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Full-Text Articles in Arts and Humanities

Conditions Of Enablement Of Sound Practices In Hong Kong And Manila, Dayang Magdalena Nirvana Tamanio Yraola Mar 2020

Conditions Of Enablement Of Sound Practices In Hong Kong And Manila, Dayang Magdalena Nirvana Tamanio Yraola

Lingnan Theses and Dissertations (MPhil & PhD)

While sound practices in Hong Kong and Manila operate separately, they are interlinked by various factors that have enabled their practices, respectively. This research is a study of such connection. In particular, I claim that sound practices in Hong Kong and Manila share distinct characteristics that allow inter-referencing to be adopted as an effective tool in approaching the problem at hand. Sound practice for both Hong Kong and Manila is uniquely located in the interstices of music and art—a location where their distinct form, history, and ethics are entangled with those of music and art. I argue that this unique …

在60、70年代之交香港文化雜誌的政治性視覺生產初覽, Kin Wah Lau Feb 2019

在60、70年代之交香港文化雜誌的政治性視覺生產初覽, Kin Wah Lau

Lingnan Theses and Dissertations (MPhil & PhD)

香港社會在六、七十年代之交可算風起雲湧,先來六六、六七年兩場不同因由的騷動,接著又掀起了中文成為法定語文、保衛釣魚台等連串場的社會運動,及至反貪運動才稍告一段落。當時的文化雜誌不但投入關注,好些還會介入或參與運動。本研究選取了一九六六至七三年間,《大學生活》(1955-1971)、《盤古》(1967-78),以及《七O年代》(1970-76, 78)幾本各具代表性的雜誌作考察,追踪當時文化界出版物上的政治性視覺生產。

所謂「政治性視覺生產」(political visual production),意指視覺性元素與政治的連結發揮,將之應用在「文化雜誌」場域,主要指通過封面、插圖、排版等元素作視覺性的操作,介入社運或政治文化。文化雜誌作為印刷出版物,既是媒體,也是集合思想討論的平臺,當中接通的仝人網絡,更使其成為一個富政治性與視覺性交叉滲透誘因的文化實驗空間。


屬靈戰爭與旅遊 : 一個短期宣教活動的個案研究, Lai Ieng Lau Jan 2013

屬靈戰爭與旅遊 : 一個短期宣教活動的個案研究, Lai Ieng Lau

Theses & Dissertations

本研究試圖描繪香港細胞小組教會網絡短宣參加者的歷程及屬靈體驗,指出他們在旅途內的所見所聞受到了特定的宗教論述及旅遊操作所形塑和建構,而在此脈絡下產生的屬靈經驗可能不再純粹是神秘的、超自然和非物質的力量,相反它是可預期的文化產物,甚至不是本真(authentic)的屬靈經驗。然而,這種被建構的宗教及屬靈視野選擇性地把某些社會文化或問題 (如貧窮、種族主義、色情和異教文化)簡約歸類為邪惡他者的陰謀和控制,巧妙地隱藏或迴避了問題背後複雜而糾結的社會、經濟、政治及文化張力;同時鞏固了基督徒的身份認同及基督教的優越感,並相信基督教的價值觀獲得超越而且凌駕一切文化的合法性,然後將短宣內的屬靈經驗視為經歷神的重要證據。

此研究亦有助我們反思全球靈恩運動(Global Pentecostalism)的擴張,全球靈恩運動是近年基督教內增長最迅速的宗教運動,以屬靈恩賜、屬靈戰爭及繁榮神學(Prosperity Gospel)為主要特徵。除了依賴龐大的宗教媒體和超級教會等意識形態機器宣傳外,透過細緻的旅遊操作、宗教論述及靈性實踐,使短宣成為全球靈恩運動擴張的途徑之一,甚至讓這場源自美國的宗教運動轉化成本土的宗教內容。

Chronotope And Regional Chinese Independent Films, Jingya Liu Jan 2010

Chronotope And Regional Chinese Independent Films, Jingya Liu

Theses & Dissertations

This thesis aims to re-categorize Chinese independent films from a region-based perspective as a critical response to existing literature on Chinese independent films. This thesis analyzes three independent films made in three different regions of China in order to investigate regional Chinese independent cinema as a recently rising phenomenon: respectively, Jia Zhangke’s Xiaowu (1997) made in Shanxi Province, Ying Liang’s Taking Father Home (Bei yazi de nanhai, 2006) in Sichuan Province, and Robin Weng’s Fujian Blue (Jinbi huihuang, 2007) in Fujian Province.

By using Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope (literally time-space) as the fundamental framework and exploring the many aspects of …

Specters Of The Subaltern : A Critique Of Representations Of Rural Women In Contemporary China, Tsui Sit Jan 2005

Specters Of The Subaltern : A Critique Of Representations Of Rural Women In Contemporary China, Tsui Sit

Theses & Dissertations

China has speeded up modernization since the reform and open-door policy was introduced in 1978. After accession to the World Trade Organization in 1999, China has been further incorporated into the global track. The national policy of economic development requires a continuing exploitation of natural resources and intensive labor from the rural sector, and over the last few decades, there has been a ceaseless wave of rural women going to the cities and working mainly as assembly-line workers, domestic helpers and sex workers.

Developing a subaltern and feminist perspective, this thesis examines representations of rural women in academic research and …

香港流行文化與流行歌詞縱橫談, Minghui Liao Jan 1996

香港流行文化與流行歌詞縱橫談, Minghui Liao

Dissertations from all years



流行歌曲是流行文化的一個組成部分,亦能反映出時代變化。所謂 "流行" 是指一段時期內,大部分人熱衷於某種生活模式;時間一久,人們又轉而追求新一種生活模式。這種潮來潮去、乘時盛衰的表現,正是通俗文化發展的特點。值得注意的是,香港的流行歌詞或多或少沾有商業味道,而香港流行歌曲之所以發展蓬勃,亦有賴於 "經濟掛帥";故此,仔細研究本地的流行歌詞,就像把弄著鏡子,不難照出香港獨特文化的真面目。

例如七十年代中期,香港經濟起飛,"大香港文化" 一時成為主流,許冠傑的通俗淺白的粵語歌曲大行其道;八九年六四前後,香港洋溢著一片愛國氣氛,遂於當時湧現了一批支持學運的歌曲。


穩定與不定 : 李碧華三部小說中的文化認同與性別意識 Certainty And Uncertainty: Cultural Identification And Gender Consciousness In Three Novels By Li Bihua, Siu Leung Li Dec 1995

穩定與不定 : 李碧華三部小說中的文化認同與性別意識 Certainty And Uncertainty: Cultural Identification And Gender Consciousness In Three Novels By Li Bihua, Siu Leung Li

Volume 4

No abstract provided.