Physics.” 49.

Matthews, Gareth. “Review of Arnold Lobel: The Great Blueness and Other Predicaments.” 1.

Murris, Karin. “Philosophy with Preliterate Children.” 23-­33.

Volume 14, No. 2 Jan 1998

Volume 14, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Anthone, Richard. “The Cage: A Prototype of a New Category of Books?” 35­-40.

Dunne, Joseph. “To Begin in Wonder: Children and Philosophy.” 9­-17.

Lagodzka, Anna and Beata Elwich. “Vision and Words: Exercises for Thinking.” 41-­47.

Leeuw, Karel van der. “Review of Cristopher Selter and Harmut Spiegel, Wie Kinder Rechnen [How Children Calculate].” 48­-49.

Lipman, Matthew. “On Children’s Philosophical Style.” 2­-8.

Navarro, Ana Maria Vicuna. “Ethical Education Through Philosophical Discussion.” 23­26.

Ohlsson, Ragnar. “An Early Form of the Community of Inquiry: The Study Circle.” 27­28.

Turgeon, Wendy C. “Metaphysical Horizons of Philosophy for Children: A Survey of Recent Discussions Within the …

Volume 13, No. 4 Jan 1998

Volume 13, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Barnbaum, Deborah. “Why Tamagatchis Are Not Pets.” 41-­43.

Cabrera, Gumercindo. “Philosophy for Children in Guatemala: A Report.” 44­-45.

Davydov V. V. “The Renewal of Education and the Mental Development of School Children.” 5­-7.

Kodrat’ev, Ie. A. “Philosophy and Philosophy for Children.” 20­-22.

Liao, Boqin. “Children’s Preconceptions and Aristotle’s Theory of Kinetics.” 33-­35.

Margolis A. A. “The Philosophy for Children Program.” 2-­4.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: Lulu and the Flying Babies by Posy Simmonds.” 1.

O’Donaghue, David. “William James, Pragmatism and Philosophical Counseling.” 36­40.

Telegin, M. V. “Fragment from a First­Grade, Philosophy for Children Lesson.” 23­-25.

Telegin, M. V. “Philosophy …

Volume 14, No. 1 Jan 1998

Volume 14, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Bohm, David. “On Dialogue.” 2-­7.

dePuig, Irene and Eulalia Bosch. “Philosophy and Narration.” 11­-12

Fearnley-­Sander, Mary. “Care and the Force of the Argument in Respecting Difference.” 24-­28.

Freire, Paulo and Donaldo Macedo. “The Importance of the Act of Reading.” 8­-10.

Glaser, Jen. “Thinking Together: “Arendt’s Visiting Imagination and Nussbaum’s Judicial Spectatorship as Models for a Community of Inquiry.” 17­-23.

Kennedy, David. “Reconstructing Childhood.” 29­-37.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: The King at the Door by Brock Cole.” 1.

Morton, Adam. “Felosophy.” 46-­47.

Phillips, Christopher. “Philosophical Counseling: An Ancient Practice is Being Rejuvenated.” 48­-49.

Reed, Ron. “Philosophy and Children: A Perspective …

Volume 13, No. 2 Jan 1997

Volume 13, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Green, Lena. “Philosophy for Children: One Way of Developing Children’s Thinking.” 20-­22.

Heesen, Berrie. “European Children Thinking Together in 100.” 27­-29.

Infinito­-Allocco, Justen. “Philosophy and Shifting Morality.” 48-­49.

Katzner, James and Andrea Weiss. “Learning Philosophy Collaboratively with a Student.” 23­-26.

Lee, Zosimo E. “Luis’ Complaint.” 45-­47.

Lim, Tock Keng. “Crossing the Chopsticks: Handling Chopsticks and Handling Lives.” 37­-40.

Lindop, Clive. “Wisdom and Intelligence in Philosophy for Children.” 8-­10.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: Fred by Posy Simmonds.” 1.

Redshaw, Sarah. “Walking My Body.” 17-­19.

Slade, Christina. “Reasoning and Children: The Wide Glare of the Children’s Day.” 2­-7.

Sprod, Tim. “Improving …

Volume 13, No. 1 Jan 1997

Volume 13, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Birkhahn, Talya. “A Purple Sky: The Challenged Chance for Change.” 37­-41.

Field, Terri. “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy for Children.” 17­-22.

Friquegnon, Marie­Louise. “What is a Child?” 12­-16.

Lim, Tock Keng. “Daughters of a Better Age.” 23­-25.

