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South Dakota Flax Variety Evaluations 2004, Kathleen Grady, Lee Gilbertson Dec 2004

South Dakota Flax Variety Evaluations 2004, Kathleen Grady, Lee Gilbertson

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The success of flax production is affected by choice of variety. Carefully examine variety characteristics such as seed yield, oil content, and maturity. In some cases oil content or maturity may offset a yield advantage.

Grazing Corn Stalks, Cody Wright, Kent Tjardes Nov 2004

Grazing Corn Stalks, Cody Wright, Kent Tjardes

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

It has been known for years that one of the largest expenses in a beef cattle production system is feed, more specifically, winter feed. Consequently, a great deal of research has focused on ways—shifting the production system to better fit the forage resource base, feeding cheaper alternative feeds and forages, extending the grazing season—to reduce winter feed cost. In the upper Midwest with its short growing season for grasses and significant amount of snowfall received in a typical year, crop residue is the most cost-effective method to extend grazing. Extending the grazing season without adding additional forage acres or substantial …

Frost Damaged Or Immature Corn: Forage Options, Cody Wright, Kent Tjardes, Alvaro Garcia, Peter Jeranyama Nov 2004

Frost Damaged Or Immature Corn: Forage Options, Cody Wright, Kent Tjardes, Alvaro Garcia, Peter Jeranyama

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Delayed spring planting and early frost can each contribute to significant reductions in grain yield and (or) the value of the grain due to low test weight or high moisture. Under these circumstances, consider alternative harvest options for your corn crop. One viable option is to harvest the crop as forage. Generally, the first option producers think of when faced with immature or frost-damaged corn is to chop the fields for silage or earlage. While this method of harvest will work extremely well and can provide several tons of high quality feed, it may not be the best option if …

Ensiling Immature And Frost Damaged Corn, Peter Jeranyama, Cody Wright, Kent Tjardes Oct 2004

Ensiling Immature And Frost Damaged Corn, Peter Jeranyama, Cody Wright, Kent Tjardes

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Immature corn is corn that fails to reach adequate maturity and can not be sold at normal, prevailing market values without steep price discounts. Corn that is drought stressed, heat unit deficient, water logged, or frost damaged meets this definition. Corn is uniquely suited to silage making. But when corn is damaged or killed by frost before it reaches the desired maturity for ensiling, the stage of maturity at the time of frost is very critical. If frost is early and green leaves remain on plants it may be best to let the crop stand, as it will continue to …

Somatic Cells And High Bacteria Counts: How To Deal With Them, Alvaro D. Garcia Sep 2004

Somatic Cells And High Bacteria Counts: How To Deal With Them, Alvaro D. Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Under the current component pricing system dairy producers are paid by the amount of components (protein, butterfat, other solids) that end up in their milk tanks every day. On top of these, premiums increase their gross revenue, which include over-order premiums, quality premiums, and volume premiums. Quality premiums are paid to encourage producers to supply high quality milk and vary depending on the individual processor. Although quality premiums might sometimes seem small, we usually fail to understand that high somatic cell counts (SCC) are closely associated with milk production loss and thus milk volume premiums. Concentration of components, total milk …

Células Somáticas Y Alto Recuento Bacteriano ¿Cómo Controlarlos?, Alvaro D. Garcia Sep 2004

Células Somáticas Y Alto Recuento Bacteriano ¿Cómo Controlarlos?, Alvaro D. Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Dentro del sistema actual de pago al productor lechero se le paga de acuerdo a los componentes (proteína, grasa y otros sólidos) que terminan cada día en su tanque de enfriado. Por encima de estos, existen premios que aumentan su ingreso bruto, los cuales incluyen premios por encima de su orden, premios por calidad, y premios por volumen. Los premios por calidad se pagan para estimular la producción de leche de alta calidad y varían dependiendo de cada planta procesadora. La concentración en componentes, la leche total remitida, y la calidad de la leche representada por el recuento de las …

2004 Winter Wheat Variety Yield Results And Production Tips, J. Rickertsen, A. Ibrahim, Bob Hall, Thandiwe Nleya Aug 2004

2004 Winter Wheat Variety Yield Results And Production Tips, J. Rickertsen, A. Ibrahim, Bob Hall, Thandiwe Nleya

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Winter wheat yields in South Dakota were a study in contrasts in 2004. The statewide average yield in the Crop Performance Testing Program was 59 bu/A, which was similar to last year’s average. However this does not reflect the fact that many locations in the western half of the state were not harvested. Extremely dry conditions in West River in the fall of 2003 caused poor emergence, and the continuing lack of moisture through spring left much of the wheat in poor condition. Testing locations at Martin, Oelrichs, Hayes, and Kennebec were abandoned because of poor stands and drought stress. …

