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- Keyword
- Assessment (2)
- E-learning (2)
- AKSI 2019 (1)
- Actual use (1)
- Agentive perspectives; projection; teacher-based assessment; teacher agency (1)
- Assessment rubric (1)
- Bloom's Taxonomy (1)
- Causal comparative study (1)
- Character (1)
- Character education (1)
- Coeducational classroom (1)
- Debate (1)
- Difficulty index (1)
- Digital literacy (1)
- Discrimination index (1)
- EFL classroom (1)
- Educational assessment standards (1)
- Ex post facto (1)
- External factors (1)
- Feedback (1)
- HOTS (1)
- ICT literacy (1)
- Implementation (1)
- Indonesian language (1)
- Instrument (1)
- Junior high school (1)
- Kirkpatrick evaluation model (1)
- LOTS (1)
- Language education (1)
- Language skill (1)
Articles 1 - 30 of 36
Full-Text Articles in Education
The Characteristics Of Chemistry Test Items On Nationally-Standardized School Examination In Yogyakarta City, Ummul Karimah, Heri Retnawati, Deni Hadiana, Pujiastuti Pujiastuti, Eri Yusron
The Characteristics Of Chemistry Test Items On Nationally-Standardized School Examination In Yogyakarta City, Ummul Karimah, Heri Retnawati, Deni Hadiana, Pujiastuti Pujiastuti, Eri Yusron
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study aimed to describe the characteristics of chemistry test items in Nationally Standardized School Examination or Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN), consisted of discrimination index, difficulty index, and question reliability. The data were collected by using documentation of the answers of 194 students. The type of research was descriptive exploratory with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data analysis was performed by using the classical test theory approach and item response theory with 1 logistical parameter. Meanwhile, qualitative data analysis was conducted to describe the items categorized as difficult and bad categories. The results show that, according to classical test …
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Educational Assessment Standards At Madrasah Tsanawiyah Modern Islamic Boarding School, Nurul Ngarifillaili, Badrun Kartowagiran, Umwari Yvette
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Educational Assessment Standards At Madrasah Tsanawiyah Modern Islamic Boarding School, Nurul Ngarifillaili, Badrun Kartowagiran, Umwari Yvette
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study aims to collect, analyze, and present evaluation results and assess them by comparing the evaluation indicators. The evaluation focuses on achieving and implementing seven components of the Educational Assessment Standard in Islamic middle school (Madrasah Tsanawiyah or MTs) of modern Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in the Kebumen Regency. The study employed a descriptive quantitative approach. The evaluation model was the discrepancy evaluation model. The study subjects were 227 students of grade VIII class 2020/2021. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire and brief interviews. The study result shows that 70.55% of students stated the assessment …
Developing Student Character Assessment Questionnaire On French Subject In State High Schools, Nur Hamidah Assa'diyah, Samsul Hadi
Developing Student Character Assessment Questionnaire On French Subject In State High Schools, Nur Hamidah Assa'diyah, Samsul Hadi
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
As time goes by, technological advances affect character crises, especially among students. This study is aimed at developing a student character assessment questionnaire for the French subject in state high schools of Yogyakarta Special Region. The study employed the 4D development formula comprising of Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The study involved 269 students of X, XI, and XII grades as the samples. The reliability test was performed using the Cronbach's Alpha formula, 0.689, with strong reliability. The validity of the study was tested using EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis). The questionnaire used the Likert scale. The result of the study …
Self-Evaluation In Perspective Of Surah Al-Isrä Verse 14th, Kasmah Usman, Achmad Abubakar, Muhsin Mahfudz
Self-Evaluation In Perspective Of Surah Al-Isrä Verse 14th, Kasmah Usman, Achmad Abubakar, Muhsin Mahfudz
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This paper describes, knows, understands, and analyzes self-evaluation from the perspective of surah Al-IsrÄ verse 14. Self-evaluation in psychology is called self-introspection, which means self-correction, while in Islam, it is called muḥÄsabah or muḥÄsabah al-nafá¹£. MuḥÄsabah, in the person of a Muslim in particular, is an attempt to count and evaluate himself, how many sins he has committed and what good he has not done. This study is qualitative research under the literature study method, which focuses on the question of self-evolution from the perspective of surah Al-Isra verse 14. The data source comes from the ministry of …
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Interactive Video-Based Online Learning In Practical Courses Using The Cipp Model, Sudaryono Sudaryono
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Interactive Video-Based Online Learning In Practical Courses Using The Cipp Model, Sudaryono Sudaryono