Lone, Jana Mohr. “Voices in the Classroom: Girls and Philosophy for Children.” 9­-11.

Pac, Andrea. “Gender and Social Awareness: A Story from Buenos Aires.” 5­-8.

Reed, Ronald. “Lost Times/Recovered Times.” 34-­36.

Richardson, Brenda. “Teaching for Presence in the Democratic Classroom.” 26-­33.

Sharp, Ann Margaret. “A Second Issue Devoted to Women, Feminism and Philosophy for Children.” 1.

Thomas, John C. “Community of Inquiry and Differences …

Volume 13, No. 3 Jan 1997

Volume 13, No. 3

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Anthone, Richard. “Philosophical Inquiry and the Internet.” 37-­45.

Cabrera, Julio. “Children’s Philosophy and Children’s Sexuality: Some Remarks on Lipman and Freud.” 22-­25.

Havas, Katalin G. “Children and Philosophy.” 26.

Johnson, Stephen M. “Critical Pedagogy and Civic Ideals: Liberating Our Students (and Selves) from False Dilemmas.” 17-­21.

Lone, Jana Mohr. “Are We All Mystery Creatures? Talking Philosophy With Children Who Are At Risk.” 27-­31.

M.L. “Thoughts of an Egyptian Princess.” 48­-49.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking Stories: Socrates and the Three Pigs by Mitsumasa Anno.” 1.

Splitter, Laurance. “Philosophy and Democracy in Asia and the Pacific: Philosophy and Civic Education.” 6-­16.

Park, Jin­-Whan. …

Volume 12, No. 4 Jan 1996

Volume 12, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Curren, Randall. “Review of Laura M. Purdy, In Their Best Interest? The Case Against Equal Rights for Children.” 44­-45.

DePuig, Irene. “Interview with Angelica Satiro.” 38-­40.

Gazzard, Ann. “Philosophy for Children and the Discipline of Philosophy.” 9­-16.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: The Ring of Gyges by Plato.” 1.

Niklasson, John, Ragmar Ohlsson and Monika Ringborg. “Evaluating Philosophy for Children.” 17-­23.

Palsson, Hreinn. “We Think More Than Before About Others and Their Opinions (An Evaluation Report from Iceland).” 24-­29.

Ross, George MacDonald. “Socrates Versus Plato: The Origins and Development of Socratic Thinking.” 2-­8.

Schleifer, Michael and Poirier Ginette. “The Effect …

Volume 12, No. 2 Jan 1995

Volume 12, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Boss, Judith A. “Francine: A Fairy Tale for Philosophers Young and Old.” 45-­48.

Kennedy, David. “Review of The Philosophy of Childhood by Gareth Matthews.” 41-­44.

Kohan, Walter O. “The Origin, Nature and Aim of Philosophy in Relation to Philosophy for Children.” 95-­30.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: Bulgar Bill by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.” 1.

Pescetti, Luis Maria. “The Natural Enemies of the Moon.” 49.

Ramirez, Eduardo Rubio. “Thinking About Dialogue.” 16­-24.

Redshaw, Sarah. “Philosophical Inquiry: Promoting Thinking in Tertiary Education.” 8­11.

Reich, K. Helmut. “From Either/Or to Both­And Through Cognitive Development.” 12­15.

Rollins, Maughn [Gregory]. “Epistemological Considerations for the …

Volume 12, No. 3 Jan 1995

Volume 12, No. 3

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Bosch, Eulalia and Irene dePuig. “Philosophy and Narration.” 38­-39.

Daniel, Lafortune, Pallasio and Sykes. “Mathematical Knowledge and Moral Education.” 40-­47.

Fisher, Robert. “Socratic Education.” 23­-29.

Fox, Richard. “In Defense of Quiet Thought.” 20-­22.

Green, Lena. “The Community of Inquiry at Mendham: A Mini­Case Study.” 33­-34.

Hoebing, Philip. “Pixie the Tree­Hugger.” 6­-12.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: Fiona’s Bee by Beverly Keller.” 1.

Rickman, H.P. “Profiting from Plato.” 30­-32.

Sprod, Tim. “Nothing New Under the Sun?” 35­-37.

Van Gils, Jan. “Children Playing and Children Doing Philosophy: Why are They Both So Interesting?” 2-­5.

Volume 11, No. 2 Jan 1994

Volume 11, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Compayre, Gabriel. “Montaigne’s Pedagogy of Judgment.” 2-­3.

De Puig, Irene. “Beyond Knowledge, Wisdom: A Revindication of the Practical Character of Philosophy.” 22-­24.

