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Articles 1 - 11 of 11
Full-Text Articles in Education
Creating Conditions For Collaboration: A Case Study On Design-Based Professional Learning, Leslie A. Lehner
Creating Conditions For Collaboration: A Case Study On Design-Based Professional Learning, Leslie A. Lehner
Educational Leadership & Workforce Development Theses & Dissertations
Design thinking is a process for solving complex problems through creative actions. There are three primary ways design thinking is being used in education today: (a) as a teaching tool, (b) as a strategy for teachers to redesign their students’ learning experiences, and (c) as a tool for school leaders to design school change (Gallagher & Thordarson, 2018). Design thinking includes a strong emphasis on team-based learning regarding the problem and possible solutions (Lindberg et al., 2010). This case study describes one school’s approach to navigating complex challenges, inspiring school change, and developing conditions for meaningful collaboration using a design …
The Influence Of Participation In A Multi-Disciplinary Collaborative Service Learning Project On The Effectiveness Of Team Members In A 100-Level Mechanical Engineering Class, Stacie I. Ringleb, Pilar Pazos, Julia Noginova, Francisco Cima, Orlando Ayala, Krishnanand Kaipa, Jennifer Kidd, Kristie Gutierrez
The Influence Of Participation In A Multi-Disciplinary Collaborative Service Learning Project On The Effectiveness Of Team Members In A 100-Level Mechanical Engineering Class, Stacie I. Ringleb, Pilar Pazos, Julia Noginova, Francisco Cima, Orlando Ayala, Krishnanand Kaipa, Jennifer Kidd, Kristie Gutierrez
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Faculty Publications
Engineers need to develop professional skills, including the ability to work successfully in teams and to communicate within and outside of their discipline, in addition to required technical skills. A collaborative multi-disciplinary service learning project referred to as Ed+gineering was implemented in a 100-level mechanical engineering course. In this collaboration, mechanical engineering students, primarily in the second semester of their freshman year or first semester of their second year, worked over the course of a semester with education students taking a foundations course to develop and deliver engineering lessons to fourth or fifth graders. Students in comparison engineering classes worked …
Review Of: Estrellado, R. A., Freer, E. A., Motsipak, J., Rosenberg, J. M., & Velásquez, I. C. (2021). Data Science In Education Using R. London, England: Routledge, Esther Michela, Robert L. Moore
Review Of: Estrellado, R. A., Freer, E. A., Motsipak, J., Rosenberg, J. M., & Velásquez, I. C. (2021). Data Science In Education Using R. London, England: Routledge, Esther Michela, Robert L. Moore
STEMPS Faculty Publications
Data use in education is continually expanding in scope (Romero and Ventura 2020), and though programming resources are plentiful, those that truly scaffold the learning process are scarce. Data Science in Education Using R by Estrellado, Freer, Motsipak, Rosenberg, and Velásquez is a combination primer and workbook. This format allows the volume to serve as both an introductory R resource aimed to help readers overcome the daunting initial roadblocks to proficiency and familiarize them with educational data uses. We reviewed this book from the perspective of a beginning R user with little other programming background for whom this book is …
Strengthening The Connections Between Library Instruction And Student Success, Lucinda R. Wittkower, Joleen Westerdale Mcinnis
Strengthening The Connections Between Library Instruction And Student Success, Lucinda R. Wittkower, Joleen Westerdale Mcinnis
Libraries Faculty & Staff Presentations
This poster will share the results from a three-year study that investigated correlations between student participation in library instruction and student academic achievement. Using rigorous research practice and acknowledging ethical concerns by use of an in-depth student consent process, the researchers will share their findings regarding the relationships that exist between student participation in library instruction and completion of course for which instruction was attended and the relationships between student participation in library instruction and their grade in course. Additionally, the researchers will share the unexpected, but interesting finding related to student withdrawal rates. Finally, the researchers will include information …
Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Virginia Computer Science Standards Of Learning: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study, Valerie Sledd Taylor
Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Virginia Computer Science Standards Of Learning: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study, Valerie Sledd Taylor
Educational Leadership & Workforce Development Theses & Dissertations
Computer science education is being recognized globally as necessary to better prepare students in all grade levels, K-12, for future success. As a result of this focus on computer science education in the United States and around the world, there is an increased demand for highly qualified teachers with content and pedagogical knowledge to successfully support student learning. As a result, there is a call to include and improve the computer science training offered to pre-service teachers in their educator preparation programs from methods courses to practicum and student teaching experiences. Thus, it is important to understand how pre-service teachers …
Using Self-Based Methodologies To Unpack Mathematics Teacher Educators' Work, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores, Signe E. Kastberg, Melva R. Grant, Jennifer Ward, Sue Ellen Richardson, Olive Chapman
Using Self-Based Methodologies To Unpack Mathematics Teacher Educators' Work, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores, Signe E. Kastberg, Melva R. Grant, Jennifer Ward, Sue Ellen Richardson, Olive Chapman
Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications
Narrative inquiry, self-study, and autoethnography (i.e., self-based methodologies) are methodologies used by mathematics teacher educators (MTEs). These methodologies have opened up the field by unpacking and unearthing MTEs' work communicating findings from their practices. Building from our previous working groups at PME-NA 2018-2020, we sustain a community where MTEs can feel supported in their study design, implementation, representation of findings, and publication using self-based methodologies. At PME-NA Philadelphia, we will continue our work at PME-NA Mexico on self-based methodologies to develop perspectives on philosophical underpinnings of self-based methodologies and addressing trustworthiness and authenticity in our reports.