Harvest Restrictions For Soybean Herbicides, Leon Wrage, Darrell Deneke Aug 2004

Harvest Restrictions For Soybean Herbicides, Leon Wrage, Darrell Deneke

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Weather conditions have prompted inquiries about forage use or grazing of treated fields. If early-season conditions indicate that the crop may be used for forage, consider the following restrictions when selecting herbicides. Some herbicides are lacking residue data, and, therefore, are not approved for haying or grazing.

Corn Herbicide Restriction Forage Or Grazing Dry Conditions, Leon J. Wrage, Darrell L. Deneke Aug 2004

Corn Herbicide Restriction Forage Or Grazing Dry Conditions, Leon J. Wrage, Darrell L. Deneke

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Dry conditions may change intended crop use plans. The need for forage may be critical. Several herbicides have a minimum interval between application and crop use for forage or grazing. Tolerances are based on data for intervals shown in the table below. An interval of 30 to 40 days is not likely to be a factor limiting the use of corn for silage. For most fields, a 30 to 40 day requirement will be met by late July or early August. Tolerances for forage or grazing must be established before crop use for these purposes can be recommended. Refer to …

Understanding Relative Feed Value (Rfv) And Relative Forage Quality (Rfq), Peter Jeranyama, Alvaro D. Garcia Aug 2004

Understanding Relative Feed Value (Rfv) And Relative Forage Quality (Rfq), Peter Jeranyama, Alvaro D. Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Feed quality of alfalfa harvested as haylage or hay depends, to a great extent, on the maturity of the stand. With increasing maturity, plant structural carbohydrates, as measured by the ADF and NDF fractions, increase. These fiber fractions represent the more indigestible parts of the plant. As a result, digestibility and energy obtained through fermentation decrease with maturity. Relative feed value (RFV) has been used for years to compare the quality of legume and legume/grass hays and silages. Having one index to price hay and predict animal performance has been very useful for livestock producers and hay farmers.

Alimentación Y Manejo De Becerras Y Vaquillas Lecheras, David J. Schingoethe, Alvaro Garcia Aug 2004

Alimentación Y Manejo De Becerras Y Vaquillas Lecheras, David J. Schingoethe, Alvaro Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

La crianza de becerras saludables es importante para el éxito de la hacienda lechera. Si se siguen prácticas de manejo y reproducción actualizadas estas vaquillas serán seguramente mejores aún que las vacas que hoy pueblan su hato. Los costos de la crianza de una vaquilla hasta los 24 meses de edad varían entre granjas y pueden oscilar entre 800 y 1,500 dólares. Si las vaquillas paren con más de 24 meses de edad, se pierden 2 dólares diarios en alimento, reemplazos y producción durante la vida útil de la vaca. La reducción de la edad del parto puede tener un …

Combatiendo El Stress Calórico En La Vaca Lechera, Alvaro D. Garcia Aug 2004

Combatiendo El Stress Calórico En La Vaca Lechera, Alvaro D. Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

El agua es un nutriente de mucha importancia durante los períodos de stress calórico. Sus propiedades físicas, conductividad del calor, y calor latente de evaporación, son fundamentales para transferir el calor del cuerpo del animal al medio ambiente. El consumo de materia seca del ganado lechero es afectado cuando la temperatura ambiente se encuentra fuera de la “zona de confort” de la vaca (41 a 68 F). Cuando la temperature ambiente aumenta por encima de los 68 F el consume de materia seca disminuye. Ensayos recientes de investigación sugieren que el consumo de materia seca puede disminuir en 0.17 libras …

The Use Of Turnips For Extending The Grazing Season, Alexander Smart, Peter Jeranyama, Vance Owens Jun 2004

The Use Of Turnips For Extending The Grazing Season, Alexander Smart, Peter Jeranyama, Vance Owens

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The use of short-season crops, such as turnips, is effective for extending the grazing season, following the harvest of small grains. A system of double cropping works particularly well if the intent is to provide a break in crop rotation. Turnips, which are in the brassica family, are fast growing and tolerate cold temperatures. Therefore, they are good for providing high quality and quantity forage for grazing livestock well into the fall (Figure 1).