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to examine the evaluation of the implementation of interactive video-based online learning for the 2020/2021 academic year at Raharja University, Tangerang City, Banten. The research design uses a quantitative approach. Techniques Data collection is done through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation studies. The item instrument validation was carried out using the validity and reliability test of the data with consistent results (0.880>0.60). The study involved 103 participants employing a descriptive data analysis technique using the CIPP evaluation model. The findings show that the average score for all aspects is 80.55%, in the very good category. First, the …
Comparison Of Emotional And Social Intelligence Assessment Of Students In State And Private School During The Pandemic, Akif Khilmiyah
Comparison Of Emotional And Social Intelligence Assessment Of Students In State And Private School During The Pandemic, Akif Khilmiyah
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to determine differences in emotional and social intelligence assessment between public and private school students using Android-based PKES (Penilaian Kecerdasan Emosional-Sosial or Social-Emotional Intelligence Assessment) application in strengthening student character during the pandemic. This survey study with a quantitative approach was analyzed using a comparative model. The subjects were 120 parents and students of public and private elementary schools in Yogyakarta chosen by purposive sampling. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and Likert scale tests with the PKES application and analyzed by t-test. It reveals that state elementary school students' emotional and social intelligence emphasizes the …
Evaluating The Learning Goal Attainment In Nihongo Noryoku Shiken N5 Course, Ai Sumirah Setiawati, Wagiran Wagiran, Subyantoro Subyantoro
Evaluating The Learning Goal Attainment In Nihongo Noryoku Shiken N5 Course, Ai Sumirah Setiawati, Wagiran Wagiran, Subyantoro Subyantoro
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
The objective of the study is to evaluate the learning implementation of the Nihongo Noryoku Shiken N5 course as a new course offered in the 2020 curriculum at the Japanese Language Education Study Program in UNNES. A goal-oriented evaluation model by Tyler was employed in the evaluation process to measure how far the learning goals that have been determined at the beginning of the lecture are achieved. This evaluative research relied on a quantitative descriptive approach; its steps comprised (1) data collection, (2) data processing and analysis, and (3) recommendation formulation. According to the evaluation results, the learning goals of …
Assessment And Feedback Practices In The Efl Classroom, Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti
Assessment And Feedback Practices In The Efl Classroom, Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
The present study explored the implementation of Language classroom assessment and feedback within the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. This research was conducted using a qualitative research design, and the obtained data were analyzed descriptively. Data were collected by conducting direct classroom observation using observation checklists and in-depth interviews with the three professional English instructors using an observation guide. The data were transcribed and coded according to their categories. The findings of the study indicated that the students learning progress were assessed through a short question-answer and completion test. Verbal feedback was merely provided by the teachers, and …
Evaluating The Implementation Of The Character Education Strengthening Program Of Vocational High Schools In Yogyakarta City, Edhy Susatya, Budi Santosa, Andriyani Andriyani, Dwi Ariyani
Evaluating The Implementation Of The Character Education Strengthening Program Of Vocational High Schools In Yogyakarta City, Edhy Susatya, Budi Santosa, Andriyani Andriyani, Dwi Ariyani
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
The research aims to evaluate the character education strengthening program (CESP) implementation in vocational high schools (VHS) throughout Yogyakarta City. The evaluation is done in the functions of (1) planning, (2) implementation, and (3) evaluation. In this descriptive qualitative research, the researchers collected information related to the implementation of CESP. The subjects are school principals, vice principals, and teachers determined using the snowball sampling technique in four vocational high schools in Yogyakarta City. The evaluation uses the discrepancy model, which looks for the gap between planning and implementation. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation, validated using the source …
Evaluation Of Learning Process: Knowledge Of Ict Integration Among Pre-Service English Language Teachers, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, Nila Kurnia Sari, Nurqadriyanti Hasanuddin
Evaluation Of Learning Process: Knowledge Of Ict Integration Among Pre-Service English Language Teachers, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, Nila Kurnia Sari, Nurqadriyanti Hasanuddin