Adding "Student Voice" To The Mix: Perception Surveys And State Accountability Systems, Jack Schneider, James Noonan, Rachel S. White, Douglas Gagnon, Ashley Carey
Adding "Student Voice" To The Mix: Perception Surveys And State Accountability Systems, Jack Schneider, James Noonan, Rachel S. White, Douglas Gagnon, Ashley Carey
Educational Leadership & Workforce Development Faculty Publications
For the past two decades, student perception surveys have become standard tools in data collection efforts. At the state level, however, “student voice” is still used sparingly. In this study, we examine the ways in which including student survey results might alter state accountability determinations. Reconstructing the accountability system in Massachusetts, we draw on a unique set of student survey data, which we add to the state’s formula at a maximally feasible dosage in order to determine new school ratings. As we find, student survey data shift school accountability ratings in small but meaningful ways and appear to enhance functional …
Informing Makerspace Outcomes Through A Linguistic Analysis Of Written And Video-Recorded Project Assessments, Kevin M. Oliver, Jennifer K. Houchins, Robert L. Moore, Chuang Wang
Informing Makerspace Outcomes Through A Linguistic Analysis Of Written And Video-Recorded Project Assessments, Kevin M. Oliver, Jennifer K. Houchins, Robert L. Moore, Chuang Wang
STEMPS Faculty Publications
A growing body of research focuses on what outcomes to assess in makerspaces, and appropriate formats for capturing those outcomes (e.g. reflections, surveys, and port-folios). Linguistic analysis as a data mining technique holds promise for revealing different dimensions of learning exhibited by students in makerspaces. In this study, student reflections on makerspace projects were gathered in 2 formats over 2 years: private written assessments captured in the 3D GameLab gamification platform, and semi-public video-recorded assessments posted in the more social FlipGrid platform. Transcripts of student assessments were analyzed using Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) to generate 4 summary variables thought …
Understanding And Predicting Retractions Of Published Work, Sai Ajay Modukuri, Sarah Rajtmajer, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Jian Wu, C. Lee Giles
Understanding And Predicting Retractions Of Published Work, Sai Ajay Modukuri, Sarah Rajtmajer, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Jian Wu, C. Lee Giles
Computer Science Faculty Publications
Recent increases in the number of retractions of published papers reflect heightened attention and increased scrutiny in the scientific process motivated, in part, by the replication crisis. These trends motivate computational tools for understanding and assessment of the scholarly record. Here, we sketch the landscape of retracted papers in the Retraction Watch database, a collection of 19k records of published scholarly articles that have been retracted for various reasons (e.g., plagiarism, data error). Using metadata as well as features derived from full-text for a subset of retracted papers in the social and behavioral sciences, we develop a random forest classifier …
Standardizing America: Why It Should Be A Method Of The Past, Samantha N. Jackson
Standardizing America: Why It Should Be A Method Of The Past, Samantha N. Jackson
OUR Journal: ODU Undergraduate Research Journal
This paper examines, critiques, and suggests improvements on the method of standardized testing in American schools. This paper discusses the history and development of standardized testing and its initial purpose and intentions. Additionally, the effects of standardized testing on students, teachers, and parents are evaluated, with special consideration on how high stakes testing adversely affects disadvantaged student groups such as children in minorities and low-income districts, bilingual students, and children with disabilities. The research suggests that standardized testing is not only damaging to students in these groups, but most likely not the most efficient way of testing student performance in …
Assessing An Academic Readiness Model In A Community College Occupational Program, Scott A. Hauert, Robert L. Moore, Quinton Nottingham
Assessing An Academic Readiness Model In A Community College Occupational Program, Scott A. Hauert, Robert L. Moore, Quinton Nottingham
STEMPS Faculty Publications
This study assessed a localized academic readiness model that measures academic skills relevant to an occupational program and the institutional context. Enrollment in the program’s mandatory gateway course is contingent upon establishing academic readiness either: (1) possess an associate-level or higher degree; (2) achieve placement test scores that permit enrollment in college-level English composition/critical reading; or (3) complete developmental education prerequisites to permit enrollment in college-level English composition/critical reading. Using the gateway course performance for 112 students, the study explored whether any of the model’s criterions are significantly related to success in the gateway course and whether there is any …