Godlovitch, S. “On Wisdom.” 14­-21.

Lim, Tock Keng. “The Philosophy for Children Project in Singapore.” 33­-37.

MacColl, San. “The Context of Reasoning and Teaching Reasoning.” 25-­29.

Malcolm, Norman. “Should a Philosophy Consist of Nothing but Jokes and Questions?” from Thinking and Literacy by Jane Roland Martin. 44­-51.

Martin, David. “Report from North America.” 38­-40.

Matthews, Gareth: “Thinking in Stories: Now Everybody Really Hates Me by Jane Read Martin and Patricia Marx.” 1.

Redshaw, Sarah. “Philosophical Applications: Cultivating Alternative …

Volume 11, Nos. 3 & 4 Jan 1994

Volume 11, Nos. 3 & 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Arbones, Gloria. “Feminism and Philosophy for Children in Argentina.” 39-­42.

Cahn, Edmond. “The Right to be Young.” 41­-42.

Daniel, Marie­-France. “Women, Philosophical Community of Inquiry and the Liberation of Self.” 63-­71.

Bosch, Eulalia. “Primary School: Love Versus Knowledge 7.” 71­-72.

Carneiro de Moura, Zaza. “Seeds of Change, Seeds of Chance.” 33­-38.

De la Garza, Teresa. “Women’s Education in Mexico and Philosophy for Children.” 47­ 50.

Dudina, Margarita Nikolayevna. “Some Reflections on Our System of Education.” 44­47.

Glaser, Jen. “Reasoning as Dialogical Inquiry: A Model for the Liberation of Women.” 14­-17.

Hagaman, Sally. “Education in Philosophy and Art in the United …

Volume 12, No. 1 Jan 1994

Volume 12, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Anih, Stan. “Moral Education in a Multicultural World.” 11­-17.

Cosentino, Antonio. “Kant and the Pedagogy of Teaching Philosophy.” 2­-3.

Heinegg, James. “Computers and Education for Thinking.” 45­-46.

Holder, John J. Jr. “Philosophy for Children in the Philippines Project,” from “Final Report on Phase III Unistar Mission.” 41­-44.

Kamara, Mohamed. “Grade­School Philosophy: The Role of the Text.” 20­-21.

Laverty, Megan. “The Mill on the Floss: An Argument for Philosophy for Children.” 47­49.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: ‘The Hour of Letdown’ by E.B. White.” 1.

Palsson, Hreinn. “Interpretive Research and Philosophy for Children.” 33-­40.

Silver, Ruth E. “Thinking Together with the …

Volume 11, No. 1 Jan 1993

Volume 11, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Bruthin, Lilit. “Children’s Philosophy and Wisdom Through Their Discourse.” 22-­28.

Geisser, Maura J. “The Role of Language and Stories in a Community of Inquiry with Deaf Children.” 39-­49.

Kennedy, David. “Child and Fool in the Western Wisdom Tradition.” 11­-21.

Kekes, John. “Wisdom.” 9­-10.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: “The Shrinking of Treehorn: Drawings by Edward Gorey,” by Florence Parry Heide. 1.

Van der Leeuw, Karel. “Experiences with Kio and Gus.” 31­-38.

Volume 10, No. 3 Jan 1993

Volume 10, No. 3

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Atkinson, Norman. “Philosophy for Children Comes to Africa.” 13­-14.

Cresswell, Roger. “Spreading Thoughts.” 29-­34.

Halloran, Dorothy. “Thinking Skills Program in Lithuania.” 15.

Jones, Beau Fly. “Report from North America: A Brief Overview of Cognitive Design Strategies.” 35­-36.

Kennedy, David. “Why Philosophy for Children Now 7.” 9­-6.

Lipman, Matthew. “Proceedings of the 1973 Conference on Pre­-College Philosophy.” 37­-41.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: ‘The Cat Who Thought She Was a Dog and the Dog Who Thought He Was a Cat,’ by Isaac Beshavis Singer. 1.

Morehouse, Mort. “Philosophy for Children: Curriculum and Practice.” 7-­12.

Wieder, Charles G. “Children Around the World” …

Volume 10, No. 4 Jan 1993

Volume 10, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Anih, Stan. “Philosophy for Children and the Cultivation of Tolerance.” 21­-25.

Deng, Peng. “Philosophy for Children Comes to China.” 15­-20.

Donlin­-Smith, Thomas. “Short Stories for Ethics Courses.” 46-­47.