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This research aims at investigating the knowledge of ICT integration among the students of the English Language Education Study Program at a particular university in Yogyakarta. By employing the quantitative method, this ex-post facto research involved 70 English Department students who had taken microteaching as respondents in a survey to gather the data using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was taken from the model developed by one of the researchers based on the TPACK framework. There are five domains in the questionnaire. Four domains measure TPACK perceptions: Technological Knowledge (TK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical …
English As A Foreign Language (Efl) Learning Assessment In Single-Sex And Co-Educational Classrooms, Umi Farisiyah, Badrun Kartowagiran, Aminuddin Bin Hassan
English As A Foreign Language (Efl) Learning Assessment In Single-Sex And Co-Educational Classrooms, Umi Farisiyah, Badrun Kartowagiran, Aminuddin Bin Hassan
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study investigates the effects of Single-Sex and Co-educational classrooms on English learning outcomes. This study is a causal-comparative study in ex post facto design. The sample is three classes consisting of 73 students (boy and girl-single-sex classes and a co-educational class) from a private secondary school in Central Java, Indonesia. An integrated English test was used, equating the 2013 curriculum and CEFR for English. It tested four skills in English consisting of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Expert judgments have already checked the instrument through face validity. Item internal consistency from all skills was good, and the reliability was …
Evaluation Of Reading Pleasure Character In Smpn 19 And Smp Adhyaksa 1 Of Jambi City, Tanti Tanti, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Muhammad Sofyan Zain, Febrina Rosa Winda, Rini Siski Fitriani
Evaluation Of Reading Pleasure Character In Smpn 19 And Smp Adhyaksa 1 Of Jambi City, Tanti Tanti, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Muhammad Sofyan Zain, Febrina Rosa Winda, Rini Siski Fitriani
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study was conducted to determine the reading pleasure of junior high school students through four indicators. The research was conducted with a total sample of 281 students from grades VII, VIII, and IX in junior high schools. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research design used is an explanatory design. The quantitative instrument in the form of a reading pleasure instrument consists of 40 statements, while the qualitative instrument is in the form of interviews with ten students, four teachers, and two heads of the library. The data collection technique was carried out by survey (field research). …
Hierarchical Linear Modeling For Determining The Effect Of Ict Literacy On Mathematics Achievement, Suci Paramitha Liestari, Muhardis Muhardis
Hierarchical Linear Modeling For Determining The Effect Of Ict Literacy On Mathematics Achievement, Suci Paramitha Liestari, Muhardis Muhardis
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study aims to identify the effect of ICT literacy on mathematics achievement in grade 8 by using the Indonesian Student Competency Assessment's (Asesmen Kompetensi Siswa Indonesia or AKSI) 2019 questionnaire data. A multistage probability sample of 13,079 students was analyzed using a two-level hierarchical linear model (HLM) which student achievement scores are the first level laid in schools as the second level. The results of the analysis revealed that SES, the number of smartphones and computers that students have at home, the availability of ICT at home and school, the use of ICT for education, and perspective on …
An Evaluation Of The Petty Officer Training Program Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Using The Kirkpatrick Model, Junus Simangunsong, Langgeng Purnomo
An Evaluation Of The Petty Officer Training Program Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Using The Kirkpatrick Model, Junus Simangunsong, Langgeng Purnomo
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study aims to evaluate the Petty Officer Training Program Noken to determine the program's success based on predetermined character values. The program evaluation uses Kirkpatrick's evaluation model with four levels: reaction, learning, behavior, and result. The data were obtained using a questionnaire, observations, interviews, and documentation and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative descriptive techniques. Before the questionnaire and observation sheets were used, their readability was tested to the Super Team for the National Identity formed by the Republic of Indonesia Police Headquarters and experts in psychology and educational evaluation. The results of the instrument readability test showed excellent results, …
Developing Assessment Instruments Of Debate Practice In Indonesian Language Learning, Septiana Farida, Farida Agus Setiawati
Developing Assessment Instruments Of Debate Practice In Indonesian Language Learning, Septiana Farida, Farida Agus Setiawati