Use Of By-Products In Growing Dairy Heifer Diets, K. F. Kalscheur, A. D. Garcia Jun 2004

Use Of By-Products In Growing Dairy Heifer Diets, K. F. Kalscheur, A. D. Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The goals of a heifer-feeding program are to reach a target freshening weight by 24 months of age or less, to improve feed efficiency and reduce costs, and to do this while allowing the animals to express their full genetic potential for milk production. Feed costs remain the single largest expense in raising dairy heifers; therefore, a feed cost reduction that does not sacrifice production improves net income. Feed costs may be reduced by the use of locally available by-product feeds. Nutritional composition of by-product feeds, however, may vary from the animal’s nutritional requirements, making the incorporation of such feeds …

Pesticides Registered For Mosquito Control In South Dakota, Michael A. Catangui, James A. Wilson Jun 2004

Pesticides Registered For Mosquito Control In South Dakota, Michael A. Catangui, James A. Wilson

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Pesticides alone will not eliminate all mosquitoes. The use of pesticides to control mosquitoes around the home and yard must be part of a multifaceted approach that includes the following non-chemical tactics: • Eliminate standing water. • Fix broken window screens. • Use outdoor bug lights. • Installing carbon dioxide-baited traps. Some mosquitoes will always “get through.” If you will be outdoors, it is recommended that you wear a mosquito repellent of your choice, avoid being outdoors around sunset and sunrise, and cover as much skin as possible with appropriate clothing. For more information on selection and use of insect …

Uso De Subproductos En Las Dietas De Crecimiento De Becerras Lecheras, K. F. Kalscheur, A. D. Garcia Jun 2004

Uso De Subproductos En Las Dietas De Crecimiento De Becerras Lecheras, K. F. Kalscheur, A. D. Garcia

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Los objetivos de un programa de alimentación de becerras lecheras son alcanzar un determinado peso al parto a los 24 meses de edad o menos, mejorar la eficiencia alimenticia y reducir los costos y lograr ambos al tiempo que se permite que el animal exprese su máximo potencial genético para la producción lechera. Los costos de alimentación siguen siendo los mayores en la crianza de las becerras; por lo tanto, una reducción en los costos del alimento que no sacrifica la producción mejora el ingreso neto. Los costos de alimentación pueden reducirse por medio del uso de subproductos disponibles localmente. …

Ensilaje De Granos De Destilería Con Otros Alimentos, A. D. Garcia, K. F. Kalscheur Jun 2004

Ensilaje De Granos De Destilería Con Otros Alimentos, A. D. Garcia, K. F. Kalscheur

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Durante el siglo pasado los productores de ganado han dependido en gran medida de cosechas de valor para alimentar a sus animales. El grano y ensilaje de maíz, heno y ensilaje de alfalfa así como otros alimentos altamente productivos han sido utilizados con frecuencia. Los cambios en el precio de los combustibles han incitado el interés por fuentes de energía renovables. La producción de etanol a partir del maíz ha ganado popularidad en el Medio-oeste aumentando la disponibilidad de granos de destilería. Los granos de destilería del maíz constituyen un excelente alimento para el ganado. Por lo general se los …

Record Keeping In Farm Management, Agustin Arzeno May 2004

Record Keeping In Farm Management, Agustin Arzeno

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The purpose of this document is to discuss the importance of farm record keeping and provide producers with methods to start record keeping practices or improve their current procedures. Today’s complex world economy and the rapid pace of the farming industry makes it impossible for producers to manage a farm enterprise the way their parents did 30 years ago. Without a proper understanding of record keeping and its current and future implications, the farm operator will not make it very far in today’s business environment. Many farm operations are facing significant financial distress due to drought conditions across the state …

Serving Food Safely In South Dakota’S Great Outdoors, Joan Hegerfeld May 2004

Serving Food Safely In South Dakota’S Great Outdoors, Joan Hegerfeld

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Taking your kitchen into the outdoors is a great adventure. The same safe food handling practices apply in a campground as they do in your kitchen at home. A food-borne illness (often called the stomach flu) can put a damper on your outing.

Monitoring Farrowing Intentions From Quarterly Hogs And Pigs Reports, Matthew Diersen Apr 2004

Monitoring Farrowing Intentions From Quarterly Hogs And Pigs Reports, Matthew Diersen

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Although there has been substantial consolidation in pork production, supply variability still affects prices. Farrowing intentions are a primary indicator of U.S. swine supplies. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) summarizes producers’ farrowing intentions and actual farrowings in Quarterly Hogs and Pigs reports.