Heron, Liz. “Socratic Truth in the Urban Blight,” from London Independent. 44.

Jackson, Tom. “1990­-1991 Evaluation Report of Philosophy for Children in Hawaii.” 36-­43.

Lardner, A.T. “The Real Behavioral Demands of a Community of Inquiry.” 26­-30.

Lindop, Clive. “Pixie,” from “Metaphor and Aboriginal Education.” 6-­14.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt.” 1.

McCue, Jean. “Philosophy is Kids’ Stuff,” from London Times. 45.

Northern Territory Department of …

Volume 10, No. 2 Jan 1992

Volume 10, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Bitting, Paul F. and Cheryl Southworth. “Reverence and the Passions of Inquiry.” 13­18.

Costa, Arthur L. “Orchestrating Next Steps in Educating the Intellect.” 39-­41.

Glaser, Jen. “Reason and the Reasoners.” 23­-29.

Martin, Kerri. “Children Around the World (paintings).” 19-­22.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: Not Now, Bernard by David McKee.” 1.

Moriyon, Felix Garcia.“On Constructing an European Cultural Identity by Doing Philosophy with Children.” 2­-5.

Murris, Karin. “Beetle Crushers Lift the Lid on Mindless Behavior.” 30­-38.

Nisbet, John and Robert Fisher. “Letter from Europe.” 42­-43.

Raitz, Keith L. “Philosophy for Children in Guatemala: Latin American Adventures of the Gringo, Harry …

Volume 10, No. 1 Jan 1992

Volume 10, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Benjamin, Martin. “Judgment and the Art of Compromise.” 2-­7.

English, Lyn. “Philosophy for Children and Mathematics Education.” 15-­16.

Glaser, Jen. “Reflections on Personhood: Developing a Sense through Community of Inquiry.” 19-­22.

Hughes, Judith. “The Philosopher’s Child.” 38­-45.

Liverani, Mary Rose. “The Young Philosophers.” 10­-12.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: The Sneetches and Other Stories by Dr. Seuss.” 1.

Meyer, Zofia Golab. “The Retrial of Galileo in Cracow.” 37.

Neave, Phillip. “Young Kids Search for the Philosophers’ Stone.” 8­-9.

Nisbet, John. “Letter from Europe.” 35­-36.

Nowell, Linda. “At Risk: Development of Personhood.” 23­-25.

Shames, Stephen. “Children in Poverty: One Third of …

Volume 9, No. 4 Jan 1991

Volume 9, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Bernstein, Richard J. “Does Philosophy Matter?” 2­-4.

Beyer, Barry. “Letter from North America: Some Canadian Developments.” 27.

Brown, Rexford G. “Cultivating a Literacy of Thoughtfulness.” 5­-12.

Edel, Abraham. “Interpreting the Teacher­Student Transaction.” 24-­27.

English, Lyn and Karen McIntosh. “Now it’s My Turn: Andrew’s encounter with the Pixie Program.” 37­-38.

Gallie, W.B. “Liberal Morality and Socialist Morality,” from Philosophy, Politics and Society. 49.

Jarrell, Randall. “Excerpt from A Game at Salzburg,” from Selected Poems. 49.

Kasulis, Thomas P. “Questioning.” 29­-33.

Kennedy, David.“The Community of Inquiry and Educational Structure.” 20­-23.

Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: The Mountains of Tibet by Mordecai Gerstein.” …

Volume 9, No. 2 Jan 1991

Volume 9, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Ching chung Chao. “The Design, Use and Evaluation of Philosophical Stories for Children.” 1­-4.

Lardner, A.T. “Student, Resistance in Philosophy for Children.” 13­-15.

Nisbet, John. “Letter from Europe Review of Robert Fisher’s Teaching Children to Think.” 49.

Pritchard, Michael S. “On Becoming A Moral Agent From Aristotle to Harry Stottlemeier.” 16-­24.

Richard, Arsene. “Teaching Philosophy Skills and Mentalities.” 25­-27.

Sasseville, Michel. “Chapter One of Harry Stottlemeier’s Discovery: An Integrative Crucible of Critical and Creative Thinking.” 28-­30.

Sharp, Ann Margaret. “The Community of Inquiry: Education for Democracy.” 31-­37.

Silva, Cathenne Young. “Environmental Ethics What?, Why? How?” 38­-39.

Whalley, Michael. “Teaching by …

Volume 9, No. 3 Jan 1991

Volume 9, No. 3

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Davydov, V.V. “The Mental Development of Younger Schoolchildren in the Process of Learning Acivity.” 8­-12.