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study aims to develop an instrument for assessing debate practice in Indonesian Class X senior high school (Sekolah Menengah Atas or SMA/Madrasah Aliyah or MA) learning. The theoretical construct of the instrument was found after reviewing several theories, including speaking skills that apply to debate practice, especially those based on the Australian Debating Federation. The non-test instrument development procedure used is the Mardapi model, which includes non-cognitive. Ten material experts reviewed the draft instrument (two lecturers and eight Indonesian Language Teachers Class X in the SMA/MA in Yogyakarta Special Region) then it was calculated using the Aiken …
Students' Competence In Making Language Skill Assessment Rubric, Memet Sudaryanto, Habib Safillah Akbariski
Students' Competence In Making Language Skill Assessment Rubric, Memet Sudaryanto, Habib Safillah Akbariski
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
This study aims to describe (1) the need for an assessment of language skills rubrics; (2) students' abilities in creating holistic and analytic rubrics; (3) the potential and relevance of the application of the rubric in the micro-teaching class; (4) the obstacles faced by students in compiling the rubric. This research used mix method to answer the research questions and a quantitative approach to measure students' understanding of the rubric. Basic competence was assessed using the rubric and mapped students' competencies in designing the rubric. The qualitative rubric was used to describe students' difficulties in applying the rubrics produced in …
Profile Of The Ability Of Prospective Biology Teachers In Making Question Instruments Using Bloom's Taxonomy, Tengku Idris, Sepita Ferazona, Herlina Safitri
Profile Of The Ability Of Prospective Biology Teachers In Making Question Instruments Using Bloom's Taxonomy, Tengku Idris, Sepita Ferazona, Herlina Safitri
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)
The purpose of this study is to determine students' ability to make Bloom's taxonomy questions. The study was conducted on students in the 5th semester of the 2020/2021 academic year who were taking evaluation courses and learning achievement techniques with a sample of 62 people. This research is a descriptive study using a checklist sheet as the main instrument that has been content validated by experts, questionnaires, and interviews as supporting data. Data were analyzed using the quantitative descriptive method. The results of the research show that students have very good abilities in making Bloom's taxonomy questions for the lower …
Character Education Strengthening Model During Learning From Home: Ki Hajar Dewantara's Scaffolding Concept, Hasti Robiasih, Ari Setiawan, Hanandyo Dardjito
Character Education Strengthening Model During Learning From Home: Ki Hajar Dewantara's Scaffolding Concept, Hasti Robiasih, Ari Setiawan, Hanandyo Dardjito
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
In providing educational and learning services to students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, learning is carried out from home. The disparity in learning achievements, especially related to attitude competencies, is strongly experienced during learning from home. This study aims to integrate attitude values through learning with Ki Hajar Dewantara's scaffolding concept: Identifying, Imitating, Developing, Dissemi-nating. This scaffolding is applied to strengthen the character of junior high school students in Yogyakarta Special Region to become Pancasila students. This is a research and development study that applies a qualitative approach. The respondents of this study were teachers, principals, students, parents, and supervisors of …
Developing The Flipped Learning Instrument In An Esl Context: The Experts' Perspective, Wahyu Hidayat, Mohammad Musab Bin Azmat Ali, Nur Asmawati Lawahid, Mujahidah Mujahidah
Developing The Flipped Learning Instrument In An Esl Context: The Experts' Perspective, Wahyu Hidayat, Mohammad Musab Bin Azmat Ali, Nur Asmawati Lawahid, Mujahidah Mujahidah
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Numerous studies have accepted the flipped learning approach as an approach in implementing technological-based classroom environments. This article aims to identify the required constructs in developing an instrument for flipped learning in an ESL environment. This study uses the Fuzzy Delphi method to collect and analyze the viewpoints of 18 experts from relevant fields. An online questionnaire was developed to gather the experts' agreement towards seven constructs: flexible environments, the shift in learning culture, intentional content, progressive networking activities, professional educators, engaging & effective learning experiences, and diversified seamless learning platforms, and 68 items gathered from the literature. The Fuzzy …
Determinant Factors Affecting The Improvement Of Education Index, Jalil Setiawan Jamal, Muslim Salam, A. Nixia Tenriawaru, Didi Rukmana, Muhammad Hatta Jamil, Saadah Saadah
Determinant Factors Affecting The Improvement Of Education Index, Jalil Setiawan Jamal, Muslim Salam, A. Nixia Tenriawaru, Didi Rukmana, Muhammad Hatta Jamil, Saadah Saadah
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