Re-Engaging Service Personnel As Volunteers After Deployment, L. J. Osborne Apr 2004

Re-Engaging Service Personnel As Volunteers After Deployment, L. J. Osborne

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The purpose of this document is to help community leaders re-engage military personnel as volunteers upon return to the community from deployment.

Interpretation Of Water Analysis For Livestock Suitability, Nancy Thiex, Dave German Mar 2004

Interpretation Of Water Analysis For Livestock Suitability, Nancy Thiex, Dave German

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

This article contains a summary that analyzes the purpose of water for livestock suitability.

Observations From Cattle Mandatory Price Reporting, Matthew A. Diersen Mar 2004

Observations From Cattle Mandatory Price Reporting, Matthew A. Diersen

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Under the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999, large packers of cattle, swine, and sheep must report data from purchases and processing with respect to price, volume, and grade. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) assembles and disseminates the price reports. Prices are now available for making annual observations and comparisons about industry trends. In addition, the recent high cattle prices and prospects of smaller supplies in the coming years make monitoring supply pertinent.

Observations From Swine Mandatory Price Reporting, Matthew Diersen Mar 2004

Observations From Swine Mandatory Price Reporting, Matthew Diersen

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Under the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999, large packers of cattle, swine, and sheep must report data from purchases and processing with respect to price, volume, and grade. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) assembles and disseminates the price reports. A list of all reports under mandatory price reporting can be accessed at the AMS website, Methods of disseminating the abundance of new information in an understandable manner need to be examined. In addition, the report covered below was not released consistently until after a restrictive confidentiality guideline was changed. Currently, a variety of prices …

Personal Mosquito Repellents Available In South Dakota — 2004, Michael A. Catangui, James A. Wilson Mar 2004

Personal Mosquito Repellents Available In South Dakota — 2004, Michael A. Catangui, James A. Wilson

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The most commonly available insect repellents contain either DEET or permethrin. This publication provides information on specific repellents that are registered for sale in South Dakota in Spring 2004. Personal mosquito repellents are products that can be applied directly onto the human skin or clothing for the purpose of repelling or killing adult mosquitoes. While repellents containing the chemical DEET can be applied directly on human skin and clothing, products containing the insecticide permethrin cannot. Permethrin must be applied only on clothing or related apparels such as hats,shoes, and overalls several hours before being worn. Organic alternatives to DEET or …

Deet As A Mosquito Repellent: What You Need To Know, Jim Wilson Feb 2004

Deet As A Mosquito Repellent: What You Need To Know, Jim Wilson

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

The spread of West Nile virus in South Dakota has turned attention to mosquito repellents. Questions concerning available products, effectiveness, and safety, especially for children, are being raised. Most species of mosquito are most active during the evening shortly after sundown and again before sunrise. Mosquitoes are attracted to humans primarily because we produce carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Individuals vary significantly in their attractiveness to mosquitoes. In general, men are bitten more than women and adults are bitten more frequently than children. Some of us itch and scratch and raise welts and some of us barely know a mosquito …

Workforce Series #3 Include Cover Letter With Your Resume, Carolyn Clague Feb 2004

Workforce Series #3 Include Cover Letter With Your Resume, Carolyn Clague

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

This document explains what a cover letter is and why one should include a cover letter with their resumes.

Workforce Series #1 What Are Your Job Skills And Interests?, Carolyn Clague Feb 2004

Workforce Series #1 What Are Your Job Skills And Interests?, Carolyn Clague

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

Your Job Skills We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. There are activities that we can do better and easier than other people. Everyone has some skills and talents to offer the world. Before you apply for a job, you need to know what your skills are, so you can make smart decisions that put you in a job you like and can learn to do well. Employers want to know about your specific abilities and skills, so you must learn to both identify and communicate them. You should be able to explain to employers what you do well …

Workforce Series #2 How To Write Your Resume, Carolyn Clague Feb 2004

Workforce Series #2 How To Write Your Resume, Carolyn Clague

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

This document provides sight on how one can create their resume for when they are applying to jobs.

Workforce Series #4 References And Letters Of Recommendation, Carolyn Clague Feb 2004

Workforce Series #4 References And Letters Of Recommendation, Carolyn Clague

SDSU Extension Extra Archives

This document provides insight to the importance of references and letters of recommendation that is included in ones resume.