Golab­-Meyer, Zofia. “The Foundation of the Ability to Reach Conclusions-- ­­The Empirical Basis of Logic.” 43-­45.

Guin, Philip C. “Coaching: Who Needs It and What is It?” 36-­39.

Hatcher, Donald L. “When Poets Teach Critical Thinking.” 46-­47.

James, William. “Education for Judgment.” 5-­7.

Landa, Lev. “Towards a General System of Methods of Instruction.” 13-­20.

Lindop, Clive. “Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children: The Educational Value of Philosophy.” 32-­35.

Lipman, Matthew. “Philosophy is Also for the Young­At Least Possibly.” 27.

McDermott, John J. “The Importance of …

Volume 9, No. 1 Jan 1990

Volume 9, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Gazzard, Ann: “Some More Ideas About the Relation Between Philosophy for Children and Self-­Esteem.” 17­-20.

Golab-­Meyer, Zofia. “What is the Price of a Rich Life?” 8-­11.

Lago Bornstein and Juan Carlos. “The Community of Inquiry and the Development of Self­-Esteem.” 12­-16.

Martens, Ekkehard. “Philosophy for Children and Continental Philosophy.” 2­-7.

Matthews, Gareth. Review of Voltaire, Story of A Good Brahmin. 1.

Matthews, Gareth. Review of Hans­-Ludwig Greese, Kinder sind Philosophen. 42.

Melville, Mary E. “William James and the Nature of Thinking A Framework for Elfie.” 32-­34.

Mulvaney, Robert J. “Book Review: Wisdom, Information and Wonder What is Knowledge For by …

Volume 8, No. 4 Jan 1990

Volume 8, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Benjamin, David. “Philosophy in High School: What Does it All Mean?” 43-­44.

Cheu, Huey­-Ing: “Who is Older?” 45.

Daniel, Marie-­France, Lafortune, Louise, Pallascio, Richard and Davis, Michael. “Teaching Workplace Ethics.” 33­-42.

Davis, Michael. “Teaching Workplace Ethics.” 33­-42.

Hawley, Willis D. “Looking Backward at Education Reform.” 10.

Heinegg, James. “Philosophy and Foolishness.” 7-­9.

Irorio, John E. and Joseph M. Piro. “An Urban School District Approach to Implementing a Comprehensive Thinking Skills Program.” 24­-27.

Kennedy, David. “Fools, Young Children and Philosophy.” 2-­6.

Matthews, Gareth. Review of Peter Bischel, Kindergeschichten. 1.

Meehan, Kenneth A. “Evaluation of a Philosophy for Children Project in Hawaii.” …

Volume 8, No. 3 Jan 1989

Volume 8, No. 3

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Anih, Stan. “Nigerian College Adopts Community of Inquiry Approach.” 1­-13.

Cullell, Joseph. “Working with Philosophy for Children in Catalonia.” 18-­22.

Johnson, Tony W. “Teaching as Translation: The Philosophical Dimension.” 34­-38.

Lane, N.R and SA Jones. “Rationality, Self­-esteem and Autonomy through Collaborative Enquiry.” 41­-49.

Langer, Judith. “Literate Thinking and Schooling.” 20­-30.

Lardner, A.T. “Some Notes on P4C in Ecuador.” 15­-17.

Lindop, Clive. “Henry 17: Judgment, Perspective and Philosophy.” 39­-40.

Matthews, Gareth. Review of Mem Fox, Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge. 1.

Millston, David H. “Oft­Told Tales.” 31­-33.

Sheffer, S.. “The Apprenticeship Model: What Can We Learn from Gareth Matthews?” 27-­28.

Thompson, A. …

Volume 8, No. 2 Jan 1989

Volume 8, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Finocchiaro, Maurice A. “Philosophy as Critical Thinking.” 2­-3.

Guin, Philip C. “A Bold Adventure.” 7-­8.

Hamrick, William S. “Teaching Elfie.” 9-­11.

McCall, Catherine. “Young Children Generate Philosophical Ideas.” 22-­41.

Matthews, Gareth. Review of Natalie Babbitt, Knee­knock Rise. 1.

Reddiford, Gordon. “A Philosophical Education.” 4­-6.

Slade, Christina. “Logic in the Classroom.” 14-­20.

Vallone, Gerard. “Thinking in and Beyond the Moment: The Transformative Efficacy of IAPC Materials.” 12­-13.