The Human Development Index (HDI) of the Selayar Islands Regency experienced an insignificant improvement. The low education index causes the low HDI achievement of the Selayar Islands Regency because the achievement of the education index is lower than the health index and the expenditure index. Therefore, it is essential to improve the education index. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the education index. This study uses secondary data in panel data, a combination of time-series data from 2014 to 2019, and cross-section data from 11 sub-districts. Panel data to measure the factors that affect the Education Index …
Analysis Of Mathematics Test Items Quality For High School, Budi Manfaat, Ayu Nurazizah, Muhamad Ali Misri
Analysis Of Mathematics Test Items Quality For High School, Budi Manfaat, Ayu Nurazizah, Muhamad Ali Misri
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to determine the quality of the mathematics test items at high school in terms of validity, reliability, differentiation, difficulty level, and distractor effectiveness. This study is an evaluation type of research with a quantitative approach. The subjects in this study were 44 class XII students of SMKN 3 Kuningan and 39 class XII students of SMAN 1 Jalaksana. The results show that the majority (96.67%) of the items are declared valid in content by the experts. The test has very high reliability (0.90). The items have the ideal difficulty level. Most of the questions (70%) have medium …
The Evaluation Of Facilities And Infrastructure Standards Achievement Of Vocational High School In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta, Sugiyono Sugiyono
The Evaluation Of Facilities And Infrastructure Standards Achievement Of Vocational High School In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta, Sugiyono Sugiyono
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
The objectives of the study are to determine (1) the achievement of standard facilities and infrastructure for vocational high school in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, (2) the supporting factors for achieving the standard of facilities and infrastructure, and (3) the inhibiting factors for achieving the standard of facilities and infrastructure. This study employed an evaluation research method with a survey approach. The research sample was six vocational high schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which was chosen through purposive sampling, taking into Cluster 1, Cluster 2, and Cluster 3. Data collection techniques used were Focused Group Discussion techniques, …
Validity Of Critical Thinking Skills Instrument On Prospective Mathematics Teachers, Ayu Faradillah, Sabila Adlina
Validity Of Critical Thinking Skills Instrument On Prospective Mathematics Teachers, Ayu Faradillah, Sabila Adlina
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to describe the process of validity of critical thinking skills on prospective mathematics teachers. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method. Data were collected from 245 prospective mathematics teachers from 19 Mathematics education study programs at 19 higher education institutions in Indonesia. The data were collected using a questionnaire given via Google Form and analyzed by the Rasch Model analysis using Winstep software and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using JASP. The results show that the instrument of critical thinking skills with indicators such as open-mindedness, inquisitiveness, systematicity, truth-seeking, analyticity, and self-confidence is valid and …
An Evaluation Of Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (Mgmp) Program Of Indonesian Language Subject In Vocational School, Sigit Pambudi, Istiana Hermawati
An Evaluation Of Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (Mgmp) Program Of Indonesian Language Subject In Vocational School, Sigit Pambudi, Istiana Hermawati
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to evaluate the administrative program for Indonesian MGMP teachers, one of which is the Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). This research is evaluation research with the CIPP model. The research population was 59 members of the Indonesian Language MGMP of vocational school at the Sleman Regency Vocational and all students whom the members of the MGMP taught. The teacher sample was selected using the total sampling technique involving 59 members, while the student sample was selected using the proportionate random sampling technique involving 375 students. The validity in this study uses content validity and construct validity, while the …
Analysis Of The Difficulty Index Of Item Bank According To Cognitive Aspects During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Maizura Fauzie, Andi Ulfa Tenri Pada, Supriatno Supriatno
Analysis Of The Difficulty Index Of Item Bank According To Cognitive Aspects During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Maizura Fauzie, Andi Ulfa Tenri Pada, Supriatno Supriatno
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
The Covid-19 pandemic is a major challenge for the education system. The face-to-face learning process shifted to online learning, including the school exams. In Aceh province, the school exams have changed from paper-based and computer-based. This research aims to analyze the difficulty index of an item bank based on cognitive aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy. The study samples included 850 students. The data were the item bank of a final semester exam consisting of 200 multiple-choice items, answer keys, and students' answer sheets. The empirical analysis of the item bank using classical test theory (CTT) found that 141 out of 200 …
Evaluation Of Hybrid Learning In College Using Cipp Model, Aman Aman, Risky Setiawan, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Kunal Mehta
Evaluation Of Hybrid Learning In College Using Cipp Model, Aman Aman, Risky Setiawan, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Kunal Mehta
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Learning in the millennial era provides significant changes in technology and communication. The COVID pandemic period requires every educational institution, especially universities, to carry out online learning. This influences the performance of lecturers in the online learning process, especially the implementation of hybrid learning at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). The purpose of this study is to (1) describe the implementation of hybrid learning at UNY; (2) know the hybrid learning lecture model carried out at UNY; (3) describe the results of hybrid learning evaluation. This research is an evaluation study with a mixed-method approach that is a mixture of qualitative …
Developing Self And Peer Assessment To Improve Student's Appreciative Critical Ability In Learning Drama Appreciation, Khafidatur Rohmah, Endah Tri Priyatni, Heri Suwignyo
Developing Self And Peer Assessment To Improve Student's Appreciative Critical Ability In Learning Drama Appreciation, Khafidatur Rohmah, Endah Tri Priyatni, Heri Suwignyo
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to develop self and peer assessment instruments to improve students' critical and appreciative abilities in learning drama appreciation. This research was conducted by following the ADDIE model development steps: needs analysis, product design, product development, product implementation, and product evaluation. There are two types of data in this study: qualitative data and quantitative data. Quali-tative data are in the form of suggestions and comments from assessment experts, literature experts, and drama appreciation learning experts, as well as students, while quantitative data are in the form of scores obtained from assessment experts, literature experts, and drama appreciation learning …
Cipp Evaluation Model - The Agreement Of The Five Ministers: Arranging And Organizing Junior High School Teachers, Darius Imanuel Wadu, Bambang Ismanto
Cipp Evaluation Model - The Agreement Of The Five Ministers: Arranging And Organizing Junior High School Teachers, Darius Imanuel Wadu, Bambang Ismanto
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This study aims to use a descriptive qualitative method to describe the program of the agreement of the five ministers implemented in Salatiga. Based on the findings, the implementation of the program to organize and arrange civil servant teachers in the city of Salatiga is still not going well. This issue prompted additional research into the process of leveling and rearranging teachers. Problems in the implementation of the ongoing program at the Salatiga Education Office were discovered with the assistance of CIPP. In terms of context, the implementation procedures are in line with the regional government's procedures in terms …
Developing Assessment In Improving Students' Digital Literacy Skills, Erlida Amnie, Undang Rosidin, Kartini Herlina, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
Developing Assessment In Improving Students' Digital Literacy Skills, Erlida Amnie, Undang Rosidin, Kartini Herlina, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This research aims to develop an assessment of problem-solving skills in improving students' digital literacy skills. This research is directed to produce physics learning assessments that can improve students' digital literacy using problem-solving skills assessments. The use of assessments that refer to the problem-solving skills stage is expected to improve students' digital literacy. The study is an R & D research with the Borg and Gall development model. On the preliminary research, a questionnaire is needed to detect need analysis of an assessment that can help improving student digital literacy skills. Questionnaires were used to collect expert review data, while …
Cognitive Domain Analysis (Lots And Hots) Assessment Instruments Made By Primary School Teachers, Puji Hartini, Hari Setiadi, Ernawati Ernawati
Cognitive Domain Analysis (Lots And Hots) Assessment Instruments Made By Primary School Teachers, Puji Hartini, Hari Setiadi, Ernawati Ernawati
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
This research aims to qualitatively analyze the validity of items and the suitability of cognitive domains (LOTS and HOTS) assessment instruments on natural science subjects made by elementary school teachers in East Jakarta. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with analysis of observations, documents in the form of teacher-made assessment instruments, interviews, and results of expert validation which are analyzed by comparison analysis techniques. The observation results show that all schools use the questions that are available in textbooks owned by students for assessment and the results of analysis of teacher-made assessment instruments validated by experts, there are 81.25% …