Volume 7, No. 4 Jan 1988

Volume 7, No. 4

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Benjamin, Martin: Review of Thomas Nagel: What Does it All Mean? pp. 26­-8.

Benjamin, David and Scott, Jeremy. Review of Thomas Nagel: What Does it All Mean? pp. 28-­9.

Camhy, Daniela G. and Iberer, Grunter. “Philosophy for Children: A Research Project.” 18­-25.

Gazzard, A. “Evidence of Effectiveness of the Philosophy for Children Program: Quantitative Studies 1987­1988.” pp. S13­-S14.

Johnson, T. “Who is Harry Stottlemeier and What Did He Discover?” pp. S6­-S9.

Lipman, M. “Philosophy for Children and Critical Thinking.” pp. S10­-S12.

Lipman, M. and Sharp. A.M. “Philosophy for Children: A Traditional Subject in a Novel Format.” pp. S2­-S5.

Matthews, Gareth. …

Volume 7, No. 3 Jan 1988

Volume 7, No. 3

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Allen, Terry L. “Doing Philosophy With Children.” 23­-28.

Calandra, A. “Seeking Out Alternatives.” 41.

Daniel, Marie­France. “Thinking, mind, the existence of God...Transcript of a classroom dialogue with first and second graders in Montreal.” 21-­22.

Gazzard, Ann. “Thinking Skills in Science and Philosophy for Children.” 32­-40.

Hetzler, Florence M. “The Person and the Little Price of St. Exupery.” 2-­7.

Matthews, Gareth. “Review of Frank R. Stockton, The Bee­man of Orn. 1.

Nussbaum, Martha. “Can Philosophical Literature Deal With Individuals?” from Review of Scruton, Sexual Desire. 31.

Roszak, Theodore. “The Folklore of Computers and the True Art of Thinking.” 8-­12.

Sheffer, Susannah. …

Volume 8, No. 1 Jan 1988

Volume 8, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Allen, Terry. “I Think, Therefore I Can: Attribution and Philosophy for Children.” 14­-18.

Collins, Allan, Brown, John Seeley and Susan E. Newman. “Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the Craft of Reading, Writing and Mathematics.” 2­-10.

Costello, Patrick J. M. “Akrasia and Animal Rights: Philosophy in the British Primary School.” 19-­27.

Malanga, Joseph. “The Study of Teaching and Curriculum.” 38­-43.

Matthews, G. Review of Arnold Lobel, The Turnaround Wind. 1.

Palermo, James and Kate D’Erasmo. “Logic, Language and Dewey a Student­Teacher Dialectic.” 11-­13.

Strand, Paul. “Photographs: Children Around the World.” 28­-33.

Weinstein, Mark and Banu, Beatrice. Review of The Fieldston Ethics Reader by …

Volume 7, No. 2 Jan 1987

Volume 7, No. 2

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Coles, Martin. “Critical Children: Philosophy for the Young.” 26-­28.

Blair, Anthony. “Recent Developments in Critical Thinking in Anglophone North America.” 2-­6.

Dupont, Didier. “Translating and Adapting ‘Lisa’: A Rewriting of the Paths of Thought.” 20­-23.

Hamrick, William S. “Some Concrete Approaches to Nature in Kio and Gus. 40-­45.

Hitchcock, David. “That Dog is My Father,” from Enthymematic Arguments. 29.

McInerny, Paul M. “Fulbright Scholar Challenges Guatemalan Teachers, Children.” 17­19.

Matthews, Gareth. “Review of Charlotte Zolotow, I Know a Lady. 1.

Mulvaney, Robert J. “Philosophy for Children and the Modernization of Chinese Education.” 7-­11.

Royer, Ron. “Science Begins with Everyday Thinking.” …

Volume 7, No. 1 Jan 1987

Volume 7, No. 1

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children

Edman, Irwin. “Intimations of Philosophy in Early Childhood.” 13­-18.

Egan, Kieran. “The Other Half of the Child.” 2-­5.

Herndon, James F. “Ethics Instruction and the Constitution.” 6-­11.

IAPC. “Philosophy for Children 1987.” S1­-S24.

Matthews, Gareth. “Review of Hubert Monteilhet, Gus et les Hindous.” 1.

Rorty, Richard. “The Rise and Fall of Questions,” from Philosophy in History. 25.

Royce, Josiah. “The Philosopher’s Task,” from The Life and Thought of Josiah Royce. 12.

Vlastos, Gregory. “Socrates and Moral Inquiry,” from The Philosophy Socrates. 25.